#but in my heart Helmeppo would absolutely let Coby do all of that and more to him
let-sanji-say-fuck · 5 years
hi! could I request an sfw scenario with coby? where his male s/o welcomes him back after coby’s returned from a long mission. or maybe the goodbye before coby leaves? whichever you feel more like writing. thanks sm!
Oh dear. Oh dear, halfway through writing this, I reread your request and instantly became super confused and worried that I wouldn’t do your request right because, excuse my clumsy mind, I can’t tell if you wanted this to be fluffy or smutty (since you said an sfw, I’m not sure if that’s what you meant or if it’s a typo and you actually meant a nsfw fml what’s English). That’s why here’s what I did: I wrote both options you suggested and one of them turned to the smutty side. That way you’ll be satisfied with the result anyway and, in any case, you can totally skip the smutty section if it makes you uncomfortable! In any case, I hope that you enjoy!
Word count: 2350.
Warnings: smut under the cut, if you decide that you don’t wanna read it ;)
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“Take care. Be careful out there, the sea doesn’t have mercy on anyone.”
“I know. I will.”
“Remember to take breaks too. You know I hate it when you overwork yourself.”
“Yes, I know.” Coby took a deep breath, looking into his lover’s eyes. He was hurting, both of them were. Saying goodbye always was difficult, and Coby had tried to brace himself for these unavoidable farewells, he really had… But no matter how much he tried to convince himself that the pain is just temporary, that he would be back in his arms, sooner or later, he couldn’t stand seeing [Name] concerned about him. All it took was noticing the glint of grief in his eyes and Coby’s resolve was crumbling pitifully, just like his composure, but he knew he had to stay strong.
His squad was to part first thing in the morning, and Coby had been lucky enough already, being able to spend time with [Name] the past couple of days; he was visiting his hometown after another exhaustive mission. That seemed to be their relationship: Coby would leave to fulfill his duty as a Marine Captain, [Name] would count the days until his return, which would end up lasting a painfully short amount of time before he was off again. The quality time spent together was always brief, but the pink-haired male made it worth his lover’s time. The few memories they had forged together were sweet and precious and, someday, Coby wished, they would get to enjoy each other’s company with no interruptions.
Until then, it would be tears. Salty or sweet, but tears after all.
“I want you to… to eat well, okay? D-Drink lots of water too, and take short walks. Keep yourself entertained while I-I’m not here, p-please… Oh, m-man…” He sniffled loudly, brushing his arm above his weeping eyes in a futile attempt to wipe his tears away. Through his blurry vision, he noticed that [Name] was staring at him with a sad smile, reaching to clean his face from the stray tears. With his fingers caressing his cheek tenderly, Coby managed to speak in a weak, yet meaningful voice. “I promise I’ll call you. A-And I’ll also deliver some-”
“Letters. I know. You always do.” The chuckle that tumbled from his lover’s lips lit a spark in his chest. His laughter, he adored it, among many other things about him. His expressive eyes, his soft hair, the firm lips. Coby hesitated, and [Name] noticed what his eyes were stealing glances at. Grasping his jaw a little more solidly, he brought his face in for a sweet kiss, one that could convey the love they would both live without for a long time.
The sudden knock on the door startled them apart, reminding them that they were in [Name]’s barely lit living room, that the world was calling out there, that they would have to part ways again.
“It’s almost time.” Helmeppo’s impatient voice – he sympathized with his good friend, but the higher-ups were fond of a job well done, the sooner, the better – almost quieted Coby’s silent words against [Name]’s lips, but the emotion in his eyes spoke louder than any whisper, no matter how moving, no matter how cracked the voice as it overflows with emotion. [Name] nodded his head.
“I love you too. So much.” With a gentle caress through pink locks, he pushed Coby forwards, helping him place the so difficult step. They were together in this, and would continue to be after Coby walked through his doorway, after [Name] saw off his weeping face, leaning over the railing, from the docks, after the first few weeks and months of absence that could only be filled with eager calls late in the night. Until the very day he came back, Coby and [Name] were together through any adversity.
It was hard to tell how long it had been. How many days had started and ended while [Name] waited for his lover. He was so proud of him; he went to save thousands of lives, several were companions, even more were citizens. Thinking about how the ship that was carrying his sweet hero home would fade into view any moment now made him feel giddy and excited.
Coby had kept him updated on the mission at all times. He had been mostly fine, small conflicts and the subsequent injuries here and there, but nothing that would earn the Marine a scolding from his caring lover. 
There had also just been many words of love and devotion, both spoken and written. Some of them would turn a little cheesy, but Coby really just had many emotions to express and they would sometimes end up sounding a little overwhelming; [Name] had even received some letters with tear stains blurring the neat handwriting, but never commented on them. Oh, he missed his emotional baby so much that it was no wonder that he leaped straight into his arms when he was finally walking towards him across the old, mossy dock.
Every time Coby came back, he would appear taller, fitter, more mature, sporting harder features as a result of fighting this cruel war, but he was always the same sweet, kind and charismatic Coby he fell in love with.
