#but i left a shitty review for the professor and i hope it drags down his course rating PEACE AND LOVE
plushiehamuko · 1 year
yall i am so excited for this semester to be over bc i will never have to do electromagnetic physics EVER AGAIN IN MY LIFE i have never taken a class that i hated THIS MUCH until now and the day i never have to calculate another fuckin. electric or magnetic flux integral will be the best day of my life
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callsign-bunnie · 1 year
this one might be a bit much but…Professor!Graves x student!Rodolfo. with Rudy and Ale going to college, Rudy is in love with Ale, but Ale is starting to get kind of distant from him, finding new friends. Rudy gets heartbroken and his history professor starts to take a… special interest in him. Rudy likes the attention, even if his friends think its bad
(This would be amazing in ABO but only if you're comfortable) Sorry if this is too much!
I almost didn't write this one but it took up so much prime real estate in my brain that I almost had to.
Rodolfo sighed as he looked over his notes. The class was about to end, so he was just reviewing everything he had. He could barely focus on it, though, thinking back to the Friday before.
Alejandro had dragged him out to another party, despite him knowing that Rodolfo didn't really like those. And within five minutes, he'd ditched him. Found some pretty little omega to flirt with and Rodolfo was left to figure out what to do.
Rodolfo didn't even think Alejandro had noticed he went home early. 
Rodolfo sighed when class ended. He gathered his stuff up and went to stand before realizing his professor was right in front of his desk. "Oh, Professor Graves." He said, standing. 
Professor Graves was his history professor. Rodolfo wasn't even sure why he was required to take a history class, but he would have taken it, anyway. 
Professor Graves was... well, hit or miss with his students.
Rodolfo didn't mind him. He was okay if you weren't a shitbag. He was an alpha, too, and wasn't that big of an asshole, even to the omega students. Some of his alpha teachers had a tendency to talk down to them. 
"Hello, Rodolfo. Sorry, I couldn't help but notice you seemed down." Graves smiled, gently. "You're usually so attentive in my class."
Rodolfo flushed. "Oh, uh..." He hesitated. "Yeah, I'm fine. Just..." he wasn't sure what excuse to make. "Went to a party last night. Tired."
Graves raised an eyebrow, seeming surprised. He tucked his hands in the pockets of his jacket, a black leather one he was never seen without. "Oh? I have to say, I didn't see you as the party type."
Rodolfo couldn't help snorting. "I'm not. My best friend, Alejandro, likes to go to them, though, and he always wants me there for some reason." He winced at how bitter his voice sounded and looked away.
Graves definitely picked up on it and Rodolfo cringed. “Anyway, so yeah, I’m just tired. I did manage to take notes, though, if you’re worried about that. I won’t fall behind.”
“I wouldn’t let my best student fall behind, don’t worry.” Graves chuckled and then he Pat Rodolfo’s arm, his touch lingering a little. Rodolfo wasn’t sure how he felt about that. 
Rodolfo smiled, weakly admittedly, and turned, leaving. He shrugged his bag onto his shoulder and sighed a little. Of course, half way through his walk, his second best friend Soap Mactavish decided that he absolutely had to ask Rodolfo about the party. 
Soap ran up on him and threw his arm over Rodolfo’s shoulders. He was an omega, like Rodolfo, but honestly acted more like a beta. Until he got around Alphas, that was. Then that omega instinct kicked right in. “So! How was it??”
Rodolfo sighed. “I don’t know. I left early.”
“You left early?!” Soap frowned. “Why the fuck would you do that?? What if this was your chance to tell Alejandro!”
“It wasn’t. He ditched me for some other omega the moment he had a chance.” Rodolfo shrugged. “And Valeria wasn’t there, so I just left.” Valeria was kind of the third in his and Alejandro’s friendship. She was closer friends with Alejandro and Soap’s boyfriend Ghost than Rodolfo, though he would occasionally hang out with her if he saw her. 
Soap cringed. “I’m sorry, Rudy. That sounds shitty.”
Rodolfo shrugged. “He doesn’t like me. It’s okay.” It was not okay but Rodolfo didn’t really want to deal with pity.
“You could always have a threesome with me and Ghost.” Soap joked. It was never a serious offer, or Rodolfo hoped it wasn’t, but he made the offer occasionally, when Rodolfo was having problems with Alejandro. 
