#but yeah!!!! i did it! i made an appointment!!! i am incredibly happy rn!!!!
theydoctor · 1 year
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dfwemelie · 5 years
August 5th. I finally got my phone back from the cruise and omfg I wanna go back so bad. It was so incredibly fun and I met alot of amazing people. I met Gage, Taylor, Emma, Destiny, Dezi, Josh, Jacob, DJ, Andre, Adam, Daniel, Ty, Preston, Eddy, Aiden, and so many more people. It was such an experience and definitely the best birthday I've ever had. None of them are gonna read this but thank you to everyone who made my first cruise and my 16th birthday so awesome. I love and will miss everyone.
I got to watch Gavin today cause Sebastian has a eye doctors appointment which is not fun for me. I also have to get my school schedule today cause I wasnt able to on the 1st cause I was in Cozumel. I'm really hoping I get classes with my friends. I'll be upset if I didn't but itll be okay. If I dont I'll just be known as the quiet girl again.
August 6, I have to force myself to stop liking swedish boy but ngl it's so fucking hard. Hes perfect for me. God fucking damn it why does he gotta live so far. Why do I have to get so attached to people so quickly. I just get left in agonizing pain again and again. it's just a constant state of heartbreak. I hate this. I hate myself. He told me hes forcing himself to stop liking me cause he knows there is no way of us meeting. That really broke me. I keep saying it's fine but it's not. Why do I do this to myself. Why cant I just stay away from all of it like I wanted to in the first place. None of it matters anymore. I guess the only thing I can try to do is move on. I was talking to Parker about it and he said if he really did like me then he would try all he could to make it work. Ugh I just wish he could make it work. Hes not my cute swedish boi anymore, just a guy I met on tiktok. It hurts saying that but that's all itll ever be now. My tiny little sliver of hope that I had was incinerated by the flames of tragedy. I gotta move on. I dont wanna move on. I have to though. It hurts. Its weird not seeing his name as Swedish boi now when he texts me. He asked me to change it.
August 9th, I went driving today and i did kinda good. I went on Birnhamwoods and i was scared but i did good. My mom doesnt know how to give directions. Other than that I've just been in bed all day again. I've been watching Jane The Virgin season 5 with Misty and so many things are happening it's great. Theres 5 days till school and I want to go back but I really dont want to. First I'm gonna have to see Gage and that's gonna be hella awkward. We havent talked since he blocked me like a month or 2 ago. I also have to give Scott his stuff back and that's really gonna hurt. I don't tell anyone but I still wear his jacket sometimes. I know it's bad and I need to stop but I cant help it. I cant help the fact I still miss him. But now I gotta give it back to him. By me doing that it means its really over. I guess that's how its gonna be now. Just over. I gotta ignore the fact that I loved him and he was my first. But now it's gone and I have to accept that. I'm just gonna stop trying ya know. Im tired of getting my heart broken. I just need to be alone from everyone for awhile.
August 10th, Yesterday I was playing with the boys and needed to switch the party from my phone to the xbox. My headset was dead so I asked sebastian for his charger cause I lost mine. He said no but I took it anyways. He knew I was gonna take it so he rat me out to my parents and told me to give it back. I asked if I could borrow it again and he said no. I was angry so I grabbed his headset and threw it on the ground, breaking it. My dad heard and ran up the stairs and started yelling at me. He told me to clean my room so I locked myself in the bathroom. They took my phone, xbox cable, and TV cable. My mom tried talking to me but I didn't say anything, only that I wanted my phone back. While everyone was distracted I grabbed pillows, blankets, markers, and my fan and slept in the bathroom as a protest. At around 1am my mom gave me back my phone and said she deleted everything. I was pissed. But I'm fine now.
I went driving today again. We went through benders and looked at the rich people houses. Must be nice not being broke. I also drove to Kroger which I was nervous about since there were so many cars but I did good. I even parked, not perfectly but in the spot. My dad felt bad about yesterday and got me Starbucks. School is starting up soon and I'm excited to see kaylie but that's it. Not looking forward to giving Scott his jacket back. I'm just gonna walk up to him, say nothing, and hand it to him. I'm gonna stop talking about it before I start crying again lol
August 14th,First day of school and I've already cried twice. Scott kept talking about how he broke up with me and how he feels bad about how he did it and regrets it. Then he asked me about Gavin was and I said he really fucking misses him, cause he does. Then the bell rang and I cried walking out. Other than that it was an okay day. Coach Clair remembered me and I was really happy about that. Also my son Jadon is in that class and that made me happy.