Under the stares of two long lines of Marine soldiers, [Name] held the Captain in a strong grip, feeling his arms return the hug enthusiastically. There was fondness in their eyes as they stared at each other, but it wasn’t long before Coby’s eyes started to grow watery. He cursed silently, chuckling to himself and leaning over to cover his reddening face, which gave [Name] a full view of his round glasses resting on top of the flower-patterned bandanna he always wore.
“I don’t know how you manage to see anything with these on.” Coby made a soft inquisitive noise in the back of his throat, looking up with teary eyes to see his partner rubbing the glasses clean with the bottom of his shirt. He smiled sheepishly, and [Name] rolled his eyes playfully. “What would you do without me?”
“I wouldn’t survive,” he answered a bit too seriously, straightening up and graciously taking his glasses back. He looked around, and only then noticed that only a few of his men remained, and that Helmeppo wasn’t among them. He sighed, returning to the male who he had been looking forward to seeing again for several months of craving. Offering a wide smile as wide as his, a couple of dimples appeared on his soft cheeks, and his nose scrunched up a little, exhibiting a grin so wide it made [Name]’s heart melt a little.
“I missed you.” And stepping forward, he placed a kiss on Coby’s lips without hesitation, grabbing his shoulders and pulling him as close as it was possible. The Marine was surprised but, despite the embarrassment of the sudden affection so in the open, managed to shyly return the gesture by moving his lips chastely.
“I’m finally home…”
“Say that again, baby boy.”
“I’m finally ho-oome…!” 
“Fuck yes, you are.” Coby bit his lip at the sultry tone of his lover, who momentarily abandoned his ministrations to look up at his face from his place on the floor, resting on his knees; his cheeks had long outmatched the pink of his hair, round eyes looking sharper, mouth hanging open as a mixture of puffs and groans escaped him. Oh, Coby looked absolutely delicious. “I missed you so, so much.” Giving a few pumps to the slick, hard cock in his hand, he grunted. The Marine’s legs twitched a little when he felt the ticklish swipe of a thumb over his tip, collecting a bead of precum and spreading it around to allow some lube against his rough hand. “You’re weeping, baby boy.”
“[Name]… P-Please… Ah!” A sharp gasp betrayed his intentions to finally quiet down, when the mentioned man’s tongue swiped expertly from the base to the tip before taking a decent amount in his mouth, sucking generously. “N-Not so harsh… I’m going to… Oh my god, this is too embarrassing!”
Despite not having his glasses on, nor anywhere close for that matter, Coby could see and practically feel the smirk around his dick. As loud as he was being with long lines of muttered and not-so-refrained curses, that tongue wasn’t being less obnoxious; every suck and lick, Coby could hear it perfectly, much to the poor boy’s embarrassment. He was already so sensitive, and the lewd sounds were doing a great deal to arouse him; he could practically taste the pleasure of his orgasm.
“Let’s move you around a little…” The mutter was barely audible, but Coby knew what his intentions were when [Name] brought one of his thin legs to rest on his shoulder, nudging the one that was still half-supporting his weight in order to increase the space between his legs. [Name] shifted slightly, caressing the bony knee with playful fingertips, and the younger male shuddered, allowing a quivery breath to leave his lips. “Baby, you look so great from down here.” [Name] had taken a liking to cooing compliments to see him lose his mind but, damn, if he wasn’t great at it…
Coby almost lost what little contact he still had with the floor when something started to caress and gently prod his tight hole, a loud moan escaping his lips, a desperate warning that came later than it should. Through heavy whimpers, he managed to withstand the intensity of his release without wobbling to the floor; the steady grip of his lover’s hand on his knee was definitely a helpful support, though. He didn’t even dare look down at his lover as he swallowed his load, knowing that he would start to get hard again shamefully fast; however, that didn’t stop him from feeling the cockiness in the look that he was giving him.
“You came a lot, love. And I barely touched your-”
“Please, stop. It’s embarrassing to hear…!” The authoritative tone would have worked better if it hadn’t been used in such a breathy voice, but Coby got his point across, because [Name] did shut up, although just to laugh merrily. “Let me t-take care of you too-”
Anything else he had to demand was quickly quieted when [Name] raised to his feet and took a hold of his lover’s quivering body and, taking him to the bed in two long strides while he kissed those plump lips feverishly. Coby moaned wantonly against his mouth, and [Name] shuddered when he felt his cock hardening against his abdomen, those thin legs wrapping tightly around his waist. Boy, for someone so timid, did he crave something big.
“Today it’s all about you baby.” He hummed, placing him on the mattress. “I’m going to pamper you big time because you deserve all the pleasure I can make you feel.” [Name] worked slowly on the disheveled top that had started to be quite inconvenient long ago. Along with the fair skin, he revealed rosy scars, some new, most old. He raised an eyebrow, caressing the sore skin around the one that had struck too close to his nipple, and Coby’s breath hitched. “Sensitive here, babe?”
