#but it has a big cultural significance in PR
pigdemonart · 6 months
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Drawings of some Rosarios and a beloved Fatima @bunnyangelart
The bottom pic makes me the happiest! Bunnii and I had mused ideas of the four of them having known each other in school as kids, and the idea stuck enough it became canon. Also any time drawing baby Adrián before he lost is eye is like u_u ….. mm
OH before anyone asks, Mani was asked to be the school mascot. It’s not his fursuit!!!! Realistically if anyone would have a fursuit, it’d be Adrián…….And Fatima (shes a warrior cats kid)
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survivingcapitalism · 7 months
One-third of American kitchens have gas stoves—and evidence is piling up that they’re polluting homes with toxic chemicals. A study this summer found that using a single gas stove burner on high can raise levels of cancer-causing benzene above what’s been observed from secondhand smoke. 
It turns out gas stoves have much more in common with cigarettes. A new investigation by NPR and the Climate Investigations Center found that the gas industry tried to downplay the health risks of gas stoves for decades, turning to many of the same public-relations tactics the tobacco industry used to cover up the risks of smoking. Gas utilities even hired some of the same PR firms and scientists that Big Tobacco did. Utilities were advised to “mount the massive, consistent, long-range public relations programs.”
Earlier this year, an investigation from DeSmog showed that the industry understood the hazards of gas appliances as far back as the 1970s and concealed what they knew from the public. The new documents fill in the details of how gas utilities and trade groups obscured the science around those health risks in an attempt to sell more gas stoves and avoid regulations—tactics still in use today. 
The investigation comes amid a culture war over gas stoves. Towns across the country have passed bans on natural gas hookups in new buildings, and the federal Consumer Product Safety Commission is looking into their health hazards. The commission has said it doesn’t plan on banning gas stoves entirely after the mention of the idea sparked a backlash last December. That same month, a peer-reviewed study found that nearly 13 percent of childhood asthma cases in the United States were linked to using gas stoves. But the American Gas Association, the industry’s main lobbying group, argued that those findings were “not substantiated by sound science” and that even discussing a link to asthma was “reckless.”
It’s a strategy that goes back as far back as 1972, according to the most recent investigation. That year, the gas industry got advice from Richard Darrow, who helped manufacture controversy around the health effects of smoking as the lead for tobacco accounts at the public relations firm Hill + Knowlton. At an American Gas Association conference, Darrow told utilities they needed to respond to claims that gas appliances were polluting homes and shape the narrative around the issue before critics got the chance. Scientists were starting to discover that exposure to nitrogen dioxide—a pollutant emitted by gas stoves—was linked to respiratory illnesses. So Darrow advised utilities to “mount the massive, consistent, long-range public relations programs necessary to cope with the problems.”
The American Gas Association also hired researchers to conduct studies that appeared to be independent. They included Ralph Mitchell of Battelle Laboratories, who had also been funded by Philip Morris and the Cigar Research Council. In 1974, Mitchell’s team, using a controversial analysis technique, examined the literature on gas stoves and said they found no significant evidence that the stoves caused respiratory illness. In 1981, a paper funded by the Gas Research Institute and conducted by the consulting firm Arthur D. Little—also affiliated with Big Tobacco—surveyed the research and concluded that the evidence was “incomplete and conflicting.”
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idsb · 1 year
Can you elaborate a bit on the strategy OR's team is using and what makes it way too early for that kind of approach? (I'm fascinated by stuff like this)
yeah so basically Olivia's current manager manages people like Jennifer Anniston, Paul Rudd, Mark Ruffalo, and Jason Bateman - huge huge huge movie stars and they don't really have any singers on their roster [they do have Selena but she's an outlier bc she fits what these people go for and doesn't really market herself as an artist like how Taylor is one].
Olivia signed with them in February 2022, and almost immediately there was a STARK difference in how she was presented: her personal posts slammed on the breaks, she stopped doing interviews, promo for Sour slammed on the breaks except for very PR-ish feeling posts, etc. This makes a lot of sense for the clients her manager has: while they are very very very famous and very very very beloved, I don't think you could tell me anything about Paul Rudd's actual personality. Jennifer Anniston does not have an instagram. I have never seen or heard of a Jason Bateman interview. the people this firm manages are EXTREMELY high-end famous people; people who are elevated in a way where they do not interact with the general public. like. ever. If they do, it is in an extremely polished way because they are such mega-stars that giving pieces of themselves personally is not merited (and to tie back into Selena, her PR strategy has been contingent on not giving very much of herself outside of HUGE things like giant magazine covers every once in a blue moon, or her doc. She's really elevated above the GP with her stardom level and doesn't partake in celeb culture, isn't really Seen anywhere, etc). She's been focused less on being personable and more seeming elevated, like I said, and out of reach: significantly more adult fashion choices, minimal personal socials, hardly any windows into her life, etc.
This, as a VERY young artist who is a confessional songwriter, just Does Not Work. I think Olivia chose them because she wanted to be taken more seriously and establish career longevity, but for everything she has built her career around: being a super personable girl who could be your bestie (and who you want to be your bestie) who writes extremely confessional songwriting, having this extremely thick veil between you and your fanbase and audience just is not going well so far imo - she's been very left behind culturally because she's not participating in that culture and both her entire first album and herself as a person were a MASSIVE pop culture staples in 2021. I think this will have pretty significant negative effects on album 2 sales and will kind of destroy the very dedicated and passionate Gen Z following she had, and translate her into more like... adult-y radio pop demographic - which is the exact opposite move you'd want if you're trying to establish career longevity at this stage (trying to cement the dedication of the fanbase you've built + increasing it). it can work when you're already well-established and extremely beloved, aka Selena. It doesn't work when you're a young artist still climbing and I think her making that decision was a little hasty and rooted in feeling too big for her britches.
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anarcho-compass · 2 years
Hey why is Texas such a big deal in the US? Literally just it's size?
It's not the freest. Or the most conservative. Or the most beautiful. Yet It's probably the second most famous state.
Has it really been very culturally significant throughout history or is there a story behind it's pr?
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maxverstepponme · 1 year
Sorry for rising from the dead this late. I didn’t go to Baku and decided to take a week off. I’m already in Miami and I’ve been for a week, jet lag is finally gone now. I went through the lens anon tag and I’m going to answer the questions you received. Are any of the wags actually beards? Not that I know of. Some of the relationships are really weird but none of them are that kind. How many rumors do you hear that the public doesn't know about? A lot. Some of these don’t make it to the gossip platforms because it would be very obvious who spread them. There are a lot of eye opening situations that can’t be shared now, but I’m sure they’ll be shared at some point. How close to their pr personality are the drivers really? The driver that’s closer to their pr personality is George. I haven’t had that many talks with him, but the way you see him on the media, that’s the way he is, so are Lewis, Nando and Kevin. Charles is a sweetheart, so is Max. The sweetest of them all is Mick. He is very kind and respectful to everyone. Carlos is very distracted. Fun fact he once bumped into my camera once for not looking 😂 Pierre is very nice too. None of them have been mean to me, but there are some that have a temper according to some colleagues. Who are the biggest gossips? Like mechanics or hospitality staff or drivers themselves? The mechanics (and PR managers because it’s their job). They know everything because they also talk with other mechanics. The AM mechanics take the crown for this one!
