#but like realistically: they're frat guys.
lunar-nebulari · 2 years
Which members of SMH know where the the clitoris is.
It's the thing you never knew you needed to know. (Not including female characters because duh, of course they all know.) (Also feel free to debate or add others in the tags/comments.)
Main Crew:
Bitty: He's gay, but very in touch with women. Therefore I think he knows what it is, but he doesn't know where it is.
Jack: I feel, in my heart of hearts, that he knows where it is. He may be lacking in emotional intelligence, but I feel like that man knows how to please a person. No matter the genitals.
Shitty: Yes, of course. He's a feminist, it's his job to know where it is. He's out there pleasin' people with vaginas, and educating dumbass dudes that don't even know it exists.
Holster: According to Tumblr user @p-antalons he "100%" doesn't know where it is. Sorry buddy, guess your game isn't truly off the charts.
Ransom: I'm actually on the fence about him, he's a smart guy but he's also really fucking dumb. I'd say he's one of those guys that knows it exists but always fumbles in trying to find it.
Chowder: Yes, but his knowledge comes directly from Caitlin. He was very eager to learn tho.
Dex: Fuck, no.
Nursey: It's a no from me dawg. He seems like the kinda guy that thinks he's amazing and hits it every time, but that's so far from the truth.
Tango: He's got no braincells in him. He's got a good heart and would also be very eager to learn. But I think he spends a large majority of his life not knowing it even exists.
Whiskey: FLAMING homosexual. Knows nothing about female anatomy, but we love him anyway.
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if anyones curious about who the fuck the Freemasons are after Arthur almost died about a million times trying to get to the Freemasons through Daniel so he could get to the Order of the Fallen Star- here's my take on them as someone who's dad is a member and who grew up around them.
they say they're trying to "make better people" and that they're "religious but don't follow an orthodox" aka: you have to be a man, belive in one Supreme being (god), and you have to believe in life after death in some capacity.
what do they do? great question! swear themselves to secrecy, then meet a couple times per month to put on secret little plays for eachother, drink heavily, do a really fucking creepy chant/ prayer thing, and pretend that they have friends. think frat house for old white men
yes, they are as creepy and cultlike as you're imagining. yes, they are basically the racist illuminati (I'm not kidding. they literally have a second sector called prince hall masonry specifically for black members so the main sect is all old white guys) and yes they are as old and as widespread as Arthur says (most of the older buildings even in and around my small town have a cornerstone layed by the freemasons, and they decend from the knights templar)
it is VERY much a family thing. (once one of the members spotted my little brother and whispered to my dad "guess it's about time for it to be his turn") and you do need to know a member to get in, but also like... its not that secret???
we have a giant Square and Compasses sign hanging on our masonic lodge. most of the masonic lodges do. you could also just go to a local bar, befriend a few of the old white guys and at least one of them is going to know a guy. for the same reason it's also very realistic that Arthur's father in law is a freemason because istg these guys are just everywhere.
one more fun fact: historically, if anyone was caught listening in on their meetings, they would either immediately induct them (under the secrecy oath that involves death might I add) or just flat out kill them. one "fun story" my dad told me as a child was the daughter of a high ranking local official ( a princess in his story ) listened in and they couldn't kill her because her dad was important, so she became the first and only woman allowed into the freemasons. so yeah. they killed any women or nonreligious (read: nonwhite) people who listened in
...super silly! good luck arthur!!!
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Scout tf2 Scout tf2 🙏
Realistic: Everyone seems 2 think Scout is a lightweight but UNTRUE he's like 50% Bonk and 50% Sam Adams. He's like, VERY frat guy to me. He can hold it
Unrealistic, but funny: He listens to the Beastie Boys. Like, so so much. And he thinks they're the coolest thing to ever exist
Heart-crushing and awful: I think he's definitely overcompensating for something, but for exactly what I'm not sure, I have a couple ideas. I imagine being a jock who blows out the window like a napkin in the car does something to your self-esteem
Unrealistic but I will disregard canon because I reject canon: Scout tf2 is real and he lives in my home and he is my brother
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asukaskerian · 3 years
Izuna's explanation of Naohime/Daichi's though process is both terrifyingly realistic and just plain terrifying. But oh god Naohime and her continued Poor Life Choices =DDDDD (Also it's really cool to see a female character doing something truly mind-bendingly stupid and wrong, while still being a powerful character overall? Like often it's one or the other, they're either Strong and Badness and Sensible and Keep The Boys Out Of Trouble, or a weak dumb lady.)
