#but porsche doesn't
grapejuicegay · 2 years
Kim, Wik, and Family Rings
“Wik is another side of me. Maybe it’s the side that I prefer.”
Kim as Wik (no ring):
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Kim as Kimlock Holmes (with ring):
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Now, here’s the thing. I don’t think the ring is just a marker of his mafia side. I think it’s a reminder to himself of how he has to act, something to keep himself in check, to keep himself from slipping into a false sense of security.
And that’s because of this:
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Chay showed up out of nowhere outside of his house as Kim was leaving, and the ring is there - Kimlock. It’s his public persona and a reminder to himself.
The studio is his only safe space. Not even music, the studio because....
The ring stays on even when he writes music at home:
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But at the studio:
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Chay was unexpected here, so this was just him going to the studio... and no ring. This is one of the few places where he doesn’t carry the reminder with him. This is his space.
Now this is where it gets complicated
KimWik in the studio:
No ring when he brings Chay to the studio for the first time.
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This is the moment where Kim unintentionally mixes his two worlds up forever. His distinction for Kimlock and Wik is the studio and performance (not music). 
He’s here as Kimlock, but Chay’s talking to Wik and already in this space, Kim can’t have that. So he lets Chay in on the KimWik 180.
But now he’s here as Kimlock AND Wik playing music with Wik’s biggest fan who is Kimlock’s target in Wik’s studio. Whatever lines he’s made for himself are falling apart.
And you do see the distinctions start to fall off:
Here’s Kim talking to Big about Porsche and Chay with no ring (inside his house, where there is always a ring):
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Which brings me to:
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The ring here.
I don’t think Kim knows whether it was him or Wik who kissed Chay in the studio. I think Kim is confused and scared and really doesn’t know how he feels. He put the ring back on after the studio to slip back into the Kimlock. Maybe because of Chay, maybe because he’s sleeping in someone else’s house/
I think he tries to run away from breakfast because he’s trying to be Kimlock but Chay keeps talking to Kim, completely open, making smiley faces on omlettes. 
But suddenly he’s having to Kimlock and suddenly he’s in the middle of a situation where the ring isn’t the only reminder, it’s his training, it’s his knowledge of what to do in this situation, it’s his ability to keep fighting as he’s getting tasered. 
Suddenly he has to Kimlock to save Chay who only sees him as Kim. And I think it’s very intentional that he won’t see Kim’s left hand during the shootout. Because I don’t think Kim knows which persona he is at that point either.
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zhouxiangs · 27 days
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PORSCHE TANATHORN as Sol in MY STAND-IN (2024) | Episode 2
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fromperdition4 · 1 month
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I love this small moment - at first glance, this is Kinn trying to calm Porsche down, by placing a supportive hand on his back.
But that's not what Kinn is doing here.
Because Kinn isn't really focused on Porsche - he's focused on Chan, who we can just barely see in the background breaking his stance and moving toward Porsche.
Chan's been trained to stop any and all threats to Korn, so he was ready to intervene when Porsche was getting heated - until Kinn stopped him. Kinn warned him off with a firm hand claiming Porsche as his, and a raised finger showing off his ring.
And this all happens behind Porsche's back! He has no idea Kinn was protecting him here - instead, he took this as a soft criticism: Kinn asking him to lay off Korn. Choosing his dad over him.
When it's just the opposite.
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lu-sn · 1 month
Porsche pulls three strings. The first is Tankhun.
“He seems really down,” he says as he tosses a spattering of food into Khun’s koi pond. “I don’t know what to do about it.”
“Well, that’s easy,” Khun says haughtily. “We’ll take him to Hum Bar. Pete loves Hum Bar.”
The second string is less trouble than Porsche thought it would be. Kinn approves their outing with no fuss.
(Kinn does ask whether Pete really went home, though. Porsche fibs his way through that answer so poorly that he’s surprised Kinn doesn’t call him out for it.)
He leaves the third — the hardest — for last.
“You don’t have to come if you don’t want to,” he says quietly, arm slung over Pete’s slumped shoulders. “I can hold Khun Noo off. But… it would be nice. We all missed you.”
Pete is silent.
Porsche draws from a well of truth deep within himself, taking care to twist his words just-so. “Last time I was down, you took me to Hum Bar. Do you remember? I really did feel better after that. It helped just to get away from here.”
Pete’s eyes slip shut. “I remember,” he mumbles.
“It’s worth a try, right?” Porsche pleads.
