#but sure that's complete enough that I'll let it out of drafts jail as-is
apollo-cackling · 10 months
something something catra never really resented adora's 'goody two shoes'-ness but instead how that means to adora, catra would always come second. And how in the early seasons, catra blamed that on adora, but in s5, catra finally understands that as adora's trauma - because acknowledging adora's trauma is directly linked to acknowledging her own, and pre-s5, that was something she couldn't allow herself to do
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depravitymoon · 7 months
Random Yandere thoughts on the Torture Dance Trio (Rough draft)
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Author's Note: Random yandere thoughts I'll eventually make into actual posts.
Warning: Mention of violence, mention of blackmail, and verbal ab*se.
Why I think Narancia cant be a Slow Burn Yandere:
Canon Narancia is willing to give his undying loyalty to people he’s only known for a few weeks. He is NOT a slow burn. He just needs a ‘trigger’. Meaning, he needs to be given a reason to be loyal and he’ll stick to you. Wasnt Naracia hanging out with street kids since age 10 and went to jail at 14? That could mean he was with ‘Bro’ and his crew for YEARS, so a slow burn wouldnt matter. I think what Narancia realized is that ‘Bro’ and his crew only cared about Narancia being useful for them. When it comes to Trish, Giorno, Fugo, and Bruno, they selflessly cared for Narancia without expecting something from him.
The good parts of Yandere Fugo:
OBVIOUSLY, he’s violent! However, there’s a bright side:
He actually leaves you to your devices if you simply behave. He is not a clingy yandere at all.
Doesnt have baby fever. In fact, YOU have to be the one begging for the baby.
You’re his sugar baby, of sorts!…..
…..well, you’re more of a secretary, BUT GOOD NEWS! You’re allowed to walk around of your own free will.
When everything’s going great he seems like his normal polite self, just talking about intellectual topics.
Also, he's constantly complimenting you saying you're wonderful, you're the best he's ever had, etc.
The obvious bad parts of Yandere Fugo:
Beatings, duh.
He controls your finances and knows where all your family members live. You bet your ass he’s using it against you. He doesn’t need to lock you away, because he makes sure you know you’re stuck with him forever. Where the fuck you gonna go?
Keep in mind your ability to walk around free is dependent on how well you do your assignments. He believes in you! He knows you’re capable of doing it! Which means when you don’t complete the tasks, YOU DID THAT ON PURPOSE! BITCH!
Just remember, it’s not just him you have to worry about. He has Passione with him. Even if he can’t use all of Passione to his advantage, he still has Narancia and Mista willing to help him.
Remember how he use to compliment you constantly? Well, now you're a whore, you're a bitch, you're unfaithful, etc because you're acting up. He loves you SO MUCH, why would you do this.
Laidback Yandere head canons
((It's a rough draft of a general yandere but it can be applied to Mista since I'm making him a laidback yandere.))
Laidback Yandere doesn't seem yandere at all. 
Laidback Yandere lets you have friends.
Laidback Yandere lets you see your family and acts like he's part of your family.
Laidback Yandere even lets you go clubbing!
What a supportive healthy relationship you two must be in! 
Laidback Yandere know all your loved one's addresses. Just in case you try to run.
Laidback Yandere has enough blackmail material on you to keep you complacent.
Laidback Yandere calmly punishes you without warning. He'll rationalize you deserve it because 'he's been so patient with you'.
Laidback Yandere calmly tells you how he disposed of the ones that were helping you leave him.
Laidback Yandere doesn't even chase you when you flee. He merely takes pictures of himself with your family and sends it to you with a text saying "I hope nothing being happens to them". 
Laidback Yandere has people watching you when he's not. 
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