It was clearly a joke. A way to show Rodolfo he was still wanted somewhere. It didn’t work. 
“It’s harder and harder to say no.” Rodolfo joked, but sighed. “But, no thank you.” He pat Soap’s shoulder. “Anyway, I need to go to class.”
“Okay, Rudy.” Soap nodded and left.
Rodolfo was still down about the party. It’d been two days, he really shouldn’t be anymore, but he was. He sighed, trying to pay a little more attention to Professor Graves’ lecture. 
It was an interesting lesson, anyway. About the Greeks. Rodolfo liked the way Graves taught. He tried to keep it interesting, but he didn’t talk to them like they were children. He also had a tendency to joke around a lot and he wasn’t one of those professors that you could get completely off topic so he’d stand around and talk the whole class. Maybe everyone else liked those professors, but Rodolfo was paying for this class, he’d like to take it.
Rodolfo sighed, softly, watching him teach. Again, his mind wandered to Alejandro, and he found himself slumping a little. Maybe it was time to just move on and find someone new. 
After class, he sighed and went to pack up his stuff. He got a little too careless with his laptop and it slid off his desk. His heart jumped as he went to catch it, but Graves was immediately there, catching it easily. “Don’t want to break this.” He chuckled, holding it out to Rodolfo.
Rodolfo flushed but relaxed, thanking him. “I definitely do not want to break it.” He slipped it into his bag.
“I found something interesting I thought you might like.” Graves stuck his hands in his pocket, smiling. “Do you have a class next?”
Rodolfo tilted his head before sighing, reluctantly, since he did in fact have a class. “Yes, sadly...”
“Alright, do you wanna come by this afternoon then? My office hours are 6-7?” Graves leaned against Rodolfo’s desk and Rodolfo hesitated before nodding a little. “Perfect.” Graves gave him a half grin and then touched his arm again.
Rodolfo flushed and quickly left, curious what Graves was going to show him.
Rodolfo was kind of excited. He liked to see interesting things and with Graves, he could only imagine. The professor was known for randomly just finding interesting artifacts and buying them. And... he had to admit the idea of Graves wanting to show just him... made him feel odd things.
He had also dressed kind of nice. He didn’t know why he’d had the urge, but Soap, who was also his roommate, had teased him about it. Rodolfo had lied that he was meeting someone for dinner, since... He didn’t want Soap to know the truth, which was that he’d dressed up to meet a professor.
Rodolfo knocked on Graves’ office door, noticing it was slightly open. He pushed it open a little, peeking in. Graves looked up from where he was slightly hunched over his desk, looking at something in a clear box. “Rodolfo! Come in!”
Rodolfo relaxed and went inside, looking around his office. It was fairly big, for an office, at least it was bigger than any of his other professors, but Graves had made it kind of cozy. Warm lighting with dark oak furniture.
Rodolfo went over to him, now curious. “What is it?”
“A ring.” Graves moved to Rodolfo could look at it. Rodolfo raised an eyebrow but looked over the ring. It was clearly bronze, and had a purple stone in it. Garnet, if Rodolfo had to guess. “It’s Roman.” Graves explained. “I’ve managed to get it loaned to me for my Roman Studies class but I thought you’d like to see it. You take an interest in the jewelry lessons.”
Rodolfo flushed, surprised he’d noticed. “I just think it’s fascinating how they added so much intricate detail…” He looked over the ring. “It’s well protected.” Which, it was, in a locked plastic box. 
“It’s worth 15,000 dollars.” Graves chuckled. “It has to be.”
“And they let you borrow it??” Rodolfo looked at him, shocked. That seemed like a lot of value to just be sitting on a professor’s desk. 
“The museum curator owes me a favor. I helped identify some artifacts.” Graves chuckled, seeming almost amused by Rodolfo’s expression. “It pays to know people.”
“Yeah, networking, I guess.” Rodolfo sighed and turned back to the ring. He picked up the little magnifying thing Graves had been using to look at it, just in awe at the detail. “It’s so intricate…” he murmured. “They could put in such little details. It’s fascinating.”
“Isn’t it?” Graves nodded. “But, we can so easily put the same details in, now, at barely a fraction of the speed.”
