#but yeah!! the logistics of the rpc??
soulrph 2 years
what type of questions would you be answering? as some one who used to run a rph, it sounds like that's something you'd be transitioning to just more indie focused. which is a need but also, so much of the rph space seems to be an echo chamber so i'd worry a little about that. ultimately, though, do what makes you excited.
nothing fancy! but you know, new people join the rpc every single day. it took me YEARS to learn the basics, and sometimes it can be really really scary to reach out and ask for help or advice in a new place! questions surrounding the "rules" of tumblr rpc, the stuff that we end up knowing without realizing it. like how we don't ask someone why they didn't follow us, sure, but also people who wanna know about icons, fonts, text colours, stuff like that! questions that we know the answers to, but that new people in out community might be unaware of!
i could fill libraries with the mistakes i've made in the rpc. and i was embarrassed at the time i made them, but you know something? i love that i'm able to answer questions now, and offer help to those who need it, while looking back on the memories i have of my early days here and laughing my ass off at them.
anyway! those questions, but not more personal ones. like. you know when problems arise and emotions and histories get involved? i wouldn't be helpful there at all! my way of resolving conflicts on personal levels will differ from others, and it's a slippery slope that nobody needs!
but i always feel so sad when people ask questions and follow it up with an apology. like "hey, i'm really sorry to bother you, there's no need to answer this, but if you don't mind, what's an icon?"
like if i can create a space where people feel safe and comfortable enough to ask for help without needing to apologize or diminish the issue, then i'll be one happy woman! we're a community. what sort of community would we be if we didn't help one another?
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asryr 10 months
what ethnicity do you think the mikaelsons should be, if nordic isn't correct? just curious!
hi!! please sit with me for this, because we're gonna talk about the absolute mess that is the tvdu lore since jp insisted that mystic falls should be the centre of the world, completely missing why everything was happening to fells church in the books. putting under the cut because i couldn't stop rambling i fear.
so, the mikaelsons being nordic is absolutely fine. in fact i think they did something really cool by making them vikings and they missed potential from that by never going any deeper with it. astryr isn't half black because i think the mikaelsons should be poc, that is another issue that actually came about from a couple of months of discussion with a friend.
the problem is, unfortunately, klaus. i'll be honest and say i think it's really dumb that jp had the mikaelsons arrive in america a bit too early when it's well known that vikings had a presence in england and there are even confirmed settlements in canada. it would have been so easy for them to put their human home in england as farmers, which is why i do that in my canon so that there's no whitewashing going on with klaus. it would have also made sense with the accents in my opinion. or, even, to say that most of them were born before they travelled to america.
but. canon does insist that the mikaelsons after elijah were born in mystic falls. which causes the problem. it was already iffy that klaus' father would be a white man since he was the alpha of a pack of local wolves, but you could have room there if you fiddled some things around and said ansels pack and the mikaelsons were all part of a nordic settlement that travelled there together.
then s4 gave us the origin of werewolves, which actually brings in a different problem i have with the casting in tvdu (the french quarter being overwhelmingly white, making the lebonairs one of the first werewolves that all descend from a native tribe yet all the nola wolves are white, the fact when they did cast poc it was usually as a villain.) but yeah. s4 confirmed all werewolf packs came from one native tribe. and logistically that is a problem, cause at that time period? it makes absolute no sense at all that the werewolves in mystic falls would be white. it'd still be...odd even if the mikaelsons did go to england instead but we're already fucking with history so who's to say that some of those original werewolves didnt run so far that they crossed the ocean too.
instead....yeah, i'm sorry but if ansel was from mystic falls. if he's a werewolf alpha. he should NOT be white. he should be native. like, objectively, klaus should have been half native. which, ofc, i'm never gonna hold that against klaus writers because joseph is amazing in the role, and the majority of the tvd rpc knows this and has taken steps around it.
anyway, that got long. tldr; the mikaelsons being nordic is perfect from a writing standpoint if you want to ground them from the books, but by their own lore klaus should be half native and i will fight jp in the parking lot of hell.
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shallliveoninsong 3 months
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Tumblr media
PRONOUNS : They/Them or She/Her
PREFERENCE OF COMMUNICATION : IMs, either on here on on discord, tho definitely discord if we're moots and have been interacting for a while since I swear dumblr doesn't notify me half the time I have a new message OTL
NAME OF MUSE(s) : Jing Yuan, Lady (birthname Mary), Sushang, Hook, Sissel, the Reader, and Androbeles/[REDACTED]
BEST EXPERIENCE : I dunno it's really hard to pin down one! I will say I really miss when the ygo rpc was more active because a lot of fun shenanigans and cool threads happened there.
RP PET PEEVES / DEALBREAKERS : Throwing tantrums at me ooc or yelling at me for not replying fast enough ooc or ic--yeah unfortunately this has happened.
Also making a bunch of blogs only to abandon them very quickly or hop between them but really not rp. Or taking long gaps in activity only upon return to drop everything that was started before, do a buncha starter calls and etc disappear into the void and do it all over again and again. Taking a long time to reply is perfectly okay with me, but doing the above feels like attention pandering and that I'm being treated more like a follower count/likes dispenser and just makes me want to unfollow.
