#but wcs is an aaron cut and i think it's really really special that she felt able to trust him with that story
godofsmallthings · 1 year
the greatest gift of folklore lpss is getting to see taylor and jack's / taylor and aaron's professional/studio dynamic play out and seeing the ways they have built a level of trust with each other to allow them to feel comfortable being vulnerable
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doctorstethoscope · 3 years
The Right Chapter 4 || Aaron Hotchner x Fem!Reader
Hi besties we’re back besties :)))
Read previous chapters of this fic here!
 contains: brief mentions of a gun and domestic abuse, the beginning of ~feelings~ between hotch and reader
wc: 3.1k
The first thing you noticed when you woke up was the smell, which Reid would tell you was interesting, because smell is the sense that we lose the most in sleep. Hence, smoke alarms. Shaking the thought away with a fond smile, you padded into the kitchen slowly, finding Aaron with his jacket and tie long discarded, his shirt unbuttoned at the top and his sleeves rolled up to his elbows. 
“It smells so good!” You announced. 
“It’s olive oil and garlic.” Hotch chuckled as he turned away from the stove to face you. “And you’re supposed to be sleeping.” 
You craned your neck to look at the stovetop clock behind him. “I slept for three hours, Hotch. And I’m sure you’re going to enforce my full eight hours later tonight.” 
“Well, this isn’t ready yet.” He said. 
“Really? You aren’t just feeding me oil and garlic?” You quipped. 
“Don’t be a smartass,” he smirked at you. 
“I want to help,” you told him earnestly, looking up at him from where you’d perched yourself in one of the barstools at his counter. “What can I do?” 
“Here, chop this onion,” he said, sliding everything you’d need across the counter so you could stay seated. 
He moved around the kitchen gracefully, combining ingredients and stirring a sauce and boiling water for pasta with the ease of a practiced chef. He refused to tell you what he was making, and you leaned forward in your chair, trying to see if the spices by the stove would give you any clues. They didn’t, but before you knew it, Aaron was plating pasta with chicken and mushrooms and broccoli in a sauce that smelled heavenly.
 “Will you tell me now?” You whined as you both sat down at the table to eat. 
“It’s nothing special, really.” he laughed at your antics. “It’s pasta in a lemon-dill cream sauce.” 
“You’ve been holding out on us,” you accused as you took your first bite. “Aaron, this is delicious.” 
He smiled back at you, trying to ignore how much he loved hearing his first name come rolling from your lips. “Well, you helped.” 
“Please. I chopped vegetables and used the can opener. I certainly did not, and could not, whip up a lemon-dill cream sauce on a moment’s notice.” 
You continued to banter over dinner, laughing and smiling in a way it felt like you hadn’t in weeks. Aaron, ever-efficient as he was, had handled most of the cleanup as he was cooking, so all that was left was packing up the leftovers and putting your dishes in the dishwasher. When you closed the fridge, Aaron spoke up again. 
“So, Jess is supposed to drop off Jack tomorrow.” Aaron mentions, with a certain forced casualness. 
“Oh, I can be out of your hair.” You said with a smile that didn’t quite reach your eyes.  “I’m sure I can stay with Emily--”
“Woah, woah, slow down.” Aaron stopped you. “I’m not kicking you out. I was just going to say, I can ask Jess to keep him for a little while longer.” 
“Hotch, no way. He’s your son. I’m not kicking him out of his own house or keeping him away from his father.”
“Of course you aren’t. I can go visit him at Jess’s place and when you’re comfortable with him, he can come here.” 
“I’m plenty comfortable with Jack.” You assured him.  “I just meant, won’t it be weird for him, if I’m here? And I don’t want to intrude on your time with him.” 
“You’re not an intruder. Jack loves you. And I--” he started to say something, but caught himself. You decided not to think too hard about it. “I would be happy to have you here, with him.” 
You still felt uneasy-- you knew his time with Jack was precious. You took a deep breath, preparing to strike a compromise. “How about this-- I go stay with Emily-- listen--” you stopped him before he could cut you off. “I go stay with Emily tomorrow night. It’s Saturday. I need some girl time, and Jack needs some dad time. You and Jack can spend the day together, and then I can come back on Sunday and you can talk to him about me being here before I’m actually in his kitchen eating his cinnamon toast crunch. I know he loves me, and I love him too, but I don’t want to overwhelm him.”