Rodolfo straightened up again and looked at him. “I guess.” He nodded and smiled. “It's interesting to see how the progression of skill is, now.”
“Not skill, technology.” Graves shook his head. “If we were using the same technology they were, we’d only be able to craft with the same amount of detail.”
Rodolfo frowned. “But hasn’t a progression of technology been due, largely, to a progression of skill in humanity?”
Graves seemed to consider his words before smiling at him, shrugging. “I suppose you’re right. You’re very bright.”
“I’ve heard that before.” Rodolfo laughed, but he was flattered all the same. “Gifted student.”
“It shows.” Graves moved to the ring again and ended up brushing against Rodolfo. Rodolfo tensed and flushed dark, quickly moving out of the way. 
Graves didn’t acknowledge it and leaned back down to look over the ring. “Royalty wore this. And it sits in an old History Professor’s classroom.” He chuckled. “What an odd place to find yourself.”
Rodolfo frowned. “You don’t look old.”
“I’m 39. I suppose I’m not, yet. But I feel old.” Graves shrugged and sighed, sitting in his desk chair. He looked up at Rodolfo, watching him for a moment. His eyes seemed soft, almost. He looked at Rodolfo the same way he looked at the ring. Awe. Admiration. 
Rodolfo flushed and looked away. “Is the ring the only thing you wanted to show me?” He mumbled, shy. 
“Yes,” Graves nodded and sighed a little. “I suppose you should get back to your dorm. My office hours are almost up.” He looked disappointed and Rodolfo couldn’t help but feel the same. “I know you like this stuff, though. I could show you the pieces we’re restoring at the museum?”
Rodolfo perked up. “I’d love that.”
“How does Friday sound?” Graves hummed.
Rodolfo smiled. “Okay, I can do Friday.” He waved and then left. 
“Rudy!” Alejandro caught up to him in the hallway, wrapping his arm around his shoulders and grinning. “There’s another party tonight, we’re going.”
“You and who?” Rodolfo tilted his head, since he was absolutely not going. He already had plans.
“You.” Alejandro chuckled. “Who else?”
“Val.” Rodolfo shrugged, nudging off his arm. “Not me. I have plans tonight.”
Alejandro frowned. “Ditch them.”
“For a party? Yeah, I’m good.” He shook his head, stopping in front of his class. “Plus, you’re just going to ditch me, again.”
“I didn’t ditch you.” Alejandro frowned. 
Rodolfo rolled his eyes. “I’m not going tonight. Find someone else to go with.” He went into the class before Alejandro could stop him, irritated. He always acted like he could tell Rodolfo to do whatever and he’d just do it. 
Granted, usually Rodolfo would. But he was looking forward to that night. He really wanted to see the restoration projects. He... really wanted to spend time with Graves.
So much so, in fact, he barely paid attention to his classes. He just skated through them and then he found himself happily on his way to Graves’ office. 
When he got there, he nudged the door in, peeking in first. Graves had his back to the door, leaning on his desk. He was on the phone and for once, he didn’t have his jacket on. Instead, it was draped against the back of his desk chair.
Rodolfo flushed, his eyes following the outline of his arms and back. He had to admit, Graves was attractive. He was a little small for an alpha, though still slightly bigger than Rodolfo, but his build was distinctly alpha. 
Rodolfo quietly stepped in, closing the door behind him and making sure it made noise. Graves immediately glanced behind him at Rodolfo and then he was half grinning, holding up a finger. He turned back around and continued his conversation. “Yeah, send the pieces over. I’ll receive them tomorrow.”
Rodolfo tilted his head, wondering what he was talking about. He waited near the door, clasping his hands behind his back. He had to admit, he’d dressed up again. Black shorts that went mid thigh, since it was still fairly warm at night. A loose sweater with a button up underneath it. 
“Awesome! I’ll be there to sign it off. Thank you, have a good night.” Graves then hung up and turned around. “I’m sorry. That was a confirmation for some documents I’m receiving.”
Rodolfo smiled. “It’s alright, really.” He went a little closer to him. “How are you?”
“Fantastic. We should go now, so we don’t arrive so late. I don’t want to have to fight with the doormen. Oh, quick question. You ever ride on a motorcycle?”
