#but i think I'm going to end up whitewashing the inside of my barn
kedreeva · 20 days
Finished the base for the first new quail tower, which Sark designed around the trays I wanted to use, and with my actual needs in mind. It will get an auto water system and feeders, once they're in.
Overall, I'm in love with the new design in theory. I can't wait to use it, the feeders are taking an eternity to come in (I ordered them 24 hours ago!!! Eternityyyyy [yes I knew the ship date was not super soon when I ordered them]). We're going to start the next 2 this coming week, and they should fit perfectly at the rear of the barn together.
The cage space is smaller, to fit a smaller poop tray that I can handle alone. It means I can move down to a 1:4-6 ratio instead of 2:10, and have finer control over and understanding of which males make better quality offspring. Both sides of the cage can open, meaning no more shoving half my body into a cage trying to reach the far side. The feeders will be attached to the right hand door, meaning I can front load and save side-to-side space, and not have to worry I can't reach them. Since the doors open horizontally, instead of vertically like the other rack, I will also experience less escapees out the far side while I'm reaching for a specific quail.
He also gave me more space under the cages, so it's easier to pull the poop trays out; previously they were so close to the rollout trays that I would scrape my hands going in or out. No more scraping!
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