#but that's the bit catra's stuck on that involves admitting adora wasn't reasonable to leave the horde
apollo-cackling · 8 months
Catra, wait. ...I'm sorry for leaving. I couldn't go back to the Fright Zone, not after I saw what the Horde was really doing. I never wanted to leave you. ...You could come with me! You-you-you could join the rebellion! I know you're not a bad person, Catra. You don't belong with the Horde.
Oh, no. Catra is not my friend. I mean, she's--she used to be, but that was a long time ago, and she's tried to kill me a bunch of times since then, but then she saved Glimmer. And maybe that means there's still good in her, and now I don't know. It's…{sighs} It's complicated.
I can't get into it right now but I fucign love this detail in the way adora talks to and about catra clearly she misses catra and wants catra with her but she doesn't know how to admit that can't admit that she's a person with wants and so uses good/bad person as an impersonal excuse and so from catra's end then adora's care/affection feels flimsy/conditional/impersonal and hfffffn *head in hands*
*slaps catradora on their backs* these girls can fit soo much artifice in their behaviour
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