You could tell that he wasn’t entirely sold on the idea of you being out of his sight for a whole day, but he wasn’t Josh-- he wasn’t going to try to use his emotions to control your behavior. He didn’t say anything, but you could see the discomfort on his face. You know that sooner or later, you’d have to have a conversation about where you’re actually going to live-- but you decide not to push him any further tonight. 
“I’ll be with Emily the whole time. After today, I’m pretty sure she’d shoot him on sight if given the opportunity. You don’t need to worry.” You told him, reaching over to squeeze his hand. Your touch grounded him, brought him back to reality.
He took a deep breath, resigning himself to give you what you wanted, just as he always would. “And you’re going to take your meds, and take it easy, and not--”
“Yes, dad.” You scoffed. “See, this is why I need you and Jack to take some time. You should get all of this out with him.” you laughed at him, and he grinned back at you. 
“You’re just as stubborn. That’s not my fault.” 
“Some people call that being strong-willed, Aaron.” you teased back, sticking your tongue out at him for good measure. 
Aaron panics slightly when he doesn’t find you in the guest room the next morning, but his anxiety evaporates when he sees you perched on the couch in the living room, your hair thrown up into a bun, sitting criss-cross with your feet tucked underneath you and your laptop on your lap. You’ve brewed a pot of coffee, and Aaron takes a minute to look at you fondly before that nagging voice at the back of his head reminds him that you’re his subordinate, that you were hurting, and that even if you weren’t, you could never love a bitter, old, broken man like him. 
“Working on something?” He asked, interrupting his own spiral. 
Your eyes shot up instantly, not having noticed his entrance. “Nothing important. The coffee’s still hot, I hope you don’t mind.” 
“Of course I don’t mind.” He reminds you, rolling his eyes goodnaturedly. “You’re not an intruder here. Especially not when you make a strong pot of coffee.” 
“Doing anything fun with Jack today?” You asked, shutting your laptop as he sat down at the other end of the couch. 
“It’s supposed to be nice, I think we’ll go to the park. He’s just about ready to take the training wheels off of his bike.” He smiled fondly. 
“Aw, my little man! I’m so excited for him.” You cooed, only brightening Aaron’s smile.
“What about you?” 
“I’m not sure. Emily said I should be ready for brunch and that she, JJ, and Garcia would handle the rest. She mentioned that someone gave her explicit instructions for me to take it easy, so I imagine we’ll probably be skydiving and binge drinking.”
“You think you’re real funny, don’t you?” Aaron asked dryly. 
“Yeah, actually, I do.” You smiled over at him, and the corners of his mouth quirked up before he could force them into their usual stoic line. 
There’s a knock at the door, and you shoot up. “That’s Em.” 
Aaron places a hand on your forearm as you trot past. “Hey.” His gentle voice stops you in your tracks. “Be safe, please? Be vigilant, and call me if anything happens?” He looks up at you, and you can see the lines of concern etched around his dark brown eyes.  
“Nothing’s going to happen, Aaron.” You placed your hand on top of his. “Enjoy your day with Jack. I’ll see you tomorrow.” 
There’s a moment that passes between you, and you almost think you’re going to lean and give him a peck on the cheek to say goodbye, but Emily knocks again and you’re both distracted. You roll your eyes at yourself as soon as your back is to Aaron. Clearly these painkillers were taking their toll on you.
When you and Emily arrived at the restaurant, JJ and Garcia were already at an outdoor table waiting for you. The four of you chatted and laughed over pancakes and coffee and fruit before walking around the downtown area shopping. Then JJ started leading you down a less-familiar street. 
“Where are we going?” you asked, picking up your pace a little to walk next to JJ, who was at the front of your four-person group on the sidewalk. 
“That is for us to know, and you to find out.” She winked at you with a smile before taking off ahead. You let her, falling into step with Penelope. 
“You know, too?” 
“Of course I do, kitten. But I’m not spoiling the surprise! Just be patient.” 