How long did you do the job and do you see a significant change in the way your job is handled? Like for me personally the WAG culture became on the nose only after covid hit. I can’t tell you exactly how long I’ve been in the sport because that could expose my identity, but things have changed and for me it’s been for the better. There are less restrictions and a little more support. The wag culture became big after DTS and Covid. The paddock has become a runway, and not in the good way. Rudest people. Can be Marco, bodyguards, team owners, wags or drivers. None. For me are other photographers that are constantly trying to compete with others. Random that attend the paddock too.
Anything shocking ever happened that's an open secret to you but was hushed up by powers that be. I'm thinking like the crash gate that's mentioned now by Massa and the amount of people in the paddock that just not mention it but are 100% aware. Specifically Monaco 22? Yes, some PR agents have done the impossible to get rid of a lot of dirt. Both for teams and drivers.
Hi I wanted to ask lens anon something if they can answer it would be great thanks in advance . Do you know which drivers know about this blog ? Thank you again. I do. Some read it for fun and some others read it or have someone else to read it out of precaution.
I hope I was able to give the answers you wanted. If you have any other questions let me know 💛
— Lens anon 📸
Mick 🥹 truth or not, he is the sweetest
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tblueger · 1 year
TheThe thing is that Malkin only reposted Ovi’s Team Putin thing after being publicly harangued along w other Russians. Ovi went to rallies and pressers with Putin and has kept up a one sided PR “rivalry” with Malkin for the media. Malkin has made pro LGBT+ commitments and statements almost his entire NHL career (including the jerseys and sticks) and never received backlash. People are only isolating him because he’s an isolated case.
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(i just woke up and might not be totally coherent/able to read right now disclaimer)
my tags on that post weren't meant to be attacking geno/people who are fans of him, i'm a fan of his he's my big beautiful bitchwife and i love him. the point i was (badly) (kind of pissed-off-ly) trying to make was that blaming the sudden abandonment of pride nights on The Russian Collective is xenophobic and probably just straight up wrong. we don't know all the ins and outs of these organisations and we don't know the details of every player's political beliefs (...for the best. i think). i know that there are some guys who are vocally against shit like this (jordan harris, connor murphy) and i know panarin spoke out against putin (and that there was backlash).
i was just pointing out that
(a) the sudden regression to no pride nights probably has a lot more to do with the rush of trans/homophobic laws tearing through america rn (and the lack of significant repercussions to the flyers proving that like, you just can)
(b) blaming it all on the team's russian members demonises The Russians. which is yk. bad. maybe they had smth to do with it maybe they didn't but regardless making out a giant largely-faceless cultural Other to straw-man all of your problems onto is dangerous. more so when you pick one out to be A Good One and decide that they all can/should be like this and if they aren't they're The Enemy. it's a complicated situation that i at least, don't fully understand all the details around lmao so i'm not a huge fan of blaming everything on them.
(c) there are homophobic american and canadian players who are now getting to hide behind The Russians and we can pretend that our guys are Good.
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So, now that holivia is over, what are your thoughts on the stunt. Do you think Harry and his team consider it a success or a failure? It got him in the press so if the goal was fame then i guess it was a success. But if the goal was to have a believable beard, that failed miserably since most fans saw through the pr relationship. I'm leaning more towards failure only because with all that headlining press, came some criticism of Harry which he was able to avoid for years.
So I disagree with your framing in two quite important ways. The first is that evaluation is rarely an on/off switch and I'd be surprised if that was the way Harry and his team talked about pretending to date Olivia. Most things are far more messy than either being a success or a failure and very little useful comes from asking about things in those terms. There are lots more interesting options when it comes to how to think of things, but even a cost and benefit analysis is more useful than success or failure.
The second is the way you centre what fans think. Marketers (and certainly anyone who has access to data) are behaviourists; they do not care what you think, they care what you do. Whatever the goal was for Harry and Olivia - how fans saw it was not a major concern.
I know this is super nitpicky - but I really think it does make a difference to the way we understand things. I think both a binary definition of success and failure and overvaluing what fans think are key errors of assumptions.
Anyway having said all that - the problem with evaluating anything in fandom is that we don't know what the goals were and we don't know what the restrictions are.
I would say be benefits of Harry and Olivia pretending to date are quite clear. He was able to do a queer movie that probably reflects his life without any risk of being outted. Harry has seen huge commercial success since pretending to date Olivia. Harry's House really took him into the next level as a popstar. That's true both of the album itself and its metrics. Also the wider awareness of him as a popstar and cultural figure (which the relationship directly contributed to). But perhaps most importantly you saw a significant increase in how engaged you had to be with Harry Styles to buy a concert ticket - and the fact that people who had a much more casual relationship with him were buying tickets is obviously super important.
On the costs side you have the fact that there has been a backlash, a small one mostly based around queerbaiting and then a wider one in relation to his movie career. I think his relationship with Olivia indirectly contributed to one and directly contributed to the other. How much that's considered a cost of being as big as he is and how much can be directly tracked back to the fake relationship would be a hard calculation, but to me it's reasonable obvious that some of it is as a result of pretending to be in a relationship.
What else would go in a cost benefit equation?
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strelles-universe · 2 years
Asitatu, the Complete Grammar Guide
The Language of the Sky Kingdoms, when all the world’s creatures heard each other truly for the first time, the Sky decided to rebuild what had been broken. With a value of knowledge and unity, they painstakingly reconstructed everything they had. Nowadays, knowing the language is a point of pride and part of a Sky Born’s inheritance - the ability to speak of the Sky and to the other creations of the Sky Kindlers is something to pride yourself on.
Most kits will enter formal lessons when they’re about four moons old but have generally picked up the basic of the language about a moon before. Creatures who wish to stay in the kingdoms long-term are expected to take at least casual lessons in Asitatu and understand its significance to the Sky Kingdoms.
