crytrncrawlrs · 8 months
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[ 🐻🔪 CHILDREN: REKINDLED :: TINIES !! >> 10/26/2023 ]
✨ Hello! I have been making tinies for discord emojis for a lot of my projects and finally did some for C:R! They are free to use if anyone wants to snatch up some for their own server or somethin'! They are also available as emojis on the REKINDLECORD!
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cr-scribbles · 9 months
✨ I was just reminded of the fact that someone's headcanon voice for Sammy is the Collector from The Owl House. I think that's so real and tbh I'd have the same if it wasn't for the fact that Sammy is canonically british 😭
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magicshowstrixs · 1 year
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✨ Wowwww I already got another done! I don't know when I'll start on the next, I really gotta get ideas first. This one was fun though! I love drawing deranged and fucked up Sammy!
If you want to read Children: Rekindled chapter 4, the link is here!
⚠ Warning that this comic contains death and heavy themes!
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la-princessaa · 5 years
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take a look... at the boy I got yesterday....
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magicshowstrixs · 1 year
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[ 🐻CHILDREN: REKINDLED ] 🎭 I know a place we can go!
✨Here is the fifth cover art I did for CHILDREN: REKINDLED! I had an idea in mind, but I am not entirely sure if execution turned out too great. Regardless, I got it done and now I can do a cover for C&C's chapter which I'm SO EXCITED FOR AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
If you want to read Children: Rekindled Chapter 5, the link is here!
As per usual, ⚠ be warned that this comic contains death and heavy themes!
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cr-scribbles · 1 year
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cr-scribbles · 9 months
Ok, we know that Ron took Spaceboy's role , John is Jawsum and Sammy is Sweetheart. So does that make the Shadow twins the Unbread twins in the GUI au? And i can already think about Jester Sammy searching for a perfect playmate, like how sweetheart searched for a perfect suitor. Or he is just there to cause trouble.
Yes! The shadow twins take the Unbread Twins' roles in the GUI AU!
Headspace is incredibly different in this AU mainly because the story didn't really fit the ages of these characters (especially with Sammy).
For example, instead of making it so that Ronny is this lovesick mess, his whole section is this big liminal arcade/mall that has been infected with a virus that has gotten to him as well! And the main goal of the party is to kill the virus and free him.
With Sammy, his section takes place after the cast goes through this massive abandoned carnival. In this carnival, there is this big circus tent that is the only thing with lights on.
The story behind it is that this carnival used to be booming with life all around, but Sammy wanted all of the attention towards his own show so he stole from the other residents' stands/games and took all of the rewards to put in his own circus. He made their games barely functional so no one would go there and would only go to the only place still with lights, his circus tent.
When GUI and friends arrive at the carnival, there is an option for them to go to the stands and still place the games! The residents are still there, waiting for anyone to come by and play their games. They might not have any rewards for winning, but if GUI does this, they will assist in overthrowing Sammy later in the story!
After they defeat Sammy, he throws a tantrum and runs off (just like Sweetheart appears later on in the story). The cast gives all of the prizes and items back to the stands at the carnival so it can be lively again!
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crytrncrawlrs · 11 months
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[ 🎪 C:R GUI AU :: The Puppet // 7/4/2023 ]
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magicshowstrixs · 1 year
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[ 🎈 GUI AU ]
🎲 Three of the bosses in the GUI AU!
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crytrncrawlrs · 8 months
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[ 🐻🔪 CHILDREN REKINDLED :: Ship Chart >> 10/14/2023 ]
✨ A while ago, me and some friends got together and made ship names for each of the ships in the C:R fandom. I decided to make these charts to help myself memorize them, also I just think it would be cute to make (it is)
Inspiration to make these is from MADNOPOST's (on TWITTER's) MARIPOSA AU ship list!
NOTE :: I did not add any other ships for the toy kids because I feel like shipping a canon lesbian pairing with something straight would be disrespectful. If you ship PAGE & JOHN (since that was I think hinted at in the og), you're free to do so, but I personally don't like the ship and will not engage in it. Thank you.
C&C, KENNY, LILY, and SAMMY are also not on this list for obvious reasons. KENNY and LILY have been made into a platonic ship in some AUs and that ship is named FLOWER GRAVE.
I will also not take poly ship hate on my page! If you are polyphobic, fuck you! The poly ships are what I will be making most content for regarding AUs.
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cr-scribbles · 8 months
In the first three games of fnaf, especially if you read it from the perspective of the children. It could be read as the story of innocent spirits becoming monsters in pursuit of killing a monster. We know that our motley crew of dead children, had racked up a body count that would have eventually surpass if not already surpassed that of William.
This begs the question who is the bigger monster? The children who had no choice but to become monsters or the man who started it all, by becoming a monster on his own volition?
This is an interesting conundrum don't you think?
Do they deserve to be free if they had became the very monster they swore to destroy in pursuit of freedom?
(TBH I am still rooting for the kids)
✨ the moral aspect of C:R is always so fun to explore! Cause you can argue for either side in this regard, it just depends on where your morals stand.
I personally think that the children aren't monsters/not nearly as bad as their own killer. Unlike their killer who presumably kills for the fun of it/the thrill, they have to kill to try to escape/be at rest. There's other solutions, yes, but like Sammy said before, they're just kids and they don't know what they're doing! It's not like they can go out and do this big investigation to track down their murderer on their own since no one else is gonna. And they really wouldn't wanna just wait around like C&C are.
If given the chance, I think they wouldn't kill! It's just a horrible situation for them where they tell their minds that they need to for the pursuit of being freed one day.
It's hard for me to really put blame or hate on them for their actions considering the fact that we see them suffering so greatly throughout these chapters and that's just the bare surface of what's going on with them. We don't know what is going on in their minds, their actual feelings, what had happened that whole year Michael was gone, etc etc etc.,
That doesn't take away the fact that they are taking innocent lives in the pursuit of freedom, but it is not out of completely malicious intents.
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la-princessaa · 4 years
Cxm has been one of the few otomes thatve made me feel genuine rage
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