#but the plot didn't look compelling to me so it's just a band i listen to without knowing the source material
icharchivist 8 months
i will never forget that time, months before the A3!English Server came out and back when i was eyeing GBF but not actually playing it yet, where i sent a video of the SolidS' Seiyuu messing around in a group chat, and like, 10 mins later, one of my bestie (who loves Vane) asked me if i knew who Eguchi Takuya was, and i was like "huh that sounds familiar" and then after a quick google search seeing his picture i exploded laughing in the group chat because "BRO i've been listening to his songs ALL DAY, i lEGIT POSTED A VIDEO OF HIM 10 MINS AGO"
And turns out my friend was asking me that because she was about to share Vane's song for GBF and was lamenting about how it was the only song she could loop if she wanted to hear Vane's voice, while i was literally looping EguTaku songs at the exact same time we were speaking.
(and then we BOTH realized that we actually had both seen him in seiyuu interview back in 2016 because we stayed up to watch the seiyuu announcements for dgmh at the time and we both stayed up to watch EguTaku make his whole ass presentation, and yet we still had this conversation 3 years later)
so yeah that's why i'm normal while talking about EguTaku, he's just a funky seiyuu to me.
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reilleclan-blog 5 days
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Yes I'm still here and while I'm here I decided to get rdr2 b/c I wanted to rp as a cowboy so fucking bad. Um honestly I don't hate rockstar games recent gta story wise and online play is ass to me movement and thr story felt so trivial to me(this js my opinion after years of thinjing rockstar and gta are relativrly good) but yeah. the only rockstar game i faithfully love is Bully.
and as i play rdr2 i feel like the story is basically like Bully except the entire plot of rdr2 is Jimmy(arthur) and Gary(Micah) going at it the entire game but also using a bit of mislead.
(and yes after arthur got captured by odriscolls i immideitely sused out Micah as being a snake. also i didnt believe a word of a "truce")
And yes i did look up the truth to confirm my suspicions b/c i don't believe in spoilers kinda. But yeah im gonna say a couple things about this game I genuinely think it's a cool and interesting game. I personally can't fathom how ppl thought Dutch was so "wise" and "complex" he basically was some dude that monologued EVERYtime he was on screen. Like I swear to god this dude was just a "head up his own ass" type of guy and it solidifies even more around the ends of the game. (In the beginning I thought he was sort of a good guy but once they sat up camp out of the cold .. I was like this guy is annoying ass shit and I absolutely hated taking orders from him as Arthur lol)
Dutch was basically a dude that thought he knew more than everyone cause he read a couple books and quoted shit all the time. My nigga , u are ultimately a fucking poser. U no better than anyone in the camp ANYONE could've done what he did he just got in the position before anyone else. I swear to god I'd skip so many cutscenes b/c all he did was talk and talk "blowing hot air" and as the game went on he continued to do dumber and dumber shit and everyone just went along with it. I genuinely think it's hilarious a separate job everyone does(robbing the bank) was the most fun mission with main side characters I'd probably had thru the entire game. And all that was pretty much thrown out the game b/c Dutch's plans made everyone have to leave again.
(Him saying "play both sides of the war" was the dumbest shit ever. But ofc everyone still listened to him. Hosea was having a mind of his own but STILL choice to do what he said.) Dutch wanted to play chess so bad but really he was playing checkers ever since they left Strawberry possibly Blackwater as well.
Also I wasn't sure how I'd like the game mostly the main character but Arthur actually has a personality and can be complex more than a lot of the characters ppl call "complex" . I honestly think rockstar could've gone farther with making the story so compelling maybe the main character could've been a woman who is living in the west u know and finds these band of misfits and it could show the struggles of crime and being a woman advantages and disadvantages. Something like that.
I don't think the characters aren't interesting not saying that lol I just think in the end this story didn't want to push further with complex understanding or characters. It's like yes it's a story but it's not here to make u think too much on what's going on. (That's how I felt) since most of the audience I'm assuming were biased players and SURPRISE straight white men.(even though funny enough cowboys were originally black and brown) so I think rockstar made a story just interesting ENOUGH to keep that certain demographics attention. I assume with ppl that assess games and the way the game plays out at times. For example a lot of the times during missions u could do something stealthy but still end up having a trivial ass shootout to "keep the excitement" of the game. A lot of the times that happens and it just annoys me b/c it'd virtually makes stealth pointless unless otherwise.