“Y-Yeah…” Humming appreciatively, [Name] went to press his lips against the hard nub, minding the recent wound, and sucked softly, earning another whimper from the other male whose body responded by raising a knee and pressing it against the other’s tight crotch. [Name] moaned huskily, and glared at the boy under him. “I-I want to make you feel good too,” he said, feigning a confident look, as if the sudden touch had been planned at all.
“You’ll make me feel good if-”
“[Name]… Please.” Managing to sit up a little, Coby delivered a pleadingly defiant look at him. One of his hands traveled to his covered chest, tugging at the shirt and caressing his nipples through the thin fabric of his shirt. Finally, [Name] heaved a long, defeated sigh that didn’t actually sound distressed in the slightest.
“Fine…” He placed a strong hand on the younger male’s lower back and brought him into a sitting position. 
They were soon sitting comfortably, facing each other, although stealing occasional glances at the other’s dick, both hard and craving attention already. The first one to act was [Name] who took his lover’s dick and began to pump sluggishly. Startled, Coby gasped and shook, but soon managed to mimic the other male’s actions. Dragging his finger across the tip earned him a deep growl that awoke a certain burst of courage and pride within himself, but he noticed his hand begin to falter, as did his breathing, when [Name] picked up the pace, not wishing to fall behind.
The room was mostly quiet except for the ragged breathing coming from both parties. Sometimes, [Name] would speak gently to advice Coby to twist his wrist like this or tighten his fingers like that, and soon he could feel himself a minute away from a powerful orgasm. True, Coby might not have been incredibly experienced, but he more than made up for the lack of knowledge with his enthusiasm.
“Shit, yes, just like that… Oh fuck, Coby…” Surprising both of them, the first one to come was [Name], overcome with the sensation of the fast hand and teasing fingers that seemed to be everywhere; however, Coby didn’t have much time to enjoy the small victory, because he was coming undone with a high moan, riding the small waves of pleasure against the hand that was now lazily pumping the last few drops from him. The next thing Coby felt was that his lover was pulling him in for a loving embrace, not minding the stickiness on neither of their torsos, and just placing kisses on his flushed cheeks and scarred forehead, slicking his sweaty, pink hair back with gentle fingers. “It’s so great to have you back,” he muttered before diving in for a passionate kiss which Coby returned eagerly, shifting a little closer before sighing happily against [Name]’s lips.
“It’s good to be home, finally.”
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M3h’s Secret Santa Gift
For @justm3h, tried to fit all your requests. Merry Christmas!
This wasn’t how he wanted things to go. How exactly did this, come out of delivering papers to one of the Marine outposts?  Honestly it wasn’t like he had to do the odd job, Coby was far along his dream of becoming a Marine Admiral. He was only three weeks of his official promotion to being one of the top three people in the Marines, but no he just had to volunteer his ship to do the pit stop because he just happened to be going in that direction!
Coby can almost hear Helmeppo rolling his eyes at his well-meaning actions. His best friend was always complaining about the pink haired boy being much too nice for his own good, though Coby always ignored his words as a good friend should.  
If he got himself into the mess he can get himself out through hard work and strong will, that was the one thing Luffy taught him above all else.  (Coby is willing to lay down his life to prove that straw hat wearing man was right in saving him)
His ship arrived on the post being attack by a no-name pirate crew, and Coby had his men joining the ferry as soon as they could. The pink haired man was quick in saving some of the cooks held hostages shaving to the side of the possible first mate. As he took care of the fool he missed the crazed look of the captain.  She shot two of his men in the chest, forcing Coby to put pressure on the wounds in order to not lose them.
She had attacked the post for the rumored devil fruit they managed to uncover, though no one had any recording of the particular fruit or it’s possible powers, and she wasn’t about to let the Marines rush in and ruin her raid. By the time Coby turned his sights to her- after making sure a medic could save those wounded- she had already broken the safe, holding the blue spiked apple.
One pirate taking a bite of a fruit, shooting a colorful beam at him which he should have dodge but doing so would have meant someone else getting hit and that- that wasn’t acceptable was all it took to have everything he knew ripped from him.
Now, look at him.
He was a short, chubby, soft-fleshed kid trapped on a fat pirate’s ship, where he was treated badly. Again.
It was disheartening to have his mind know what to do but to have his untrained body unable to go through with it.
When Alvida had raised her club at him, Coby was so in shocked of going from a battlefield to a boat with the screaming hag above him, his first reaction was mostly reflex of jumping out of the way and throwing a punch.
He was not pleased with the pain that came from his knuckles, nor with the way Alvida had gone at him for attempting to fight back. It was painful, but nowhere near Garp training painful so after she was done he just laid there confusingly staring at the ceiling wondering what the hell kind of fruit that had been.
A Devil Fruit with the ability to Time Travel or at the very least to send a soul to another dimension, such a powerful thing in the hands of a bloodthirsty criminal doing who knows what with it. Coby really hopes someone stops her before she does more damage with a power like that.
