#but this particular marrriage
tiredtortoise · 8 months
I didn't know I could dislike Mrs 'I removed deliberately placed flowers' Westenra more - until she left everything to her daughter's fiance rather than to her daughter. It just further proves she thinks of Lucy as a child that needs taken care of.
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alyjojo · 5 months
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Love Reading 🫡 - January 2024 - Capricorn
Overall energy: 3 Pentacles rev
How you will meet: The Lovers
How they will treat you: 7 Swords rev
Long-term Potential: 5 Cups
I assume you’re in the middle of a breakup with this person, I don’t see them wanting to reconcile. The initial energy is not cooperating because of failure, so either they’re fresh out of something that’s ended, or it’s ending with you, they’re committed to that decision. The subject of marriage could be a sore spot for the two of you, you could want to go all in and they don’t, it doesn’t say a particular reason, some people just don’t believe in it. Sometimes for financial reasons, marriage is essentially a contract, that they don’t want to sign, may have nothing to do with you. Whatever it is, they’re being completely honest, 7 Swords rev and feel like they have to let this go. Long term potential is sadness and regret over Justice…could be divorce, could be the separation itself, someone may later be proven “right” or walks a path to where they understand where the other person is coming from. It feels very karmic in nature. Someone could be legally married but hasn’t seen the guy in years or something like that too, or they’ve been married once and don’t want to do it again. It’s that vibe, feels karmic.
Messages -
Their side:
- Darker skin tone
- I’m not ready for marriage
Your side:
- Marriage Material 💍
- It’s destiny baby!
Oracles -
Their side: THE BUTTERFLY 🦋
- Evolving & Growth
- Next Phase
- Healing Inner Child
- Releasing the Past
Your side: CAMERA 📷
- Reminiscing
- Making Memories
- Learn from the Past
- Perception
Signs you may be dealing with:
Gemini & air heavy 🌬️ but could be any sign
Overall energy: The World
Current: 9 Cups
Challenge: The Tower
How they feel about you: 3 Wands
How you feel about them: 2 Cups
Outcome: Queen of Pentacles & The Empress
Something is going down with the family, a Tower moment, what that is specifically will be different for everyone, could be regarding someone’s parent or a family member. Could also be the relationship itself, but there’s clearly an ending here, and one that is likely to feel like betrayal to someone. You, your person, your mom, a close friend, a grown child, someone in your 10 Cups, that you deeply care about & love. You/someone could also be pregnant, and that’s The Tower, something unexpected that changes everything, probably the best case scenario for this one - if that’s what you want of course. There is no one particular vibe to whether this person is going to stick around or not, or if you even want them to. You do show up as a divine match, Wheel of Fortune is here, it’s meant to happen regardless of the outcome, which won’t even be decided or known through mid-Feb 🙏
There’s an ending that’s natural, a cycle is closing out, and either you’re sad about it or your person is. For some, you’re done being sad, or they are 💯 Either story. Pleasing oneself & a separation describe the “problems”, going from 10 Cups to 9 Cups, spending a lot of time alone, a family or relationship being challenged & collapsing in some form. They view the situation as expecting it to NOT end, to persevere through pain, difficulties, whatever has happened. You view it as having gained clarity, other people involved, sneaky manipulative bs with this Magician rev that’s caused a very painful ending with 10 Swords ⚔️ For many, you’re the ones that are done with this, sadness be damned. It’s just part of the process. You do love them but they may have betrayed you. It’s possible this is switched, and they found out, and expect *you* to want to work on it, give excuses, etc., because you have been or have before. Both stories apply, and both show major changes in store for you both, it’s a karmic connection, lessons will be learned, things will have changed you, it wasn’t a mistake.
Outcome for mid Feb, you could be pregnant, could be living with a parent, or if this is a marrriage or there are kids involved, then it’s a whole process that’s begun. You could be focused on yourself, your health, drinking your water and getting good sleep, putting love into yourself & you kids for the time being. One step at a time. If this is not you, it could be someone close that you’re supporting through a difficult time, and the love between you & your person is solid, but someone else has some relationship drama and you’re showing up as a supportive person for them.
Messages -
Their side:
- If I could I would 💯
- What other people say matters too much to me.
Your side:
- Obsessed with work
- New Perspective
Oracles -
Their side: COFFIN ⚰️
- New Beginnings
- Liberation
- Reborn & Transition
- Tragic Endings
Your side: ASCENDING 🎈
- Learning & Expansion
- Transcending
- Preparing for Union
- New Phase
Signs you may be dealing with:
Heavy Gemini & Scorpio, Pisces, Taurus, Virgo & Sagittarius
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scarletzfever · 3 years
Jewish Wedding Traditions | Engagement Rings
“I Am My Beloved’s and My Beloved ls Mine,”
“Ani L’dodi Vedodi Li” אני לדודי ודודי לי”
The concept of engraving Hebrew Rings with quotes from Jewish texts comes to us from ancient times. Today it is very common for couples to inscribe their wedding bands with a text that is reflective of the time we live in, for couples often choose phrases that celebrate their partnership and equality. One such quote comes from King Solomon’s “Song of Songs” or “Shir Ha Shirim” and it spells, “I Am My Beloved’s and My Beloved ls Mine” or in the Hebrew “Ani L’dodi Vedodi Li.”
A traditional Jewish Wedding starts with Kabbalat Panim or the “receiving of the guests.” Before the couple officially begin their wedding ceremony they meet with their guests, often in separate rooms. The purpose of this custom is to exchange words of wisdom or simply to spent quality time with the people who are most special to them.
Kabbalat Panim is followed by the signing of the Ketubach – a Jewish marriage contract. For many this particular event officially signifies the beginning of the marriage ceremony.
After the signing of the contract it is time for Bedecken or the “veiling of the bride.” While there are many interpretations as to the meaning of the bride’s veil, one explanation is that it represents every force which separates the couple from each other. The veil is lifted in order to symbolize the couple’s unity and to suggest that all the circumstances keeping them apart have been removed.
The main part of the Jewish wedding ceremony begins with Hakafor or circling. For most cultures a circle is symbolic of protection, sacred space, life and creation. In the Jewish tradition a circle is a significant part of the wedding ceremony; during Hakofar the bride circles the groom seven times. Today a man and a woman may circle together or each might circle the other. In any case, Hakofar is a lovely part of the wedding ceremony for its beauty and the meaning represented through it.
Next comes Kiddush – the blessing over wine – which is followed by the ring exchange ceremony. Historically, the groom places the wedding ring on the bride’s right index finger. In Judaism it is believed that the index finger on the right hand is closer to the heart, although in contemporary tradition many often choose to place the rings on each others left ring finger.
The ceremony is far from being over for Ketubah or the jewish marrriage contract, Sheva B’rachot (the seven blessings), and the breaking of glass must be recognized.
Lastly completing the Jewish wedding ceremony is Yichud which gives the bride and the groom an opportunity to spent a few moments away from family and guests to reflect on the special event that took place.
- Liza Shtromberg
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