Part 1: Phonology and Phonetics
There are about 17 consonant sounds to Asisahala
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And there are 5 vowels;
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Phonetic Summary
Onset: m n p b t d sh x r h s z f v k g
R Cluster: hr mr nr fr lr vr pr dr kr shr xr
K Clusters: ky nk mk sk
Nucleus: a e i o u
Nucleus Cluster (a): aa ai
Nucleus Cluster (i): ii ia
Nucleus Cluster (o): oe
Nucleus Cluster (e): ei
Nucleus Cluster (u): ue ua
Coda: l n r k shs v
Coda Cluster: ss nn
(Some of these spaces are left blank to leave room for myself to continue creating new words. When I think I have enough combos, I'll stick to the combos I created)
Part 2: Word Order and Compounding
SVO Primary - The cat jumps over the tree
SOV Secondary - The cat, over the log jumps
Demonstrative - Noun
Numeral - Noun | This goat
Possessive - Noun| Your goat
Noun - Adjective | Goat big
Noun - Genitives | The sandwich of the goat (not, the goat’s sandwich)
Noun - Relative Clauses | The goat, who ate the sandwich is thick
Verb - Auxiliary | Go must (I go must | I must go)
Verb - Subordinate Verb | Went to buy (vs. to buy went)
Adjective - Adverb | Big really (really big)
Yes/No Particles - Final (End of a sentence)
Question Words - Final (End of a sentence)
Proper Noun - Common Noun | state Kansas instead of Kansas State
Modifier Order: Quantity - Opinion - Age - Size - Origin - Color - Material - Purpose + Noun
Modifier Example:Two pretty old large dutch white cotton goats.
Compounds: Forest (tree-place -> place tree)
Part 3: Noun Class
Asitatu has a very simple animate vs. inanimate noun class distinction. While a vast majority of nouns will go where you think it will (rocks are inanimate, but squirrels are animate), religious and social implications have created a few oddities. This is true in the case of fire which is considered animate and water happens to be situational.
Animate - Sun, moon, cat, wind, breath, dog
Inanimate - Rock, tree, snail, dirt, bedding
Now one thing to understand is that when it comes to living beings, it’s the soul that’s considered to be animate and mobile. As a result, when a being dies, the corpse itself is referred to as an inanimate object.
Viŕihem agaan vs. Viŕiki helaan
Green-ANI Eye-PL Green-INANI Leaf-PL
The animate modifier is: -he(m)
The inanimate modifier is: -ki(m)
The optional -m at the end of both affixes depends on the sound of the following word. If the next word starts with a vowel, then the -m comes in.
Part 4: Grammatical Number
Asitatu keeps grammatical number simplistic. There are three numbers that are inflected for - Singular, Plural and Paucal nouns.
Singular Nouns are mostly left blank, so an unmarked nouns like say Akush (friend) are always assumed to be singular.
Paucal nouns forms signify that there are a few of a thing - this can vary based on culture what “a few” is but the most accepted version of this is 2-4 things. Akushal (a few friends) -al
Plural noun forms are many of the thing - anything more than you’d identify as a few. Akusha (friends). -a(n)
Part 5: Tense and Aspect
Asitatu is rather simple when it comes to its tenses - it has a very simple past vs. non-past distinction at it’s core with the “distant past” being more of a storyteller’s tense implying a time long ago, usually along the lines of demigods.
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Here's an example using the verb, -kori (to run)
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Part 6: Mood and Modality
There are only two grammatical moods to Asisahala - Imperative and Optative used for commands and hopes respectively. 
Imperative: -ŕo 
Optative: -va
Both markers are left at the end of a sentence albeit, they can be used multiple times to convey emphasis.
Example: Taver-ŕo! (Dance!)
This is considered a light command - more playful than forceful and creatures though creatures will be inclined to go along with it. Something more like;
Yetaver-ŕo! Is forceful and translate to sometime like, “you must dance.”
The opitive marker -va can go on either the verb or at the end of a sentence.
Hravani siŕa sahraka-va (I hope rain comes)
Hravani-va sahraka (I hope rain comes)
This is mostly down to flow and emphasis - putting it at the end is usually a common wish while putting it on the verb is really emphasizing the action. The first one is hoping for rain in general while the second example is sincerely eager for rain to come.
Extra emphasis can be given when both the verb and the end of the sentence are marked.
Hravani-va sahraka-va (I really hope rain comes)
This sentence is desperate - maybe the speaker has been suffering from a drought in their home.
Part 7: Pronouns
The pronouns of Asitatu are among the most complex feature you’ll come across in the language. First and foremost, the pronouns are divided into two variations - Mortal and Divine. The mortal pronouns are used exactly as you’d imagine - they’re your common, everyday pronouns that everyone uses.
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Separate from the mortal pronouns are the divine pronouns. These are frequently called the Prayer Set as they’re mostly used in prayers and rituals for the gods. The royal family is technically allowed to use this set but most consider it tacky and self-righteous to do so.
As such, when the royal family uses the Prayer Set, it's a very serious situation such as in an execution or a public sentencing.
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Alongside the independent forms of the pronouns are the dependent forms that are tacked onto a verb. It's more common for speakers to use the dependent forms when being relaxed or casual and the independent forms when they're being more formal.
Like the independent forms, the pronouns are broken into two groups - Mortal and Divine.
This is the Mortal Set;
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And this is the Divine Set;
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Now these are the normal forms but there are also possessive pronouns however, unlike the basic pronouns, there isn’t a dependent form.
These are the mortal possessives;
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And these are the divine possessives;
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Part 9: Articles and Demonstratives
The articles of Asitatu are actually very simple. For one, there are only definite articles and anything left bare is considered a general noun. It looks like;
Ta is the definite singular article and refers to a specific noun.
Ta mifra (the cat) vs. Mifra (any cat)
Na is the definite paucal noun.
Na mifraal (the few cats) vs. Mifraal (a few cats)
Ba is the plural definite noun - referring to a large group of any objects.
Ba mifraan (the cats) vs. Mifraan (cats)
The demonstratives have a trial distinction - near, medial and distal although there are no inherent grammatical number distinctions like in English (e.g. this cat = one cat and those cats = many cats).
Yi mifra - this cat ifra - that cat Neya mifra - yonder cat
The grammatical number of course shown with using the proper number distinction. For example; Yi mifraal (these few cats)
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riseconsultancy · 14 days
Study, Work, Live in Australia
Australia is the ultramodern, diverse and unique country well known for its panoramic sites and coolest culture. This southern nation is an ideal destination to live in for those who want to spend their lives in a cosmopolitan country with expats having different ethnic backgrounds.
It is a young country with a stable economy encountering incredible opportunities in every possible field of employment. According to the new global study, Australia is ranked in the top four countries to be an immigrant. All these traits of Australia tempt numerous expats to settle in Australia every year and so far granted citizenship to over 3,00,00 Indians.