Rodolfo’s eyes went wide and he quickly shook his head. “No...” He flushed.
Graves grinned and he led Rodolfo out to the parking lot, guiding him over to a motorcycle, which was sitting close to the building. It had a backseat area, which made Rodolfo frown and wonder if Graves showed a lot of his students these things.
Why did that make him jealous?
Graves held out a black helmet to Rodolfo. “Safety first, sweetheart.”
Rodolfo flushed at the nickname but accepted the helmet, sliding it on. Graves ended up having to help him and his breath hitched when Graves’ fingertips brushed his neck. But, Graves made no acknowledgement and pulled away. “There. Nice and snug.”
Rodolfo nodded his head. Graves put his own helmet on and then got on the bike, gesturing for Rodolfo to do the same. Rodolfo hesitated, unsure if it was appropriate to be this close to his professor. Well, it was kind of too late to back out, now.
He climbed onto the back of the bike, putting his feet where Graves told him to and then wrapping his arms around Graves, carefully. His heart pounded in his chest from the closeness, but he reminded himself Graves did this all the time. He was just showing him some artifacts.
Graves reached back and pat the side of Rodolfo’s leg and Rodolfo could feel his face flame. He was so grateful for the helmet, since it hid his blush from the world. Especially Graves.
It was a short drive, it felt like. Rodolfo wondered if Graves had sped to get there, but he wasn’t going to question his professor. He got off the bike, his legs a little shaky from the sensation of riding. He stumbled a bit and Graves instinctively touched his hip to catch him, frowning. “Woah. Don’t fall.”
Rodolfo flushed. “I’ll try not to...” He said as he took the helmet off, setting it where Graves pointed.
Graves smiled at him and then gestured for him to follow, which Rodolfo gladly did. “My office is right downstairs.”
Rodolfo nodded and followed him, tilting his head. The museum wasn’t quite closed, yet, but it was clearly about to as most of the lights were off in the already closed exhibits and there were little to no people. He found it oddly peaceful, though the vague outline of large statues was eerie. 
He shivered and quickly caught back up to Graves, following him down a short flight of stairs. “I mostly help to identify pieces, but I’ve been working on some restoration projects.” Graves explained as he scanned a card outside of a door labeled “employees only” and then they were walking in.
Rodolfo first noticed how little light there was in the room. He wasn’t surprised, since so many artifacts were light sensitive. It made sense that they’d try to keep the lights off. The second thing he noticed was how little people there were. “I thought there’d be more people.” He admitted.
“No, not usually. A lot of them like to work during the day or even later at night than this.” Graves shook his head, leading Rodolfo to a door and then letting him in. Rodolfo thanked him as he was let in first and he stepped into the office.
It was much bigger than his office on campus, though it was decorated similarly. Rodolfo saw crates in the corner with big “fragile” labels on them. “I thought those were only in movies.” He joked, turning to Graves, who was stepping over to the crates.
“Ha, where did you think movies got it from?” Graves laughed. “There is an air of truth in every lie. Media is no different. Most ideas come from somewhere, right?”
Rodolfo supposed he was. He turned away and continued to look around the office. He smiled at the paintings on the wall, recognizing a couple recreations of famous pieces. Starry Night, the Mona Lisa. He took an interest in a recreation of Sunflowers, stepping up to the painting. He’d always been fascinated by the piece. 
“Did you know he painted more than one?” Graves asked, startling Rodolfo.
Rodolfo blinked and turned to him. “Hmm, I guess I didn’t. I didn’t take art history.”
“He did.” Graves came over and stood by him, looking up at the painting. “This particular version is from a paint by numbers kit. Pain in the ass to do, I hate those things.”
“You painted this??” Rodolfo blinked and looked at Graves before turning back to the painting.
Graves laughed. “Yeah. It shows, don’t you think?”
Rodolfo looked over the painting, starting to pick up how almost clinical the paint had been applied. “I wouldn’t know,” he said, anyway, “I’m not an artist. Or a writer for that matter.”
“Neither am I. The museum passed them out.” Graves waved his hand. “I actually still have a couple, since I was the only one willing to take them.” 
