#c: world's finest (1990) | i: 1
martyrbat · 10 months
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world's finest (1990) #1
[ID: a ‘Bat-blob’ panel of Batman. He's in front of a yellow background and his entire body is cloaked in shadow as his cape is flared out on both sides of him in spikes. His knobby legs stick out from the cape—his calves muscular and ankles dainty. END ID]
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dk-thrive · 2 years
Everyone has his own secret, private world
No people are uninteresting. Their destinies are like histories of planets. Nothing in them is not particular, and no planet is like another.
And if someone lives in obscurity, befriending that obscurity, he is interesting to people by his very obscurity.
Everyone has his own secret, private world. In that world is a finest moment. In that world is a tragic hour, but it is all unknown to us.
And if someone dies there dies with him his first snow, and first kiss, and first fight. He takes it all with him.
[…] What do we know of brothers, of friends? What do we know of our one and only? And about our own fathers, knowing everything, we know nothing.
They perish. They cannot be brought back. Their secret worlds are not regenerated. And every time I want again to cry out against the unretrievableness. 
— Yevgeny Yevtushenko, from “No people are…”, trans. Albert C. Todd, from The Collected Poems: 1952-1990 by Yevgeny Yevtushenko (Henry Holt & Co; January 1, 1991)
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kayfabejake · 5 years
WWF SummerSlam 1996 PPV Review
Here we are with my second PPV review in as many days! Hog Wild and SummerSlam were very very close together so I’ve been feasting on a cornucopia of 90s wrestling goodness...or, in the case of these two particular PPVs, okayness. Let’s get munching already!
WWF SummerSlam 1996
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Date: August 18th, 1996 / Arena: Gund Arena - Cleveland, OH / Attendance: 17000 / Tagline: “Opposites Attack!”
Commentary Team Vince McMahon, Jim Ross, Mr. Perfect
Owen Hart pins Savio Vega in (13:23)
Why does Owen Hart’s theme sound like the Girls Just Wanna Have Fun instrumental?
Why DQ Owen for using his cast? If he can’t use the cast for safety reasons, definitely don’t let him wrestle for safety reasons lmao
JR (I think) says “the finest of all the Hart wrestlers is Owen!” um, I doubt it.
Owen using the cast was directly in the ref’s line of sight because Vega didn’t bump him...smh c’mon guys
Solid fucking match right here tbh. Good psychology, entertaining wrestling, fun heel work by Hart
My Rating [3*] / Daddy Meltzer’s Rating [2.5*]
Fatal Four-Way Elimination Tag Match for the WWF Tag Team Titles Billy Gunn & Bart Gunn “The Smoking Gunns” [c] def. Marty Janetty & Leif Cassidy “The New Rockers”, Henry Godwinn & Phineas Godwinn “The Godwinns”, and Skip & Zip “The Body Donnas” in (12:18)
This match’s rules make no sense and it’s so boring. 
Apparently like...you can tag in other teams? Somehow? So Billy Gunn is required to wrestle Bart Gunn at one point? The fuck?
I don’t really get the Body Donnas’ gimmick either, as their bodies are not in amazing shape
You know things are bad when you say the sentence ”the most talented wrestler out of the eight in the match was Marty Janetty”
Apparently Leif Cassidy is actually Al Snow! huh! doesn’t make this match any fucking better
Way better than this piece of shit match is the ad afterwards for Cleveland public transit where the Godwinns race the Gunns to the arena--except, the Godwinns take the bus and the Gunns take a horse and carriage. Sunny cutting a promo on the Godwinns for cheating by riding the bus is hilarious.
My Rating [0*] / Daddy Meltzer’s Rating [DUD]
 Sycho Sid pins The British Bulldog in (6:24)
Sid has a fun insanity gimmick but quite frankly he’s just outshined by Mankind in that department. Sort of like a Walmart / Chanel situation there
A lot of movement and impressive slams
Sick vertical suplex from Bulldog
The commentators can’t stop putting over Cleveland. Why? You’re speaking to the PPV audience. The arena can’t hear you.
A shot of Cornette in the locker room with Vader. Dear god, I adore Jim Cornette so much. Such a lovable grump.
Distraction from Corny leads to a win for Sid!
Sid absolutely fucks up Bulldog on the final powerbomb without even looking strained
My Rating [2.75*] / Daddy Meltzer’s Rating [1*]
Goldust w/ Marlena pins “The Wildman” Marc Mero w/ Sable in (11:01)
So apparently Goldust is thirsting after Sable, which leaves us with two possible conclusions: either Goldust is a bisexual icon or the sexual politics of mid-1990s WWF are murky and regressive. I wonder which one it could possibly be 🤔
A very creepy Goldust cosplayer is watching quietly in the front row
I love Goldust’s rope bounce--he gets lower than most wrestlers and sort of sinks into the ropes, leaning back a good bit. It gives the way he slings back more credibility
My Rating [2.75*] / Daddy Meltzer’s Rating [2.25*]
Jerry “The King” Lawler pins Jake “The Snake” Roberts in (4:07)
Any justice that I feel seeing Jerry get caressed by the snake is cancelled out by how awful this whole storyline is. Vince creating this storyline, exploiting Jake’s alcoholism, and then acting on commentary like it’s awful how Jerry is acting really breaks my ability to buy into the kayfabe because it is so reprehensible
And Jake has to lose and be humiliated just so Mark Henry can show up in a storyline? This is fucking awful.
My Rating [.5*] / Daddy Meltzer’s Rating [DUD]
Boiler Room Brawl Mankind def. The Undertaker in (26:40)
Love both these guys, and I love the Boiler Room Brawl stipulation. It’s just so weird and unnatural and savage. Incredibly entertaining.
It might run a litttttle bit too long though, to be honest
I do not like the lack of commentary either, i dunno why they just stopped talking
lmao you can hear the sound guys dialing the crowd noise back in specifically for the nutshot on Taker
Foley elbow drops onto the concrete floor we stan a bump king
Holy shit and the bump onto the tarp and ladders? Jesus
okay, it is WAY too long
the wrestlers cheering them on is so cute
somebody screamed “he’s dead!” after mankind took the bump onto the concrete
Undertaker being taken out of the arena by druids is fucking amazing
My Rating [3.25*] / Daddy Meltzer’s Rating [NONE]
Wow, Meltzer is a stern daddy. No fun, no fun.
World Wrestling Federation World Heavyweight Title Match Shawn Michaels [c] pins Vader in (28:59)
God, I love me some Jim Cornette!
things we know about Shawn Michaels going into this match
he thinks he’s cute
he knows he’s sexy
he’s got the looks that drive the girls wild
he’s got the moves that really move ‘em
he sends chills up and down their spines
god shawn michaels’ hurricanrana over the ropes and then backflipping back over the ropes...the man exudes big dick energy
Vader wins via countout, so no title
Shawn Michaels is going another round okay!
And another one after another DQ finish!
More Cornette talking which is dope
Ugh fuck the McMahon commentary era, you CANNOT expect me to believe that a dude named Gorilla Monsoon was ever president of the WWF
Vader moonsaulting never fails to impress me. wow.
Shawn hits a moonsault and pins to retain!
My Rating [3.75*] / Daddy Meltzer’s Rating [4*]
Overall PPV Grade [C+]
A few dope ass matches, and a few real fucking bores and bummers. A great main event, fun spooky shit for my goth side in that Boiler Room Brawl, and a healthy dose of Cornette makes sure I have a soft spot for this PPV--but personal preference aside it’s nothing special and underwhelming for a SummerSlam, to be sure.
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sussex-nature-lover · 3 years
Wednesday 20th January 2021
History from Long Ago and a Bit of Nature Thrown In
See Update edit at the end of this blog*
Another dark day here, absolutely bogging as we might say. Wet and uninviting. There’s no way I want to venture into the great outdoors despite the younger Nature Watch flagging up this helpful article.
So instead, I’ve stayed snug indoors and embarked upon a history lesson. Settle down as you could lose an afternoon on this one. I do apologise for rambling on so much, but it was one of those that once you started, you I just couldn’t stop.
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For obvious reasons photos today are not my own but are credited to the sites linked
On an historic day in American history, when a woman takes a presidential role for the first time, I’ve been focusing on women.
The question is do you know anything about Edith Pretty?
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Edith Pretty (1883-1942) photo credit: National Trust
This is she.
Now I very much doubt that Edith Pretty is a name that springs to many people’s mind? but if it wasn’t for her, it seems Britain would have been denied one of its greatest national treasure collections.
I started off looking at Edith and her story at Sutton Hoo because I was looking into another little known but hugely influential woman who made an impact on natural history, with barely any recognition at the time and then I got side-tracked by news of The Dig, a new Netflix film, out at the end of this month - the 29th to be precise. Now I’m not a big film fan, but this tells the intriguing true story of how a wealthy and idiosyncratic widow with a ferocious sense of civic duty, lead an archaeological excavation just before the outbreak of World War II (1939-1945)
Just what I want on these horrid Winter evenings, history and mystery.
Edith had a very privileged background and travelled extensively with family in her youth, not just pleasure trips but educational journeys far and wide. The family were interested in ancient sites and antiquities and this stayed with Edith.
When she married at the age of 42 she purchased a marital home and estate named Sutton Hoo*in South East Suffolk. Frank and Edith went on to have a son born when Edith was 47, but sadly Frank only lived until the boy was four years old, after which it’s possible that Edith became more and more interested in spirituality and lives that had gone before.
