#but im just saying even if hori didnt plan for this development from the start
kiisaes · 9 months
I don't think there will ever be a better redemption character than bkg and I'm genuinely being so serious. like not really and I'm sure there's a lot of great examples but bkg's arc is so complete. it's so realized and thematically perfect and consistent and there's truly nothing better than watching this dude change throughout the years. like being forced to shift his point of view and realize that he's not the top of the world and have the entire story humble him relentlessly the MOMENT he got to ua. how he represents the quirk majority and how his bad behavior mirrored how society treated those lesser than and how in order to break from that mindset, in order to be a better hero, he had to go through his own personal growth. how his superiority complex is infinitely fueled by his inferiority complex and vice versa and how both of those complexes were jumpstarted by his feelings for deku. how he tried struggling against change before reluctantly working alongside it, then accepting it, then surrendering himself to it, then dying by it. he'd rather die than go back to his old ways, he'd rather die than view deku as any less of a necessity. he is always challenged, always working so hard, always wanting to be the best and the narrative hates him and his past actions so much but he prevails anyway. this dude sucked, yeah, but his development is one of the most satisfying parts of reading this manga. anyone with a functioning brain knows this dude isn't the same as he was from the start and even if he died a fucking year ago I can honestly rest easy knowing that he died a changed man. he's so good. hes so real. he's so honest and true and his last thoughts feel like a plea from the void and a final hurrah all the same
like just look at this, man. (first anniversary piece -> most recent anniversary piece)
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he might have been the jerkiest jerkwad in the first season but he is anything but that in the latest
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