He waits, heart thudding against the confines of his chest until, finally, Pete nods.
Porsche [16:32] : we’ll be there
+6676603223 [16:32] : Okay
Porsche watches as the typing bubble flickers in and out of view.
+6676603223 [16:35] : Thank you.
Porsche cannot even begin to process that. So he deletes the message thread, erasing all evidence of his covert dealings — save for the awful, gnawing pit in his stomach.
#kpanniversary2024 episode 13 + prompt 13: secrets
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sonnburn · 2 years
When the fandom adopted Payu as the VegasPete son I was like, “Yeah, that makes sense, carry on”. But when they started pushing Prapai as the Kinnporsche son, I was like, “Eh, that’s a stretch.” It felt like they were only doing it because the other ship was doing it, ya’ know? But then episode 8 happened.
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Arrogant, comes from money, works for/with his father, looks good in suits, used to getting what he wants, falls in love fast, painfully unsubtle flirting techniques, impulsive, sleeps around casually, guilty of dubcon, involved adjacently with the mafia via illegal street-racing? Yeah, that’s Kinn.
But also, charming, drop-dead gorgeous, loves motorcycles, chaotic gremlin energy, biggest dopiest smile when in love, good big-brother/caretaker, loyal friend, lots of sexual experience but NO romantic experience whatsoever, kinda slutty (affectionate), and a certifiable dumbass? That’s all Porsche, baby!
This episode changed my mind, it made a very convincing argument for Prapai being the Kinnporche son and now I am here for it!
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khathastrophe · 11 days
Worst Kinnporsche fanfic trope: Chay hating Porsche for whatever reason.
Yall are wrong and I will never accept this slander.
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lukaherehelp · 5 months
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Prom truly doesn't get paid enough to deal with whatever Aob and Puen have going on
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crystallinemoonlight · 5 months
sometimes i'll think about how, at the start of episode four, pete offers to help porsche guess who he might have kissed at the pier the night before, and i imagine a crackfic where porsche goes on a quest to find out who it was by kissing his colleagues one by one - starting with pete of course that man was ready to sacrifice himself for the cause when porsche had questions about casual hookups later in the episode, offering himself up without hesitation
he visits them one by one; pol is confused... but intrigued, it's like one of tankhun's series! arm already knows it wasn't him but insists they check it anyway... just to be sure, right? you never know. ken says he'll break his face if he tries anything (very suspicious, porsche makes sure to highlight his name). big doesn't know whether to be angry or confused, he wasn't even there??? no he and ken didn't sneak in halfway through because of a secret crush, this isn't one of tankhun's series! tankhun asks what they're doing and if he can join but porsche isn't about to open that can of worms.
maybe at some point kinn catches on and realizes porsche doesn't remember but is rating the others based on if they kiss better or worse than the ~mystery person~, which is giving him an ego boost up until porsche declares that one of his friends is actually a better kisser and therefore can't possibly have been involved (said friend is very confused about why khun kinn is giving him death glares for the rest of the week)
you can even throw in some chan or vegas or anyone else if you want to, just go crazy with it, i think that'd be really funny especially if porsche just casually blasts vegas after they make out for a solid minute saying "no you're good but the other guy was just less desperate you feel me, sorry bro".
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spellofwinter · 2 years
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How's Kinn's new bodyguard? He's... handsome. Tell me something that I don't know.
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the-cookie-of-doom · 7 months
My entire day is just. Studying child development. And I don't like it (it's complicated) but it's making me really want to write a kid!fic?
Look, watching that one episode of Ingredients Did Something To Me, okay??
After some youthful indiscretions when he's a teenager, Kim get's a girl pregnant. Korn finds out and makes the problem go away. Kim might not find out at all, until years later, when the girl - now a woman - presents him with a toddler and tells him it's his. And Kim is shocked to hell, but if nothing else, he's loyal to his family, and holy shit this child is his family.
Or maybe Korn deals with the problem in a different way. He's not averse to raising bodyguards, Kim says as much himself. He could easily take care of the mother (either paying her off, attic-wifing her, or killing her), with the intention of raising his grandson to be the next heir after Kinn. He knows the chances of getting a child out of Kinn are slim to none. Now he won't have to worry about that. He has a grandchild that he can raise in his own image, in secret.