Sutton Hoo derives its name from Old English. Sut combined with tun means the southern "farmstead" or "settlement" and Hoh refers to a hill "shaped like a heel spur"  Wikipedia
* when the Tranmer family Trustees later donated the house to the National Trust, it was renamed Tranmer House
There’s a far longer and more involved tale than I can unravel here. It started with curiosity, hunches and investigations into some strange mounds of earth in the grounds, with the help of Basil Brown.  Brown, who Edith was introduced to via acquaintances, was a self-taught archaeologist with an interest in astronomy.
The mounds of earth had undoubtedly been the subject of investigation by grave robbers centuries before, but fortuitously, they’d not gone far enough to make any significant finds and the land continued to lay undisturbed. It’s incredible to think that before the qualified experts became involved, the first excavations took place using household items such as penknives, pastry brushes and bellows. The whole wonderful significance of such an impressive discovery and the way it came about, is fairly earth shattering. 
Basil and Edith’s project uncovered the shape and remains of a ship which was at first thought to be Viking, but later determined to almost certainly be a burial chamber marking the death of an Anglo-Saxon king. Interred with it were many priceless, perfectly preserved gold and silver jewelled and highly decorated artefacts from the early 7th century and before. These treasures had been gathered from far and wide; the products of breathtakingly deft workmanship, which, even today, with precision tools and artificial lighting, cannot be matched easily. Some of the items seem, to me, reminiscent of Fabergé’s finest.
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A gold shoulder clasp decorated with garnet and glass cloissoné
Image credit National Geographic
Cloisonné is the technique of creating designs on metal vessels with coloured glass paste. This is placed within enclosures made of copper or bronze wires, bent or hammered into the desired pattern. Known as cloisons (French for “partitions”), the enclosures generally are either pasted or soldered onto the metal body. The glass paste, or enamel, is coloured with metallic oxide and painted into the contained areas of the design. The vessel is usually fired at a relatively low temperature, about 800°C. Enamels commonly shrink after firing, and the process is repeated several times to fill in the designs. Once this process is complete, the surface of the vessel is rubbed until the edges of the cloisons are visible. They are then gilded, often on the edges, in the interior, and on the base
The collection of 263 objects included weapons, silver cutlery, gold buckles, coins, and a distinctive full-face helmet, of a kind never before recovered in Britain. 
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The purse lid on this Link is photographed from various angles and the standard of the materials, design and workmanship is just mind boggling, as is the condition of something which was crafted in the 7th Century.
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Bronze Washing Pot decorated with glass and enamel. The hooks are to hang it up. Image credits National Geographic
Two other women who played a key role in documenting the investigation were Mercie Lack and Barbara Wagstaff. People I hadn’t heard of either. They were both schoolteachers who had a passion for photography and for Anglo-Saxon archaeology. As friends they had previously spent school holidays photographing carved stone for the British Museum and they brought their skills to bear on recording the early days of the Sutton Hoo excavation. They likely responded to a public appeal for photographers to help out and turned the Summer break into a holiday stay as well. Their images, many of them neatly annotated, provide a fascinating insight into the project, and include some of the earliest colour photographs from an archaeological investigation in this country. Of all the volunteers their work was the most professional.
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Image credit: National Trust, Twitter
The National Trust has undertaken a project to digitalise this collection and preserve it for posterity.
Unfortunately, as is often the way, in the dramatisation the film follows the book upon which it is based, where the author chose to replace them with a fictional (male) character. Like Edith, Mercie also bequeathed her artefacts from the dig to the British Museum. You’d really liked to have thought that the women’s contributions were recognised and noted and not airbrushed out of the story.
Incredibly, after a treasure trove inquest (August 1939 at Sutton Parish Hall) it was determined that the astounding find - which would entirely revolutionise historians’ understanding of the Anglo-Saxons - belonged not to the Crown but to the landowner and extraordinarily Edith donated the entire haul to the nation.
 In 1951, having been stored in Aldwych Tube station during the war, it went on display in the British Museum - albeit with no credit, not a single namecheck, for Basil Brown.  Sadly, Edith was no longer around to object. Basil was almost 90 when he died in 1977, but after suffering a blood clot on the brain, she had died in 1942, aged just 59.
Winston Churchill had offered Edith a CBE in recognition of her extraordinary generosity, but she declined the honour, almost certainly on the basis, according to Laura Howarth, archaeology manager for the National Trust, that she had ‘merely been doing her duty’  
Laura Howarth says ‘There have been notable Anglo-Saxon finds since, but nothing like this, a fully furnished, undisturbed ship burial. We know of only three Anglo-Saxon ship burials, two at Sutton Hoo and one near by at Snape. So it was a very localised practice’ 
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Wikipedia Link Sutton Hoo
1926 Edith Pretty buys the site of Sutton Hoo, and becomes fascinated by the strange mounds of earth on her land.
1939 Basil Brown discovers a funerary cache of 263 objects in tumulus 1. World War II breaks out in September.
1946 After being kept safe underground during the war, the treasure—owned by the British Museum—is put on public display.
1990s Further excavations uncover another intact burial site in tumulus 17 containing a young man, a horse, and weapons.
The British Museum link to Edith and to the treasures
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Photo: Harold John Phillips in the public domain. The ‘skeleton’ of the almost 90′ Ghost Ship imprint in the soil. This size ship would have accommodated 40 oarsmen
There’s also a piece about recreating the ‘Ghost Ship’ on this Daily Mail link and it has a good piece of National Trust video showing the site.
Rebuilding the Ship and why use Green Oak?
The Ship’s Company Team is a group of people with the collective desire to resurrect King Raedwald’s burial ship and turn the famous ghost imprint into a living reality.
Although there is no evidence left to examine the identity of the illustrious occupant of the burial ship, a strong guess is that it was possibly King Raedwald? It certainly must’ve been someone fabulously wealthy and highly regarded. The Sutton Hoo sword video from the British Museum at the end of this blog is very well worth a watch, exploring more about the man.
Within the ship, archaeologists found various treasures from across both the British Isles as well as the Byzantine (eastern Roman) and Frankish (western European) empires — including the famed Sutton Hoo helmet.
The grave itself is thought to belong to King Rædwald of East Anglia, a member of the Wuffingas dynasty which has been associated with the Wulfing clan of Sweden, who appeared in the Old English epic poem Beowulf.
If you’d like to read more and see some absolutely fabulous original photographs do go over to this Anonymous Blog. Edith was the cousin of the author’s Great Grandmother and it is a really personal and detailed account of what the family know of this incredible lady. I highly recommend it.
So there we are, you can see how I became utterly absorbed and went from internet site to site following all the history. I’m really interested in catching the film and seeing how the whole story of the people and the discovery is portrayed. Remember the date 29th January, if you have access to Netflix.
Please do read this blog about Basil Brown, written by John Cooper
The Seventh Century covers the years 601-700 and I picked out this fact
Only one woman has ever sat on China's throne as Emperor in her own right. That woman was Wu Zetian (624-705) of the Tang dynasty
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aion-rsa · 3 years
Ranking The Bill’s Christmas Specials From Best to the One Where Reg Plays the Back End of a Panto Cow
Christmas is where you find it. Sometimes you find it in Canley Borough Operational Unit Command, Sun Hill. It’s a rough joint where the hours are long and life is short. It’s where the cops play hardball, the dames play hard to get, and the dame-cops do both, in sensible shoes. (That’s right, some of the cops are dames – though admittedly, not really until the 1990s, and they rarely make it past Inspector.) 
Over its 27-year history, British police procedural The Bill aired 2,425 episodes, just five of which were Christmas specials. They represent 0.0020% of the total output, and 100% of the episodes where Reg Hollis plays the back end of a pantomime cow. That makes each one a rare truffle for this little piggy to sniff out and stack in order of greatness. Let’s get sniffing.
5. Twanky (1997)
The plot: PC Polly Page is having a mare directing the annual Sun Hill Christmas panto: Aladdin, from a script by Tosh. The scenery keeps falling down. Widow Twanky loses his voice. Reg Hollis gets his head stuck in a cow. The Princess Lychee (it was the nineties) costume is accidentally swapped for a box of shoplifted fetish-wear that’s exhibit A in an ongoing trial. Then the venue cancels at the last minute and a crazed ex-con stalks the production, takes a hostage, and attempts to cosh the Assistant Detective Inspector to stop him taking the witness stand. Time until police work: 4 minutes 43 seconds. There’s a call-out to a bar fight involving a carving knife and 107 stitches. Who gets nicked? Three kids who steal a trolleyful of frozen turkeys. A hostage-taking pantomime-cosher. And DC Rod Skase, who gets nicked and sexually assaulted by a pair of coppers from a rival station who honk his Widow Twanky balloon boobs. Best line: “You tell Deakin, there’s no way Jason’s going down. I’ll ‘av him.” High points: Reg saving the day with a new venue and the hostage-taker getting taken down by the might of Sun Hill live on stage, to the delight of the audience, who scream like it’s the Beatles at Shea Stadium. Low points: The Gary Glitter song and dance routine (hindsight). Why it’s in fifth place: It’s the only one of The Bill Christmas specials that makes you watch what feels like an entire pantomime, including songs and an overlong cow-based dance routine. Nobody should have to go through that at Christmas. 