The only consolation to this dis-aging was that Coby managed to returned the day before he meets Luffy which meant he was getting out in only twenty-four hours.
In that time he needed to figure what he was going to do, because while he’s devastated that his hard work had been ruined…he’s not as broken up about as he should be. Don’t get him wrong, it burns that he was sent back before his office promotion but it was the only real regret, and even then it wasn’t regret as it should be. It was more of a annoyance similar to stepping in mud.
The biggest feeling is more positive then it should be over his predicament.  
He’s excited about a do-over even. He shouldn’t be, but he is.
On one hand, Coby could find a way back make it so he can return to the life he had built for himself through sweat, blood, and tears.
On the other hand…..
The screams both in a battle cry and a shout of mercy, the sound of blades clashing and fists meeting flesh, the booms as cannons fire into the sky with ash and smoke in their wake and the small figure holding up a body, blood surrounding them both as the smallest cries in agony.
Coby stands to the side feeling horror bleed into his veins as he watching the strongest man he’s ever known breaks down before his very eyes and being unable to do anything to help.
Coby is loyal to the Marines for all that they should stand for. But he owes a man a life debt that sometimes feels it feels heavier then the duty he swore to and sometimes when sitting in his bed, he turns his head to the wanted poster he pinned up on his wall.  A far too bright smile for their far too dark world staring back at him underneath a straw hat, makes his stomach twist in guilt knowing that the people he works for are crueler then he likes to admit.
He’s high ranking enough to have seen things that made him question who the real monsters were in the world. The marines protected people but they also terrized them as fast as flipping a few coins. They saved them from death but killed faster then a bullet being loaded. They stop pirates from ruining their lives, but allowed them to be enslaved like the sound of chains didn’t echo through many streets.
He has a dream but he also has a heart.
One that beats for someone it shouldn’t.
With those though circling his head the chubby boy wills his sore body to stand,  intending on finding a quite place on the ship to start training. He needed to whip himself back into shape as soon as possible. Because he had come to a decision, one that would change history for good or for bad, and he had to be ready for the changes.
He had seen what life was like a Marine, but come sunrise he will see what life is like as a pirate, in order to pay back that life debt.
This time it will be Coby saving Luffy….by making sure Portgas D. Ace does not die. Somehow he’s going to have to find his way onto the Whitebeard Pirates and keep that stubborn fireman from getting caught. (and if he asks for his blessing to peruse Luffy along the way then all the better for him)
First thing was first.
He had to get to the New World. Should be easier if he train himself along the way and he already knew it pretty well, right?
Marco was not prepared for the boy.  He was not expecting anyone to approach the Moby, especially not a flimsy looking lad in a rowboat, with nothing but his crack glasses and a stubborn frown.  No clean clothes, no food, and no water….and yet still standing tall when he yelled up permission to come on board.
It takes guts to do something like that, real guts that younger generations of pirates have seemed to forget. This was proably why Pops allowed the young man to climb on board. He was…not as impressive as his voice made him out to be. The pink hair stranger was covered in wounds, his body was not that of a cillian but not that of a fighter either but his voice carried command and strength that showed a glimpse to the monster he would be in just a few years.
“I’m looking for Portgas D. Ace.” The stranger says, back straight, head held high and throwing all the body language of a no good marine. It makes the crew weary (they don’t want to kill the kid, he’s far too young) but Pops seems to find him amusing because he calls for the Second Commander after ordering Thatch to get him something to eat.
The way the boys eyes grow grateful as the chef runs off to do as he told lets Marco know he’s dealing with a polite fellow. Which is always good as it means his siblings won’t break into a fight with him. It’s not until Ace steps through the crowd that his real problem with the  visitors rises, as the boy takes notice of the second commander.
Marco does not appreciate the way the kid eyes his boyfriend. Does not like the way pinky’s face gets warmer the moment Ace steps in front of him.Say what you will, but he’s a Phoenix, which means his territorial. It’s in his very soul to puff out his chest and let blue fire flicker around his shoulders as he notices someone else trying o steal his shiny treasure. (Ace’s hair in the right light always looks like it’s made out of jewels and it drives Marco absolute wild)  
If it wasn’t for Thatch elbowing him in the side, The First Commander may have killed the brat.
“What do you want from me?” Ace asks somehow being polite enough to not come off as rude but hinting at it with his tone of voice. He was talented like that.
Pinky straightens up, staring at Ace like he’s the answer to the universe, which Marco hates to break it to him but Ace is taken and no way is he-.
“My name is Coby, I have sailed from the East Blue by myself and I will like to formally ask your blessing for Luffy’s hand sir!”  Coby blurts out, nervous and red but still with a straight back  “I will, of course, be willing to serve you and prove to you I am worthy of Luffy! If- if you will have me that is!”
All of Marco animal instincts to rip the youth apparent with his talons come to a screeching halt as the deck falls unnaturally salient. The first commander is actually thrown for a loop, stumbling to make sense of the words he just heard.  
