#c: snowflake
ladystoneboobs · 4 months
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theon's thoughts of his existing black wardrobe when considering the watch has been talked of plenty, but let's not ignore the rest of this fantasy which is imo even funnier. bc a) he remembers jon snow joining the nw as a selling point but fails to consider what it would mean to meet jon again after taking wf and supposedly killing bran and rickon and b) he describes it as a life of honor but assumes he can bed wildling women, which watchmen usually see as the most dishonorable kind of sex, not just patronizing the whores south of the wall but sleeping with the enemy. his newly-turned and fleeting ambitions of captaining a ship at eastwatch, rising to first ranger and even lord commander look downright logical and realistic compared with forgetting the celibacy vows and the motive he's just given jon snow--who never really liked him to begin with--to oathbreak by murdering him on sight. (tho, funnily enough he is kinda foreshadowing jon's soon approaching experience of sex with a wildling woman and facing accusations that his black cloak was indeed turned, even after rising to the position of lord commander. biggest difference is jon did not plan and go looking for a wildling lover, was unaware of his own possible princehood, and ygritte likely would not care about jon's royalty except to joke about it if they did know.)
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dire-vulture · 4 months
Who's your favorite dragon to draw?
oooh that's tough.. honestly i don't draw repeat dragons all that much but. i think Yazeena, Myosotis, and Glacier are contenders!
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thank you for asking!! this was fun to think about haha
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ranatsume · 2 months
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Got my order today from Sunset Valley Orchids! Total of 6 seedling plants. I’m currently waiting for their 2024 cymbidium and cattleya division lists to come out. So I might splurge a bit more!
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Slc. Virginia Dickey 'Diamond Orchids' AM/AOS x Slc. Barefoot Mailman 'H and R'
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Iwan. Appleblossom (Dial. Snowflake 'H and R' 4N x Blc. Orange Nugget 'Kadaoka')
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Slc. Exotic Red Extreme (Slc. Seagulls Apricot 'Majestic' x Sl. Mini Pet 'My Pet')
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Lc. Arctic Moon 'Rochelle' x C. Victorian Lace 'Diamond Orchids'
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Diacm. (Caul.) bicornutum (x self)
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Lc. Mari’s Magic (Lc. Tokyo Magic 'Hihimanu' x Lc. Mari’s Song 'CTM217' HCC/AOS)
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meownotgood · 1 year
I'm fucking the snow devil Aki with his icicle penis
thank you for your input. I'm so glad I can count on my followers to have the most insightful and professional takes.
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shoverse · 7 months
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coffinseas · 1 year
"You didn't get me any chocolate? Me, your beloved roommate who you'd kill and die for?"
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the-merry-otter · 1 year
Yanno, I feel like I’d enjoy Christmas a lot more if it wasn’t blisteringly hot and basically the wrong time of year entirely
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s0lsticebirdy · 2 years
ok so in the next live of s/c/a/r/e/c/r/o/w they need to sub “He burns my skin Never mind about the shape I'm in“  for “Green fur, blue skin. And the very silly way you grin” like they did “fight me for an apple” during our lady of sorrows
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imeverycliche · 2 years
I woke up and I have a mashup of MCR songs, this happens sometimes, but it's every snowflake and Scarecrow. "GREEN FUR, BLUE SKIN, AND THE VERY SILLY WAY YOU GRIN I'll keep you safe tonight"
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ladystoneboobs · 2 months
no of fence to jon snow fans who for some reason care about his exact age, but these discussions just annoy me no end. not only bc there's no way any weirwood flashbacks bran has to rhaegar/lyanna will come with time/datestamps, but also bc there's always comments like this:
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SEVERAL turns of the moon (ie, months)?! have these people never seen a human baby before or just have no concept of their ages? even if we take into account travel time from the toj to wf, meaning jon was not a newborn too fresh out the oven when catelyn and robb arrived, there's still a difference between a newborn and a 3mo and an even bigger difference between those infants and an older baby 5-7mo. there's very good reasons these lines were cut. whatever birthdates can be worked out internally for jon and robb from when they're first mentioned as 15 and 16 don't matter in the end, bc grrm doesn't care about a consistent timeline and the actual text of catelyn's pov and ned's convo with robert about cheating on her should outweigh any guesstimates about jon's official nameday wrt robb's. catelyn may not have cared for jon, but she would sure as hell have noticed his nameday if it came before robb's and made him ned's firstborn. if jon's birthday canonically came before robb's then either ned's cover story would not involve adultery (not impossible for him to sire a bastard before his wedding), or he'd just give jon a new nameday along with his new name to fit the adultery lie. it makes no sense for him to lie about one and not the other, undermining the big lie with a little public clue of his story not adding up. whatever else she was as a stepmother, cat wasn't stupid and a bastard who was actually the eldest son being raised alongside her trueborn heir could be an even bigger insult than whether he was born of adultery or not.