4. The Night Before/The Morning After (2000)
The plot: The Sun Hill uniforms are planning a Christmas bash at their local, but CID’s nose is out of joint about not getting an invite, so they nick the landlord’s son for possession (an early role for Matt from aptly named boy-band Busted) and get everyone barred. Reg finds a club as a stand-in party venue but they all get into a mass punch-up in the queue. Married PC Dave Quinnan rescues PC Polly Page from the melee, and overcome by lust, they embark on an affair, feeling each other up in the meat wagon and getting entangled underneath an orange duvet. Meanwhile, two department store security guards commit aggravated robbery and pin it on a small-time Glaswegian shoplifter, who tries to appeal to Duncan’s Scottish camaraderie by spinning him a pack of festive lies.  Time until police work: 00:47. Straight in. Two uniforms go to pick up a department store shoplifter who makes a run for it through soft furnishings but comes a cropper by the vacuum cleaner display. Who gets nicked? The Scottish shoplifter, Matt from Busted, and eventually, the two security guards. Best line: “I got him in the grotto” “Sounds painful” High point: Learning that Reg’s middle name is Percival Low point: A surprisingly long C-plot about Derek and Jack needing a wee. Why it’s in fourth place: A complete absence of Christmas magic. It might be set during the festivities, but this dour two-parter’s adultery plot and EastEnders-style domestic drama feels not the faintest bit Christmassy. It’s a lot of moping around in dressing gowns, grumpy bickering and lonely heartache, more kitchen sink than Frank Capra. 
3. When The Snow Lay Round About (1999)
The plot: A bottle episode! The Sun Hill crew is snowed in on a mostly silent night down at the nick. Having been cruelly mocked for the quality of his Christmas tree, Reg goes out into the snow, whereupon he intercepts a rogue snowball-thrower setting off the local burglar alarms. A Christmas orphan arrives in the form of Glen, whose foster family refuse to come and collect him because he keeps running away and is generally a bit of a knob. Glen’s dad is doing five in the Scrubs, so Glen keeps robbing the staplers and calling everyone filthy framing pigs. A comedy Russian barbershop quartet show up when their minibus is stolen, and they all get the major horn for Sgt. June Ackland, who loves it. Tony brings in a drunk elf, who promises to grant him a Christmas wish if he can go free. Tony wishes for mince pies, and then magically a boxful is delivered. Danny the Elf makes the Serg’s Christmas wish come true by unearthing Glen’s grandad to come and pick him up. Time until police work: 5:04 Tony radios in a drunk and disorderly elderly man found singing Jingle Bells and trying to climb a lamppost on Fenton Street, who calls himself Danny the Elf.  
Read more
UK Christmas TV 2020: Your Guide to This Year’s Festive Specials
By Louisa Mellor
Doctor Who: The Weird Anomaly of the 1965 ‘Christmas Special’
By Andrew Blair
Who gets nicked? Danny the Elf and Reg’s phantom snowball-flinger. The Russian minibus thief goes free because he brings the bus back, makes up with his barbershop quartet and they all have a sing-song. Best line: Glen’s heartbreaking “Do they have Christmas in prison?” High point: Danny telling Serg he was the one who’d granted his unexpressed Christmas wish for Glen to find his beloved granddad, then disappearing to the sound of sleigh bells as the theme music kicks in.   Low point: The Borat-alike Russians. “We must tour UK for orphans charity!” Must you? Why it’s in third place: It’s very silly but really Christmassy. It snows! There’s a tree! Reg has an action scene (off-screen, but still). It has a happy ending, and the storyline about Gary the foster child ends up being genuinely moving. Comedy Russians aside, it’s a very respectable hour of festive TV. 
2. Santa’s Little Helper (2008)
The plot: A spate of burglaries is traced back to a market stall Santa, who robs people’s houses during the one-hour wait for their family’s grotto photo. It turns out that Santa’s on probation, and clean, but his daughter Lisa and her boyfriend were doing the robberies to pay off his pre-prison debts to a wrong’un. Sun Hill’s finest conduct an impressive sting operation, then keep going up the chain until the investigation leads them all the way to a notorious organised criminal gang leader. Time until police work: 0:42. Two uniforms respond to a 999 call about an unconscious elderly man at a break-in. No messing. Who gets nicked? Lisa. Lisa’s boyfriend. Lisa’s dad. The loan shark and thug who was terrorising Lisa. Best line: “Thieving Santa, they’ll be telling me the Tooth Fairy’s a crack dealer next.” High point: When they’re letting Father Christmas out of custody and give him back his beard out of an evidence bag. Low point: All the stick DC Stuart Turner gets for owning a Westlife CD and keeping his flat tidy. Masculinity is a spectrum, officers. Broaden your minds. Why it’s in second place: It’s not only quite a touching story about a family trying to stay together at Christmas (albeit through breaking and entering and a bit of ABH), it also a well-plotted, satisfying series of revelations that kick-start an exciting, twisty-turny multi-episode plot about DC Stevie Moss’s undercover work that’s more or less a bonus series of Line of Duty. We’re talking high-stakes criminal gangs, guns and double-crossing.
1. Christmas Star (1998)
The plot: Tony is organising the works Christmas do, and promising the world on a £15-a-head budget. (The world: music, crisps, nuts, some grub, champagne, lap dances for the men and a Father Christmas stripper for the women.) Trouble is, he’s done a hooky no-VAT deal for cheap booze with the Cash and Carry, which gets raided by the Fraud Squad, so has to pay full whack out of his own pocket at the offy instead. A BMW driver has done a hit and run, leaving a schoolgirl Arsenal obsessive in a coma. Suspecting the owner is lying about his car having been stolen, P.C. Santini does some proper coppering, finds out the owner’s wife was driving, and nicks them both. On top of that, he manages to get the victim a hospital visit from Arsenal’s Emmanuel Petit. A Christmas miracle! Time until police work: 2:06 All units are called to the high street because of the hit and run. Who gets nicked? The BMW driver and his wife. Best line: “Tony’s had a bit of an annus horribilis” “And quite a rough year.” High point: Eddie delivering on his footballer promise to the victim, but being classy enough to keep it to himself. What a mensch. Low point: The BMW owner’s cliched beatnik stylings, man. Why it’s in first place: It’s a gripping, well-paced hour, with a satisfying ending, and a moral about not promising what you can’t deliver. It’s got a guest star in the form of 1990s football sensation Emmanuel Petit, and a hero in the form of P.C. Eddie Santini. Also, being set in 1998, these days it’s a lovely nostalgic watch. Someone gets a fiver out of a Midland Bank cash point! Someone else pays their share of the drinks kitty by cheque! All the women’s eyebrows are plucked thinner than an Elizabethan royal. Truly, a hallowed age. 
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Merry Christmas to all! (But mostly to P.C. Reg Hollis).
The post Ranking The Bill’s Christmas Specials From Best to the One Where Reg Plays the Back End of a Panto Cow appeared first on Den of Geek.
from Den of Geek https://ift.tt/3aknXhn
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rollingstonemag · 6 years
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Un nouvel article a été publié sur https://www.rollingstone.fr/10-plus-grandes-chansons-de-jay-z/
Les 10 plus grandes chansons de Jay-Z
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Avec une carrière qui a commencé à la fin des années 80, les chansons de Jay-Z ont connu plusieurs styles. Voici ses 10 meilleures chansons
Jay-Z est-il le plus grand rappeur de tous les temps ? « J’ai ce truc comme Elvis », a-t-il déclaré à Rolling Stone en 2007 peu de temps avant d’égaler le record du King de 10 albums se classant Numéro Un dès leur sortie (et bien avant d’en avoir quatre de plus dans la décennie suivante). En effet, la carrière de Jay-Z est impressionnante : 21 Grammys, premier rappeur du Songwriters Hall of Fame et cité dans les Top Fives de nombreux rappeurs (par exemple Kendrick Lamar, T.I. et J. Cole. Lil Wayne a d’ailleurs les paroles d’une des chansons de Jay-Z tatouées sur sa jambe). Il est non seulement bourré de talent, mais il a aussi le sens des affaires : l’image cool mais distante d’un ancien arnaqueur de rue, un flow techniquement avancé et une fortune inimaginable que Forbes et d’autres magazines ont du mal à calculer. Cependant, même parmi les largesses musicales de Jay, certaines de ses chansons classiques sont meilleures que les autres. Voici notre liste de ses 10 meilleures chansons.
10. Jay-Z et Kanye West, « Niggas in Paris » (2011)
Cet hymne de stade présent sur Watch the Throne et interprété par Jay-Z et Kanye est théâtral. Au milieu des « hah?! » particuliers de West, des Audemars et des vestes Margiela, ce single qui s’est hissé dans le Top 10 est vraiment un profond soupir de soulagement. « If you escaped what I’ve escaped/You’d be in Paris getting fucked up too », entonne Jay avec une joie palpable. « C’est comme être sous le choc d’être là. Être toujours émerveillé et jamais blasé, a déclaré Jay à GQ à propos de l’inspiration derrière ce titre produit par Hit-boy. J’ai connu tellement de personnes qui n’y sont pas parvenues. La plupart des gens regardent une photo des enfants avec qui ils ont grandi et se disent « Ah oui, Adam est allé à Harvard ». C’est une conversation complètement différente ».