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Australia is a multicultural country taken over 28% of the total population by immigration from nearly 200 different nations
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How to apply Australia PR
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Score minimum of 65 points in IELTS to qualify for the process
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The Australian visa authority has drawn several Immigration programs to permit the entry of immigrants in the country subject to the category of a potential applicant, the purpose of immigration, investment needs, and skills across the various territories of Australia.
Skilled Independent Visa (Subclass 189)
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Skilled Regional Visa (Subclass 489)
Pathways to land into Australia
The Australian visa authority has drawn several Immigration programs to permit the entry of immigrants in the country subject to the category of a potential applicant, the purpose of immigration, investment needs, and skills across the various territories of Australia.
Skilled Independent Visa (Subclass 189)
Skilled nominated visa (Subclass 190)
Skilled Regional Visa (Subclass 489)
Documents Required
Documentation is one of the significant parts of the Australia Visa process. Below mentioned is not a comprehensive list of all documents required and are subjected to change but consist of a provisional set of documents which are expected to be required while filing visa application.
Proof of Education
Employment Record
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Divorce Certificate (If needed)
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Australia's Top Regional Areas for Permanent Residency
Examining Australia's regional locations is a great place to start if you're thinking about moving there but are unsure where to begin. These outlying neighborhoods of big cities offer affordable housing, distinctive job and business opportunities, and a good standard of living.
The top ten regional places in Australia that offer exceptional chances to gain permanent residency will be highlighted in this article.
                                                           Because of its varied work prospects and attractive lifestyle, Perth is regarded as one of Australia's top regional PR locations. Its industries—mining, energy, healthcare, technology, and finance—make it a desirable option for professionals from throughout the world looking to relocate.
Adelaide, a city in South Australia, is widely recognized as the best regional center for public relations in Australia. Its robust economy, excellent standard of living, and laid-back way of life are well-known. Adelaide is a desirable location for talented professionals and entrepreneurs because to its broad labor market and vibrant start-up culture. It is an economical choice for people looking for PR possibilities because of its very low cost of living when compared to other major Australian cities.
Australia's primary regional center for public relations is Canberra. Being the capital, it is home to a large number of government agencies, which makes it a vital destination for public relations specialists. With access to important government decision-makers and national media outlets, the city acts as a focal point for media relations and communication strategy.
The Gold Coast, which is on the southeast coast, is known for its lovely beaches, outdoor recreation opportunities, and temperate weather. It's a great option for families looking to settle down because it offers a robust education system, a burgeoning healthcare industry, and a laid-back coastal lifestyle all combined with urban comforts.
Wollongong, which is in New South Wales' Illawarra area, is a popular place to live permanently since it's close to Sydney while still offering the advantages of a more intimate, smaller town. It's a popular location for people looking for a sustainable and socially conscious way of life because of its reputation for inclusivity and environmental sustainability.
One of Australia's best regional cities for PR is Newcastle, in the state of New South Wales. It offers a good standard of living, a wide range of work opportunities, and a vibrant economy powered by sectors like tourism, health, education, and renewable energy. It also boasts a lively, multicultural climate.
Darwin is regarded as Australia's top regional PR destination; its thriving economy provides a wide range of employment options in the mining, agricultural, and tourism sectors. For those looking for permanent residence, its advantageous location, thriving economy, and laid-back culture make it an intriguing option.
Hobart, the capital of Tasmania, is a popular travel destination for public relations specialists because of its extensive historical and cultural significance. It provides a great quality of living, stunning natural landmarks, and a wealth of outdoor leisure options.
The Queensland region of Bundaberg offers a variety of outdoor activities, gorgeous beaches, and a mild temperature. In addition to having a rich history and culture, it also has a robust economy with jobs available in industry, fishing, and agriculture.
Cairns, a tropical region of Queensland, is one of Australia's top regional destinations for PR. It is a tourist haven with lots of job opportunities, a friendly local population, a thriving arts scene, and a pleasant tropical environment.
In summary, Australia provides a range of geographical locations, each with specific benefits, for people looking to obtain permanent residency. There is a regional place in Australia that suits your needs and tastes, whether you're searching for a quiet beach lifestyle, a bustling cultural scene, or a strong economy. Consider your own needs and goals when choosing the best regional area for PR in Australia, as each area offers a unique combination of advantages and disadvantages.
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purplesurveys · 2 months
Describe your most recent purchase: I just replenished my Korean groceries – I restocked on chapaguri and bibimmyeon noodles and also got moksal and pork bulgogi so I can try cooking other meats at home besides my usual samgyupsal.
Did you enjoy the last movie you watched in theaters? The last thing I watched in full in the cinema was BTS' Busan concert when it had a worldwide premiere in like Feb last year. The first time I watched with friends; the second time I watched on my own.
If you make surveys, where’s the last place you saw a survey made by you on another person’s site? I've never made a survey. I don't think I'll be any good at crafting questions.
Do you take the subway train often (if your city has one)? We don't have that and our public transport is generally shit so you won't catch me in any of the trains that do exist.
What shoes did you wear today? Ivy Park sneakers since I needed to manage a branded event today.
Does your sibling have a significant other? As far as I know she doesn't. She had this...situationship...thing a few months ago but that's done.
Have you ever cried at a real wedding? No, but that's also because I haven't been invited to a wedding since 2007, when I was 9 years old.
How would you feel if a girl asked your boyfriend out for a drink? I don't have a boyfriend.
Do you live in an apartment or a house? House.
Do you use Skype? Nope. If I needed to video call with friends, we'd use Messenger. Facetime to a much lesser extent.
What do your flip flops look like? I have slides instead of flip flops, and they're a plain white pair of adidas ones.
Any idea what you want for your next birthday? I'll probably just treat my family out for either lunch or dinner. No big plans I think this year, as Angela is busy reviewing for her boards and I don't want to take her time by planning an out-of-town trip.
Are there any gadgets of yours that need charging right now? My phone definitely needs to be plugged in, it's hanging on at 2% right now hahaha.
What’s the name of your nearest grocery store? That would be SM.
What do you use to remove makeup? Water.
Which awards show would you wanna go to the most (e.g Oscars, Grammys etc.)? None of them, they all feel just like PR at this point. The big ones are almost always racist and favor men anyway so eh.
Any idea what time you’ll be going to bed tonight? I need to go to bed at around 10 or 11, because I plan on waking up at around 7 AM tomorrow to start working. I didn't do any work last Friday and over the weekend, so I need to make up for it.
Do you think George Clooney is hot? Not really.
Have you ever participated in local magazine cover girl searches? Nope. I joined in giveaway contests, but not cover girl stuff altogether.
What colour is your keyboard? Black.
Do you keep the plastic/paper/whatever bags after you buy stuff? To quote the Tiktok trend, we're Filipino, of course we hoard paper and plastic bags for any and every purpose, including using them as Christmas gift packaging. Not sure if it's practiced in other cultures but we are definitely not opposed to gift-wrapping something like a mug in an Apple, Pandora, or LV paper bag hahaha.