You know better than to even try with Emily. You just rolled your eyes, chuckling a little at your friends’ antics. Eventually, JJ is leading you up the steps of a brownstone, set back a little way from downtown. 
“What are we doing?” You asked breathlessly. 
“We’re just taking a peek.” JJ said, opening the door and leading you up to a second-floor unit. 
“This feels illegal.” You remark as Emily produces a pair of keys. 
“I know the owner,” she tells you, swinging the door open and letting you walk inside first.
Natural sunlight pours into the empty apartment. You look to the left and see a granite kitchen island, and crisp white cabinets situated between stainless steel appliances. The space that you assume to be the living area is open, and the room is of course void of furniture, but it’s not hard to imagine a loveseat in the center of the room, a chaise along the far wall, a coffee table in the middle, an open bottle of wine and all of your friends filling the empty space. 
“What are we doing here?” You ask with a little chuckle. 
“Well, we know that Josh’s name is on the lease at your current place.” Penelope starts. “And you just have a lot going on right now, and we wanted to help, so we were looking at some places for you. If you don’t like this one that’s fine, I have a whole catalogue of others sorted by distance from work and walkability and--” 
“You guys didn’t have to do that. Thank you.” You smiled. 
“We wanted to.” JJ tells you. 
“Well, what do you think? Go, look at the bedroom.” Emily prods, and you smile, swinging open the door across the room, revealing a large open bedroom and an en-suite bathroom with a truly gorgeous tile shower. 
“The place looks great, Em, it really does. I’m just going to have to think about it. There’s been a lot going on.” You understate. 
“Of course.” She responds. 
“Not to mention the fact that Hotch barely wanted to release me into your care for the night, so I’m not sure he’ll take well to me moving further than his guest room.” You laughed. 
“He’s got it, bad.” JJ comments offhandedly, and your jaw hits the floor. 
“Jennifer!” You chastise her.
“What? You can’t possibly play dumb here.” She asks. 
“I literally couldn’t have less of a clue what you’re talking about. Hotch has only ever been platonic and professional with me.” You denied.
“Well, of course, but he’s different with you.” Emily defends JJ. 
“Different how?”
“He’s--- he’s just different, sweet cheeks. He lets his walls down, and only by 10% or so, but for Hotch, that’s major.” Garcia supplies.
“He’s protective of you in the field.” JJ notes. 
“He’s protective of all of us in the field. We just get partnered up a lot.” You defend him, although you don’t know why. You’d want nothing more than to let them convince you that you meant something to Hotch the same way he meant something to you, but you couldn’t let yourself believe that. It would only mean more heartbreak later. 
“And who makes that decision?” Garcia reminds you.
“And it’s not just the field. He doesn’t even like it when the local cops look at you the wrong way or give you a hard time.”  Emily adds.
“You all need to get away from work more. You’re profiling when there’s nothing there.” You argue weakly. 
“You’ll see,” JJ smiles, rolling her eyes at you. “We’ll let you off the hook for now. But you might want to put a little thought into why your first worry about getting a new place is what Hotch would think.” 
The rest of the day found you back at Emily’s place, lounging around in comfy clothes and binging shitty rom-coms. You ordered a couple of pizzas for dinner, and passed around twizzlers and coca cola like you were at a middle school sleepover. It was nice. Great, even. Josh wasn’t the biggest fan of your coworkers, and you had grown more distant from them over your time with Josh. The conversation was breezy and light, the evening full of laughter. It wasn’t until later, when everyone was cleaning up and preparing to head out, that your tone became a little more serious. 
“Thank you guys, seriously.”
“You know you don’t have to thank us for eating takeout and watching movies in our sweats.” JJ tells you with a smile as she tosses some candy wrappers.
“And you know that’s not what I’m thanking you for. I know I wasn’t the best friend when Josh and I were together.” 
“Clearly that wasn’t your fault.” Emily reminds you. 
“Maybe not, but I still appreciate everything you all did for me today. I missed you.”
“We missed you too, bug.” Garcia said, wrapping you up in a hug. “Just don’t tell boss man that we stayed past your bedtime.”