they are seriously entitled brats with unfortunate high combat ability and a world that encourages them to see outsiders as not fully real people, especially enemies. you might even think that in such a world it's healthy not to have empathy and trust for everyone you meet, when there's a 85% chance they're gonna stab you in the back and run off with your eyeballs.
but also, they're horny frat guys looking to get laid. even the girl. especially the girl. daichi at least has the "desperate to have family again" angle, but she has siblings and living parents, she's just strutting. XD
... honestly i had trouble with that, because the more i write her and the more i'm wondering if she's a touch narcisstic or what because she has a somewhat reduced ability to realize that other people might disagree with her reality. possibly a big part of the issue is that she's a pretty good fighter and also some family history about how one of their out-clan ancestresses was an actual princess went to her head, but idk how i'm gonna develop her past that because Madara's about to go nuclear on her ass. XD;;;;; but your comment made me feel better about the aspect where she keeps getting annoyed at even her superiors for not agreeing with her reality and just, keeping on making the same mistake, because that's an entitled as fuck, "top of the social order and feels like she deserves it" behavior and... yeah, we rarely see that in female characters, huh.
at the same time i don't want daichi to have a redeeming character arc and her not, because thanks to canon the main characters are already a sausagefest. so i'm gonna have to plot things out. haaaa. fun. XD;
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lolabangtan · 2 years
To the last anon, I went to an American high school and college and never experienced the stereotypical jock/frat boy/fb to the extent written in fanfics (maybe that's why I like reading those tropes for fun 😂). I'm sure they exist somewhere, but it's def not the norm.
P.S. I love how you write your characters and I'm glad they're sweet not misogynistic! They're your stories anyway.
Honestly yes. I mean, some guys do try to follow the archetype 🤷🏼‍♀️ but I'm just amazed that I had to witness with my own two eyes how someone just came at me with the serious allegation that what probably is the most cringe worthy and exaggerated trope ever is what makes a fic realistic? Oh my god.
And how they asked if I hadn't gone out in ten years... Anon, have you gone out, like, ever? Walked out into the real world?
Thank you for the compliment, you're so sweet too❤️❤️❤️❤️ no sexist love interests on my watch!!!!
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99liners · 2 years
lebarosis is such a realistic story.
It is heartbreaking but also possible in a twisted way, because things like that do happen and it doesn't feel fictional at all. I can't say the same for everyone tho.
I relate to it because I've living like this since the past six years. I won't say that I'm literally unhappy with my situation but it's not something to be satisfied about as well.
It's shiza's husband who's the main fault in her life in mine it's my aunties (mostly the youngest one) I live in a quite religious, traditional and reserved (joint) family, they're not that bad to be around, they're bearable and good human beings, but some of the things they believe and expect me to do in return sets me off.
The women in our house don't work or have a job but they do have impressive degrees from named universities. Unlike my father, they don't have a job or business they live off my grandad's property, well it's not a problem, it's their right I don't mind but they won't even marry someone with proper financial position. Well okay you live in your fathers house with your husbands, you enjoy and mind your own business but it is a problem when you have to put your nose into your brother's business, and his life. They were jealous of my mom and her looks, she was independent and had her own job.
My aunts (especially the youngest one) had forbid any other person from the family to interact with my mom and they've been continuing doing that for years, ignoring her, trying to manipulate my dad into kicking her out with us, but these never really happened. She was furious because she couldn't use my dad's money and take him to shopping and spend thousands.
And you know what they did? They successfully convinced dad that she cheated on him with my uncle. His own fucking brother, how heartless can they be? I still remember how dad accused her and asked her for divorce, at 3am in the morning she left with me and my younger brothers. She was so shocked that he'd believe that made up shit. They were angered because my uncle gifted an iPhone to my mom. My uncle is young, he could be my brother. Idk where that even came from.
I still get chills remembering the time when I was asked to choose one between my parents. I was just 11 years old.
The next day dad came and took our custody, eversince then we've been living with him.
The first weeks were hard, life was hard. It was hard, so hard. With their taunts, accusations, and ballistic words. They'd laugh at my youngest sibling (aged 7 at that time) when he'd have fever and have nightmares. I've had to be a mother to both my brothers, I have to cook for them, tutor them, and scold them when they did something wrong.
