#c!wilbur 🤝 c!quackity: getting along solely because of their attachment to c!Tommy
cryingtulips · 1 month
Final piece written for @dsmp-eras! This event was really fun and I'm glad I was able to participate :D
It haunts his dreams, the tears marking a young face as Tommy lets out guttural sobs while Wilbur rows away. Hearing them, at the time, almost made Wilbur turn back. Because Wilbur said he wasn’t going to hurt Tommy anymore, his baby brother, and that he would keep him safe. But he can’t do that if he stays. He knew if he stayed, Tommy would get hurt again. And Wilbur promised he wouldn’t hurt Tommy anymore. - Or, after leaving the server, c!Wilbur has no choice but to confront the consequences of his decision
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