Rodolfo followed him over to his desk, which was quite large and covered by papers and a few boxes. Small boxes, like jewelry boxes. Graves was looking at one of them and he gestured to Rodolfo, grabbing this weird desk attachment thing that looked like a mirror on a swivel arm. He moved it and put it in front of Rodolfo’s face. 
Rodolfo blushed, remembering he’d put the slightest amount of black on his waterline to accentuate his eyes. He turned to the mirror, watching Graves move around him and then he heard movement behind him before Graves was carefully putting a necklace around his neck. It was large and a bit heavy, made with gold and rubies. “It’s beautiful…” He reached up and touched it, liking the way it looked against his dark skin.
He tried not to let his breath hitch as Graves’ fingers brushed against his skin, while he adjusted the necklace. 
Graves chuckled. “Just wait.” Rodolfo then watched the alpha grab a book and come over, holding up a painting in it beside the mirror. Rodolfo blinked, shocked to be looking at a picture of a royal who looked uncannily similar to him. 
“Oh…” Rodolfo blushed a deep dark red, able to see it in the mirror, and he looked at the painting, recognizing the jewelry piece in it. “We could be twins.”
“I wouldn’t be surprised if you were a descendant.” Graves chuckled and put the book down. “I saw the resemblance when I received the pieces and the book the other day. He was known for being quite beautiful. An omega, like you.” He then moved the mirror and leaned against the desk. “I can see how people say he was beautiful.”
Rodolfo noted how Graves did not glance down at the book as he said that and instead just kept looking at him and he tried not to think about the way that made his heart flutter, looking down at the book. He turned the page, seeing the jewelry piece had a page dedicated to it. He wasn’t surprised to see that it was made from real gold and real rubies, but then he felt himself pale at the value.
“A million dollars?!” Rodolfo straightened up, immediately. He went stiff, now absolutely terrified to move.
Graves laughed, softly. “Calm down, sweetheart. It’s just a recreation. It’s for an exhibit. The real one is in Spain.” He shook his head. “Well, that one isn’t for the exhibit. I had someone make an extra of it and…” He got another box from the desk, pulling out a matching crown, that Rodolfo also recognized from the book.
He gingerly placed it on Rodolfo’s head and smiled. “The set is only 500 dollars, so don’t worry. There’s earrings, too, if you want them.”
“500 is still more than I think I will ever spend on jewelry.” Rodolfo looked up at the crown, relaxing a little. Admittedly, for his interest in historical jewelry, he didn’t own much of his own. “Wait, want them?”
“Yeah, you can have them.” He gestured to both pieces. “They were practically made for you, regardless.” 
Rodolfo felt himself start to blush again and he tried not to show how ridiculously flattered that made him, smiling. “Oh…” He reached up and took off the crown, pulling it down so he could look over it. “It really is beautiful…”
“It suits you.” Graves nodded. “Here, let’s get them both back in their boxes.” He took the crown from Rodolfo and put it in its box before going back around behind him and taking off the necklace before also putting it in its box. He put them both in a brown paper bag with handles. “So no one tries to steal them.” He explained and Rodolfo relaxed, nodding. He also slipped a smaller box in the bag as well. “I have more pieces if you want to see them. Royalty, through the ages, is the exhibit.”
Rodolfo blushed dark. “Yeah, I’d like to see…”
He followed Graves out of the office and to where some mannequins were being dressed up. “You can touch everything, like I said, it’s all recreations. It’s meant to be a touch and feel exhibit.”
Rodolfo ahhed and then touched one of the dresses, feeling over the trim of the bodice. It felt kind of itchy and he wasn’t sure he’d be able to stand wearing that all day. “It looks so heavy.”
“It was.” Graves nodded. “In the victorian ages, there were quite a few times that omegas would die because they’d walk too close to a fire place and couldn’t get out of their dress, so they’d burn alive.”
“That’s… fucking gruesome.” Rodolfo made a face, unsure he liked that fact. “I’m incredibly grateful to be alive in the modern times, then.” He mumbled and turned back to the dress, backing away from it.
“Hey, Phil!” Both turned to someone who was calling out to them. “It’ll just be you tonight, so just remember to lock up when you and your friend leave!”