August 15th, I'm in chemistry rn and I fucking hate it. I don't think there are any juniors in here and it sucks. I feel like shjt that I failed this class. It wasn't my fault though. I really hate this. It makes me really nervous and anxious and emotional. I'm not gonna cry but I wish I could. Everyone knows eachother and I don't know anyone. I wish I was in Physics instead but i guess that's harder than Chemistry. Now I'm in level chemistry so its gonna be easier cause I struggled with how fast they were teaching.
Looks like I gotta reset my days clean tonight.
I met this guy named Allon yesterday. I see him everyday since he's in my culinary and he's also in my history and my English. He seems cool and is friends with Eugene. Culinary was fun today, we did a speed dating thing and it was awkward at first but once we got to talking to everyone it was easy.
August 16th, its Friday. School is done for the week. I was upset today cause they changed my history teacher and I loved him. Now they put me with this monotone teacher Mr.Horton. it's weird cause there is only like 10 kids in that class. I am now also in Livestock production and there are 12 student in there including me now. I don't know why some of the classes are so small, there are over 2,000 students at gohs now. In culinary we had to split up in groups and I went with Eugene, Allon, Adam, and Tamara. They are a really fun group. I almost feel bad for leaving Michael to be in a group with a bunch of people he doesnt know but he would've had to choose to sit with them or Eugene so I sat with them so he didnt have to. I had alot of fun. I already know culinary is gonna be my favorite class this year. Mrs.Langley says we aren't allowed to choose our groups this year but I hope she changes her mind. Allon seems really nice. I got his snapchat and we've been talking alot. He has the cutest fucking poodle ever. I see him everyday, not just cause of culinary but hes in my blue day English.
August 18th, its 12:06pm and I just realized I haven't done my review for the last 2 days. I haven't done much. I've mainly been texting Allon and watching Netflix.
August 19th, I try to sleep away my depression. It doesn't work
August 20th, by far one of the worst things about grand oaks this year is the bus situation. There are way too many kids on each bus and they have to get more busses cause it's so over crowded.
Last night was okay, I played Apex with Eugene then after we just talked for an hour. He was the main person talking he kept saying he felt bad for talking so much but I told him I'm a good listener so it was okay. We talked about some deep stuff and we actually have alot in common. We both overthink situations and create random scenarios in our head that would never happen but like what if they did. I almost feel kinda bad about talking to Eugene so much cause Michael hates him and I consider them both of my friends. I've just known Michael for so long but I have alot in common Eugene. More than I thought. I've kinda been leaning away from Michael and from my friends in general. I feel horrible for doing it but I don't want to completely cut them out of my life cause they've been in my life for so long. I guess I've kinda just grew out of some friendships, mainly Michael and I's. Idk maybe I'm just talking too much and should just keep everything how it is.
August 22nd, okay so update. Derek hit me up and I'm like ew but whatever. Allon is making me watch pokemon and ngl kinda love it. My hair is curly. We stan. I feel sick but that's cause I ate a sandwich and kept moving around. Also my back hurts. I wanna die. I'm at the bus stop. Its humid. Ew. Gross. I hate myself. That's it. Goodnight.
August 23, I was kinda quiet in culinary today and everyone was very concerned apparently. I spoke maybe 10 words. I dont know the exact reason but it was mainly thinking about Scott and the fact I kinda feel left out alot of the time. I don't even know why I'm still thinking about him, maybe I should take the time over the weekend to try to stop thinking about him. I feel left out alot in culinary, and in life in general. Culinary cause I sit with all guys and they talk about things I dont really know. I dont feel like talking about it anymore. Goodnight
August 28th, not much has happened since I last updated. I played minecraft with Allon last night and it was pretty fun. He died twice and it was super funny. Before he left we talked about just life. How we've both given up on relationships in general cause we've been fucked over so many times. Which I think is weird cause I keep getting mixed signals from him that he likes me but he also thinks of me as a friend. It's weird. But yea he also asked me if I was gonna go to homecoming this year and I told him I would if someone asked me but other than that I probably wouldnt. Yeah and then he left and I cried myself to sleep cause i talk to my ceiling about how lonely i feel at night. Yeah that's it.
