#by saying there are exceptions to who deserves bodily autonomy you are painting a target on YOUR bodily autonomy
uncanny-tranny · 1 year
If you think a transphobe will differentiate between, for instance, a trans person getting masculinizing top surgery and a cis person getting a mastectomy because of breast cancer, you are fundamentally misunderstanding how transphobia and even misogyny impacts everybody. If you think there is a way to be anti-bodily autonomy toward trans people in a way that won't impact everybody's access to bodily autonomy, you are fundamentally misunderstanding what bodily autonomy means, and what it looks like to have that threatened. This isn't a mere matter of disagreement. This is, again, a fundamental problem.
You can not suppress trans people's access to bodily autonomy in a way that excludes all cis people and includes all trans people.
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