You let out a laugh. “He’s so ridiculous.” 
“Ridiculously in loveeee,” JJ sings out teasingly. 
“Watch it, or I’ll tell him you kept me out late drinking!” You joked with her as you and Emily walked JJ and Garcia out the door. You and Emily bid your goodnights to each other as you slipped into her spare room, stretching out across the bed lazily. You feel your phone start to vibrate, but you can’t for the love of god remember which zippered pocket of your go-bag you’d left it in. When it stops vibrating, you let out a frustrated groan. Finally, you find it, in the pocket of the jeans you’d worn to brunch this morning. You have a missed call from Aaron, which you return immediately, flipping back over to lie against the mattress. He picks up on the first ring. 
“Hey, I didn’t wake you, did I?” 
You check the time briefly, rolling your eyes a little. It’s not even midnight. “No, I was awake.” You tell him. 
“Did the girls just leave?” He asks casually, but you know Garcia probably wasn’t joking about Hotch enforcing a bedtime. 
“A while ago. I was in the shower when you called.” 
“You’re an awful liar, you know.” He chuckles at you. 
“I thought we agreed that you were going to let all this parental energy out on Jack.” You responded, hoping he could hear the smirk in your voice. 
“I just don’t want you to push it.” Hotch confesses with a sigh. 
“Hotch, I’m okay. Really. You got me out of there and got me patched up. I’m good now.” you tell him, sitting up against the pillows. 
“I also let you go home with him that night after I saw him hit you.” He reminds you, and although you can’t actually see him, your mental picture of him, head hung and thumb running anxiously against his fingers, is startlingly real.
“I made that choice, Hotch. You gave me an out and I chose not to take it.” You reminded him. “That’s on me.” 
“No, it’s not. This wasn’t your fault.” He’s quick to correct you 
“Not yours, either.” You add.
“He pulled a gun on you that night.” He says, more to himself than to you. 
“Yeah, he did.” You said quietly.
“If I had let you go home with him, and he had--” He starts to spiral, but you pull him out of it. 
“Aaron. I’m right here on the phone with you. You came and got me out of there. I’m okay.” 
“I don’t know what I would have done. I can’t-- I can’t imagine a world without you in it.” He confesses, sounding breathless even though you were sure he was just sitting on the sofa at home. 
“You don’t need to. I’m right here.” You tell him. “Is that why you called?”
“It’s good to hear your voice.” He answers, in his own roundabout way. “Did you have a good day?” 
“Yeah, I did. What about you and Jack?” 
“Yeah, we did. We didn’t quite get the training wheels off yet, but we’re getting there. He’s so excited to see you tomorrow.” 
“He is?” You asked. 
“He is. Are you surprised? He’s not exactly shy about how much he likes you.” 
“No, I guess not,” you laugh, remembering a time he had nearly knocked you over in Aaron’s doorway with the force of his hug. “What did you tell him?’
“I just told him that you’d been feeling a little sick, and that you were going to be staying here until you were feeling better.”
“And he was okay?” 
“His exact words were ‘is she too sick to build legos with me,’ so yeah, I think he’s okay.” He laughed, and you tried to push down the sense of warmth that the sound of his laughter spread throughout your chest. It didn’t work. He interrupted your internal dilemma without realizing it. “I should let you get to sleep.” 
“Try to catch a few hours yourself, Hotchner.” You tell him. 
“I’ll see you in the morning. Goodnight.” 
“Hotch?” You say before he can hang up the phone. 
“Yeah?” He asks. 
“I can’t imagine a world without you in it, either.” You tell him in a whisper that’s almost self-conscious.
“You don’t need to. I’m right here.”
tagging:  @the-modernmary @greeneyedblondie44 @angelic-kisses13 @wanniiieeee @hotforhotchner11  @baumarvel @ssamorganhotchner
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altsvu · 3 years
left in the dark
Tumblr media
pairing: jj x kate callahan x bau!fem!reader, aaron hotchner x bau!fem!reader
wc: 1.6k
summary: you find out you’re pregnant with Hotch’s baby (in the most unexpected way) and you go to JJ and Kate about it since they’re also pregnant, but their only advice is to tell Hotch about it.
tw: pregnancy, fluff, mentions of blood/injury, breeding kink??
a/n: at first this was super hard for me to write, mostly because this is different than what i’m used to, but i think it turned out okay! enjoy my lovelies!!
criminal minds masterlist! ✯ taglist!