I have such bad luck with guys holy shit I hate myself
August 29th, I played more Minecraft with Allon yesterday. We played for 3 hours lol. It was really fun. We both kept dying in the nether and we also kept killing eachother. I still get confused on whether he likes me or not. So many mixed signals it's crazy. I forgot my chemistry notebook at home and I'm very upset about that but oh well. I get to see Julian today so that's gonna be interesting. I keep seeing Scott everywhere I go and it just makes me so incredibly sad. I wish it didnt but it does. I'm sitting next to Johan and it's very obvious he likes me. I feel bad for not liking him back but I cant help for the fact that I will only see him as a friend. I think the whole Scott thing is playing a part in it too. I dont wanna date Johan cause it means I'll be around him more often. I really miss him but I dont. I want him in my life but I dont. Ya know? I'm confusing myself. Carlos and his friend walked to my house yesterday to get his phone and wallet back. It was funny cause there was alot of lightning and thu der and Carlos got hella scared. My mom pulled up and we drove them home.
August 31st, ah the end. I've played minecraft with Allon all day except for when I went to Akashi. Lifes been okay. I still think about him alot but I'm getting better. At least I feel like I am. Hopefully. I know it takes time but fuck I'm impatient. I miss Kaylie. I like culinary. I've officially established a group. It's me, Allon, Eugene, Adam, and the occasional Ty and Tamara. It's great. I'm happy I've made friends. Also I have a new friend in fashion. I'm trying to plan ahead on outfits for the show and I already have my whole 5 outfits but I need my fashion sketchbook to come in quick cause I'm dying from not drawing these. Adam has concluded I'm addicted to vitamin water. This month was ight. Hopefully I get better next month.
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cakethatisfriendly · 6 years
duo85 Questions Game | answer about yourself and tag 20 others. Tagged by: @rosebadwolf1000
Drink - Peppermint tea w/splash of milk
Phone call - Some nurse called me to remind Susan about her doctors appointment (I legit know know Susans what kind of night vale shit is this)
Text message - my friend that wanted me to play fortnite w/her
Song you listened to - Neptune - Sleeping at last (please listen to this i love it so much)
Dated someone twice - why would i date someone i ended things with???
Kissed someone and regretted it - *muffled ace laughter as i eat cake*
Been cheated on - nah
Lost someone special - you know it
Gotten drunk and thrown up - not yet
Fave Colours - every shade of teal and pastels are the shit
In the last year have you:
Made new friends - like 2017 or 18? 17 i made some very important friends. this year i havent made any
Fallen out of love - not really?? 
Laughed until you cried - yeh
Found out someone was talking about you - im a hot topic ;p
Met someone who changed you - yes 
Found out who your friends are - i have 5 close ones outside of family
Kissed someone on your Facebook friends list - couldnt bring myself to which is why i broke it off
How many of your Facebook friends do you know in real life - all of them, facebooks a bit too personal for me to add random people
Do you have any pets - 4 pups that i love almost equally, a guinea pig, and a rat
Do you want to change your name - not really, my names not that common but when people glance at it they usually get it wrong which i find funny
What did you do for your last birthday -  went to see Incredibles 2 and had a Kringle for the first time
What were you doing last night at midnight - i was gonna say fortnite but i actually passed out before 11
What is something you can’t wait for - motivation 
What are you listening to right now - a letsplay and now a podcast
Have you ever talked to a person named Tom - i lived with a tommy until my 16th birthday when he freaked out and smashed our toaster
Something that gets on your nerves - gay/racial slurs and misogynist comments from my brothers and that NO ONE puts the kitchen towel back whERE IT BELONGS
Most visited website - webtoons probably
Hair colour - i got it redyed actually
Long or short hair - short
What do you like about yourself - i can bake
Want any piercings - dunno, i have my left ear pierced twice and my right once but a eyebrow piercing would be cool maybe
Blood type - only vampires ask questions like that who sent you
Nicknames - Dad, Natsuki, Cessie/Cessa (my brothers gave that to me when they were babies. my moms the only one that calls me that sometimes)
Relationship status - nah
Zodiac sign - Cancer
Pronouns - she/her/dude/bro/daddy
Fave TV shows - Vol...tron?
Tattoos - small heart on my hip
Right or left handed - right
Ever had surgery - tonsils
Piercings - yall just need to hit your goal at this point
Sports - competitive procrastiation
Vacation - like my dream vacation? im going to italy next year but japan or Hawaii would be super cool
Trainers - like pokemon or the UK version of what shoes are called?
More General:
Eating - its 12am dont remind me of food
Drinking - twelve. a. m.
