#but twf is objectively better. sorry.
'walten files is a shit fnaf knockoff' my brother in christ fnaf walked to the walten files could Usain bolt Olympic sprint stfu
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animalinvestigator · 3 years
OK so a big thing that i want to say like in response to ur post is that I do agree that as they are right now petscop is WAY stronger than twf but i think a big reason for that is that petscop is like, a finished story, where twf is still In progress like only about 1/4th of it has been released rn, Especially in the wake of a thing the creator of twf has said about how the best analysis of it are ones that take all 3 currently released episodes into account rather than analyzing each episode on its own i think its a little disingenuous to make big comparisons about the stories when we dont know too much except the objective facts of it all rigth now
like of course petscop is going to stand way stronger (and i love petscop to DEATH like ive loved petscop for years it is one of my favorite series ever) because its like finished and it's loose ends are tied where as atm twf's loose ends just feel like poor writing since we dont know where its Going with them yet
i think the stories are trying to send completely different impressions (and i think u understood this in smth you said about how petscop is about childhood trauma+identity vs twf being about familial loss) and thats a big reason why the characters seem to have much more or less weight depending on which story ur looking at. Because in petscop its much more personal, youre seeing it thru paul and the game itself is cover to cover loaded with personal emotional shit left in by rainer and others, but in twf it's supposed to feel like ur getting a weird disjointed outside perspective on this family because even in universe thats what it is, it felt to me like it was trying toportray that feeling of family you lost a long time ago that you at this point dont have anything but the weird disjointed outside family photos and shit like that. Even the series name being like "walten files" gave me the impression that it was trying to be a series of 'disconnected-but-not-really' left behind documentations on these peoples lives rather than the people themselves, and, of course in that case the character weight in petscop would stand WAY stronger, because petscop is about the character weight where twf is about the tragedies themselves
NOT THAT I DONT RESPECT YOU FOR PREFERRING THAT, I mean typically i prefer that as well and i honestly wouldnt be surprised if as twf releases (because again i still hold my feeling that its unfair to twf to try and compare it to a story legend like petscop at the point it's at rn where only a fraction has been released) i continue to prefer petscop way over twf but i love petscop For the story its already told whereas i love twf for it's potential
Tho i do TOTALLY acknowledge most of these comparisons come from the fact that (and i agree w this) bunnyfarm is very obviously heavily petscop inspired with its formatting (and i do think there are some things that could have been done way better in that way) of course bunnyfarm falls flat when compared to petscop because petscop is a series thats putting its all into the "video game+dissoc amnesia" angle where as twf is supposed to feel likea bunch of odd disjointed things that When put together tell a story. So of course bunnyfarm falls flat because bunnyfarm isnt meant to be considered alone
There ARE a lot of things in twf that i feel could be done way better but i also have to concede that the story isnt done yet and even in the story itself one of the characters has urged us(the audience) to not try and piece anything together. And i at this point like petscop way more than twf but i appreciate twf heavily for what it is and i think comparing them both is unfair to twf for many reaosns
thats it im sorry this is like a whole essay but i care a LOT about internet horror and i thought your thoughts were really really good there were just a few things that i wanted to discuss really badly. thankyou for your time
OMG I MEANT TO LIKE ACKNOWLEDGE THE FACT THAT TWF IS very muxh not finished in that original ask 😭 that is so true and super important to consider and i meant to write a paragraph about that in the ask i answered but i got too excited talking about petscop and i totally forgot. that is super important to remember about it and its also important to recognize that the person making twf is pretty young with what i assume is a small team and probably not anywhere near the amount of storytelling experience as pressedyes (hes been publishing internet stories since 2009) and for that like, no matter how many grievances i have with the pieces of the puzzle that we have, i have to cede that twf is really genuinely impressive and i do really admire all the work thats been done. and also like, i make a lot of jokes about it but i did have a fun time watching it and i have a fun time thinking about it and its Pretty damn good in a lot of ways.
i never really considered the personal vs impersonal presentation of the story and i like that angle of analysis a lot now that you mention it. the jumbled odds and ends thing will probably hopefully feel a lot better once we have a little more to start tying it together - a lot of my grievances are less with tying things together and more like how weak the introductions feel, but like, im hoping ans thinking that i will probably feel better about it with more information. thing is in a lot of ways petscop is disjointed in the same way - for the viewer at least, we're observing everything BUT the recordings from a secondhand, disjointed account from like, shit paul says on phone calls and in videos to outside observers who have a lot more information than either him or us as the viewers, and paul even grows gradually more distant from the audience too, and i feel like it still has stronger character work and first impressions . so i feel like the issue is that twf leans so hard into its "outside observer" perspective that it sacrifices a lot of character work that would help the episodes that are out stand on their own two legs better -- which is important, because the impression that the start of a story leaves is one of the most vital things to get right!! im hopedul that that disconnected perspective will be used in a similarly "invested but lacking information" type of way as petscop does in later episodes. i have hopefor it .
the reason the weaker parts of twf frustrate me so muxh is because i reallt really feel like it has a chance to be something really great, but the way its handling its influences right now and the lack of character work even when we have a lot of time to sit with the characters in question leaves a really sour taste in my mouth. i hope that as it continues to progress it'll be able to solidify its own identity somewhat! and i agree that irs not exactly a fair match when you pit it against pscop lol its just like; petscop is the best of the best to me and they do cover a lot of similar feelings and concepts, so comparing them helps me articulate my feelings more. its not really very helpful or anyone to earnestly be like "this story is better than the other", all you can really do is say what you like and dont like about different stories and compare and contrast :)
thanks for sending such a thought provoking message !! its nice to hear from a different perspective. i feel so strong about web horror also and i hope that someday soon i can regard twf a lot more positively because I Want More Good Art In The World and derive no joy from being negative. ok maybe sometimes but not aboit this!!!!!!! cos i want it to be good.
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