Luffy? As in Ace’s precious little brother, his lover will never shut up about? As in the cause for Ace’s terrible brother complex?  Did he sail all the way to the New World to ask Ace for permission knowing that Ace may kill him on sight?!
Because by the way he is eyeing Ace, Coby knows this is a death warrant knows that any wrong move- hell any move will be his last. He came here expecting Ace to burn him alive and came anyway just to do right by the one who captured his heart.
Holy shit.  Marco thinks, respect rising for the pink hair lad easily ignoring that he almost took the boy out a second ago. Now that’s what I call love.  
“No.”  Ace syas flatly flames licking the back of his shoulders. His quite rage, promising danger would have made anyone sane realize how bad that idea was. The heat surrounded the boat rises, making a few men sweat. Coby forehead is covered by a thin layer of sweat, and his knees are shaking under the weight of Ace’s barely restrained haki but he doesn’t step down.
He meets Ace’s eyes evenly  saying in a surprisingly strong voice.  “I know that I don’t look like much now. But I truly love Luffy. So please allowed me to prove it to you.”
Ace’s haki snaps as he hisses hands balling into fists. “I said no.”
It’s the sight of Coby not even flinching at the fire slowly rising from Ace’s being that makes Marco hope he’ll lie through this. Because he recognizes that look on the obviously straining to stay on his feet boy’s face. It’s the same one he wears whenever he thinks of how the world would try to take Ace away from him if they ever found out about his dad.
His boyfriend does not like that reaction. He muscles tighten up, and the wave of heat is either by heat or by haki it’s hard to tell with the difficulty it is to breath suddenly. Marco rises one eyebrow as the Coby’s stumbles but he does not fall, it’s obvious that his body can barely handle the pressure but his eyes are steel and ready to fight.
Marco’s approval rises for him.
“My answer is no.” Ace’s voice is practically ice which is somehow more terrifying then the literal flames around him. “Get back on your little boat and row away boy. We are done here.”
Everyone on the crew takes a step back, when Coby stubbornly shakes his head and Ace growls (secretly Marco drools over how protective Ace is. If they were to ever build a nest together Ace would guard it with his life and that is one of the most attractive things about him)  “No, you- no one is good enough for my Lu. No. One. Is. ”
“You’re right. That’s why I have to get better. Luffy is going to be Pirate King, I have to become the best for him. He deserves only the best” Coby answers without hesitation, and it is impressive when the pressure forces him to his knees yet he never breaks eye contact with Ace. Never shows signs of rolling over.
It’s said in such a matter tone that many of the Whitebeards are thrown for a loop.  Even Ace, who looked like a second away from frying the boy alive is surprised into cooling down long enough that Coby can stand once more.
“That’s why I am asking you….please help me become a man that is good enough for your brother.”
It’s all Pops needs to hear, stepping in before Ace can even respond.  Marco is glad, he likes this kid’s spunk would be a shame if he died because of Ace before he could reach his full potential. Standing up to a Whitebeard commander was a great start.
It’s a few months later after Coby proved to be a diamond in the rough, strong and a great leader one that just needed to train his body Up. A perfect addition to our family, who fits in just fine even though he tends to be more merciful then a pirate should be.  But it was thanks to that merciful nature that they were able to save Thatch.
Marco is woken by a pale and sweating Ace one night, after waking up screaming name.
He had a nightmare it seemed.
A nightmare about Luffy’s wedding.
“Luffy is going to fall in love with Coby and I can’t kill him, Marco. He’s part of the Whitebeard crew, he saved Thatch from Teach and he’s trying to steal my brother. Pops won’t let me kill him Marco”  Ace whines like it the greatest offense their father could do to him.  
“I see you dilemma and I offer cuddles as a means to cope yoi.”  
“Cuddles won’t make that pink haired brother stealing lunatic go away.”
“You were the one that helped him get stronger.  Now you have to deal with Cody looking for your brother in Alabasta.”
Ace is silent before a grin stretches on his face. Marco feels his hair stand on end because he knows that look. Knows it all too well. His boyfriend- soon to be husband if things go as planned at Ace’s next birthday- just got a horrible idea that he plans on roping Marco into.
The sad part is, the blond isn’t sure he can say no. Not with Ace looking at him like that.
“So Marco, you ever wanted to go on a couple vacation with me? I hear Alabasta’s sunsets are romantic.”