I’m about to watch - listen to another Misfits podcast
Waiting for - the next anime con im planning on going to (daisho!)
Want - to improve my art skills and get better at perspectives 
Get married - maybe one day, gotta find a low-energy people i can jive with until we die
Career - i want to own my own business and sell macaroons and normal things like chocolate chip cookies and muffins
Hugs or kisses - i platonically kiss a bunch of my friends on the cheeks/top of heads but hugs are a better bonding thing i think so hugs all the way
Lips or eyes - light colored eyes, i want to bottle my favorite eyes up in jars and keep them on a shelf
Shorter or taller - who made this?? i wish i was a few inches shorter for cosplay purposes but im happy with how tall i am otherwise
Older or younger - like... is this for a SO or something?? is this a build-a-people because its all about how they act. im hella immature at times but then i act +5 years my age so
Nice arms or stomach - .....................what kind of kinky shit is this
Hookup or relationship - some large part of me wants to be the type of person that just dates whoever im attracted to and move onto the next person after a good amount of time and leave them with that “lost summer lover” feeling whenever they think of me but im not confident enough for that. Oh, relationship. a relationship would be ideal
Troublemaker or hesitant - mix of both, depends on what my chaotic level is and if my social anxiety isnt acting up
Have you ever:
Kissed a stranger - dont want mono
Drank hard liquor - heheheheee
Lost glasses - nope, havent even misplaced them for a few minutes
Turned someone down - nope
Sex on first date - hahahaahahhah i couldnt even bring myself to peck him on the lips
Broken someone’s heart - yup but he started some shit so i dont feel bad anymore
Had your heart broken - yeah
Been arrested - they cant catch me
Cried when someone died - i dont really cry at funerals because im broken apparently, but ive cried at animals dying
Fallen for a friend - infatuations that last until i find a flaw and then i HOLD ONTO THAT FLAW AND NEVER LET IT GO
Do you believe in:
Yourself - maybe, let me ask
Miracles - yeh
Love at first sight - thatd be pretty cool
Kiss on first date - nope
Angels - yeh
Best friend’s name -  Brianna
Eye colour - brown
Fave movie - umm... 
Favourite actor - im in love with pidges VA, bex taylor-klaus rn. but micheal jones is my favorite
Favourite food - waffles with a side dish of spaghetti (i got this once at a restaurant and it was the best day of my life)
Extrovert or introvert - introvert
Favourite flower - yes
Favourite Hello Kitty character - the bunny? melody i think her name is? i dont remember any other characters 
20 friends? i dont have that many are you crazy???? okay get ready for some people that have literally never heard of me as i scroll through my following list
@placesoftimeandspace <3 @littlehypno @lafiska @ali3ken @abd-illustrates @scotchtapeofficial @everydaylouie @i-am-a-fish @ikimaru @emesbii @duoachievement @nathalyryder @konoira @piwiskiwi @veykun @theodd1sout @kayroos-art @officialah (i want to see yall do this actually) @floatingmegane-san @samijen
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obliviousswampqueen · 7 years
200:My crush’s name is:Ya’ll don’t get to know that but he is a mutual.
199: I was born in: Idaho
198:I am really: Comfy
197:My cellphone company is: AT&T
196:My eye color is: Blue-green
195:My shoe size is: 7
194:My ring size is: I don’t really wear rings so I’m not sure
193:My height is: 5ft1
192:I am allergic to: SO MUCH STUFF Big ones are tho are bees, cats, and red onions
191:My 1st car was: 2001 Chevy Malibu
190:My 1st job was: Shelf stocker
189:Last book you read: 5th Wave?
188:My bed is: Big and cozy
187:My pet: Cute and wonderful
186:My best friend: @leeminlimer hes a really good cook but hes lonely so if you’re a cute girl hit him up lmao
185:My favorite shampoo is: Cherry Blossom
184:Xbox or ps3: I’m so bad at video games it’s not even funny
183:Piggy banks are: Cute and unreasonable for me
182:In my pockets:Probably a receipt from the grocery store 
181:On my calendar: Work and a doctors appointment on Friday
180:Marriage is: Sounds pretty cool to me
179:Spongebob can: Get really annoying but I also love it
178:My mom: She’s crazy and I love her
177:The last three songs I bought were? OK- Being as an Ocean
                                                                  Humblest Pleasures- Turnover
                                                                  Hum- Tigers Jaw
176:Last YouTube video watched: A bathroom remodel thing
175:How many cousins do you have? Cousin alone like 10? Including their spouses and kids like 18 I think.