9. « Hard Knock Life (Ghetto Anthem) » (1998)
Pour le premier single de Jay-Z à se hisser dans le Top 15 des titres pop, le producteur  Mark « The 45 King » a pris un morceau indélébile de la bande originale de la comédie musicale Annie. Il a donné un dubplate à Kid Capri qui faisait le DJ sur la tournée No Way Out de Puff Daddy. « Les fans demandaient « Comment est-ce que vous avez fait pour la chanson d’Annie derrière la batterie ? ». C’était principalement des blancs qui venaient vers moi, a déclaré Capri à Grantland. Je savais de par leur réaction que ça marchait vraiment ». Jay a lui aussi fini par poser la question et c’est là qu’a débuté ce très grand succès, un aperçu frappant et mélancolique de son ascension. « Je n’avais pas peur du clash entre les paroles dures et l’image d’une Annie aux cheveux roux, a écrit Jay dans Decoded. J’ai trouvé le miroir entre les deux histoires. L’histoire d’Annie, c’était la mienne, et la mienne, c’était la sienne. La chanson, c’est l’endroit où nos expériences n’entraient pas en contradiction. Elles n’étaient que des dimensions différentes de la même réalité ».
8. « Nigga What, Nigga Who (Originator ’99) » feat. Big Jaz (1999)
Lorsque Jay-Z est devenu une star, il a invité the Jaz (aujourd’hui Big Jaz), son ami et mentor, sur un sequel du rapide « The Originator » sorti en 1990. « On utilisait ce rythme rapide que tout le monde semble utiliser aujourd’hui », a déclaré Jay dans le fascicule de Vol. 2… Hard Knock Life. Là où Jay et Jaz utilisaient leur flow rapide sur une production détendue et jazzy en 1990, leurs retrouvailles en 1998 ont eu lieu sur un morceau futuriste et planant de Timbaland. Timbo avait déjà changé le son du R&B avec Aaliyah et accompagné le hip-hop créatif et léger de Missy Elliott, mais il était arrivé à un moment charnière de sa carrière, la première fois qu’un MC d’élite avait un flow rapide qui correspondait à sa musique.
7. « Public Service Announcement » (2003)
Jay-Z a dû arrêter la fabrication de The Black Album pour y inclure cette ré-introduction à la dernière minute. Il a un jour répondu à un journaliste qui venait d’assister à toute une session d’écoute du nouvel album et dont la seule question était comment associer un T-shirt du Che Guevara avec une chaîne. « Les échecs du Che ont été sanglants et ses contradictions frustrantes, a écrit Jay-Z dans Decoded. Mais avoir des contradictions, en particulier quand vous vous battez pour votre vie, c’est quelque chose d’humain. Et porter un T-shirt du Che et une chaîne en platine et en diamants est honnête ». Le producteur Just Blaze ouvre la voie avec une intro parlée (« Fellow Americans… ») parfaite pour une révolution sur le point d’avoir lieu au Madison Square Garden.
6. « Brooklyn’s Finest » feat. The Notorious B.I.G. (1996)
« Brooklyn’s Finest » reste un document magnifique sur deux grands de Brooklyn au meilleur de leur forme. Jay-Z et Notorious B.I.G. développaient un nouveau groupe avec Charli Baltimore, la petite amie de Biggie, appelé the Commission. « L’année suivante, on ne parlait pas que des projets pour the Commission, a déclaré Jay-Z à XXL en 1998. Il avait beaucoup de projets pour [Life After Death], notamment une tournée et un déménagement ». Au lieu de ça, il a été tué en mars 1997. Cette chanson sonne comme le premier chapitre d’un partenariat qui ne s’est jamais concrétisé. Démarrant par l’interpolation de Wayne, Biggie et Jay évoquent des crimes plus ridicules les uns que les autres : Jay rappe « Peep the style and the way the cops sweat us » tandis que Biggie affirme qu’il tirera dans le muscle du genou de sa fille (« shoot your daughter in the calf muscle »). Le moment le plus célèbre de la chanson arrive quand Biggie essaye de répondre à l’affirmation « Hit ‘Em Up » fallacieuse de 2Pac : « If Fay have twins, she’d probably have two Pacs/Get it, 2Pac’s? ».
5. « U Don’t Know » (2001)
L’association de basse et d’un extrait accéléré de « I’m Not to Blame » de Bobby Byrd agit comme un tremplin capital pour les différents succès commerciaux de Jay (la drogue avec les paroles « Hell, where you are welcome to sell » et le développement de son empire avec « smarten up, open the market up »). Jay scande « Motherfucker, I – will – not – lose » avant le quatrième couplet. C’est un moment sensationnel où sa confiance explose en une catharsis triomphante.
4. « 99 Problems » (2004)
Jay-Z a rendu visite à Rick Rubin pour « retrouver ce sentiment que j’avais quand j’étais enfant », comme il l’explique dans le documentaire Fade to Black. Le résultat de cette session a été un rappel heavy metal du travail de Rubin dans les années 80 avec LL Cool J et Beastie Boys, mais pour ce qui est des paroles, c’était une critique moderne et cinglante de ceux qui le diabolisent comme un homme de couleur et un rappeur. « Même quand j’enregistrais,  je savais que quelqu’un, quelque part, allait dire « Aha, le voilà qui parle encore des putes ! » », a écrit Jay dans Decoded. La chanson est devenue assez iconique pour que Barack Obama l’évoque au Dîner des Correspondants de la Maison Blanche en 2013 : au vu de la visite controversée de Jay et de Bey à Cuba, il a affirmé « I’ve got 99 problems and now Jay-Z is one », ce qui a fait rire l’assemblée.
3. « Big Pimpin’ » feat. UGK (2000)
Lorsqu’ils ont vu que le titre « Things That U Do » estampillé Mariah Carey se réussissait pas à se classer dans les charts lors des deux premiers mois de sa sortie en tant que single tiré de Vol. 3 de Jay, lui et Dame Dash sont rapidement passés à « Big Pimpin’ », un titre exotique produit par Timbaland et qui vend le deuxième plus vieux métier du monde comme un style de vie jet-set arrosé de champagne. Timbaland a par la suite été poursuivi pour son utilisation d’un extrait de « Khusara Khusara » de Baligh Hamdi. Inspiré par le personnage de Pretty Tony dans le film Le Mac sorti en 1973, les paroles de Jay sont froides et détachées. Les paroles prononcées par Bun (« step up your vocab ») sont aussi mémorables que celles de Jay, et Pimp C, inspiré par Big Gipp, offre une coda brute.
2. « Dead Presidents II » (1996)
Sortie en février 1996, la chanson originale « Dead Presidents » a permis à Jay-Z d’évoquer les faux malfrats et de palabrer sur la « représentation de l’infini avec les présidences », tout ça dans le style loquace qui était la marque de fabrique du rap Mafioso. Cependant, lorsque Reasonable Doubt, son premier album, est sorti en juin de la même année aux États-Unis, il a ajouté deux nouveaux couplets qui ont abordé encore plus profondément le sujet. Il fait allusion à DeHaven Irby, un ami d’enfance qui s’est fait tirer dessus et qui lui a appris le jeu de la drogue (« On the uptown high block he got his side sprayed up ») et se souvient de comment il a lui-même évité quelques balles mortelles (« I had near brushes, not to mention, three shots close range »). Il évoque sa supériorité (« Roc-A-Fella, don’t get it corrected, this shit is perfected ») avec des apartés biographiques, ce qui en fait un sequel poignant et supérieur. Dans cette chanson, le producteur Ski Beatz a mélangé « A Garden of Peace » de Lonnie Liston Smith et « The World Is Yours » de Nas. « J’ai juste mis quelques extraits pour voir si ça fonctionnait parce que j’aimais la voix de Nas », a déclaré Ski à Complex en 2010. Cependant, le refus de Nas de ré-enregistrer le refrain (AZ apparaît dans le clip de « Dead Presidents ») a mené à l’une des plus grandes rivalités de l’histoire du hip-hop.
1.  « Where I’m From » (1997)
Le producteur Ron « Amen-Ra » Lawrence était à la recherche de titres en 1996 lorsqu’il a déniché « Let Your Hair Down » de la chanteuse soul Yvonne Fair. Il a alors essayé, comme il le raconte à Rolling Stone, « de lui donner une sensation de bande originale plus sinistre ». La chanson, que Diddy a refusée, était encore dans sa forme brute (aucun effet sonore, aucune percussion supplémentaire), mais lorsque Jay-Z a entendu ce que « Where I’m From » allait devenir, le rappeur, inspiré, a immédiatement commencé à enregistrer ses propres couplets. « J’ai eu une vision comme quoi le morceau devait être plus dramatique en me basant sur le flow de Jay », déclare Lawrence.
Le résultat est l’un des morceaux les plus candides et intimes de Jay. A la fois autobiographique, une critique culturelle et socio-économique et une distillation de son environnement passé et présent. « Il a peint une image sombre de Marcy Projects, affirme Lawrence. La personne qui l’écoute a alors une vision mentale de son enfance à Brooklyn ».
Dès les premières paroles directes qui ouvrent la chanson (« I’m from where the hammers rung / News cameras never come »), Jay décrit un endroit où « l’espérance de vie est tellement basse qu’on fait des testaments à 18 ans » (« life expectancy is so low, we making out wills at 18 »). « Where I’m From » contient également certains des couplets les plus complets de Jay : « Where how you get rid of guys who step out of line, your rep solidifies/ So tell me when I rap, you think I give a fuck who criticize? ».