I'm a sucker for characters with tortured pasts, too much responsibility on their shoulders, or mommy/daddy/family issues. Also I like my musses to get to go a lil evil sometimes, whether it be due to an AU or the muse just being a villain.
PLOTS OR MEMES : Both! I usually like to start with memes to break the ice and then after a note or two pop into IMs to make some jokes and then talk about where things could go from there! Of course, sometimes for certain muse combinations logistics need to be ironed out first so of course wanna plot for that so we can both have some context of how/why our muses are interacting in the first place.
LONG OR SHORT REPLIES : Really short I'll do for crack and shenanigs but that's it. I try and keep proper threads to multi para, usually around 3 paragraphs but sometimes I accidentally write a novel and I am so sorry never feel pressured to match when I accidentally do that ^^;
BEST TIME TO WRITE : Evening, I'm a night owl but alas work makes me go to bed earlier than I'd like.
ARE YOU LIKE YOUR MUSE(S) : In some respects! My muses that are trying to be easygoing and friendly I have personality crossover with them.
tagged by: Stole it from dash! Tagging: @maskednihilism and anyone who hasn't done it yet and wants to!
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Wednesday February 22, 2018
post #44
main points:
- crypto midterm
- $4 pizza at blaze
- workout
- fortnite to celebrate passing this hw
- i felt like a lot happened today and it was a good, #memorable day聽
today i:
- woke up around 10:30am. i decided to skip prog language discussion to better prepare for the crypto midterm.聽
- went to east campus around 12pm, giving me 20 minutes to get there. i tried to take the T but it was like 10 minutes away so i decided to walk. but walking took a little too long so i had to jog from central to the class. i bumped into brian in the alleyway behind the building on his scooter. i was running and he was scooting. it was pretty funny. we got there just in time (around 12:18pm)
- took the crypto midterm 12:20pm - 1:35pm. honestly i don鈥檛 think it was too bad. there was a lot of memorization aspects to it which was weird. like the kind of test where you either know something or you don鈥檛 know it. usually on CS exams it鈥檚 more problem solving on the fly, and you figure it out as you go. this was the first test i鈥檝e taken in a while where it鈥檚 memorization based (sort of, there鈥檚 still a degree of understanding needed to problem solve on some of the questions). but yeah we finished around 1:35pm. i鈥檓 hoping i did a bit above average...?聽
- walked over to blaze with brian, tyrone, ryan, kiran, and mark to get $4 pizza. apparently this was a deal they had only today. it was pretty dope
we finished eating around 3pm ish, and tyrone and i went back to my place. he had to pick up his scarf he left at my apt like 2 weeks ago. we also played a bit of smash but he had to go figure out some logistics with a TensorFlow workshop he was helping out with later today. the workshop was scheduled for 6pm but the place they booked wasn鈥檛 available until 6:30pm
- worked briefly on the last test case (TestBackup2B) and got some intuition for why it might be failing. jotted some notes down and then went to the gym with brian
- we did a lot of upper body stuff with arms. i鈥檓 gonna be so sore tomorrow morning. i think we did biceps, triceps, deltoids and maybe some other stuff. we started with rowing machines, then some weight lifting, then the rope pull down thing and machine where you push up with your arms. idk how to describe it.
after that i ran 10 laps at the end cause i haven鈥檛 been to the gym in over a week, so i still wanted to get some cardio in.聽
- stopped by the groceries on the way home. i originally wanted to just buy bananas and eggs but i ended up buying chicken tenders, yogurt, pasta, and alfredo. i want to make chicken alfredo pasta this weekend :P and see how it goes
- got back to my place around 7pm, made tofurky, eggs and broccoli. frozen broccoli honestly sucks. lesson learned. most of the pieces are just roots of the broccoli and just tastes awful. heated up my leftover pizza from blaze (two slices) and that was my dinner. i finished eating at like 7:30pm
chilled for a bit, took a long shower, and got to working at around 9:15pm. i FIGURED OUT THE LAST TEST CASE. and also fixed another thing i was having issues with.聽
my problem was that in the appendentries RPC handler, i was trying to truncate on the condition that two conflicting logs didn鈥檛 match at some point, starting from the end. but this doesn鈥檛 guarantee that it鈥檒l work cause what if they have multiple mismatching logs. it鈥檚 a small thing that i didn鈥檛 think about but the fix was to iterate backwards from the end checking for when they first find the equivalent index instead. i was so happy. all 7 test cases passing. only took me like... 30 hours. i honestly don鈥檛 know if that鈥檚 an exaggeration or not. but it鈥檚 super rewarding
to celebrate, me brian and dimitri played fortnite. dimitri wanted to play tonight and i kept saying i had to finish part B tonight. he was messing around but i wanted to play fortnite too. which was why i was so happy i finished part B!1!!111
- played fortnite from 11pm - 12:30am. it was okay, brian had a lot of connection issues and froze/disconnected in the last two-three games. dimitri died pretty early in two of the games. we got a lot to improve on :P聽
that鈥檚 about it聽
pretty productive day. gonna wake up for a 9:30am tomorrow morning... it鈥檚 1:31am. gonna pass out now
good night
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