174:Do you have any siblings? Three all older.
173:Are your parents divorced? Nope, they’ve been married for 30 years.
172:Are you taller than your mom? No -.-
171:Do you play an instrument? I used to know how to  play the guitar really badly.
170:What did you do yesterday? Helped replace the bathroom cabinets and clean.[ I Believe In ]169:Love at first sight: I guess so why not.
168:Luck: Yeah
167:Fate: Maybe?
166:Yourself: Eh
165:Aliens: HELL YEAH
164:Heaven: Yeah
163:Hell: So I think so but I have some conflicting feelings as to how I was always told we are all Gods children and he loves us and has a plan for us all but if you don’t believe in him you’re going to hell even if you’re a good person but if rapists and murders believe in God they’ll be forgiven and live eternally in heaven.
162:God: Yeah
161:Horoscopes: Nope
160:Soul mates: Yess
159:Ghosts: oooo yup
158:Gay Marriage: I like how this is in the same category as God and magic and ghosts. But yes.
157:War: Yes? I mean it happens?
156:Orbs: Like circles or ghost orbs. Yes to both.
155:Magic: Nah, I don’t think so.[ This or That ]154:Hugs or Kisses: Hella miss being kissed rn
153:Drunk or High: High, only pot tho
152:Phone or Online: Online
151:Red heads or Black haired: I look better with red but probably black hair on other people
150:Blondes or Brunettes: Brunette
149:Hot or cold: Hot
148:Summer or winter: Summer
147:Autumn or Spring: Autumn
146:Chocolate or vanilla: Vanilla
145:Night or Day: Night, love me some starry nights
144:Oranges or Apples: Oranges but only if theyre tart
143:Curly or Straight hair: Curly on me
142:McDonalds or Burger King: Neither?
141:White Chocolate or Milk Chocolate: Neither? they make my stomach hurt
140:Mac or PC: PC
139:Flip flops or high heals: Flipflops 
138:Ugly and rich OR sweet and poor: I’m already ugly and poor :/
137:Coke or Pepsi: Neither
136:Hillary or Obama: Obama
135:Burried or cremated: BURN ME
134:Singing or Dancing: Horrible at both but singing
133:Coach or Chanel: Neither I just said I’m poor
132:Kat McPhee or Taylor Hicks: I don’t know who those people are
131:Small town or Big city: In the middle
130:Wal-Mart or Target: Target
129:Ben Stiller or Adam Sandler: Staying loyal to Night at the Museum, Ben Stiller
128:Manicure or Pedicure: Neither, I don’t like strangers touching me
127:East Coast or West Coast: West
126:Your Birthday or Christmas: Birthday
125:Chocolate or Flowers: Flowers
124:Disney or Six Flags: Never been to either
123:Yankees or Red Sox: I don’t know anything about sports[ Here’s What I Think About ]122:War: I think that people fight for what they believe in at all costs but a lot of innocent people die along the way and it would be nice if people could settle differences without fighting but thats a fairys and rainbow daydream that won’t come true but on the other hand some people are incredibly shitty and need to be held accountable for their actions
121:George Bush: Jet fuel doesn’t melt steel beams
120:Gay Marriage: Lettem get married
119:The presidential election: It was a shitshow and now look where we are fucktrump
118:Abortion: It’s a womans choice
117:MySpace: I made one in 5th grade and had no friends on it but I felt so bad ass
116:Reality TV: I don’t watch it
115:Parents: Mine are pretty alright
114:Back stabbers: Why do people have to be so mean113:Ebay: I’ve never used it
112:Facebook: It’s alright
111:Work: I touch strangers fr a living and as I said before I don’t like people touching me so I have 40 hours of personal hell.
110:My Neighbors: They  have really cute goats
109:Gas Prices: TOO HIGH (im poor)
108:Designer Clothes: SO SPENDY (im poor)
107:College: SO EXPENSIVE (im poor but need a degree)
106:Sports: I’m bad at them
105:My family: They’re bat shit crazy
104:The future: Hopefully it’s good[ Last time I ]103:Hugged someone: Last night
102:Last time you ate: I’m eating applesauce atm
101:Saw someone I haven’t seen in awhile: Today I saw a doc I used to work with
100:Cried in front of someone: Not sure
99:Went to a movie theater: Ummmm 7 months maybe more?
