#but yeah I keep forgetting that Avery would be a really exhausting experience bc she’s such a pleasant game mechanic
dol-dee · 3 months
I Have to keep reminding myself that Avery is a just as shitty experience (and person( as other npcs, since as a player, who’s always in control, they’ve been a purely positive encounter for me.
She only pops up once a week and throws a bunch of cash at you for a relatively small chunk of game time. An incredible W for what’s really easy money.
But if I actually consider what that would entail, then yeah jfc.
She literally clocks a vulnerable person in a school uniform, presents herself as charming, helpful and kind and proceeds to take them out for coffee. To groom them into her sugar baby (AND THEN ASKS THIS POOR FUCKING ORPHANED STUDENT TO GET THEMSELF CLEANED UP FOR A DATE??? AVERY HAVE YOU CHECKED THE AMOUNT OF MONEY THOSE CLOTHES COST??)
(honestly I feel like you could jack up Avery’s encounter difficulty just by them gaining rage or commenting on your clothes/maybe even breaking off the date if you wear the same outfit too many times , although that would also mean they’d have to add more formal clothes into the game)
She gets upset as soon as you don’t play into her expectations (wants you to drink but god forbid if you want to eat smth of substance and not a shitty salad, while she gets the fancy ass fish soup with gold flakes. Literally gets miffed about you taking the lead when dancing, even if it makes her look better)
Expects you to give her your attention and energy, to uphold the facade, to appear interested and invested without having to actually engage with another human being (except for a surface level like: what the fuck is wrong with her to actually ask the player how their school grades are?? Insane)
(honestly Avery, babes, beloved , you’re expecting a lot from a - checks game - canonically 16 whoops, I mean 18 year old. I don’t know the rates of professional escorts but I feel like you might be underpaying you sugar babies lmao)
Not to mention all of the skills and energy you’d need. I’m getting tired just thinking about it. You’d need to be able to read people, be well spoken, decent at acting or lying, either be charismatic and charming or confident enough to make that aloof thing work for you. Confident in your looks/body/make up skills, experienced to a degree in sex and be able to dance?…. Avery you’re DEFINITELY underpaying those sugar babies fnfnfn
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