#but seeing that he was one of the perpitrators of workplace harrassment and bigotry... it fucking hurts man
that-stingray-moved · 2 years
this whole kdin situation actually makes me feel so sad. not only has rt always been bigoted, but they never want to change, and never want to own up to anything. something that also really rubs me the wrong way is that the employees who commented in the matter only talked about how like “it was a long time ago ive stopped saying those words 🥺” and literally nobody from rt is talking about the systematic worker abuse that was so rampant. how you couldnt go to HR or anyone about your discrimination because of your race or sexuality or gender or anything because they just dont care. how they criminally overworked all the employees, and refused to even pay them. i cant even imagine what other shit theyve been doing that we dont know of yet. i feel ashamed for going to their events, and paying for their merch and for first. we knew they were bad but like fuck it really is rotten to the core. (sorry for the dump hope youre doing well ❤️)
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