#but in reality i dont think she does bc she relates it back to sua anyway
liquidstar · 10 months
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i dont think this is implying mizi had romantic feelings for ivan, but, like, if she did wouldnt that be kind of hilarious? like as if the relationship cart wasnt enough of a mess. obviously mizi and sua are in love with each other but then you have till being in love with mizi and ivan being in love with till... if you assume mizi was at least mildly into ivan, like a little playground crush, that means that 1. she has a very specific type of smart black-haired cuties, and till just didnt fit the description 2. ivan wouldnt care because he's too busy being obsessed with the man that's in love with her but she has no interest in because she has a girlfriend anyway. so its moot point.
i want these guys to be as messy as possible because its funny
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