  Par Christopher R. Weingarten, Elias Leight, Mosi Reeves, Al Shipley, Jason Newman, Christina Lee, David Drake, Maura Johnston, Dan Hyman / Traduit et adapté par Mélanie Geffroy
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Senses: Exploring the senses in history and across cultures
Analysing Worlds of Sense Constance Classen, 1993.
Sense has been a highly debated subject throughout history questioning ,what senses we as humans possess? what is the hierarchy of our sensory modals? and is sense variable to change through perception? As suggested by Classen (1993) “When every other aspect of human bodily existences – from the way we eat to the way we dress -  is now recognised as a subject to social conditioning, it is surprising that we should still imagine that the senses are left to nature.” If other aspects of human identity are so variable to change due to social influence, then why do we still believe our senses are pure and are simply passive recipients of data. Social conditioning  throughout history has changed the way we understand the world, and with it our perception on sense. 
Different cultures use their senses in different ways to further understand the world around them. This is susceptible to change throughout time and throughout the transformation of sense dependency ratios. The change in sensory modular rankings often results in change in culture, science and art, this change has been prevalent in the western world. McLuhan (1962 pp 42-43) suggests that “from the invention of the alphabet there has been a continuous separation of the senses.” The introduction of writing and reading resulted in a literate society and led to a visually dominant west, where everything is objective, linear and analytical. The west was literate and therefore ‘more knowledgeable’ there was no longer an open-mindedness to other sensory perceptions, that in the mind of the west only non-literate societies could possess.  The western world views sense as a means of gathering data, through the development of science and industry we have thus created sensory biases, particularly that of sight, resulting in the exclusion of the others, olfactory, taste, touch and hearing. Classen in Worlds of Sense (1993) specifically looks at the decline of olfactory experiences and symbolism in western society as a result of our growing dependency on visualism. Throughout Comparing and contrasting this with three notable cultures, The Tzotzil of Mexico, The Ongee of the Andaman Islands and The Desana of Colombia, that do not depend on sight. Is our dependency on sight limiting our understanding of the world? This essay will further discuss the book, Worlds of Sense by Classen 1993, and give some contrasting points raised within the reading about the rise of vision and colour within western culture. 
Chapter One - The Odour of the rose:  Floral symbolism and the olfactory decline of the West
In this chapter, Classen (1993) explores through history the importance of smell and how its decline correlates with the rise of visual expansion. Particularly looking at the rose and how society perceived it, by looking at literature and symbolic religious meanings, comparing the premodern with the modern. Flowers are very symbolic in western life. The importance of flowers throughout history is a great representation of the value of smell at the time. The characteristics of flowers not only represent scent, but also visual appearance, thus indicating where and how the transformation from a olfactory West to a visual West occurred. 
Smell was perceived to be a valuable sense in the premodern world, sight is restricted to only surfaces. Classen (1993, pp. 16), suggests that “smell unites surfaces and interiors, giving basis’s to conceptual senses.” If you were reliant on sight alone, without taste, smell or hearing you neglect to understand the interior.  The ancient world perceived perfume as a notable quality and was worn not just for the individual but also for the public. The experimentation of scent was for the enjoyment of all often varying scents applied to different parts of the body, food, home and animals. Olfactory united them with the gods, the absence of scent was believed to have had the opposite effect. Early Christians banned perfumes, and rejected the olfactory associations with romans ‘idolatry’ sensualism. Their way of life characterised by self-denial and no distractions saw the repression of smell and could be seen as the first step to its decline.  However the medieval period, brought with it a passion for the exotic and new. The demand for pungent spices and perfumes from the east brought with it a new variety of flavours and odours from paradise. Around this time the perception of odour changed, Classen (1993, pp. 21) states “the greater the odour, the greater the medicinal power”. Odours from flowers and herbs became the contrast of odour from illness and decay. Classen (1993, pp. 22-23), goes on to state that the gardens of the time also represent this idea, as flowers and herbs were clustered in small spaces to intensify the scent. Gardens at the time were designed with three things in mind, scent, shade and water.  
Classen (1993, pp. 1-36) suggests that the initial decline of the olfactory was notable in garden design in the 18th century. The designs feature the blurring of visual lines of nature and the garden. The lack of walls enables the eye to wander without confinement. The intent of a garden changed to consider “perspective, scenes, light, shade, line and form.” as underlined by Classen (1993). The gardens were designed like paintings, people treated gardens like walking through an art gallery. The art of the time also represents this well, for example the work of Seurat (1884/86). The Art Institute of Chicago (2019) suggests “With what resembles scientific precision, the artist tackled the issues of colour, light, and form, Inspired by research in optical and colour theory.” The painting not only visually represents what gardens looked like, but also stylistically conveys the ideal garden at the time, with areas of light and shadow, and deep horizon line.
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Figure 1: Seurat, Georges., 1884/86, A Sunday Afternoon on the Island of La Grande Jatte, [Oil on canvas]. 
Odour was bred out of flowers, while size and colour were emphasised due to rise in visual value (Amherst, 1896 pp. 59-60; Jeffries, 1908 pp. 1).The rose for its beauty had at this time become more important then its scent. Amherst (1896, pp. 59-60) states “Yet in some of our finest - looking roses they would miss, what was the essential characteristic of a rose, its sweet scent.” This was supported by Jeffries (1908, pp. 1) “There are no damask roses now like there used to be... There are many grand roses, but no fragrances - the fragrance is gone out of life.” This decreased value in odour also saw the belief in plants medicinal powers decline. Theories regarding germs resulted in the abolishment of odours powers to cure, and was not believed to transmit illness. Personal hygiene led to the deodorisation of the environment introduced by sewers and baths. As suggested by E.T. Hall (1990, pp. 45) “The extensive use of deodorants and the suppression of odour in public places result in a land of olfactory blandness and sameness.” Classen (1993, pp. 29) suggest that foul odours were dehumanised in this period as a result of industrial production. “Symbolic associations converted into a mere by-product, unwanted at worst, unnecessary at best.” the west had become deficient of scent within the environment and symbolism. However literature of the time and writers explicit concerns about the abolishment of scent and thus traditional values brought on by the industrial revolution. The new represented the commercial material values, flowers become mass produced and gardens introduced carpet bedding focused on vibrant colour and geometric pattern. There was no individual value anymore, and a loss of respect for traditional characteristics of flowers. The same view could also be applied to Western culture of the time, with masses working in the industrial sector, quality was often overlooked by quantity. Olfactory was in a state of decline in the roaring twenties and odour was characterised with decay and corruption. The vivid colours and visual expression in the art of the time represent the full transformation from the old olfactory traditions to new modernism. Artists such as Piet Mondrian (1927), Jean Metzinger (1926), Henri Matisse (1905) and Wassily Kandinsky (1920) convey this shift as they looked at form, colour and line taking liberty from surface image and enhancing visuals. 
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Figure 2: Mondrian, Piet., 1927. Composition with Res, Yellow and Blue. [Oil on canvas]. Museum Folkwang, Essen 
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Figure 3: Metzinger, Jean., 1926. La Roulette [Oil on canvas]. 
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Figure 4: Matisse, Henri., 1905. 
Open Window. [Oil on canvas].
 National Art Gallery. Washington DC
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Figure 5: Kandinsky, Wassily., 1920. Red Oval. [Oil on canvas]. New York, The Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum
Throughout the chapter Classen (1993 pp 1-36) suggests the possibility that our interest in smell is “us yearning for spiritual/ sensual fulfilment.” and represents odour as a fashion rather then a genuine olfactory consciousness. I agree with this statement as smell puts people off. It repulses more then it intrigues, and with this the idea of understanding the interior is shunned. He suggests that smell was once a larger part of out sensory experiences. The change from smell to sight came with a change to Western beliefs and culture, the decline of myth and religion with the rise of industrialism and capitalism. It seems apparent that the rise of a visually dominant culture led to the decline of olfactory, as seen through not only gardening and flower symbolism but also driven stylistically by artists.
-AMHERST, A., 1969 [1896]. A History of Gardening in England. Detroit: Singing Tree Press pp. 59-60
- CLASSEN, C., 1993. Worlds of sense: Exploring the senses in History and across Cultures. London; New York: Routledge pp. 1-36
- HALL, E.T., 1990. The Hidden Dimension. New York: Anchor Books pp. 45
- JEFFRIES, R., 1908. Amaryllis at the fair. London: Duckworth pp. 1
-KANDINSKY, W., 1920. Red Oval. [Oil on canvas]. New York, The Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum
- METZINGER, J., 1926. La Roulette. [Oil on canvas]
- MATISSE, H., 1905. Open Window. [Oil on canvas]. National Art Gallery Washington DC
- MCLUHAN, M., 1962. The Gutenburg galaxy: the making of typographic man.    London: Routledge & Kegan Paul pp. 42-43
- MONDRIAN, P., 1927.Composition with Res, Yellow and Blue. [Oil on canvas]. Museum Folkwang, Essen 
- SAURAT, G., 1884/86. A Sunday Afternoon on the Island of La Grande Jatte. [Oil on Canvas]. The art institute of Chicago 
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What country are you from?