“JJ! When were you gonna tell me?”
“I don’t know, I just wanted to wait till things played out.”
You smiled. “Well, I’m super happy for you regardless.”
“Thank you.” JJ smiled, pulling you into a hug. “So, how are things going with you and Hotch?”
You bit your lip. Hotch was the sweetest to you. He took you to romantic dates on off days and you always checked up on each via text messages and FaceTime when one of you were away.
Not to mention that your sex life was immaculate.
“Things are going pretty well, to be honest. We’re actually going to rent out the AMC movie theater in Arlington this weekend and watch our favorite throwback movies.”
“Oh, that sounds super romantic, I’m actually super glad that you two finally decided to get together after he was pining for you for years.”
You snorted. “We were both pining for each other. For a very very long time.”
“Yeah, the team had their suspicions.” JJ agreed. “You ready to head to the jet?”
You nodded and followed JJ out to the tarmac.
You and Hotch had to go check out the crime scene, and it was a gruesome one. A family of 5 were bludgeoned in their home late at night, and the wife... well she had multiple knife cuts on her abdomen.
Out of nowhere, you felt sick to your stomach. This was unusual, especially for you since you got used to seeing many different types of crime scenes. You tried your hardest to breathe calmly but you felt yourself about to throw up.
“... he hurts them before finally killing them. Y/N? Are you okay?”
“Yeah, I just probably ate something bad-“ you couldn’t even finish your sentence when you found yourself running outside and throwing up. You wiped your mouth and took deep breaths, trying to process what just happened.
“Sweetheart?” Hotch whispered. You turned around and he held you by your arms. “What’s going on? This is very unlike you.”
“I- I don’t know what’s going on.” you replied. “This never happens.”
He pulled you into a hug. “Do you want me to take you back to the field office?” He murmured into your hair.
“No, you don’t have to. I’ll be okay.”
You caught Hotch still staring you down with a concerned look on his face.
“Damn it Aaron. Don’t worry about me. I don’t want to be the reason we don’t find this unsub in a timely manner.”
“Okay, you’re right. But can you please let me know if you don’t feel well?”
“Yes sir.” You smiled, pressing a kiss on his cheek and walking back to the crime scene.
When you got back to the field office, Hotch had to talk to the field agent on the case in his office, and you had to go to the conference room to look over some case files.
Hunger then struck over you, so you headed to the vending machine you noticed earlier to find a snack to hold you over until lunch. The options that were there weren’t appealing to you, so it looked like you weren’t gonna be eating for about a few more hours. To your luck, Kate and JJ were in the conference room when you got back.
“Girls, I swear I’m gonna die if I don’t have anything in my system.”
“You want some saltines? It’s all I have.” JJ asked.
“Oh yes, please.” You nodded. JJ handed you a fresh pack.
You were so indulged in them that you almost finished the pack. JJ and Kate caught on
extremely fast.
“Are you pregnant too?” Spencer asked, walking in.
“What? What makes you think I’m pregnant?”
Kate sat next to you. “Well, for starters, you’re eating saltines.”
“Because I didn’t want anything at the vending machine.”
“There’s a pattern here. Kate ate saltines, I caught JJ eating saltines, and now you’re eating them.”
You sighed, putting the rest of the pack down. “Look, pretty boy, I think I would know if I were pregnant.”
“If you say so,” Reid answered with a smile on his face.
The rest of the team came in, and all thoughts of you being pregnant dissipated.
Over the next few days, you had some of the same symptoms and you started to wonder if you were actually pregnant. You wanted to buy a test but it would be hard to do so when your job came first.
Soon enough, the case was closed and you were heading back home. Everyone on the jet was asleep except you and Hotch.
“Hey,” he said softly. “How you feeling?”
“Like eating a 5 course meal and throwing it back up.” you moaned, curling up closer to him for comfort.
