jamesxkingsley · 2 years
   People: @boxofmightymemories​    Location: Random farm/ranch 
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“Don’t ask me why I am carrying a chicken, it’s a very long story,” Jamie smiled as he looked at the other as he picked up the Chicken. The male always liked getting his produce and ingredients fresh it was something that added something extra to his cooking and he often helped out at one of the farms he got things for. He knew the owner, they were old friends of his grandparents. 
Jamie careful placed the chicken down before grabbing a few eggs and putting them in basket and letting out a sigh. His jeans a bit dirty and covered with dust as he walked over to the other. “Took you forever to get here,” he added teasing his friend smiling. “It’s been ages since I have seen you and am glad you were not busy and you could come down.” 
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mistressxfmagnetism · 3 years
@vengeancedemons​ said:  ❝I am not what you say I am.❞
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“Then what are you? Because all I feel when I stand near you is...” Lorna couldn’t even decide which emotion to pick out. Maybe she was biased because she only felt the negative, but his was strong. “That.”
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dreamsxfnia · 3 years
@vengeancedemons​ said:  “ someone had to pay. ”
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Nia stood, trying to stay firm as Dreamer. On one hand, she agreed. Someone had to pay for the pain that had been inflicted. Someone had to make sure it never happened again, that no one was hurt again. But another part of her--a voice that sounded a lot like Kara’s--reminded her that vengeance and justice were not the same. “Not like this,” she said finally, ignoring the slight waver in her voice. 
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samlxanders · 4 years
If there was one avenger Sam could consider family, it was Robbie Reyes. He didn’t really know why they just clicked, or how this friendship worked, it just did. Maybe it was the fact that they could converse in Spanish, have their private talks where not many of the others could interject or know, and it was nice to have someone share a somewhat similar culture. Whenever he was in space he’d always make sure to check in on the guy, ask how things were going, and he’d ask about Gabe, he always asked about Gabe. How they both had younger siblings they took care of was another similarity, but his heart did ache when he knew that Robbie had to go at it all alone. He always did want to introduce him to his mom, and maybe have a family cookout, Sam knew his mom would instantly love the two brothers, maybe even smother them a little bit.
Now that was back in Star City, in the midst of all the turmoil, he wondered if his flaming skull friend was anywhere near. He tried to avoid as much of the conflict as possible, as it would be too confusing to say he was Nova and he was also fighting Nova agents, he’d have two sides gunning for him, so for now, he was just Sam. Trouble always had a way of finding Sam regardless, as a couple of agents intercepted his walkabout, pointing their guns at him. Who are you? they yelled, and he smirked. “I’m Nova,” this confused them, as they looked at each other before he slipped the alien tech nova helmet from his back pocket. How the helmet solidified, and them became nothing more than a fold-able material was beyond him, but that was alien tech. As he donned the helmet his suit materialized and he smiled.
“One down, zap!” he said as he blasted one of the guys away. “Another one, zap!” Sam giggled as the man went flying and screaming. “And third, zap! Oh shit home run,” The man laughed as the final one really took far and off. As he stopped to look at his surroundings to see if there more agents, he spotted something. “No...It can’t be, no fucking way,” he said before coming closer, donning a Darth Vader voice. “Robbie Reyes, I am your Papi!” he said as he came in, going back to his normal voice. “Only cause you call me daddy Sam from now on,” he said as he waved to his friend. Then his eyes widened as he caught a glimpse of who he knew to be Gabe. “Uh, one second,” he mused before taking his helmet off, now just Sam stood there, before coming close and pulling Robbie into a hug. “Te extrañe,” he mumbled. “So this is your place, huh? Sweet.”
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brielle-thorne · 5 years
“See, I told you I didn’t need to go to some silly little pool party to have my own fun.” Brielle made a face at Robbie as she filled the inflatable pool with water whilst Kailyn ran around the back yard screaming with excitement. “It’s more interesting this way. Least I can do this.” She smirked before moving the hose to spray Robbie.