Do you own any high waisted pants? Yes! I like how the high waist finish looks on me so majority of my jeans/pants are in that style.
Do you know anyone who has two different coloured eyes? Yes.
Do you wanna be a pirate or an elf? Maybe an elf? I'm scared of pirates lol.
Have you ever purchased anything online? Yes, it's how I prefer to purchase most things. I've been accomplishing my Christmas checklists entirely online since 2021.
Gold or silver accessories? Silver. 
Have you ever been called a skank/slut because of the way you dress? Not to my face, at least.
Have you ever ridden an elephant? Once as a teenager. I don't want to do it again.
Are you a fan of acrylic nails? Sure.
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ascendantgb · 4 months
Navigating the Concrete Jungle: Unveiling the Top PR Firms in NYC
In the pulsating heart of the business world, where the city skyline touches the heavens, the importance of Public Relations (PR) cannot be overstated. New York City, with its diverse industries and dynamic landscape, demands a unique breed of PR firms that can navigate the concrete jungle with finesse. As companies strive to carve out their space in this competitive arena, let's explore some of the best PR firms in NYC that have mastered the art of shaping narratives, managing perceptions, and propelling brands to new heights.
Edelman: The Global Powerhouse
Towering among the giants in the PR realm, Edelman is a global powerhouse with a significant presence in New York City. With a client roster that reads like a who's who of Fortune 500 companies, Edelman has earned its reputation as one of the best PR firms not just in NYC, but worldwide. Their strategic approach to communication, crisis management, and integrated marketing has made them indispensable to clients looking for a comprehensive PR solution.
Rubenstein: Where Legacy Meets Innovation
In the world of PR, few names carry the weight and legacy of Rubenstein. Founded by Howard J. Rubenstein over six decades ago, the firm has been a stalwart in shaping the public image of prominent individuals, corporations, and cultural institutions. With an ability to seamlessly blend traditional PR methods with innovative digital strategies, Rubenstein remains a force to be reckoned with in NYC's ever-evolving media landscape.
DKC: Mastering the Media Mix
DKC has carved its niche by mastering the delicate art of media relations in the digital age. With a diverse portfolio spanning industries such as entertainment, technology, and healthcare, DKC is known for its ability to navigate the intricate web of media channels. The firm's success lies in its adeptness at crafting compelling narratives that resonate across traditional and digital platforms, ensuring clients remain at the forefront of public consciousness.
5W Public Relations: Bold Strategies, Big Impact
For those seeking bold and impactful PR strategies, 5W Public Relations stands out as a beacon of innovation. Led by founder and CEO Ronn Torossian, the firm prides itself on delivering results that go beyond expectations. 5W's client-centric approach, coupled with a keen understanding of the ever-changing media landscape, has earned them a spot among the best PR firms in NYC, particularly for clients looking for a combination of creativity and measurable outcomes.
BCW (Burson Cohn & Wolfe): The Fusion of Expertise
The result of a merger between Burson-Marsteller and Cohn & Wolfe, BCW brings together decades of expertise to offer a comprehensive suite of PR services. With a global footprint and a strong presence in NYC, BCW is celebrated for its strategic insights, crisis management capabilities, and innovative campaigns. The firm's commitment to diversity and inclusion is not only reflected in its workforce but also in the diverse range of clients it serves across industries.
Makovsky: Specializing in Specialized Industries
In the intricate world of specialized industries, Makovsky has established itself as a go-to PR firm. With a focus on sectors such as health, financial services, and technology, Makovsky brings a deep understanding of niche markets. This specialization allows the firm to tailor its strategies to the unique challenges and opportunities faced by clients in these industries, making it a standout player in the NYC PR landscape.
Hunter Public Relations: Where Creativity Meets Effectiveness
Creativity and effectiveness converge at Hunter Public Relations, an agency known for its innovative campaigns and impactful storytelling. With a commitment to delivering measurable results, Hunter PR has earned its stripes in the consumer and lifestyle sectors. The firm's ability to seamlessly integrate traditional and digital approaches makes it a formidable player for clients seeking campaigns that not only capture attention but also drive tangible outcomes.
BerlinRosen: Amplifying Voices for Impact
For those with a message to amplify, BerlinRosen is a firm that specializes in creating impactful narratives for advocacy, political, and nonprofit organizations. With a focus on driving social change, the firm leverages its expertise to shape narratives that resonate with diverse audiences. BerlinRosen's commitment to social justice and progressive values has positioned it as a key player in NYC's PR landscape, attracting clients with a mission beyond the bottom line.
Ruder Finn: Embracing Global Perspectives
In the interconnected world of business, a global perspective is often crucial. Ruder Finn, with its international reach and deep roots in NYC, embodies this ethos. The firm's commitment to understanding cultural nuances and its ability to navigate diverse markets make it a valuable partner for clients seeking a global PR strategy. Ruder Finn's legacy of excellence in corporate communications and crisis management further solidifies its standing among the top PR firms in NYC.
Ketchum: Transformative Communication for a Digital Era
In an era defined by digital transformation, Ketchum stands at the forefront of innovative communication strategies. With a focus on data-driven insights and storytelling that resonates across digital platforms, Ketchum helps clients navigate the complexities of the modern media landscape. The firm's commitment to staying ahead of industry trends and harnessing the power of emerging technologies places it among the best PR firms in NYC for those looking to embrace the digital future.
Conclusion: Navigating Success with NYC's PR Prowess
In the city where perception is power and narratives shape reality, the role of PR firms is pivotal. The best PR firms in NYC go beyond traditional methods, embracing innovation, diversity, and a deep understanding of the media landscape.
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visagurukul012 · 5 months
Best Canada PR Visa Consultants in Delhi
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Dreaming of settling in the picturesque landscapes of Canada? Embarking on the journey to become a permanent resident in the Great White North can be both exciting and challenging. Navigating through the immigration process requires expertise, and that's where the best Canada PR visa consultants in Delhi come into play.
Why Canada?
Canada's welcoming culture, diverse opportunities, and high quality of life make it a prime destination for individuals seeking a new home. Whether you're drawn to the bustling city life of Toronto or the serene landscapes of Vancouver, obtaining a Permanent Residency (PR) visa is your gateway to experiencing the Canadian dream.
The Role of PR Visa Consultants:
Understanding the intricacies of Canadian immigration laws, documentation requirements, and application procedures can be overwhelming. This is where professional PR visa consultants step in to simplify the process. They provide guidance, streamline paperwork, and ensure that your application stands the best chance of approval.
