#c:forrest abbott
mcrtyrdoms · 9 months
( @angclwvngs )
It was late enough into the night that there'd only been a few left dawdling on the dancefloor of medusa's - Gabe's eyes flickering person to person from their stoop; cheek pressed into the sticky bar-top. Why were bars always so fucking sticky? Their nose scrunched at the sensation - but they made no effort to move besides the tapping of their fingers against the surface. "When can we leave?" Gabe asked - eyes attempting to find Forrest from across the bar - it only gave him a headache instead; eyes weren't meant to go that far back. They would've left hours ago, but after the recent news - the newest murder when everything's supposed to be okay again - they couldn't imagine Forrest leaving work alone. It felt - wrong. It felt scary. Gabe huffed out another sigh, just a little dramatic - finally tilting their head so they weren't hearing the ocean against the counter anymore, gaze comfortably finding the other again. "You should say you're having gas cramps and that you're going to fucking, like, burst - like a pipe. Then - maybe they'll let you leave early."
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