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the-bejeesus · 7 years
One Piece Watch Order
One Piece is a fairly easy to watch series in terms of what order you watch it in; you go from episode 1 to the current episode in counting order. Pretty simple, right? However, the chronological order to slip all the OVAs, TV Specials, and Movies may be more complex. Most OVAs, Specials, and Movies are either non-canon or not so significant that you must watch them, so because of this most people just catch up on all the episodes first, and then binge all the Movies, OVAs, and TV Specials. However, some people, myself included, like to watch everything One Piece and also like to watch our anime in exact chronological order. For this reason, I am making a list of every single One Piece episode, TV Special, OVA, and Movie, and putting them all in the chronological order they are intended to be watched. I will list the story arcs in the way they are described on the One Piece Wikipedia, and I will refer to all Specials, OVAs, and Movies by their names on MyAnimeList.net. If any notes are needed to be made, I will make them. I will update this list every year until One Piece ends. Most of these are available on FUNimation, Huluplus, Crunchyroll, nyaa.si, or kissanime. If they are available on none, I will say so. But otherwise they’re on one of those things. Hulu, Crunchyroll, and kissanime are all free. If you’re watching subbed, I recommend either torrenting darkfire68′s subs or watching on Crunchyroll. If dubbed, I recommend either torrenting cloaknsmoke-rips DVD rips (or just buying the FUNimation DVDs) or watching on FUNimation’s streaming site. It should be noted that the only things that have been dubbed are the episodes, movies 8, 10, 12, and 13, and the TV Special Heart of Gold. Every other movie, special, and OVA was never dubbed. Of course, not all of these sites will have every One Piece episode, special, movie, and OVA, so you’ll have to hop around occasionally.
Sea of Survival: Super Rookies Saga
This is part one of ONE PIECE. It encompasses all events from episode 0-516. It is the longest saga to date. The reason part 2 is separate from the Super Rookies Saga is because of the great timeskip. I won’t spoil what that is.
One Piece: Defeat the Pirate Ganzack! This was an OVA not a lot of people know about, because it was made in 1998 and the show didn’t start until October 1999. I couldn’t find this on any streams, not even on kissanime. However, unless it was deleted, it is on YouTube. Since this technically was never aired, I highly recommend saving it for after you’re caught up on the series. However, if you’re desperate to watch absolutely all of One Piece in definite chronological order, I suggest watching it between Orange Town and Syrup Village.
East Blue (1-61)
Romance Dawn (1-3)
Orange Town (4-8)
One Piece: Emergency Planning, A Perfect Strategy for the One Piece I couldn’t find this on any streams, not even on kissanime. Probably one of the hardest specials to find, I could only find it on http://www.anime-ultime.net/file-0-1/3541/One-Piece---Special--vostfr. However, the flash player quality was low and would often crash and it had French subtitles. If you press the Télécharger button, you’ll get a link to another Télécharger button. Press that button, wait 40 seconds, and then download the .avi. Also, since French subs are easier to google translate than non-captioned Japanese, I made an English sub and uploaded it to my YouTube.
Syrup Village (9-18)
One Piece: Jango’s Dance Carnival I couldn’t find this on any streams, not even on kissanime. Unless it was deleted, it should be on YouTube.
ONE PIECE Movie 1: One Piece This is the first film One Piece ever has. This and the next two films were short films that accompanied a short film not related to ONE PIECE. Those accompanying movies do not add to the enjoyment of ONE PIECE, but if you wish to check it out you can find it on the One Piece wiki.
Baratie (19-30)
Arlong Park (31-45)
Buggy Side Story (46-47)
One Piece: Adventure in the Ocean’s Naval I couldn’t find this on any streams, not even on kissanime. However, it should be on gogoanime under the “One Piece Specials” as Special 02.
Loguetown (48-53)
One Piece: Take Aim! The Pirate Baseball King I couldn’t find this on any streams, not even on kissanime. But unless it was removed, it’s available on YouTube.
ONE PIECE Movie 2: Clockwork Island Adventure
Warship Island (54-61)
Alabasta (62-135)
Reverse Mountain (62-63)
Whiskey Peak (64-67)
Coby/Helmeppo Side Story (68-69)
Little Garden (70-77)
Drum Island (78-91)
One Piece: Dream Soccer King! I couldn’t find this on any streams, not even on kissanime. But unless it was removed, it’s available on YouTube.
ONE PIECE Movie 3: Chopper Kingdom of Strange Animal Island
Alabasta (92-130)
Post-Alabasta (131-135)
One Piece: Open Upon the Great Sea! A Father’s Huge, HUGE Dream I couldn’t find this on any streams, not even on kissanime. However, it should be on gogoanime under the “One Piece Specials” as Special 03.
Sky Island (136-206)
Goat Island (136-138)
Ruluka Island (139-143)
ONE PIECE Movie 4: Dead End
One Piece: Protect! The Last Great Performance I couldn’t find this on any streams, not even on kissanime. However, it should be on gogoanime under the “One Piece Specials” as Special 04.
Jaya (144-152)
Skypiea (153-195)
G-8 (196-206)
ONE PIECE Movie 5: Curse of the Sacred Sword
Water 7 (207-325)
Long Ring Long Land (207-219)
ONE PIECE Movie 6: Baron Omatsuri and the Secret Island This isn’t a note for when to watch it but a note of recommendation. If you’ve been skipping the movies up to this point I  H I G H L Y suggest you watch this one. It’s my favorite one up to this point.
Ocean’s Dream (220-224)
Foxy’s Return (225-228)
ONE PIECE Movie 7: The Giant Mechanical Soldier of Karakuri Castle
Water 7 (229-253)
One Piece: The Detective Memoirs of Chief Straw Hat Luffy I couldn’t find this on any stream, not even kissanime. I’m pretty sure it’s just the Boss Luffy Historical Special though. However, it should be on gogoanime under the “One Piece Specials” as Special 04.