This is going to get long so I'm going to continue under a cut
However it happens, Kim eventually finds out, and like hell he's going to let anyone keep him from his child. It will take him a while to get used to the idea, to lean into fatherhood, but he's not going to let his own father raise his child to be a killer. Kim sees a chance to break his generational trauma and he takes it with both hands and runs.
Kim has no idea how to be a father. He didn't have a good role model. He know show he's raised, and he knows he won't be the same, so he just. Tries to do the opposite of whatever he went through as a kid. (He's probably the overly-permissive type, but that won't be a problem until later.)
Kim also doesn't have time to be a father. He's in his last year of university, he has a career to manage. Korn of course offers to help - with Kinn running the family now, he can play the part of doting grandpa, but Kim refuses. Hires a nanny (maybe the one that took care of him as a child, the only one he trusts with his own) to help him figure this all out.
The official story, as far as WiK goes, to protect his clean image, is that the toddler is his baby brother. WiK is seen as the sweet, doting older brother when they're seen in public together (which he tries to make sure isn't often, but he's not going to raise his kid in a box, fuck that). It melts the hearts of all his fans, and no one knows he was a teen parent, a terrible role model, someone to scorn.
At some point in their interactions, Kim lets it slip that he has two brothers, and Chay is confused. He knows about the toddler, but Kim mentioned two older brothers? So doesn't that mean he has three?
Eventually Kim introduces Chay to his kid, and Chay isn't stupid. He was raised by his own brother, he knows what that looks like, and it's not what he sees now. His suspicions are confirmed the first time Kim lets him into his apartment. He tries to hide all of the baby things, but Chay snoops a little bit. Finds a child's room behind a door that should have been locked. He confronts Kim, very gently, with the truth. He doesn't judge. He sad that Kim feels the need to hide, even from him, but he understands.
He also thinks the image of Kim with his son is so much cuter than the idea of him with a baby brother.
Kim lets himself be a little reckless, lets Chay spend more time with him and his son, and it hurts how easily Chay takes to him. Like they're a little family of their own. But it's not real.
The first time Kim lets - no, specifically asks - Chay to babysit, because he has no one else, his nanny is sick, and there's no one else he trusts with his son (which is a shock for both of them on it's own), leads to a dramatic shift in their relationship. Kim can't keep pretending this is just a friendship of convenience. He trusts Chay, maybe more than he should, but he can't deny it.
It's going to make the breakup so much harder, because his son is old enough to love Chay, to miss him, to ask where he is when he stops coming over, and Kim doesn't have a good enough answer. Is barely holding himself together, without the added pain of consoling his heartbroken child, crying for Chay to come home while Kim has to keep himself from doing the same.
TBH, the kid is probably how they reconcile. Next time SomethingTM happens and Kim doesn't have anyone to watch him, his first instinct is to call Chay. But he's not allowed to do that anymore. So he drops the boy off with Uncle Tankhun (and is barely able to make him leave that horrible house with his child inside, but Khun is fierce, he'll protect him) and at some point Chay comes to see Khun, and finds him playing with the kid who missed Chay so much, and he knows he should leave, but when he tries the kid cries until he throws up (it's gross, but it's also sweet, but it's also so, so heartbreaking) and Chay just. Can't. Kim might hate him for it, but he can't break that little baby's heart all over again.
After, both Tankhun and the kid demand regular visits. (Khun knows exactly what he's doing. Yeah he loves his nephew, the kid is in that excited dress-up stage and lets Khun treat him like a little doll, but he also thinks Kim is an idiot and needs to start talking to Chay again, and if this is what happens, then so be it).
Little kiddo excited tells Chay about anything and everything, and then does the same to Kim, telling him about his day, all the fun things he did with Uncle Khun and Uncle Chay, and. It hurts. Kim was not at all prepared for how much it hurts.
It continues this way for a while, with the kid an unintentional carrier pigeon between Kim and Chay, sharing aspects of their lives to each other. They never cross paths because Chay always makes sure he's not there when Kim drops him off or picks him up.
Until one day he is. Kim was late (his latest mission was particularly bloody, he had to take extra time to get himself cleaned up and put back together, he won't let his son be exposed to this part of his life) and his son is inconsolable. Chay is trying his best. Just got him to sleep in his lap when Kim finally drags himself, looking fierce until his eyes fall on his son in the arms of the man he loves, and he softens, and Chay sees it, and. They really need to talk.