I'm still trying to finish up the game but rockstar has a tendency to make these games over long for no fucking reason . It reminds me of movies that are like 2hrs long just to have the entire movie be "racism is bad"(Cloud Atlas) or some dumb simple shit like that. So I'm still tryna see what the story this game is tryna tell me or show me but damn it's just taking forever for no fuckin reason TO ME. 馃拃 also feels like there's so much shit happening in the game that I can't grasp the story at times like there's no rest? Doesn't mean when characters died I didn't care but still
I was even baffled that the crew really went overboard and landed on some tropical island. Sometimes the events in the game seem unnecessary as well. Again adding to the fact the game is over long for no reason. Anyways um cya till next time.
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missjoolee 1 year
Hello! Hi there! thank you for the book!
Modern au where Bobby is the one who dies of food poisoning. And Luke gets stuck on the anger stage of grief. Feeling betrayed that Bobby would leave them just as the band was becoming something. They were supposed to make it big together and how dare he just abandon them?
But it's apparent to anybody that the anger is just a front. Because he visits Bobby's grave regularly. And one day he's there and his emotions get volatile and he's yelling at Bobby's headstone before abruptly leaving, pushing his bike to the cemetery entrance. Just as he's about to hop on and ride away, he hears sobbing coming from the bus stop. And there is Julie, completely vreaking down and Luke has ZERO clue what to do but she's alone and completely unaware of her surroundings and what kind of person would he be if he left and something happened to her? This is LA afterall.
So he pushes his bike over to the bus stop and awkwardly waits her out and once she comes back to herself, she immediately apologizes, aggressively pushing the tears from her face despite new ones still appearing. Still awkward he's just like, "don't worry about it. Just didn't think you should be alone for that" and then he gets on his bike and cycles away.
But after that, he starts seeing her more often on his trips to the cemetery. Sometimes she's inside, having her own conversations with whoever she knows in there. Occasionally they walk past each other. And sometimes she's at the bench.
Its as he's rolling past her one day that she calls out to him from where she waits.
"Do you have a minute?"
He does.
"Can I tell you about her?"
Luke nods slowly as he sinks onto the bench next to her.
And then she is telling him about the life of Rose Espinosa-Molina
and he is mesmerized. In awe not only by the amazing life of Rose, but also at this girl who is obviously a writer, crafting a poetic story of her mom.
but the tears in her eyes are also like stars and he is compelled by her
He only gets that her name is Julie when she reminisces about something Rose told her, a soft smile gracing her lips that he's sure she is unaware is happening
then she finishes her story, thanks him for listening.
"thanks for telling me. she sounds like she was amazing."
"i just needed someone new to meet her."
then they go back to seeing each other in passing occasionally, but maybe it's slightly less frequent.
but then one day, Luke gets a call trying to book SC and it's the first gig they've gotten since Bobby died and he finds himself at the cemetery, feeling numb sitting on the ground leaning against the neighbor's headstone.
A shadow drifts over him and he looks up, eyes redrimmed, at Julie. She reads the headstone, face falling at the dates.
she sits down next to him.
"who was he to you?"
and Luke breaks down.
Without hesitation, she pulls him to her, gently pushing his face into her shoulder.
the wave of grief is short lived, at least in terms of being able to speak.
she listens patiently as he tells her of his friend, his brother, haltingly.
After that my ideas become less connected. Maybe they both begin to write at the cemetery and sporadically help the other. I have an idea for way down the line or for an entirely new au involving a thunderstorm, missing Julie, and Luke's being the one to solve where she's at. Not sure where it'd best fit.
(send me a book emoji 馃摉 and I鈥檒l share the plot of a fic i鈥檒l probably never get around to writing. No time frame on this. I will answer any that show up in my inbox so long as i still have ideas!)
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soaptunes 3 years
my top 75 quarantine records: 75-66
wahoo! we actually begin this list with a controversial lowball rank, i think. bandcamp links as always where applicable!
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#75. doom - born like this (2009) the masked mc's first appearance on this list comes with what i regard as his weakest solo album, actually his final one as well. this is a much darker effort than most of his other records, his verses spinning more genuinely twisted and gross yarns than his usual cartoonish villainy. it is also worth mentioning that there is an entire song on this that's dedicated to being homophobic, specifically towards, uh, batman? there's enough great wordplay and slinky beats on this thing to satisfy, though, and i did enjoy it. worth a listen just for the tracks where doom decides to kick it into his top form.
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#74. the lemon twigs - do hollywood (2016) half beatles worship, half pure cabaret silliness, the lemon twigs for me are an extremely hit or miss band. i think they miss slightly more than they hit on this record, as they have a tendency to cover a lack of strong songwriter with extended noodling instrumental passages. THAT SAID, when they hit, they hit hard enough to make you forget they ever missed - the formula does work, provided they actually stick to it and don't lose the plot.