And I remember when I came back from the weekend sleep over at mom's one of the maids told me that my aunties burned my mom's wedding dress and photos which I've treasured and kept in my bedroom, I cried so fucking much that day, I've never ever been so hurt, they were taking advantage of my vulnerability and my age.
They'd manipulate my dad into scolding me and force me into stuffs I don't lik e and want to do, because ik my dad and he'd never really comment on how I should dress or how I shouldn't go out.
They even tried to stop my education but my mom would come to the rescue, thankfully.
They've put so much fear on us that we can't even mention my mom on anything. It's hurts because she's here and I have to live like I don't have a mother. They let us go to my mom's twice or thrice in a year. (Not directly but they've brainwashed dad into believing all that)
Now that I'm older things just keep getting worser, I have my o levels next year and I don't know shit, I don't have a tutor, I have no contact with my friends, they don't let my dad let me go to extra classes because they're filled with frat boys and rebellious girls and they fear I might date a bad guy and get influenced by them and bring dissapointment, like wtf is wrong with them? I have this gut feeling that they want me to get married within 20 but god's grace my dad doesn't want that, he wants me to complete my studies and get a job.
Idk I'm sorry if I said too much. But reading that wedding dress part brought back memories. I said only 30% of their shits, they've done more damage to me but I might end up having a panic attack lol.
I'm 17 now and I'm wiser so don't worry I'm okay.
In short LIBEROSIS is amazing 🙌🏼
let me just start off by saying that this is literally
[this ask was received at exactly 4:44pm]
god, i am crying. i don't know what to say to you, my love.
thank you for saying that liberosis feels like a realistic story, that is what i aim for in most of my writings. i am so sorry that you have had to go through all of these and are still in the midst of it, that too at such a young age. it must feel so lonely and just frustrating to be fighting these demons all the time. especially since it's not something which is rational but completely irrational. i feel like this is what a lot of people miss out on. fighting rationality and logic is easier than fighting fear, irrationality, oppression. the circumstances are never in the favour of the victim (not to mention they are never same for two people) and hence exactly why they are in those circumstances in the first place! people love to say "but why didn't dash did dash" but they don't realize it is far difficult than that and the problem goes beyond one dimension – just running away probably wouldn't help or you would have done that already.
my family is not even religious to begin with so i have literally no idea how your circumstances must feel like for you nor will i ever know. what i can tell you, however, is that i do understand the underlying problem – i get why you are stuck in such an environment against your will. i have read countless number of judgements (all the facts pertaining to a case are always present in the judgement) and usually when i read domestic violence cases, let me tell you, it's far easier than just saying "oh she should just leave him". i have read about a number of atrocities and violence – most of which are embedded in my mind and i don't think i will ever forget the imageries. it's haunting and to be actually going through that? unimaginable.
i remember some readers had asked why doesn't just shiza get a divorce from yoongi or in hoseok's case why doesn't dany just take their son, hyuk, and leave hoseok? yearning for a happy ending is inherent but what we fail to appreciate is that a happy ending needs to be literally manufactured by the person who is yearning for it. more often than not, we have to create our own destiny and our own happy ending the way we want it to be.
i am sorry if it feels like i am just talking about myself but it's more like i don't have any words of consolation and sympathy for you. what can i ever possibly say that might make you feel better? my words can only bring you momentary satisfaction but when you go back to your life, it's all the same again. to be stuck in such a loop must be soul-breaking.
when i read that your relatives (i refuse to term them as family members) burned your mother's wedding dress – i just stared at the screen for a while because... i don't know wow i don't even know what to say or do. just know, from the bottom of my heart that i acknowledge how you must have felt back then and even how you are feeling now. your feelings are very much validate and I care about them.
i am not sure what is O levels but i am guessing (by your age) that you are still in school. if it is possible, then i would love to help you out. i am no prodigy but i am decent with science and then humanities is also something i can help with. even if i cannot help you, i would just love to accompany you in your study sessions (again, if it's possible.) so do let me know if you would be able to do that. Google meet, zoom, whatever i am here to help you out if you need it and want it.
additionally, if any of my other followers can lend this anon any help regarding their studies - please feel free to comment down below.
take care, my love. just know, beyond all of these, you still have 7 idiots who are rooting for you and then there's me and i bet the other followers of this blog too who are praying and rooting for you <33
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