I am from the United States of America specifically I was born in Southern California and raised in Northern California. I specify myself as NorCal girl, and I was raised in the North Bay around 30 miles from San Francisco and spend most of my days, nights and weekends in The City, Berkeley, Oakland, Hayward ect. It’s sorta important to remember that I’m Californian cause that’s mostly how I’ll be answering these questions since the United States is so large so traditions and the culture can vary from state to state, and even more specifically the divide between Northern and Southern California is very prominent even with speech patterns, slang, dialect and well... everything.
What is your first language? Do you speak any other languages?
English is my first language, I can speak a conversational amount of Spanish because it would be really difficult to not know any in California, I also know words in Tagalog because there is a large Filipino population in my town and especially at my schools, as well as the tiniest amount of Latin thanks to Catholic school.
What language would you like to learn?
Italian, Spanish, maybe learn like French or German.
What’s one movie from your country that you like (or recommend others see)?
Don’t touch me, my family is from SoCal, films are like what they live and breath, even my Dad. I grew up watching films, so I’m not going to say just one, because I’m trash okay. So let’s talk, the must see films that have been produced, directed and written in America would be; Giant (1956), Dead Poets Society (1989), Rebel Without A Cause (1955), American Graffiti (1973), The Birds (1963), The Godfather (1972), Sunset Blvd. (1950) Juno (2007), Little Miss Sunshine (2006), Fargo (1996), Dances With Wolves (1990), Funny Face (1957), Citizen Kane (1941), Her (2013), All About Eve (1950), Meet Me In St. Louis (1944), Working Girl (1988), Across the Universe (2007), Sound of Music (1965), Sophie’s Choice (1982), Inglorious Bastards (2009), Birdman (2014), Pulp Fiction (1994), Life of Pi (2012), Auntie Mame (1958), Grand Budaest Hotel (2014), Spotlight (2016) Do The Right Thing (1989), Jaws (1975). This is from a really long list of films that I happen to love and just adore, like I could keep going for the next few days on the subject, but these films I would say are a great explanation for the ‘American’ film style. Plus I’m excluding all the animated films, cause this would gt really long, really fast, and it’s already pretty hefty.
Pick a song from your country (or in your language) and talk about why you like it.
Bitch, here is a list of artists, cause a single song is too much to ask, that I think are important to this country; Frank Sinatra, Stevie Wonder, Nirvana, Janis Joplin, Green Day, Pearl Jam, Led Zeppelin, Bob Dylan, Rodgers & Hammerstein, Elvis Presley, Joan Jett/The Runaways, The Ramones, Talking Heads, Diana Ross/The Supremes, Stevie Nicks/Fleetwood Mac, Carlos Santana, Tupac Shakur, Micheal Jackson, Jimi Hendrix, Arthea Franklin, Selena, Lou Reed/The Velvet Underground, The Beach Boys, Little Richard. I can literally keep going, but I’m not total trash.
Pick a classic song from your country - aka one that everyone knows, one that’s representative of your country, etc.
There are a number of songs that everyone knows, they might not be fucking genius songs, but we all know them, or at least out here in Cali we do; California Love (Tupac), Yay Area (E-40), Thriller/Billie Jean/Smooth Criminal/ABC (Micheal Jackson), Sound of Music (Julie Andrews),  Smells Like Teen Spirit ( Nirvana), Wonderwall (Oasis), Barracuda (Heart), American Idiot/Blvd. Of Broken Dreams/Most of the Dookie ALBUM (Green Day), Welcome To The Black Parade (MCR). Again I can keep going and it will get ridiculous. Also the fucking Macarena.
What’s a book from your country (or in your language) that you’d recommend?
Dharma Bums (Kerouac), Coming of Age in Mississippi (Anne Moody), The Awakening (Kate Chopin), Love, Castro Street (Katherine V. Forrest), The Autobiography of Malcolm X, Anything Steinbeck tbh, Slaughterhouse 5 (Vonnegut), J A C K  L O N D O N.
What’s your favourite childhood story from your country or culture?
Bro, alright, some of my favorite childhood stories are mostly Disney Films, Pied Piper, and I would even say that Harry Potter to me is considered a childhood story though it’s British & not American.
Talk about a tradition from your country or culture that you love celebrating.
Halloween/Dio De Los Muertos is a big tradition, both culturally for my ethnicity and for generally living in America. I love the event, both sides, the religious & and commercialized stuff.
Fave food from your country/culture:
American Food: BBQ & Mac ‘n’ Cheese & Root Beer w/ Flan as a dessert, and don’t talk to me about Chile Verde. Like fucking Y U M.
Best season of the year in your country?
Summer in California is where your life should be at.
What’s one thing that you wish you could change about your country? Why?
Trump. Also the Alt. Right, because they’re Neo-Nazi Trash and IDGAF about their current ‘moniker’ because they are traitors to everything our Military fought against in WWII and the lives lost. Also the amount of sports channels we have, it’s a bit unnecessary. 
What’s one thing that you’re proud of about your country?
Freedom of Press, Freedom of Religion/Freedom FROM Religion, our goddamn Military is the world’s fucking finest, I love capitalism, I love our history of revolution, evolution, revolt & rebellion. Our love our tradition of thought, of the melting pot of cultures, I love every single equalizing movement in this country and every person’s voice even if they’re dumbasses who should be quiet, I love that they can speak. 
Name a country you’d like to visit.
Top three cities you’d like to visit:
New York, New Orleans, Chicago.
What’s the best place in your country that you’ve ever visited?
I grew up in the Bay Area, where places like Berkeley and San Francisco are places people dream of going to, and where I go to on a whim to pick up records, or grab lunch, or go see a film. I go to school in Napa, and bitch about traffic as I pass world renowned vineyards. I go to LA alot because of my family, so driving there, walking down Hollywood & Sunset, being there is a bit of a trip but also normal. The best place I’ve visited, in this country this far, is Hearst Castle-- a monument to American extravagance, capitalism, architecture, natural beauty, California life, the Press, and equal rights. Built by William Randolph Hearst, the rival of Pulitzer, a newsman, a media conglomerate. It rests in the Heart of California, off HWY 1, North of San Luis Obisbo. It’s entire architecture, the building, the site, all of it was created by a woman named Julia Morgan, a pioneer at the time for being a female architecture, having attended in University of California Berkeley, and became an architect far before when women got the right to vote in 1920. Hearst Castle is the melting pot, and symbol of Californian dominance and a sign of things to come of how media would shape California. It’s one of my favorite places in California and I encourage everyone to visit.
Have you ever been abroad (out of your country)? If so, where did you go?
Nope. I lied, I went to Mexico for two weeks when I was like 8, totally forgot.
What are some myths or stereotypes about your country or culture that are either true or are false?
The ‘hardworking Latino/a’ is pretty true, I’ve yet to meet someone from my culture & ethnicity who doesn’t work so fucking hard.
There are way too many American stereotypes, most of which are moderately true, though not explosively wrong either. Mixing pot guys.
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365xinwen · 4 years
Official Gazette Of The United States Patent Workplace
This automated BOXMATIC machine is right for the manufacturing of corrugated bins, trays, partitions and minimize-outs with the choice of further die-cuts and flexo printing. One roll of cardboard is corrugated and then glued between two other layers. We’re fanfold cardboard manufacturing unit with overseas trading property, that’s to say, we will produce the fanfold cardboard and we will export to prospects by ourself. As a result of highly effective manufacturing capability, low-cost labor, and reliable provider, our carton field machine worth may be very aggressive. As customers are transferring towards purchasing as a subscription, thereby obtain totally different products each time, the e-commerce corporations have began producing specially design bins with a singular and striking design to draw more prospects. All our packaging products are manufactured from recycled fibers. Dedicated to engineered quality and manufacturing reliability for over 35 years, BestPack provides value efficient and highly environment friendly automated and semi-automated case sealers, box erectors & field formers in addition to high velocity case sealing machines with its distinctive tape sealing machine applications encompassing a wide range of industries, including food and manufactured goods. Out of both of those processes the Kraft is either used there after which and as talked about before is darkish brown in colour, or bleached during the pulping course of to supply a white Kraft. A finished piece of corrugated cardboard is comprised of a single corrugated layer sandwiched between two liners. Then, when a plant receives an order for containers, a product engineer specifies the combination of medium and liner to provide a cardboard to match the customer’s requirement. One roll of cardboard is corrugated after which glued between two different layers (liners) by the identical machine. For the reason that crash of 2008, the corrugated cardboard field market has increased steadily. This can improve the demand for corrugated bins for packaging products. BestPack is the innovation and customization expert for the packaging business all through the globe, providing among the finest case sealers, box tapers & field erectors available today. We offer a big selection of paper processing machines, together with ice cream paper cone machine, computerized paper punching machine, paper cone cup machine, and many others. On the finish of the corrugator, the cardboard is trimmed and lower into massive sheets, or field blanks, which then slide into a stacker that hundreds them onto a platform. Customers acknowledge that outsized cardboard bins aren’t environmentally pleasant and it has been identified to impression return gross sales. If I have to name 3 greatest companies in paper product machine category, I would certainly pick SPB machinery for its sheer high quality, devoted help, and top-notch efficiency. Moreover, products ordered through online platforms requires packaging at multiple levels together with the vendor and the web site. Furthermore, the manufacturers are expected to see increasing demand for prime-quality graphics, customization, and distinctive field designs. The highest supplying international locations or areas are China, Malaysia, and India, which provide ninety nine%, 1%, and 1% of carton box making machine respectively. Many start-ups are already incorporating advertising and marketing content on their packages and consumers agree that branded packaging has a positive effect on their product choice. The global green packaging market is pushed by authorities and American consumers who now have elevated environmental awareness for all merchandise together with paper packaging items. The primary course of in the manufacturing of cardboard field together with process the raw supplies. Oct 08, 2019 (The Expresswire) – World Corrugated Box Making Machine Market comprehensive analysis of the business models, key ways, and individual market shares of a number of the most outstanding gamers during this panorama. For instance, in the US, the Division of Transportation has jurisdiction and published necessities in Title forty nine of the Code of Federal Rules Corrugated containers are described in 4G requirements. Thus recycling of waste paper is in demand, which can be utilized to supply products like paperboards, binding sheets, sweet field cartons and other packing cartons.