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#73. car seat headrest - how to leave town (2014) similarly to doom, car seat headrest was an artist that i decided to check out the back catalogue of, and found it extremely rewarding!!! how to leave town was one of the lower-impact ones for me, just because of how dense and long-winded some of the songwriting can be. that's not necessarily a detractor for a lot of people, but it's hard for it to sustain my attention for that long. that said (becoming my catchphrase), it has so many amazing moments of pure catharsis that the project is still super compelling as a full listen. as individual tracks though, if you're not in for an hour, they tend to lose me.
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#72. third eye blind - s/t (1997) i think there are a lot of people on this earth who would have my head for ranking this above how to leave town, but i really did enjoy this just a little bit more. it's not perfect, again, not every song hits, but when it does hit it is muscular, catchy as hell, and a good precursor of where the better side of scraggly pop-punk like PUP and knuckle puck would go in the next few decades. the guitar tones on this thing are way better than they have any right to be, too, what a satisfying flavor of crunch.
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#71. molchat doma - etazhi (2018) if you liked the genuine viral hit "sudno" enough to check out the full album, you'll probably like the rest of it too. molchat doma's coldwave sound is down to a formula here, as listening to the full record repeatedly can get... well, repetitive, but each individual song IS worth it on its own. this is a really good album for playlistification, the hooks hit and the songs totally work, it's just a lot of the time they all fall into a similar niche. this is a problem that i think they fix on their much better followup, monument - which is unfortunately ineligible for this list 'cuz i listened to it right when it came out - but etazhi is more than good enough to represent the dark and gloomy fun i had with molchat doma this year.
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#70. ministry - psalm 69: the way to succeed & the way to suck eggs (1991) the 90s industrial scene was a scene that i knew absolutely nothing about, and had very little motivation to get into, since i was born just a tick late to experience it and it seemed kind of like a "you had to be there" thing. it took halfway-befriending a bizarre older coworker who lived and breathed industrial music to get me to actually check some stuff out, and i'm happy to report, you don't have to have been there to get it. if you have a tolerance or love for punishing, breakneck beats, crunched-to-shit guitars, and devilishly soothsaying lyrical content, ministry is probably up your alley. definitely something to lose your mind in the pit to.
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#69. hotel mira - divorce (2016) this one caught me totally off guard. soundwise they're nothing special, a pretty standard hard-rock leaning alternative group (who recently changed their name away from the turbo-cringe jpnsgrls), but their melodic sense is some of the sharpest and catchiest ive heard in this style in a long time. damn near every song on this is sticky as hell, and they cover a huge range of emotional ground, from barn-burning romantic odes, to stoner anthems, to this one, which uses a circus as a metaphor for performing in your daily life when you're suffering from depression. shoutout especially to the charisma of the singer, who doesn't have the most amazing voice in the world but makes up for it with dynamism, character, and passion to spare.
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#68. the drums - abysmal thoughts (2017) jonny pierce has a remarkable gift for making teeth-rottingly sugary songs that conceal layers of eerie darkness underneath them. whether it's the oddly sinister videos, the emotional strings, the cyclical song structures, the unsettling phrasing and acidic bite on some of the lyrics... there's a lot of strange touches all over this jangly, surfy, catchy as fuck record, and it makes for a breakup album that keeps you on your toes the entire run. it's only this low because of a few unmemorable songs, but this is definitely my favorite drums album.
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#67. panic! at the disco - vices and virtues (2011) there may be later panic albums that attained more commercial success by hewing more to the pop side than the oddball side, and there may be earlier panic albums that lost themselves a bit by hewing to the oddball side and getting caught in fanciful concepts that didn't give their sharp hooks enough room to breathe. for my money, though, this may just be the finest of them all, one where brendon's pure pop and vocal acrobatics share equal room with his sole remaining bandmate's punk inclinations and their shared love of theatrics, and neither buries the other. super underrated album in Serious Critical Circles.
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#66. hayden thorpe - diviner (2019) look. i will be honest with you. do i miss wild beasts? yes, absolutely, they were one of my favorite bands for a long, long time, and this hayden thorpe solo album can't quite replace the absence of the full group. buuuuut..... was a huge part of why wild beasts appealed to me over other similar bands thorpe's striking and distinctive falsetto? yes. am i glad i can still scratch that itch with new stuff? holy shit, yes. this album is quiet, reflective, and emotionally open, and hayden's voice is as rich ever. i'm fine with this outcome as long as i can still hear him.
tune in next time for 65 thru 56!
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