#c!dreambur and c!awesamdream are really basic ships for c!dream tbh
dr3amofagame · 11 months
Well people have shipped c!tntduo and considering that whole ship is I don't think about you at all from c!quackity side well people have shipped weider for far less also is it really a c!dream ship if there's not even a dash of obsession, possessiveness, and a bit of twisted love
well honestly c!tntduo is kinda canon i just think it's boring (sorry 😅) and most content that i see of it doesn't really appeal to me. c!dreambur and c!awesamdream as ships on their own are well top tier to me and also like, the relationships themselves are EXTREMELY important to c!dream's character so i really don't think it's weird at all to ship either of them i'm like honestly consistently very surprised that people dont ship c!dreambur more but then again everyone acts like c!dream just spawned in after november 16th so,, LMAO.
c!awesambur on the other hand, have like a total interaction count that can probably be counted on one hand and have like no interactions at all after c!wilbur is revived. which is a shame because i think about them interacting LITERALLY on the daily. they should be crazy insane at each other it would fix absolutely nothing and make so many things worse for c!dream specifically but man would it be entertaining as fuck
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