Research analysis on the worldwide corrugated box making machine market identifies that growth in e- commerce business shall be one of many main components that will have a positive affect on the growth of the market. If you’re prepared to get into the cardboard box manufacturing business, we believe it would be a profitable enterprise. Corrugated packaging is finest suited for shipping and transporting various merchandise which can be fragile in nature. 80% of commercial packaging is completed by carton boxes because of efficient cushioning, light weight, simple to manufacture, easy for storing, simple for disposal, no strapping mandatory, printing and promoting benefits, should in export market, recyclable and so on. We specialize in corrugated boxes, customized shows, labels, flexible packaging, folding cartons, rigid boxes, moving and shipping supplies, and specialty and protecting packaging. As a result of corrugated cardboard is such a versatile packaging material, thousands and thousands of tons are used every year to protect and show products. Situated in Faridabad (Haryana, India), we are a Sole Proprietorship agency engaged in offering a excessive-high quality vary of merchandise. Boix delivers tray forming machines in Europe and is the market chief in forming and gluing both corrugated and stable board packaging. It starts by pulping wooden chips utilizing a kraft course of; the preferred tree for the kraft paper is a pine tree. This production line consists of three units:Printing Slotting Die-reducing Unit, Folding Gluing Unit,Stacking Unit(non-compulsory). T-ROC’s automated box making machines are designed to create customized on demand containers of any dimension eliminating the necessity for packing peanuts, bubble wrap and different pointless fillers. Autobox is a subsidiary company of Kolbus AutoBox, which began life within the UK, and was established to convey box making machines to North America. To analyse the Corrugated Field Making Machine market primarily based on various components- value evaluation, supply chain analysis, porter 5 power analysis and so forth. This industry is without doubt one of the vital shoppers of paperboard, producing boxes and cartons for almost all types of business out there. Vertical columns present the most effective field performance whereas interlocking patterns of packing containers considerably scale back performance. The corrugated field market in the US mainly witnesses demand from the food and beverage industry. Like EMEA, the Americas witnessed a gradual growth within the demand for numerous services owing to the economic slowdown throughout 2012-2015. The Corrugated Field Making Machine industry report firstly introduced the Corrugated Box Making Machine Market fundamentals: kind functions and market overview; product specifications; manufacturing processes; value buildings, raw materials and so on. Carton field making machine products are most popular in United States, Mexico, and Bulgaria. Furthermore, it’s a B2B enterprise, so, you need to be capable of produce numerous packing containers to satisfy large orders from companies. 7. The knowledge supplied is based on a typical sort of producing exercise utilizing standard techniques of production at optimum level of performance. With a turnover of over 200 crores, SPB Machinery affords paper related machines for a wide range of merchandise. Nevertheless for high-quality packing containers virgin Kraft continues to be used. Solarco Machinery was based in 1990 and specializes within the production of boxmaking machines designed for mid and brief runs. The start of 2016 witnessed a gradual improve in the demand for corrugated field making machines owing to the rise within the demand for packaging supplies,” provides Gaurav. For partition boxes the half slotted boards are used which might conveniently be produced over a partition spotter machines. Our workforce of in-house experts gives specialised services that will bring your brand to life. Global Corrugated Field Making Machine Market 2019report offers key statistics on the market standing of the Corrugated Field Making Machine Manufacturers and is a precious supply of guidance and direction for corporations and people involved within the Corrugated Box Making Machine Industry.
c channel sizes 
The corrugated field making machine market in EMEA noticed a decline in demand for corrugated packing containers during 2012-2015 in the wake of low crude oil prices, which led to the general economic slowdown within the Center East area. It is now probably the most advanced and multifunctional field making machine, offering every kind of custom-made packaging solutions for end users in addition to field crops. The two liners are then adhered to the board by the machine; the cardboard is then minimize either side with a circular noticed to provide the board straight sides. In style for his or her strength, durability, lightness, recyclability, and value-effectiveness, corrugated containers are used for the delivery of quite a lot of items. If you’re planning to start a cardboard manufacturing business, this text will give you all the necessary details from equipment to legal permissions. As a result of our machines present brief and medium run solutions, providing boxes that meet area of interest customer demands is simple and does not take away from your long-run processes. Because of increasing production in Europe and China, cardboard prices in the USA dropped marginally. With one hundred twenty+ Carton Sealing & Packaging Solutions with all kinds of excessive speed Case Sealers, Carton Sealing Tape, Field Erectors, Box Formers and Excessive Velocity Field Tape Heads, BestPack is your one cease store to automate your packaging course of. The most dominant player in the business is the one-wall corrugated board which accounts for over ninety p.c of all production. Carton Field Machine BM2508-Plus is similar to BM2508 to a big extent, which is a multifunctional carton field packing machine of horizontal slotting and scoring, vertical slitting and creasing, horizontal reducing. We provide world patrons with a whole resource for their packaging needs akin to low-cost China Carton Box Making Machine. A wide variety of carton field making machine options can be found to you, reminiscent of paper bowl machine, envelope making machine, and egg tray machine. Cardboard Help is compensated for referring site visitors and enterprise to those companies. SPB Machinery has one of many largest collection of paper product machines and I have all the time been amazed by their devoted support and after-sales service. It is a perfect tools to supply paper field such like hamburger field, chips field. You now not must depend on third events, but can produce custom packing containers, in small or medium runs, the moment they’re required. These totally different grades of corrugated cardboard will be made by combining totally different grades of kraft paper. You too can choose from ul, ce. In addition to from paper slitting and rewinding machine, winding machine, and printing machine. This report focuses on Skilled World Corrugated Box Making Machine Market 2019-2024 quantity and worth at Global degree, regional level and company level. Glue strength, bursting strength, compression, and highly correct dimensional checks determine the standard of the manufacturing course of. During 1992, more than 25 million tons of corrugated cardboard had been produced in the United States. In this report, Technavio covers the market outlook and development prospects of the worldwide corrugated box making machine market for 2017-2021. As skilled staff run batches of field blanks through the flexo machines, individual boxes are pulled and inspected. Among all facets of the cardboard field manufacturing trade, there has been an exponential enhance in the demand for green manufacturing both by the federal government and customers. The demands of multiple guide handlings, automated sortation, and uncontrolled stacking in vans or air containers put severe stress on boxes, field closures, and the contents. BM2508 is a totally automatic carton box making machine for corrugated cardboard, appropriate for box plant with small amount orders and large dimension cartons, which successfully solves the problem of scattered orders. An entire one cease sourcing platform for packaging & printing suppliers, manufacturers and factories, we are sufficiently big to be able to offer an expanded product line of labels and packaging design capabilities yet small enough to be able to provide the non-public service that is nonetheless so crucial in business at the moment.
The post Official Gazette Of The United States Patent Workplace appeared first on Diy Script.
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joyfulsomm · 5 years
The Aha Moment and How It All Began...
I’ve been told many times along life’s journey that I’m a highly intuitive person. As I reflect upon the beginnings of my career, I guess I am...
Who would have thought that an underaged 17-year old would self-enrol in wine school without the legality to taste? Well, I did. And I passed my WSET Level 1 with a humbling Grade C - C was never an acceptable grade in my family. At the tender age of 17, my only curiosity about wine was: “Why would grapes be named Cabernet??? That sounded like a rhyme to Cabinet. How silly is that?”
By a twist of fate, I landed one of two intern spots at the legendary Raffles Hotel in Singapore - a very special place where the finest wines were poured and dignitaries were served.
One evening after a gruesome front shift at the restaurant (a miraculous night where I was not stationed in the kitchen running dishes and wiping cutleries), a random guest poured me a random glass of wine. That was my AHA! wine... 
The D.R.C Romanée-Saint-Vivant Grand Cru 1990.
I was too young to have known anything about DRC. For those who still do not know DRC, these wines produced by Aubert de Villaine fetches the highest prices in the Burgundian wine market, solely due to its utmost quality and scarce production levels. To add some perspective, a bottle of Romanée-Saint-Vivant 1990 fetches £3500 today, if any’s available at all. A D.R.C 1990 would fetch £15000.
Squatting behind a service station while committing a crime of drinking at work, I had my first sip of AHA, and for the first time in life, I thought I knew what wine should taste like. My limited wine vocabulary would describe the remarkable beverage as “Purely delicious alcoholic grape juice”.
With this new heightened level of enlightenment, life led me to a quest for more knowledge, and in search for similar wine experiences that aroused my senses. 