“I’ll take you home and cook you a nice meal, okay?”
You nodded, mumbling “I love you” and he kissed your lips in response.
Finally getting home, Hotch did as he promised and you spent the night cuddling and comforting each other.
The next morning you felt yourself throwing up again so you decided it was time to get a pregnancy test. Hotch had already left to go back to Quantico to do some paperwork but the rest of the team was off. You dragged yourself to a nearby store to get a test and took it immediately.
Two lines.
How would Hotch react?
He always talked about having kids, in fact he almost got turned on at the thought of you with a baby bump. But the only thing was that he wanted things to be planned out.
You figured he was pretty busy at the moment so you called JJ and Kate and asked to come over to one of their homes. Ultimately, JJ invited you and Kate over.
“Hey, what’s wrong?” Kate asked when you arrived.
“I’m pregnant.” You whispered. Both of the women hugged you and congratulated you. They then sat you down at JJ’s dining room table.
“Does Hotch know?”
You bit your lip. “That’s the thing. He doesn’t really know yet. I don’t really know what to do.”
“Well I think the best thing to do is tell him. There’s no way that he would get mad. He loves you too much.” JJ suggested.
You nodded in agreement.
“Also, he’s gonna find out soon enough, so it would be better to just let him know so he expects it,” Kate added.
“You ladies are so right. I’ll let you know how things go!”
When you got back home, Hotch was at the couch watching a show, but it looked more like he was about to fall asleep.
“Hi baby,” you murmured against his skin after ridding yourself of your outerwear and shoes.
“Y/N...” he whispered. He sat up and held you by your waist. “I missed you when I came in.”
“Yeah, I just went over JJ’s for a bit.”
Hotch nodded. There was a bit of silence between you two.
“You look like there’s something bothering you.” he then said.
You shut your eyes, trying to think of the right way to tell him. “Aaron, I’m pregnant.” you said so very quietly.
His eyes widened in excitement. “Y/N! Oh my gosh, I’m ecstatic! This is amazing!”
You smiled and laughed in joy with him as one of his hands sneaked under your shirt and rubbed your belly. He was now sitting upright with you on his lap.
“God, I don’t think you know how long I’ve thought about this.” Hotch hummed, kissing your bare skin. “All those times filling you up with my seed in the bedroom paid off big time. I can’t wait to see your belly grow and grow.”
You leaned down and kissed his lips. “Mmm, I can’t wait either.”
It was just a matter of time before the rest of the team found out. You did not hear the end of it from Spencer when he figured that he was right the whole time.
Hotch, on the other hand, didn’t waste any time serenading and whispering sweet nothings about how you looked so beautiful with your ever growing baby bump to you every day after work, even sometimes during work too. He’d always say that he was just super excited that you were pregnant with his baby every time you asked.
Your pregnancy was so special to the team that Kate and JJ threw a surprise baby shower, in which everyone found out you and Hotch were having a little girl.
In a few short months, your due date was inching closer and closer, and Hotch was there by your side through everything, from when your water broke in the briefing room to when you were being rushed to a hospital room to have the baby delivered.
And finally.
You welcomed a baby girl into the world.
“She’s so beautiful. Just like you.” Hotch smiled and kissed your lips after you were able to hold your baby again.
You nodded in agreement, tears escaping your eyes. You thought about what your life was going to be like now, since you had a precious little one to take care of.
During your maternity leave, each member of the team came to visit you at home, some bearing small gifts for your baby.
“Hey,” Hotch came up to you one night after putting your baby to bed. He tucked your hair behind your ear and kissed the skin behind it. “Can I tell you something?”
“Mhmm, anything.”
“I’m really glad that we have a baby to take care of. I’ve wanted this for such a long time, and having it with you just makes it even better.”
You smiled in response. “Yeah?”
“Oh yeah. I love you so much, Y/F/N Y/L/N.”
taglist: @storiesofsvu @averyhotchner @ssaic-jareau @blackbeautifulqueen @virgo-gf @mstrinnyb @mrshadeelgibson @ssahotchswifemain @anxiousblanketqueen @hotchsbabygirl @willowrose99 @ssa-sarahsunshine @deiondraaa
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