spaceodette · 11 years
YOU’RE IT! Rules are: copy this to 10 other beautiful people/blogs who you think deserve this message! Keep the game going and make everyone feel beautiful! (Also, your picture there? Is that you? It looks like you. I am freaking out. Mona, you beauty! *serenades beneath window*)
Eeeep, thank you, Katie!
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barbie-shoes · 11 years
butyouveneverbeeninlove replied to your photo: Some of you were asking a while back for me to...
…holy shit. How do you art?
Practice, trial and error, practice, take classes, practice, do it a lot, practice.
Practice, practice, practice!
Seriously. I was not one of these people who were born with the ability to draw. I am still jealous of such people because I work really hard to do it! But I was born wanting to, so I tried till I could!
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ryaninthesky12 · 12 years
butyouveneverbeeninlove asked a question
Trick: metal.
Emma fell to one knee in the dirt. It was completely the wrong time, the wrong way; everything wrong. She didn't even have a ring, but she reached around and unclasped the necklace from around her neck, holding the metal swan pendant lightly in her shaking fingers. They'd never done anything the right way, after all.
"I love you, Regina." Her voice came out in a whisper, and she wet her lips with her tongue, trying to find something stronger. "When we fought, the first time...do you remember? It was all I could do not to press you up against that damn tree and take you right there." She laughed. "You probably would have had me hung from it if I'd tried. Even then, we matched. You, me, Henry; we were always a family, no matter how messed up. And I know what you're thinking; you don't have to say it. I should shut up now while I'm behind, right? The most important speech of my life, and I'm screwing it up." She passed a hand over her neck, rubbing. "So, I'll just get to it. Regina, will you marry me?"
Emma raised the necklace, brushing back strands of dark hair to clasp it around Regina's neck, arraigning it to center on the woman's unmoving chest. She pressed a kiss to deep red lips, pausing a moment despite herself, but there was no answering tremble, no life-bringing pulse of magic. Some fairy tales don't have happy endings.
Emma rocked back on her heels and up, not bothering to brush the dirt off her jeans. She was already covered in blood - some her own, most not. There was no point in it. Tears streaked down her face and she wiped at them absently, painting death on her face in streaks of red and brown. Letting the lid of the coffin fall closed - plain wood; there hadn't been time for anything else - Emma picked up her father's sword and headed back to Storybrooke.
Rumpelstiltskin had wanted a monster, and now it was time to pay the price.
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YOU’RE IT! Rules are: copy this to 10 other beautiful people/blogs who you think deserve this message! Keep the game going and make everyone feel beautiful!
thank you baby:3
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spaceodette · 12 years
kleodora replied to your photoset: A work in progress of a portrait of Anna I am...
gorgeous <3
Iiieeee, thank you! <3
butyouveneverbeeninlove replied to your post: butyouveneverbeeninlove replied to...
Stop, you’re making me jealous… ;) aaah. It’s so lovely. <3
Ahaha, any time... ;) And aaah, so are you. :') <3
annacalvi-and-cricket replied to your photoset: A work in progress of a portrait of Anna I am...
Oh my… Those lips… I’m surrounded by such talent!
I am very glad you like them! I am not really sure about the rest of it, but I think the lips definitely turned out the way I wanted them to! 
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officerparker · 12 years
Wow, okay. I'm not reply to all of that for fear of repeating myself when we're clearly getting nowhere here, and I honestly don't care. I really, really don't care that you dislike Regina. So be it. I love her enough for the both of us. But one thing stuck out that screamed "BULLSHIT" more than the rest of your post: Regina never tried to kill Emma. Because killing Emma would mean breaking the curse. The poisoned apple was supposed to put her into an eternal sleep. Quite poetic, considering.
If the only thing in my post you really felt the need to reply to because obviously it was the only thing you could actually question, then I rest my case. 
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helenas-angel-blog · 12 years
Ah, happy birthday!! :D Hope you have a wonderful day.
Thanks sweetie :D
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"#um kid's got his mom who looked after him for 10 yrs and is perfectly capable of doing so now too" Yeah, THAT. Every time I see that gifset. JFC.
seriously sometimes I get so annoyed with this things UGH!!!
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spaceodette · 12 years
butyouveneverbeeninlove replied to your photoset: A work in progress of a portrait of Anna I am...
Holy crappppp. gimme yer skillzzz. ;) This is beautiful. <3 And, mm, yes… her lips… <3 ehehe
Hahaha, thank you very much, Katie! I am glad you like it! <3 And her lips, yes... mmm... They were rather fun to do- they were larger than life, and I had to keep gently blowing on them to remove tiny specks of oil pastel... ehehe ;) <3
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nadjule · 12 years
It's your birthday? HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! I hope you have a lovely day.
Thank you, thank you :)
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