m0n0lithical · 1 year
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I've made a poker club for Freddie and the members are...something.
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wesxkennedy · 2 years
 Location: Anywhere people: @freddiefkncrane​
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 Wesley was a bit distracted, it had been a stressful day for the male. There was so much he had to do and get done and so little time, Wesley ran late for a meeting due to a flat tire and having to deal with other things. All these made the male distracted as he backup into another car. “Fuck!” he shouted closing his eyes for a moment before getting out of his car and walking towards the other. “I am so very sorry,” he spoke. 
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celeste-lopez · 4 years
I pick you || Celeste & Freddie
Celeste felt like it had been forever since she had gotten to see her boyfriend. It seemed like these days he would spend more time with his friends than he did with her and she didn’t know if it was something she did, or maybe handn’t done. Either way, she was happy to be here with Freddie, picking apples at the apple tree farm, right outside the town. They walked down the path, up to the trees, Celeste’s arm wrapped tightly around her boyfriend, her head resting on his arm as they strolled. “I missed you so much, Freddie. I’m glad we’re doing this.” She smiled up at him and squeezes his side gently.
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danteseaprince · 6 years
@faciliersfreddie :
Sorry, you wanna be the Target version instead? You’re not getting any better than discount Killmonger, but I’ll be real nice and let you pick what cheap store I’d buy you from.
Now now, we both know you dont have to buy me.  Hmm I like Target version, instead of Walmart. You goin’ to that wedding?
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lefebvre-leo · 4 years
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He wasn’t exactly in a good mood. If therapy seemed useless for half of the Gallagher kids, well, for Leo it was a joke. Not that he could deny he needed it– he craved people to talk about the recent developments in his life, but this was not the time, nor the reason why the counselors were in school either way. He sighed, looking up from his phone and looking to a side, finding out he wasn’t alone. Well, he had found out for a while now, but just now he had decided to acknowledge him. “Any particular reason why you chose to sit in the same couch as me, or were you just planning to stare at me for a long time?” (( @frcddie​ ))
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arnorrson · 6 years
Gunnarr was in the middle of chatting up a girl in the Slytherin common room when he heard it. Someone...yelling? But he was trying to focus on the woman in front of him, not wanting to miss out on any chance he might have with sleeping with her, or even simply a little makeout. But the loud screeching couldn’t be ignored as it came closer to him, and as he turned he was met with a girl that was somehow even smaller than the one he’d volunteered to train. Honestly, did no one eat in this country? Nevertheless, it didn’t seem as if the girl had any intention of stopping, though he couldn’t imagine what her intention was. So he simply stared as she grew ever closer, bewilderment on his features.
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lunarchld · 6 years
“Do it. I dare you.” Annie to Freddie
“What do I get if I do?” Freddie asked, already stripping off his t-shirt. He grew up with brothers and the only cousin he had was a boy too. He was used to being dared to do things. In fact, he was probably the Mackie boy who would actually do the most ridiculous stuff. He wasn’t scared of anything, not even breaking a bone (which he’d done a few times). “Are you coming in with me, baby?” Freddie made a grab at Annie and laughed as she dodged away.
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jessejjbrooks-blog · 6 years
Text ✉️ Freddi
Jesse: any chance you've seen a teddy bear in the hallway of our floor?
Jesse: my dog dropped his toy somewhere and I'm just hoping it was in the building and not outside lol.
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great-connorscott · 7 years
“I really shouldn’t be doing this but I remember my high school days. Fake ID’s are expensive as fuck and even though most high school girls could pass for 21 now a days, it’s really not worth the risk. So in answer to your question. Yes I will buy you booze. I just have to drag my cousin along since I’m here to pick him up.”
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m0n0lithical · 1 year
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The striggle to have a three-person date on love day is real.
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celeste-lopez · 4 years
Facetime call || Baeby💕💋🙊
Celeste was having a less than fabulous day and honestly all she wanted to do was talk to and see her boyfriend. She didn’t bother putting on a shirt, it was so hot she was just in her bralette and gym shorts, plus she knew Freddie wouldn’t mind. She laid belly down on her bed, her legs bent up at the knee as she dialed Freddie, twirling her hair on her finger as she waited for him to answer.
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chaxticgood · 6 years
@cfarrcws said:  ‘ none of what happened was your fault. ’
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“You don’t know that, Freddie.” She forced a smile. “It’s fine. I’ll work it out. I just..” Miri had always been good at taking blame.
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m0n0lithical · 1 year
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They're here! Cassaria and Avadria.
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enticingbianca-blog · 8 years
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“It seems you are doing better.”
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pippapplebee-blog · 8 years
Não, você não disse isso.
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Qual é, eu sou uma ótima cozinheira. Ok, não ótima, mas razoável. E sou muito boa com crianças, Tams sempre sai viva das vezes em que fiquei de babá!
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