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paytcnlara · 6 years
if there was anything payton hated about agreeing to work a double, it was not seeing robbie. it sounded stupid, but he appreciated being able to see him often. not to mention, double shifts fucking sucked. with the department being short staffed, he was lucky to get the twenty four hours off before his next shift. it had been a long night. he hadn’t slept because they were getting a million calls and the last call had just been horrific, so he was ready to go home but decided to go to robbie’s. he hadn’t even changed out of his uniform, which was splattered in blood before he knocked, praying robbie was home.
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ahxrabolts · 4 years
Robbie & Ahura
Lockjaw, that big ass bulldog with teleportation powers whom Ahura had taken out for a walk, had decided it was best to chase a squirrel and teleport away. At least he could sense that the dog was near by using his telepathy, and where it brought him was to the entrance of a garage, and he sighed hoping Lockjaw hadn’t teleported inside and made a mess, he’d gladly pay for any damages done. Walking inside he looked around, wondering why Lockjaw would run here out of all places, and that was when he saw a man, he didn’t know how to react or approach the other and ask if he’d seen a five foot teleporting bulldog. “Hey, um, really funny question but have you seen a dog pass by around here? He got away from me cause he started chasing after something, it’s a brown bulldog.” he explained.
Scratching the back of his neck he looked around the garage and was kind of impressed by what he saw since he didn’t really see a lot of this growing up in Attilan. Before he knew it Lockjaw decided to make his gran appearance somewhere, apparently having found someone to play with. It was a boy in a wheelchair, and Ahura thought the worst, but surprisingly Lockjaw was very gentle, and patient with the kid which came to him as a relief. He almost whined and wanted the guy to scratch behind his ears. “And that would be my dog, his name’s lockjaw, i didn’t choose the name, but he’s mine. I’ll take him out of your hair,” he wasn’t going to explain how lockjaw might’ve teleported to be next to Gabe.
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bxflash · 4 years
( closed starter for @vengeancedemons​ )
“So, Robbie. Is it okay for me to call you Robbie or do you want me to call you a different name?” Barry asked as he looked at the guy across from him, wondering what was going through his mind at the moment. “Because I can totally call you by another name.” Okay Barry, stop being weird. “Sorry, its not every day where I meet someone who’s skull can be on fire without, hurting them.”
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rachelreagann · 6 years
Robert! Exatamente a pessoa que eu queria ver! Ontem eu encontrei a Kate e ela disse que você talvez tenha informações muito pertinentes sobre aquela noite em que eu, well, você sabe do que eu tô falando. 
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mistressxfmagnetism · 3 years
@vengeancedemons​ said:  “ get the hell away from me.”
Lorna ignored the man’s words, stepping closer instead, drawn like a magnet, her brow furrowed. “What the hell?” she said. She’d felt so many emotions recently, but never the variance like this. Like a feedback loop, it got stronger too, as her powers fed on his emotions, only to double back and increase them. Hard as she tried, she couldn’t control it yet.
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dreamsxfnia · 4 years
@vengeancedemons​ said:  They’re… going to use heroes as security? Might as well call them mercenaries then.
Nia was officially here as press. She was on the clock, with a job to do. And Nia--as much as she would if she had to--didn’t really want to write a fluff piece about the gala. Not when there was so much potential here for a story. So she was mingling, talking, trying to get people’s views. “Why do you say that?” she probed carefully. “I take it you’re opposed to the idea?” What she thought didn’t matter right now, as a journalist she was trying to determine the facts and the feel in the room, not her own opinion.
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dirtymcusecrets · 7 years
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“Bucky used to be my most favourite Character in the MCU. But holy sh*t. There comes Season 4 of Agents of SHIELD and Robbie Reyes aka Ghost Rider became the most sexiest Guy EVER for me. He turns me on so much.”
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rachelreagann · 7 years
Hi Mr. and Mrs. Sanders, poderiam me emprestar o Ford rapidinho? Juro que logo o devolvo a vocês.
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lowndesrps · 8 years
😳 for all the loves!
cece to gabe: I’ve been thinking about kids.. what if I’m not a good mom?
robbie to mak: I-- I think I’m starting to really like you and I want to tell Pete
ali to rian: You remember that secret crush from ninth grade? Yeah -- it was you.
jules to jeff: Saw your ex today and it freaked me out -- that’s why I’ve been ignoring your calls.
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