#but that's all he gets cause he's still that awkward gangly nerd who literally cannot even throw a rock in the right direction
uselessnbee · 2 years
will never stop thinking about the idea if Mike coming to Cali not wearing that airport nightmare but something like this
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oh man and the leather jacket
or make it better he comes wearing his hellfire shirt and leather jacket??
Will would die right then and there
(yeahhh i know i'm making that loser look cool but it also ties to that idea of wait Mike Wheeler? being cool? doesn't seem right. imagine Will going like so,,,Hellfire Club huh? 🥰😊yeah it's a DnD club😊🥰*goes on an hour long rant about DnD and Eddie* ahh so he may have changed his clothes but he's still the same nerd i fell in love with. i just love the idea if Mike "looking cool" but then he opens his mouth and you're like nvm he's still the same loser)
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