98:Took a vacation: December 2015 and that was my only vacation
97:Swam in a pool: A few years ago
96:Changed a diaper: When my nephew was a baby so fourish years ago
95:Got my nails done: Two years ago
94:Went to a wedding: Four years
93:Broke a bone: Never
92:Got a peircing: Had my nips pierced for a while about two years ago
91:Broke the law: A few days ago
90:Texted: Like 25 minutes ago[ MISC ]89:Who makes you laugh the most: Depression memes
88:Something I will really miss when I leave home is: My dog
87:The last movie I saw: Zodiac
86:The thing that I’m looking forward to the most: Moving out
85:The thing im not looking forward to: Being in clinic
84:People call me: Sarah
83:The most difficult thing to do is: Have strangers in my personal space
82:I have gotten a speeding ticket: Nope
81:My zodiac sign is: Cancer
80:The first person i talked to today was: My mom
79:First time you had a crush: Four or five?
78:The one person who i can’t hide things from: My therapist
77:Last time someone said something you were thinking: Last night “ That’s so gross”
76:Right now I am talking to: No one
75:What are you going to do when you grow up: Be a teacher
74:I have/will get a job: Have
73:Tomorrow: Work
72:Today: Work
71:Next Summer: Be less chunky
70:Next Weekend: Go on an adventure
69:I have these pets: The best dog in the world
68:The worst sound in the world: Cutting Styrofoam or it rubbing together
67:The person that makes me cry the most is: Myself
66:People that make you happy: All my friends
65:Last time I cried: A couple weeks ago
64:My friends are: Pretty sweet
63:My computer is: Really loud
62:My School: I’m a adult
61:My Car: Is really REALLY sad
60:I lose all respect for people who: Are rude to waiters/ waitresses and children
59:The movie I cried at was: Marley and Me
58:Your hair color is: Dark brown
57:TV shows you watch: Stranger Things, The OA, Criminal Minds, The 100
56:Favorite web site: This hellhole of a site
55:Your dream vacation: Some place with lots of fun hikes and good food
54:The worst pain I was ever in was: The time I quit my job to go to the ER because my cramps were so bad I wouldn’t stand and I was crying and it was bad
53:How do you like your steak cooked: I don’t eat steak
52:My room is: Covered in dog hair
51:My favorite celebrity is: Jake Gyllenhaal
50:Where would you like to be: At a happier place in my life
49:Do you want children: Yes!!
48:Ever been in love: Nope
47:Who’s your best friend: Liam
46:More guy friends or girl friends: It’s even
45:One thing that makes you feel great is: Taking a shower
44:One person that you wish you could see right now: Any of my internet friends
43:Do you have a 5 year plan: I’m just trying to make it through the day
42:Have you made a list of things to do before you die: Kinda
41:Have you pre-named your children: I like the name Zena for a girl
40:Last person I got mad at: My sister for being an ass
39:I would like to move to: Washington maybe
38:I wish I was a professional: Adventurer [ My Favorites ]37:Candy: Sour patch kids
36:Vehicle: 1970 Chevelle SS
35:President: Shoutput to Roosevelt for making national parks a thing
34:State visited: Washington
33:Cellphone provider: AT&T
32:Athlete: ????
31:Actor: ????
30:Actress: ???? theres to many options and I don’t remember names
29:Singer: anyone who sings sad songs
28:Band: Being as an Ocean
27:Clothing store: A lot of my shirts are from target
26:Grocery store: Fred’s is the closest so thats where I go
25:TV show: Criminal Minds
24:Movie: Pacific Rim
23:Website: Here
22:Animal: Elephant
21:Theme park: I’ve only been to Silverwood
20:Holiday:  HALLOWEEN 19:Sport to watch: Soccer I guess
18:Sport to play: None I fucking suck at them
17:Magazine: National Geographic specifically any issue on space
16:Book:I really like the Shannara Chronicles 
15:Day of the week: I really don’t mind Mondays
14:Beach: I loved the ones in Maui
13:Concert attended: I’ve never been to one :/
12:Thing to cook: Pancakes
11:Food: Fried Ravioli
10:Restaurant: Jewel Lake Pizza and Chinese Food
9:Radio station: I don’t really listen to it
8:Yankee candle scent: ??? probably apple orchard or something like that
7:Perfume: Tuscan Blood Orange
6:Flower: All of em
5:Color: Yellow
4:Talk show host: Not sure
3:Comedian: Not sure
2:Dog breed: Muts
1:Did you answer all these truthfully? Yeah
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