Water 7 (254-263)
Enies Lobby (264-290) You won’t need to go out of your way to watch this one, but part of Chopper Man Special happens in the post credits of episode 279. Also at the One Piece Special Straw Hat Theater is at the ends of episodes 279-283, so you don’t have to go out of your way to watch that, either.
Boss Luffy Historical Special (291-292)
Enies Lobby (293-302)
Boss Luffy Historical Special (303)
Enies Lobby (304-312)
One Piece: Episode of Alabasta – Prologue I had a lot of trouble finding this one and in the end, I could only find a 2-minute segment of it on YouTube that didn’t have any subs. It’s on nyaa.si, but it also has no subs.
ONE PIECE Movie 8: Episode of Alabasta Both this movie and the previously mentioned prologue to it are not necessary to watch even if you want to watch all of the One Piece movies. They are simply an HD remake of the Alabasta story arc. If you’re watching on Crunchyroll, you already watched Alabasta in HD. “If it’s just Alabasta then why do I have to watch it here?” you ask. Well, the movie sprinkles in some events that you didn’t learn about until Enies Lobby, so it’s best to watch it here.
Post Enies Lobby (313-325)
ONE PIECE Movie 9: Episode of Chopper Plus Chronologically this should be watched after the Drum Island arc, but it was designed to have things from arcs that only happened just now, so watch it here.
Thriller Bark (326-384) Thriller Bark is by far one of the shortest story arcs in One Piece history, with only 58 episodes, 0 OVAs, 0 Movies, and 1 TV Special, it should technically not even be considered an arc and should’ve been shoved in with one of the ones next to it. The only reason it isn’t is because Water 7 and Summit War are already part of the top 3 longest One Piece story arcs of all time. Put it in Summit War and Summit War would by the longest story arc by a whole 18 episodes. Put it in Water 7 and Water 7 is the longest story arc by a whole 5 episodes. While being the longest arc isn’t a bad thing (there’s got to be one, right?), both the One Piece wiki and Crunchyroll agree that this is its own arc.
Lovely Land (326-335)
Chopper Man Special (336)
Thriller Bark (337-381)
One Piece: Romance Dawn Story
Spa Island (382-384)
ONE PIECE Movie 11: Mugiwara Chase
Nissan Serena x One Piece 3D: Mugiwara Chase – Sennyuu!! Sauzando Sanii-gou This is just a 12-minute short that is just Toei Animation circle-jerking themselves to the fact that they made a 3D movie. It was hard to find, so you can find it here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2Gy6PBnr0DY&t=5s, but they are both RAW and 360p. The only reason I’m giving the link instead of telling you to find it on YouTube is because the title wasn’t Nissan Serena x One Piece 3D: Mugiwara Chase – Sennyuu!! Sauzando Sanii-gou, and the thumbnail was a pig from Toriko, so you would’ve had trouble finding it.
Summit War (385-516)
One Piece 3D: Gekisou! Trap Coaster This one is literally near impossible to find. The reason being is that it’s only aired in a theatre in an amusement park in stereoscopic 3D. You can’t record it on your phone as you watch it because the stereoscopic vision causes a blur (plus amusement parks are freaking loud). You can’t access the original file either because it was never released on Blu-Ray or DVD (you could access the file if you worked at the amusement park technically, but it’s not like you can profit from uploading a torrent and it could cost you your job). If by some miracle you can find this via stream, torrent, etc., please let me know.
Toriko Episode 1 and One Piece Episode 492 This is where the Toriko x One Piece crossover chronologically takes place. Watch One Piece Episode 492 after Toriko episode 1, because this episode is a continuation of Toriko episode 1. Although since the One Piece episode recaps what happened in the Toriko part, you can just watch the One Piece part too. You can watch this where Episode 492 is numerically set as well (before epsidoe 491 and 493), but it will feel very out-of-place.
Sabaody Archipelago (385-405)
Boss Luffy Historical Special (406-407)
Amazon Lily (408-417)
Straw Hat’s Seperation Serial (418-421)
Impel Down (422-425)
o   This story arc confuses a lot of people, because it chronologically takes place right before Sabaody Archipelago, but is meant to be watched in the middle of Impel Down. You see, in the end of episode 425, a significant detail regarding STRONG WORLD is mentioned, which leads us into this arc. The best way to deal with this arc is to treat it like a flashback everyone is having of the STRONG WORLD events that happened prior to Sabaody Archipelago.
o   Little East Blue (426-429)
o   ONE PIECE Movie 10: Strong World
o   One Piece: Strong World Episode 0
Impel Down (430-452)
One Piece Recap I couldn’t find any English subs of this, and torrents like nyaa wouldn’t help either. I’d recommend either watching the RAW on YouTube (really easy to find), or torrenting the RAW.