“Got it, thanks!” Graves called and waved before turning back to one of the mannequins, appearing to adjust a few things and then sighing, stepping back and putting his hands on his waist. “Well, anyway, welcome to my lair or whatever. This is where I spend most nights when I’m not teaching.”
Rodolfo looked around, smiling. “I like it, but I’m not sure I’d enjoy spending the night here.”
“Oh, I never said I enjoy it.” Graves laughed. “When I first started this kind of work, I was paranoid the statues would come alive and kill me.”
Rodolfo laughed, finding the fear rather silly. “Oh? That’s so sweet!” He tilted his head, seeing Graves almost appear to blush. But, he looked away, looking at a statue in the distance and moving over to it. It was naked, which wasn’t a surprise, but it had a cloth draped over its shoulders and Rodolfo felt in awe of how it almost looked like he could reach up and touch the cloth, and it would move. 
He frowned, feeling his phone buzz in his pocket, and he saw a text from Valeria. 
Hey, did you come tonight? -Val
No, I didn’t. I had plans.
Oh. Alejandro said that, but I guess I didn’t believe him. Did you guys fight or something? -Val
No, I just didn’t feel like going to another party. 
Alright… Well, it’s for the best, he’s pretty drunk, anyway, and I’m on my way. Have fun, whatever you’re doing. -Val
Rodolfo rolled his eyes and made a frustrated sound. God, he just… wanted some time where he wasn’t constantly being reminded about Alejandro and how Alejandro didn’t like him. He put his phone back in his pocket and sighed, turning and seeing Graves was watching him. “Do I have something on me?” He joked, going back over to him.
Graves shook his head. “Why do you let him treat you like that?”
“Well, that wasn’t him that time.” Rodolfo winced. “But… I don’t know. He wanted me to go to this party tonight but… I don’t… really like parties?” He turned to the left, touching the dress on the mannequin again. “I don’t know… We’ve been friends forever. But… ever since we started college, things have been… different.”
“College does that, sadly.” Graves sighed. “It changes things.”
Rodolfo snorted and then blushed dark as Graves touched his chin, making him turn and look at him. He didn’t stop the alpha, not really able to find a good reason as to why he should, and he watched Graves eyes, which had moved to his mouth. “You’re too pretty to let an alpha treat you like that.”
Rodolfo blushed, again, and he melted, parting his lips as Graves’ thumb moved over them. “How would you treat me?” He asked, lowering his voice a little.
Graves chuckled, not moving his hand. “I think I’d have to show, rather than explain.”
“Then show me.” Rodolfo said, growing a little bold. “I’m asking you to show me…”
Graves’ eyes finally moved up to meet Rodolfo’s and then he moved forward, kissing him softly. Rodolfo leaned into it, melting as the scent of whiskey and paper surrounded him, coating his skin. It was sweet and intoxicating, making him dizzy. 
When Graves pulled away, he took his jacket off and put it around Rodolfo before having him lay down. Rodolfo just melted at the thoughtfulness in the action, his skin feeling warm and fuzzy. “You’re such a gentleman.” He teased, looking up at Graves.
Graves looked down at him, his expression amused. “Well, I have to take care of a sweet little lady such as yourself.”
Oh. Rodolfo’s stomach clenched and he tried not to think about how hot that made him, distracting himself by sitting up a little so he could pull off his sweater, blushing when Graves helped him and then Graves carefully undid the buttons on his shirt, running his hand down the skin as it was exposed.
Rodolfo shivered as Graves’ slightly cold skin touch his own. He was always warm, likely from the layers he liked to wear, and so the touch was nice. He tilted his head as Graves moved down and started to kiss over the skin on his shoulder, his shirt getting pushed down around his arms. 
The sex was slow, sensual, and oh so fantastic. Graves clearly knew what he was doing and while Rodolfo didn’t really, he didn’t have so little experience that he didn’t know how sex was supposed to be. This was definitely how it was supposed to be and more.
So, when Graves had told him that he could rest for a bit, he’d just ignored that his phone was buzzing and Alejandro was on the caller ID, turning his phone off, and dozing off to sleep.
I think I could do a part 2 if anyone wants it, I do have a few ideas.
No taglist for this, since I doubt it's a ship I'm going to get many requests for. If you want a part 2 and you'd like to be tagged if another is posted, reply and I'll tag you.
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