My mentors probably sensed this eagerness and very soon, I was part of the hotel’s wine team - an elite group of waiters who would serve at prestigious wine dinners and events. I even got to be the ‘taster’ at some events, basically the ‘sip and spit’ kid who got to taste every bottle to ensure they were untainted and good to be served. (Of course, by good fate, I got to taste 36 bottles of D.R.C wines - The Romanée-Saint-Vivants, The Echézeauxs, The Grands Echézeauxs, The Richebourgs, The La Tache, and the D.R.C!).
One could imagine how every wine would taste comme si comme ça after these sublime experiences! It didn't take me long to realise that I will never get to drink wine at all as I rose into adulthood if D.R.C was all i wanted to drink - even millionaires could not get access to these gems at any expense.
Well, life goes on, and I got brought down to earth from my celestial heights. As i journeyed through the world of wine, I’ve learnt that the best wine experiences are shared with friends over many good jokes, with a romantic partner on a quiet beach sipping a 6 euro bottle of rose, or with a really good plate that gets completely transformed with its perfect marriage to wine.
New adventures with wine happen everyday, so keep popping the bottles and keep enjoying the company.
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aion-rsa · 5 years
Neil Gaiman's The Sandman Explained: What to Expect from the Netflix Show
Ahead of the forthcoming Netflix adaptation, here's our guide to Neil Gaiman's classic comic series and what you can expect from the show...
This article comes from Den of Geek UK. 
A Netflix adaptation of Neil Gaiman’s breakout hit The Sandman is on the way to the delight of goths and geeks alike. But what is The Sandman, and why is this comic book series such a big deal? If you’re new to the DC Universe’s most miserable cosmic entity, we’ll try and get you up to speed below...
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What is The Sandman?
We’ll start with the easy one. The Sandman was an ongoing comic series written by superstar author Neil Gaiman, when he was merely British comic book writer Neil Gaiman, and drawn by legendary artists such as Sam Keith, Kelley Jones, Dave McKean, Matt Wagner, Jill Thompson, Marc Hempel, Mike Allred, and many more.
This horror/fantasy epic stars Morpheus, the anthropomorphic embodiment of dreams. Coincidentally, he is also known as Dream, a member of the Endless, the dysfunctional family that also includes Death, Desire, Delirium, Destiny, Despair...and one other...  The series shows how all of these forces interact with humanity in a variety of ways throughout the life of the universe. And if that sounds grandiose, that’s because it is, in an “encompasses all of human (and often non-human) experience” way.
Further Reading: Why The Sandman Is the Essential Horror Comic of the '90s
From the immortal who meets with Dream once every hundred years to Death harvesting souls with an impeccable bedside manner, from a war for control of a Hell abandoned by Lucifer to a tragedy at a serial killer convention, there’s a lot going on in The Sandman's 75-issue original run. But don't worry, the series is a mesmerizing ride through the world of dreams and every realm in between that you won't be able to put down. Once you're hooked, you're absolutely hooked.
The Sandman wasn’t just a good story – it changed the medium. If you’re the sort of person who picks up comics and reads them in collections, well, that’s probably The Sandman’s influence too. As one of the formative comics of the Karen Berger-headed Vertigo line, this series pioneered the idea that ongoing comics series would live longer in the bookstores as six-eight issue collections than as monthlies on the newsstands.
In short, it’s kind of a big deal.
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What is happening with the TV version?
After years of false starts and a number of unproduced TV shows and movies, The Sandman has finally landed at Netflix. Gaiman – who refers to himself as “a retired showrunner” following the completion of Good Omens – will be co-writing the pilot, but no scripts have been produced yet. We can only hope that his influence on the script does justice to what is arguably his finest contribution to literary culture.
Previous versions of Sandman that never happened - which may or may not inform the upcoming one - include a 1990s movie version by Roger Avary and Jon Peters, a 2010 TV version for HBO by James Mangold, a 2011 TV version by Supernatural creator Eric Kripke, and a long-stalled 2013 film project produced by David Goyer and Joseph Gordon-Levitt with a script originally by Jack Thorne.
Further Reading: Upcoming Neil Gaiman Adaptations
Like Dream himself, the list of canceled adaptations seems endless. Fortunately, the popularity of Gaiman’s other creations such as American Gods and Good Omens has clearly left Netflix hungry for a piece of the action. And if you’re going to pick anything to adapt, Sandman is undoubtedly the one with the most potential. Allan Heinberg (Wonder Woman) will be showrunning, so fingers crossed it gets more than a Netflix two-seasons-and-out.
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What will we see?
As a story collected in 10 volumes, the first season of The Sandman won't be able to adapt the whole thing in one go – which will probably be a relief to most fans of the comic series. One of the beautiful things about Sandman is that the concept works both as a long-running epic about Dream’s adventures and the consequences of his actions, and as simple, one-off stories about the members of the Endless touching the lives of humans and other DC characters. Gaiman confirmed that the initial season arc will adapt the first volume of the comics – Preludes and Nocturnes – plus “a little bit more.”
Expect to see the main story of Dream escaping mystical imprisonment after a century or so and going on a quest to recover his totems of power – a pouch of sand, a helm, and a ruby – as well as visiting a former lover he damned to hell, engaging in a battle of wits with Lucifer, and visiting his sister, Death.
Further Reading: Neil Gaiman Wants to Write a New Doctor Who Episode
But on a smaller scale, we might also see adaptations of "Thermidor," in which Morpheus influences the French Revolution; or "A Dream of a Thousand Cats," in which we learn what our feline friends imagine when they sleep (spoilers: it’s not very nice for us); and perhaps even "A Midsummer Night’s Dream," the story in which Dream (first) encounters Shakespeare that won Gaiman & Co. a World Fantasy Award. If any single issue is guaranteed to get an adaptation in season 1, it’ll be The Sandman #8, a story titled The Sound of Her Wings, in which Dream’s sister, Death, is first introduced.
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Is this a DC Universe thing?
The answer here is: sort of. Technically, yes, the characters and events of Sandman take place in the DC Universe, although you don't need to know any DC continuity to follow Gaiman's comic. It's unlikely you'll see many recognizable DC characters on the show, though it could result in some fun cameos if the rights line up. John Constantine was a recurring figure in Sandman’s mythos, and a newly-announced Constantine comic series is even branded as a Sandman spin-off, so maybe that's a possibility.
Further Reading: How Stardust Became a Modern Fantasy Classic
Perhaps more interestingly, Lucifer – a TV show currently owned by Netflix – is based on the comic version of Lucifer that originally spun out of The Sandman and into his own comic series, having abandoned Hell. It’s hard to do Sandman without including Lucifer in some capacity, so one question hangs in the air: will Tom Ellis reprise his role on Sandman? It’s far, far too early to say. But if you’re a fan of Lucifer, cross your fingers…
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How can I read Sandman?
If you’re interested in reading Sandman – and you absolutely should be because it’s one of those series that absolutely lives up to the hyperbole – there are a number of ways to do so. The main series is collected in ten trade paperbacks, numbered Volumes 1 to 10. Frustratingly, Volume 1 is the ropiest of them all, but once you get halfway through, it gets really good. It’s worth persevering.
A “Volume 0”, Sandman: Overture, forms a prequel to these ten volumes, while the original graphic novel Sandman: Endless Nights presents stand-alone tales of The Endless, best read after the main series. Sandman: Dream Hunters is a stand-alone prose story which has been adapted into a comic, while Death got two series of her own, now available as collections: The High Cost of Living and The Time of Your Life.
If you’re only going to read ONE book, Fables and Reflections (Vol. 6) is the one to try – it’s a collection of several standalone stories that don’t rely on the ongoing story to make sense.
So, fingers crossed the TV show does this justice. And even if it doesn’t, well, let’s not worry too much. The comic still exists, after all, and that’s more than good enough.
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James Hunt
Jul 12, 2019
The Sandman
Neil Gaiman
from Books https://ift.tt/2xKIqY5
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martyrbat · 1 year
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world's finest (1990) #1
[ID: two in-universe drawings from two different orphan children talking about their heros. The first one is by Ann Gray, who's eight years old. She drew a surprisingly decent photo of Batman in front of a yellow background and wrote, ‘My hero — Batman. He is strong and fierce and he can beat anyone. He is very tall. He wears a cool suit with a bat on. He is not afrade of bullits and he saved my life (true). No one nows his reel name or address. the biggist crinminel in all the world could not make him sorender. Batman keeps gothum city safe for everyone and pets.’
The second drawing is by Zachary Sikes who's 12 and a half years old. He drew a photo of Superman using his heat vision as he flies. He wrote, ‘My Hero — Superman. My hero is Superman. He is able to fly and I have seen him lift up a car (with 2 peeple in it). If you hit him in the face then he will just laff. Every one likes him and he saved my life once. The big S on his shirt is for his name (Superman). He lives in Metroplis (where I used to life also). He keeps everything there in law and order.’ END ID]
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martyrbat · 8 months
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world's finest (1990) #1
[ID: two of the same photos of Superman, the first with a transparent background and the second with a black background. In both of them, he's sprawled out on his back and is mostly concealed by shadow—leaving his face obscured and only his S emblem on his chest visible as his cape is flared out behind him and above his head. He's against a white circle that almost resembles a pill. END ID]
mutuals lets take superpills together.....
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