#but it was really disjointed and didnt mesh well with the plot at all
caffeinatedopossum · 2 years
I had a dream that the entire second episode of owl house season 3 was leaked early and I was really upset about it because 1) don't leak stuff. It's just an asshole move to the people who worked really hard on it and want to see all the hype and promo art before the release date and stuff and also 2) it wasn't good 🤦‍♂️ in conclusion, I'm really glad my subconscious mind isn't the director on this show because yikes
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Watched the first episode of Dark Crystal Age of Resistence and.....didnt like it.
I'm, really sad this is the case. I mean it IS only the first episode and maybe things pick up o er the season since everyone's praising it but....
The characters were very dull and cliche, with cliche motivations and cliche plot points.
The plot itself bounces between so many different characters it comes off as disjointed and hard to follow.
The puppetry looks amazing as do the practical sets, but the CGI really does not mesh well with the puppetry in a lot of places and looks far too obviously CGI in some of the background shots (I'm talking like prequel era looking obvious CGI backgrounds )
Also, it's a prequel, and they're marketing it all about The Resistence and Keeping Hope Alive but.....we KNOW they fail.
Literally the original movie begins with only two surviving Gelfling, who didnt even know the other one was alive, after their people and world were subjugated and destroyed by the Skesis over a 1000 years ago?
Good job resistence.
IDK maybe it improves over the season but so far, nope not into it, do t get the praise for outside the marvelous puppetry.
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