But kiddo is still sleeping, and Kim doesn't want to wake him up just yet, so he just. Sits down. Looking at him because he can't look at Chay, and Chay tells him how worried kiddo was (doesn't say how worried he was, too), and how he's been fussy all night. Kim lets it slip how much kiddo missed Chay/looks forward to seeing him now (doesn't say how much he missed Chay, and always hopes for a glimpse of him, always disappointed when he isn't there)
They have a lot to work through, but it's impossible to fight with the kiddo sleeping in Chay's lap, so they're forced to be adults about it. Talking quietly, with Kim admitting to things he never thought he'd be able to say out loud. Does say how much he missed Chay, and how he never should have left Chay alone, and how he never should have let Chay think he never loved him, because he did, so much he saw a future with Chay that scared him, and he ran, because he couldn't bear it if Chay left him first, better to break his own heart
Chay forgives him. They don't get together immediately because forgiveness isn't the same as acceptance, and they still have things they need to work through. But he stops avoiding Kim, and sometimes Kim calls him instead of Khun when he needs an impromptu baby sitter, and slowly, that little family that Kim never let himself dream about starts to take form in front of his eyes, and he wonders how he could have ever let himself run away from this.
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vani-ash · 4 months
(Takes place around events of ep 7 DFF and end of Kinnporsche)
(inspired by I re-watched ep6 of DFF and somehow missed that they sing TSICY on their way to Pors house on my first watch)
Somehow Non and Chay run into each other and they look identical. Chay, wanting to have some time away from the mafia he's become apart of, comes up with the idea after hearing Nons story to switch places. Non is reluctant at first but when Chay promises he can help solve Nons problems he agrees (Non doesn't fully trust Chay and leaves out some details like Mr Keng and Phee).
Chay has a Theerapanyakul mafia ring that he uses when the mafia guys come after him to get them to leave him alone, he also has access to mafia money that he tries to use to help Nons family as much as he can without causing suspicion. Chay is disgusted by how Nons 'friends’ treat him but Non had said he wanted to finish his movie so Chay plays along with them for now.
And Then whatever happens causing Non to disappear happens to Chay instead.
Non was told by Chay that if he went to the compound he’d be able to just walk in, he’s nervous but he does and when he’s engulfed in a hug by a stranger he feels a little better. He recognizes the man from a photo Chay had shown him, Porsche, who was worried because Chay disappeared and lost his bodyguards for a few hours.
Chay had told Non that he wasn’t speaking to his brother or anyone else really so if he did nothing but stay in Chays room the whole time he’d be fine and no one would question or really bother him.
Then Non gets a knock on his door, it’s Kim, he was trying to apologize to Chay about his song being stolen and that it wasn't him that released it and he didn’t mean for it to happen.
(Someone on Kims team finds a demo Kim made of Chays song (tsicy) when he was helping Chay record it, and releases it under Wiks name without Kim’s consent. Because Kim hasn’t released any new music since his break up with Chay and his company wants new music from him.)
Non feels bad about how distraught Kim sounds, and lets him in. Kim hadn’t expected for Chay to actually let him in, it’s been a month since Kim had been this close to Chay and so the first thing he does on impulse is hugs him. Non, currently still processing the worst week of his life, doesn’t push Kim away causing Kim to kiss him.
Anyway Kim somehow finds out that it wasn’t Chay who forgave him and that Non isn't Chay and demands Non tell him where Chay actually is and when they show back up everyone is confused (because they killed him like 3 weeks ago or something) and is like WTF?! But when Non just acts like nothing happened they don’t bring it up, and so now Non and Kim have to figure out what happened to Chay.
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rayandgay · 1 year
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Riding your bike to Chonburi? My butt would be numb. I was just kidding, I'm taking my car.
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fromperdition4 · 1 month
Best Friends
In honour of today's prompt "Favourite Platonic Relationship", I think it's time we give an award out to the best friend on the show - vote for your pick below!
Disclaimer: for the purposes of this (very limited) poll, I'm only including 'supporting' characters whose primary purpose on the show is to be a friend/like a friend to one of the more primary characters.
Feel free to talk about friendships between main characters in the replies, though!
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scarefox · 6 months
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fanfictionroxs · 2 years
Porsche: Korn is the WORST father! How do you not see it Kinn?!
Kinn: He's not bad, Porsche! You're just misunderstanding my dad!
Pete: Yeah Porsche! He never hits his kids! So how can he be a bad father?!
Vegas: Yeah... the bar's THAT low with me and him.
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eralius · 2 years
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Porsche's Winks
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