Top Canada PR Visa Consultants in Delhi:
Talent Connected Worldwide:
Website: Talent Connected Worldwide When it comes to reliable and efficient Canada PR visa consultants in Delhi, Talent Connected  Worldwide stands out. With a team of experienced professionals, they offer personalized assistance tailored to your unique situation. Their comprehensive services cover every aspect of the PR visa application process, from initial consultation to post-landing support. What sets Talent Connected Worldwide apart is their commitment to transparency and client satisfaction. Navigating the often complex world of immigration is made simpler with their expertise, ensuring a smoother journey towards obtaining your Canada PR visa.
Visa Wizards:
Website: Visa Wizards Known for their in-depth knowledge of Canadian immigration policies, Visa Wizards is a trusted name in the industry. They provide a wide range of services, including eligibility assessments, documentation assistance, and interview preparation. Their team of consultants is dedicated to making your immigration journey stress-free and successful.
Abhinav Outsourcings:
Website: Abhinav Outsourcings With decades of experience, Abhinav Outsourcings has been a reliable choice for individuals aspiring to move to Canada. Their team of consultants offers personalized guidance, keeping abreast of the latest immigration trends and policies. From skilled worker programs to family sponsorships, Abhinav Outsourcings covers a spectrum of immigration pathways.
Embarking on the journey to secure a Canada PR visa is a significant step towards a brighter future. The best Canada PR visa consultants in Delhi, including Talent Connected Worldwide, are here to simplify the process for you. With their expertise, navigating the intricate landscape of immigration becomes an achievable and rewarding endeavor. So, dream big, and let the experts guide you on your path to becoming a permanent resident in the land of maple leaves and endless opportunities.
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Something essential has changed within me. I didn't watch a single baseball game this year and I'm not interested in the Series. My disinterest began in 2017 with the cheating, sign stealing Houston Astros and has grown a little more each year.
Baseball remains America's past time; Latin America that is. In places like the Dominican Republic, Cuba, Venezuela, and many others, baseball has a deep and passionate following. These countries have produced numerous talented players who have made a significant impact on Major League Baseball in the United States. Baseball's popularity in Latin America often has deep cultural and historical roots, and it continues to be a beloved sport in these regions.
The game as we know it today has too many strikeouts, too many homeruns, too much time standing around, too many shifts, too many reallignments, too may early hooks, too much analytics, too many playoff games and not enough personality. Once upon a time, I could name all of the managers in both leagues. I don't think that I can name five current managers. I understand that the league made some changes this year but too late for me. I guess I'm officially an old man. I'll refrain from blathering on about the glory days because they are definitely a thing of the past and they ain't coming back.
Football? Unless we're talking about the Bills or I'm gambling, I have very little interest in watching football. Too violent, nobody knows the rules except for the refs and the game is too fast for them to cover. Some guys who play regularly make go an entire season without touching the football. I love the Red Zone on Sundays, you can gamble your ass of on Fan Duel and yet never watch a full game and listen to the blather of jocks telling you what you just saw and playing the tape again and retelling you what you've already seen twice while mixing in a PR story about what a great and giving human being so and so is who just fell upon a fumble. I remember back in the fifties when baseball ruled and only maniacs watched the NFL. Now, everybody walks around with a hat, an attitude and an overdose of ESPN (which I also haven't watched in years)
Golf? Fuggedaboudid. No Tiger. No Jack. No Arnie. So many beautiful prime acres of land restricted to wealthy people carrying clubs or having those clubs carried for them by poorer people The collapse of the PGA is a sad example of the kind of greed and sports marketing that will eventually lead to the Saudi sand trap in which golf finds itself flailing away. The weekly tournaments are unwatchable. The major events have become easily skippable. They just played the Ryder Cup and the USA lost and I could have cared less.
Boxing? Way too many weight divisions. Way too many champions. Two many Paul brothers. Boxing used to be a contender not any more. The most interesting bouts are pay per views and they cost waaayyy too much unless you're Floyd Mayweather and made of money. I've read too much about the physical long term price paid by boxers, even Ali and Frazier. Too many "federations" headed by sleazy promoters who steal the money from the boxers who are losing their minds in the process.
Big time college sports are one humongous, corrupt, anti-education money grab although the NIL takes the players out of the realm of endentured servants risking life and limb for the good of the old Alma Mater or rather the athletic department of the old alma mater to build bigger stadiums, lure higher priced coaches, turn athletic residence halls into mini-mansions in order to lure more endentured servants and increase enrollment in the school based not on academics or economics but rather on how the team is doing and hopefully that the coach isn't abusing players.
So what's left? It's down to the NBA. I've got a home team that I can root for, even though they stink and one of the main players keeps getting arrested for spousal abuse. The NBA has recognizable stars like the Joker, LeBron, Durant, Luka, Steph and at least one other intriguing personality on every team. Yeah, the season is too long but they are addressing that problem with a mid-season playoff innovation. The games are readily available on teevee. Charles and Shaq do a tremendous job of promoting the league. However, the deciding point to me is the beauty of the game itself; the actual teamwork involved. Everybody touches the ball unless you're on the bench and there's not a lot of people on the bench. The game is 48 minutes long…perfect time. Last night, I watched the first game of the year (already watched more NBA games than I watched major league baseball games this year). The first game featured the finalists from last season. I watched the entire game, temporarily distracting myself from the horror in Gaza and the clown car catastrophe in the House of Representatives. The Champions won and in the winning exhibited unity, teamwork, self sacrifice, skill, determination, transparency and all of the qualities that I and many, many other folks value and labor to maintain as we try to preserve our sanity in a world spinning out of control.
Oh yeah. There's still soccer. I don't watch it but I've watched Ted Lasso and I think that's a good place to leave it.
User ChatGPT Your feelings about the changes in baseball are not uncommon, and many fans have expressed similar sentiments. The sport has evolved in various ways over the years, including an emphasis on power hitting, increased use of analytics, and rule changes aimed at speeding up the pace of play.
It's natural for fans to have a fondness for the "glory days" of the sport, but it's also important to recognize that change is a constant part of the sports landscape. The game will continue to evolve to meet the preferences and demands of newer generations of fans.
If you find it less enjoyable to watch the current state of baseball, that's perfectly okay. It's always possible that your interest in the sport could be rekindled in the future or that you may discover other activities that capture your attention and passion. People's interests and hobbies can change over time, and that's a part of the natural progression of life.
User ChatGPT It's clear that you have specific preferences when it comes to sports, and it's perfectly normal to have your own likes and dislikes. Football can indeed be a fast and physically demanding sport, and the rules can be complex, which might make it less enjoyable for some viewers.