Straw Hat’s Seperation Serial (453-456)
Marineford (457-489)
Post-War (490-516) Episode 492 is Toiko x One Piece
One Piece: Cry Heart This is actually 3 miniature specials, but they’re all in the same stop-motion style. They basically recap certain touchy events in One Piece. The first one is Fuyujima ni Furu Sakura, the second is ~children's dream~, and the third is Ace no Saigo.
The Final Sea: The New World Saga
         This is part 2 of One Piece. It encompasses episodes 517-current. It is separated from the second one due to the great timeskip and is currently the shortest saga in One Piece.
Fishman Island (517-574)
One Piece 3D2Y: Ace no shi wo Koete! Luffy Nakama Tono Chikai This TV Special is most people’s favorite TV Special and also commonly mistaken as a One Piece film. One of the reasons that it is so liked is because it’s one of the first One Piece specials to not be a recap or a filler. It’s also one of the first One Piece specials to have an official sub and sub by FUNimation (but I don’t think it has a dub).
Return to Sabaody (517-522)
Fishman Island (523-574) Episode 542 is a One Piece x Toriko epsisode.
Toriko Episode 51 and One Piece Episode 542 Like last time, watch the Toriko episode first and then the One Piece episode. Although since the One Piece episode recaps what happened in the Toriko part, you can just watch the One Piece part too. You can also watch episode 542 where it numerically takes place as well, but it won’t make as much sense there.
One Piece: Episode of Nami - Koukaishi no Namida to Nakama no Kizuna This special is a complete recap of the Arlong Park arc from East Blue in an updated art style and reduced to 1h48m of runtime. “Why put it here then?” you ask. Well for one, the ending has about five seconds of the Return to Sabaody arc. Of course, it doesn’t really spoil anything as long as you know that the timeskip is a thing that happens. However, I really do like the feeling of this special after seeing the events of Fishman Island, so even though it chronologically takes place at Arlong Park, it’s best to watch it here.
Oishi-sa Hajikeru! One Piece Just a One Piece commercial for Coke.
Dressrosa (575-746) This is currently the longest arc in all of One Piece, encompassing 172 episodes. Some people consider the Punk Hazard arc to be its own saga, but that would only shorten Dressrosa down to the second longest arc, with Summit War being the longest. The Dressrosa arc also has the longest arc within its arc, as Dressrosa (629-746) encompasses 118 episodes.
One Piece: Romance Dawn This is not an actual OVA. It is a One Piece video game for the PSP that MyAnimeList mistakenly put in as an OVA. If you want to mark this watched on you MAL, I recommend watching a walkthrough of One Piece Romance Dawn on YouTube, there are plenty. However, it doesn’t really necessarily matter because, like a lot of One Piece games, this really just goes through events you’ve seen in the anime, and doesn’t really add to the show at all.
 ·       FILM Z
o   Z’s Ambition Arc (575-578)
o   One Piece: Episode of Luffy - Hand Island no Bouken
o   One Piece: Episode of Merry - Mou Hitori no Nakama no Monogatari
o   One Piece: Glorious Island
o   ONE PIECE Movie 12: Film Z
Toriko Episode 99 and One Episode 590 (Toriko x One Piece x Dragon Ball Z) When this episode was made, Dragon Ball Super didn’t exist yet, but Goku and the others are drawn in an art style like Dragon Ball Super. Presumably, as long as you finished Dragon Ball Z, everything Dragon Ball in these episodes should make sense.
One Piece: Long Ring Long Land-hen - Ichiya Kagiri no Tokubetsu Henshuu-ban I couldn’t find this anywhere, not even a RAW.
One Piece: Adventure of Nebulandia
Sante FX x One Piece Yup, another One Piece commercial. This one’s for like eye contacts or something.
Punk Hazard (579-625) Episode 590 is the Toriko x One Piece x Dragon Ball Z special.
Caesar Retrival (626-628)
Dressrosa (629-729)
One Piece: Episode of Sabo - 3 Kyoudai no Kizuna Kiseki no Saikai to Uketsugareru Ishi
One Piece: Episode of East Blue – Luffy to Yon-nin no Nakama no dai-bouken
Dressrosa (730-746)
Yonko (747-current)
·       FILM GOLD
Similarly to One Piece movie 9, there’s no place where Film Gold and it’s Specials canonically make sense. There’s no point in One Piece where they have the bounties they have, the weapons and gadgets they have, and are all together. However, directly after Dressrosa is where the information presented in the movie makes the most sense.
o   Silver Mine (747-750)
o   One Piece: Heart of Gold
o   One Piece: Film Gold Episode 0
o   TOHO Cinemas x One Piece Film: Gold - Tokubetsu Eizou Commerical.
o   Scratch x One Piece Film: Gold Commercial.
o   One Piece Film: Gold - Cine Mike Popcorn Kokuchi Commercial.
o   ONE PIECE Movie 13: Film Gold
Zou (751 - 779)
Marine Rookie (780 - 782)
Whole Cake Island (783 – CURRENT)
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