BUT, the unknowability of jon's true birthday is not the only reason this annoys me, it's bc this is all based on the assumption that jon must be older since rhaegar/lyanna ran off together before ned married cat, as if both boys must have been conceived asap as robb canonically was when his parents consummated their marriage. and that's not how human reproduction works! even if you don't understand how fast babies grow in the first year, you should know that people who get pregnant do so through ovulation cycles and a lucky sperm finding an egg and all that, not just immediately getting knocked up as soon as one has p-in-v sex for the first time. not unless you only know mean girls sex ed where if you have sex you will get pregnant and die. (even tho lyanna did die, there's plenty of canon examples where pregnancy did not lead straight to death. also examples of people who did not get pregnant right away and even some who are/were sexually active and childless without always having moon tea on hand.) we can't know how long lyanna was having sex before that sperm+egg match happened or even how long she was with rhaegar before losing her technical virginity. if they were married, doesn't it make sense to think they didn't consummate their relationship until the wedding night either? that's the only leverage there is to ensure a status as wife rather than just mistress.
and while i just said grrm doesn't care about exact timelines and a lot is still foggy surrounding the rebellion and esp rhaegar, there is one timemarker wrt robert's rebellion he voluntarily threw in, time and time again: that stannis was besieged at storm's end for almost a whole year. that siege, which mind you, did not match the duration of the entire war. it only started after robert won his battles at gulltown and summerhall, returned to storm's end, and then went out and lost the battle of ashford, leaving his homeland open to the reachermen. the same siege which only ended when ned made a detour there after the sack of king's landing, before going to the toj. even if lyanna may not have given birth that exact day ned found her, she could only be waiting in that bloody bed for weeks at the most, not months. so if rhaegar knocked her up the very same night he carried her off and jon was still a newborn when ned found her after the siege of storm's end had ended, wouldn't that mean lyanna was pregnant for well over a year? that's not how human pregnancy works either! so, maybe that's proof that jon and robb, whichever order they were actually born in, were actually very close in age as babies, much closer than if they were both conceived asap.
and really, jon's actual birthdate does not matter imho, when he was raised not just as the bastard to robb's trueborn heir, but with robb also known by catelyn and the world as ned's firstborn (which he was, in any case, as jon was ned's nephew by birth). what difference could a birthdate before robb's make (even were there some means of discovery) after ned, cat, and robb are all dead? if one is looking only at his birth parents then he's only a firstborn child on lyanna's side, but definitely a second son on rhaegar's side. maybe he was always meant to be a second son with a not much older half-brother! even if the aegon fka young griff is not in fact rhaegar's son, he'll still be known as aegon vi targaryen, meaning jon will never be known as any father's elder son. if i may reference mean girls again, it's not going to happen.
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themostfangtastic · 2 years
imagine for wwwy fest they just played every snowflake’s different just like you
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thewingedwolf · 1 year
i literally hate my sansa tag (16 year old me was trying to be poetic okay) but i haven’t come across a tag or quote i like better yettttttt i also don’t have a specific Sansa Song, i have Stark Songs but not one specific to her. i keep saving all the Sansa art and meta to my drafts and being like “i’ll queue it when i think of a tag” but like george lying about twow ever being released, i am lying to myself about coming up with a tag anytime soon lmao
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bea-lele-carmen · 2 years
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guideaus · 2 years
that cs/m content warning post got put on my dash, and it reminded me i saw someone making fun of it, and i still cant believe it. like i guess u can nitpick parts of it not being perfect (which is also strange because i dont see anyone else really posting their own superior one), but the person essentially referred to the entire thing as a "callout", and laughed at the idea of that and its like ???
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gougarpaw · 2 years
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Snowflake is a kitten.
Cloudy is a kitten.
Icicle is a kitten.
- Kits of Minty + Willie, siblings of Sniff
-according to vicky, Cloudy was a pale gray and white she-cat with blue eyes, Icicle was a sturdy, sleek-furred pale gray tom with blue eyes, a white chest and muzzle, and a white marking down his forehead, and Snowflake was a dark gray she-cat.
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coffinseas · 2 years
The ad had been posted over two weeks ago, and he was starting to lose faith that anyone would answer it. Were people really that well-off that they didn’t need to split the rent? Were they are in college dorms? If they were, wouldn’t they rather have a nice, cushy apartment with their own room? It was in a pretty good area, too!
Well, sort of. It was near campus, and close enough to a few busy streets, but just a block down was home to a few dilapidated buildings. Maybe that was what was putting people off?
Maybe they just thought it was too good to be true?
Whatever it was, he was starting to get frustrated. His hot chocolate remained untouched as it rested on the edge of the couch, and all he was doing was staring at the ceiling. 
Then, just as he was beginning to fall asleep, his phone vibrated right on its perch — his chest. He snatched it up immediately, staring down at the notification flashing on his screen.
Someone wanted to see the place. Someone wanted to see the place!!! 
He sat up and furiously texted back, asking the person when they’d like to come over, date and time. Then, without waiting for a response, he jumped off the couch and got to tidying up the space.
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