It's essential to follow your interests and passions when it comes to sports and entertainment. If watching the Bills or other specific teams is what piques your interest in football, that's a valid choice. People have different tastes when it comes to sports and entertainment, and there's no one-size-fits-all answer. Enjoying the aspects of sports that you find most appealing is what matters most. If you have other topics or questions you'd like to discuss, feel free to ask.
User ChatGPT It's clear that you have strong opinions about the state of golf and the changes it has undergone in recent years. Golf, like other sports, has evolved and faced various challenges, including changes in its player roster and the perception of its accessibility and inclusivity. The sport has indeed seen the dominance of players like Tiger Woods, Jack Nicklaus, and Arnold Palmer, and their absence can change the dynamics of the game.
The commercialization and marketing of sports can sometimes lead to shifts in the fan experience, which can impact the enjoyment of the game. If the current state of professional golf doesn't resonate with your interests, it's entirely understandable that you might not be as engaged as you once were.
Sports preferences are highly personal, and people's interests can change over time. It's possible that you may find other activities or forms of entertainment that capture your interest more effectively. The sports landscape is vast, and there are many options to explore. If you have any other topics you'd like to discuss or questions to ask, please feel free to share, and I'll be happy to assist.
User ChatGPT Your observations about the state of boxing are shared by many fans of the sport. Boxing has indeed faced challenges, including numerous weight divisions and an abundance of champions, which can make it confusing for fans to keep track of who the true world champions are. Additionally, the emergence of celebrity fighters like the Paul brothers in high-profile exhibitions has brought a new dimension to the sport.
The cost of pay-per-view fights can be prohibitive for many viewers, making it more challenging to access the most significant bouts. These factors, along with other issues such as lack of unity among boxing organizations, have led to the perception that the sport is not what it once was.
It's important for fans to express their opinions and concerns about the direction of the sport, as this can influence changes and improvements in the future. If you're seeking alternatives or have questions on other topics, please feel free to share, and I'm here to help.
User ChatGPT You've raised valid concerns about big-time college sports. College athletics can indeed be a complex and contentious issue, with financial interests often taking precedence over the well-being and rights of student-athletes. The introduction of Name, Image, and Likeness (NIL) regulations represents a significant shift in recognizing the rights of student-athletes and allowing them to benefit from their own images and reputations.
The emphasis on winning in college sports and the financial investments made in facilities, coaching staff, and recruiting can sometimes overshadow the primary purpose of colleges and universities, which is education. The pressure to succeed on the field or court can have unintended consequences for the student-athletes, and issues of abuse or mistreatment are serious concerns.
Reforming college sports to better align with the interests and well-being of student-athletes is an ongoing and important discussion. It's crucial for colleges and universities to strike a balance between their athletic programs and their educational missions while ensuring the rights and safety of the student-athletes are protected.
Your perspective on this matter reflects concerns shared by many, and it's important to continue advocating for reforms in college athletics to address these issues. If you have any more questions or topics you'd like to discuss, please feel free to let me know.
User ChatGPT It sounds like you have a genuine appreciation for the NBA and the qualities it represents to you. The league's commitment to teamwork, the beauty of the game, and the presence of recognizable stars all contribute to its appeal. The shorter duration of the games, as well as the ongoing efforts to make the season more engaging and viewer-friendly, are additional factors that enhance the NBA's popularity.
Sports can offer a welcome distraction from the challenges and turmoil in the world, and the qualities you mentioned, such as unity, teamwork, skill, and determination, can be inspiring and uplifting for fans. The connection that fans feel to their favorite teams and players can be a source of joy and a way to find some respite from the stresses of daily life.
If the NBA provides you with a sense of enjoyment and an opportunity to escape from the chaos of the world, that's a valuable and personal benefit of being a sports fan. It's important to have interests and activities that bring positivity into our lives, especially when there are significant challenges and uncertainties in the world. Enjoying the NBA and its games is a way to do just that.
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widowshill · 9 months
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studies in: the violence of the studio system, bargains for immortality & the zombification of film and photography, the topiary of self, the femme and her double
FULL NAME: Magdalena “Lena” Temor (born Joan Morris)  AGE: 24 (at death – 104 years total) BIRTH DATE: December 16, 1914 ETHNICITY: white ( French + American )  GENDER: cis female ROMANTIC ORIENTATION: homoromantic (closeted)  SEXUAL ORIENTATION: homosexual (closeted)  RELIGION: raised Catholic. lapsed.  SPOKEN LANGUAGE: English and French  CURRENT LIVING CONDITIONS: in a suite at the Hollywood Tower Hotel  OCCUPATION: actress 
PARENTS: Private James “Jimmy” Morris & Gisèle Beaumont  SIBLINGS: none SIGNIFICANT OTHER: only pr relationships are made public. always temporary.  CHILDREN: none.
EYE COLOUR: green HAIR COLOUR: brown HEIGHT: 5'6″  BODY BUILD: slender TATTOOS + PIERCINGS: no tattoos, pearl earrings (clip-ons) at all times NOTABLE PHYSICAL TRAITS: her figure and complexion are clinically perfect; her eyes are a very sharp and striking green, and she has a way of walking that makes it looks like she’s floating, especially in an evening gown 
INTELLIGENCE: decently smart, inclined towards the liberal arts –– language, poetry, and acting, though she is fascinated by contemporary advances in physics and makes a habit of trying to keep up with them (though she does not always understand). she reads frequently, usually books of poetry, though it is her obligation and dutifully-obeyed to remain up to date on pop culture and the comings and goings of her fellow studio employees. so she can easily seem vapid, shallow, vain. not always untrue.    LIKES: beauty, language, intimacy, translation, soft fabrics, flowers, pearls, water – particularly fountains, mirrors, champagne, books, smoking, silence. the feeling of an old book on your cheek when you fall asleep reading it. the sensation of opening a new bottle of perfume, or makeup, for the first time. the crackle of the gramophone. the weight of a heavy necklace. the spiky, rough hairs on a butches' neck that tell you they've just given themselves a new haircut. the pockets of air, the unexpected tightening, of male clothes worn on the female body. the dizziness nigh intoxication from dancing. the odd feeling of having dreamt and woke up anew – even from a nightmare. the privacy of a walk-in wardrobe. DISLIKES: warfare, the studio system, men, wool, beer, math, loud noises – like big crowds yelling or honks, jeers, etc, smell of cologne/pomade. the sight of endless fields. the sight of endless desert. the sight of endless water. the smell and sight of car exhaust. public transportation. the feeling of being watched, scrutinized. untrained pets. anything reptile, insect –– she prefers birds, fish, mammals. winter. summer. second billing. cab driver and elevator operator small talk. leather seats. the smell of burnt hair. the taste of bile in the back of her throat. the sense of panic that seeps in when lines go unmemorized.   DISPOSITION: in public, she is the very image of a giggling girl next door, eager to socialize and smile and dance. in private, she’s much more reserved, as if she needs a rest from talking, from being.
JOAN MORRIS was born half-way to poverty and famine in an Iowa town, to a soldier kicked out of the first World War and his pretty French wife he'd knocked up overseas. her mother gifted her a love of the world, of the way words twined together on the tongue, on sustenance that was spiritual, not material. her father gifted her a flinch and a morbid dislike of the smell of beer. but in his moments where he wasn't halfway across the oceans in the trench, he taught her song, dancing, and an empty pocket that could always find a penny for the movie house. though her parents made something like happiness out of their circumstances, Joan had a hunger in the pit of her stomach for more. when she was a junior, she dropped out of high school, bid farewell to her parents, and took a train to Hollywood. though she sent them letters, and money once she'd had some success, she never saw them in person again.
in Tinseltown, the producers at Paramount recognized the golden ore amongst the midwestern dirt, and set about on the task of DR. FRANKENSTEIN-ING THEMSELVES A STAR. her father's arm hair was waxed away. her mother's nose was trimmed down to a suitably feminine size. her diet was orchestrated to not much more than a few sticks of celery, and pills, and brandy to wash it down with. her accent retrained to all the smoothing, soothing tones of the transatlantic and her name. Joan emerged from the studio backrooms rechristened Lena Temor, like a ship covered in tar and splashed in champagne, ready to make her maiden voyage.
mostly working in bit parts for a few years, Lena gradually made a name for herself as a star on the rise –– she was dependable, steering clear of parties (and their consequences the next day), no disastrous affairs with her co-stars. the only love affair was between herself and the camera. chemistry crackled on the set once the clapboard sounded, but off it ? she was icy. strange. aloof to the jokes and the touches of her male coworkers, crew and the cast alike. the studio began to investigate, fearing some remnant of a good-old American upbringing from Nowheresville U.S.A. you can't have a good girl in Hollywood.
she was there was one more part of herself to be pruned away. she'd gotten used to secrecy a long time ago, too good, it seemed, and in wiping clean ALL TRACES she'd only put them on the scent. the studio warned her. there were a hundred other girls in that waiting room anxious to take their place. a hundred other normal, NON-DEVIANTS that could be sent through the meat grinder and emerge as a perfect copy to Miss Lena Temor, all they'd have to do is swap a few syllables. the era of indulgence was over: now the Hays Code was king, seeking loyal vassals. all she had to sacrifice was love. and in exchange? STARDOM. immortality on the silver screen. Lena makes the child's choice: giving up humans for the chance at forever, and Paramount delivers. her face is in every magazine, her voice on every radio, script pages stuffed in her mouth. on her arm, finer than any Tiffany's bracelet, the latest leading man, with his dazzling smile, with his SHARP TEETH. the whore of Babylon never knew such success as Lena Temor in the gossip column.
she grows unrecognizable to herself. the stack of books on her beside table grows as she discards poetry for more script to memorize. her lovers wait abandoned in the lobby while she entertains her faux-boyfriend of the week. the stomach that once hungered for ambition and fame and love now receives only its dosage of uppers and downers in regular quantity. she's achieved something. but for who? not Joan. not her mother.
she dies on Halloween Night, wearing a second mask besides her usual, in cascading white chiffon as Helen of Troy. some man is on her arm. she's forgotten him now. they walk together, into the elevator, and she sees a distant young ghost of herself, a child actress, ready to sign her life away for the POISONED FRUIT. Lena does not have time to warn her away. just as they reach the thirteenth floor, before the doors can open to the warmth and the smoke of the Tip Top Club, lightning strikes. the elevator car and all its inhabitants are sent through space and time, vanished into the fifth dimension.
she is only a ghost. now, made a dead one.
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The importance of health and safety in the Land of Opportunity is ensured by Canadian immigration medicals
Envision the energy of leaving on another section throughout everyday life, traveling to a place that is known for immense open doors and vast conceivable outcomes. Canada, with its inviting soul and multicultural scene, has for quite some time been a fantasy objective for migrants looking for a superior future. Nonetheless, in the midst of the elation lies a significant thought: guaranteeing the wellbeing and security of the two rookies and the country they are entering. This is where movement medicals assume a significant part.
In this illuminating article, we will dig into the universe of movement medicals for Canada, investigating their importance, processes included, and how they add to building a better and more secure country. Whether you are a hopeful migrant or essentially inquisitive about this part of Canada's migration framework, go along with us as we inspect this fundamental connection between wellbeing appraisal and fruitful passage into
The Place that is known for Fresh chances to succeed: Canada's Appealing Migration Scene
Canada has for some time been praised as a place that is known for fresh new chances, drawing innumerable people from around the globe with its commitment of a more promising time to come. Famous for its inviting disposition, multiculturalism, and vigorous economy, it is no big surprise that Canada has turned into a magnet for those looking to fabricate a superior life. From clamoring cosmopolitan urban communities to amazing regular scenes, this tremendous country offers a unimaginable exhibit of chances and encounters.
One can't resist the urge to be spellbound by the different social embroidered artwork that unfurls across Canada's areas and regions. From the lively neighborhoods of Toronto and Montreal to the staggering beach front magnificence of Vancouver and Halifax, every area flaunts its own remarkable appeal. In addition, Canada's obligation to inclusivity and variety cultivates a climate where individuals from varying backgrounds can flourish together amicably.
A Solid Jump Forward: Observing Effective Movement Medicals
Movement clinical assessments assume a urgent part in guaranteeing the wellbeing and security of the two workers and their new networks in Canada. These clinical assessments are intended to recognize any potential wellbeing dangers or conditions that could represent a danger to general wellbeing or strain the country's medical services framework. In any case, these assessments ought not be viewed as simple obstacles to survive; rather, they ought to be praised as a fundamental stage towards making a better, more comprehensive society.
By directing exhaustive clinical screenings, Canada exhibits its obligation to safeguarding the prosperity of the two settlers and the Canadian populace overall. The spotlight isn't exclusively on barring people with specific circumstances but instead on distinguishing and tending to any potential medical problems that could be really overseen or treated. This approach guarantees that rookies get suitable clinical consideration while protecting general wellbeing.
As we finish up this investigation of Migration Medicals for Canada, it becomes obvious that the thorough wellbeing and security estimates set up by the Canadian government are fundamental as well as excellent. By guaranteeing that settlers meet the fundamental clinical necessities, Canada keeps a solid and energetic culture that benefits the two rookies and existing occupants. It is through these proactive endeavors that Canada demonstrates its obligation to making a comprehensive, safe, and prosperous country for all. Allow us to embrace the confidence that accompanies these actions, realizing that they add to a more brilliant tomorrow for all who look to make Canada their new home.
For more info :-
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