#but i also had the plan to like sydney and kylar
lycemagee · 1 month
AAAAHHHHH HOW CAN I RELAX, WHEN I HAVE BAILEY ON MY ASS AND AN EMOTIONAL ATTACHMENT TO ROBIN???? HOW???? (It's my first real run with a plan and nothing goes after the plan BC I am an emotional mess)
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propertyofwhitney67 · 4 months
Here’s to bunny Alex, the only love interest to take recovery time into consideration. Now what if the bunny love interests could get pregnant?
Omg the average number of kits a rabbit has is 5-8
Pissed even though they didn't want you to use a condom. It's partially their fault but they will blame you. Once they get over the shock and anger they get their shit together so they can have kits with you. When they see the ultrasound they get mad at you again. Still the best parent and loves you and their kits. Has an average pregnancy but has bad morning sickness.
Fucking ecstatic, this is what they've always wanted. They poked holes in all your condoms and it's finally paid off. So happy when they see the ultrasound, they want a big family with you. Had a nursery ready before they even got pregnant. Kind of a risky pregnancy, sick all the time and needs a lot of care and attention.
P!Sydney: Scared but also kind of excited. In a bit of shock, they took so many precautions, yet they still got pregnant. Immediately starts planning everything out. Is scared to tell Sirris but they are so supportive and help out a lot. Another average pregnancy but needs to be induced early.
C!Sydney: Also in shock, but not surprised that it happened. Takes a bit longer to tell Sirris but they are still supportive and help out. Starts planning things after the first ultrasound. Another average pregnancy but needs to be induced early.
Not shocked but are worried. They have so much to already do with the farm and now kits on top of that? Has you take on more responsibility with the farm throughout the pregnancy. They are stubborn and still try to do things and you have to force them to stop. Average pregnancy with no problems.
Tubes are tied, no kids for this bitch. But if they weren't let's just say they are livid, how could this happen? They are so worried about their reputation and take it out on you. High risky pregnancy given their age and how stressed they are. Your poor ass is paying child support.
I wouldn't say shocked but slightly surprised and happy. Like Alex they don't want to rest, they want to keep working. They want to keep hunting and keep the two of you safe. Harder to get to relax and not work as hard. You really have to force them to rest. Average pregnancy but some complications during birth.
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neet-elite · 3 months
NEW WHITNEY SCENES???? oh man i’m so excited i’ve barely played but i feel like ive exhausted all whitney options. speaking of…..
do you wish the LIs had more…depth? more development? i know this is a porn game duh there’s not much depth i expect but part of me wishes whitney would soften up a bit and let us in….maybe stop noncon scenes like the docks? or maybe more consequences, like if whitney finds out you’re working at the brothel he punishes you. or, i guess a character like whitney might be fine with you prostituting yourself, but robin, kylar, and non corrupted sydney might not. you’re telling me kylar would be fine with anyone touching his baby????
again, porn game, not much plot, shouldn’t expect much more.
- whitney’s toy anon
i've yet to view them myself, im too busy working on all my many projects, namely my zine and im going to attempt making stickers soon tonight... but i for sure wanna try the scenes out once i tire from working.
and yes! actually, you've perfectly described part of the reason why i wanna make my own game. it's not a dol specific problem, but an issue i have with porn games (and to a certain extent, any game with romance options) in general.
like in sdv, once you're married it's like.... bro where did my beloved character go? everything just kind of stops after a certain point, right? and i understand there's limitations and like you've stated in dols case, it's a porn game first and foremost... but i love character development. i love writing 10k words of pure character study because it's so fun and i looooooove making characters feel alive !!! i want them to react and change and adapt to circumstances like you've mentioned.
one plan i have in my game to combat how stale romanceable characters tend to get are things like a phone system; random and scripted events from characters. maybe they'll call you after work because you've mentioned what time you finish? maybe they'll send a selfie during your shift to cheer you up because they've noticed your mood has been a little low recently. maybe they'll send nudes when you haven't seen them in a while, and they miss you... among various other things :D
i just have a great passion for making characters and having them feel grounded and real, even within a more fantasy setting like a porn game. so yeah, i get it. i want to strive to beat it :D
also just to keep in mind, dol is still currently in development and as such not a lot of complete content has been released. might be why it feels a bit bland after some time!!
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robinsroom · 1 year
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i sorta came up with a back story for her but it sucks right now.
Getting sick of living in a house with her mother and 3 brothers, conversation of visiting the UK came up and her Ma' said she could go as long as she went to the local church (among a plethora of other stipulations but she didn't really pay attention lol).
Anyeeeeway. She gets there, does a little bit of sight-seeing and, thinking she was smart, pretends to be a orphan so she doesn't have to pay for a hotel. She accomplished this by telling some sob story about how she lost both her parents in a "freak amature BDSM accident" (and went into great detail describing it).
She subsequently had all of her personal documents taken away (ID, passport, etc.) and is now roped into paying this "hay bail fuck face" (her own words) for the time she stayed and will continue to stay there.
However!! Shes decided that, instead of doing the smart thing and telling her mother right away, she is going make the best of this shitty town and lack of supervision :)
wanna hear more fun facts?
Every MORE fun facts:
play fought with her brothers aaaaa lot and knows how to throw hands & take a hit
keeps rechargeable pepper spray (received from her mother) on her at all times
is the type of person to sing really loudly to show off
becomes obsessed with people who treat her nicely
namely robin, syd and ky
will play every dirty trick in the book to when being assulted
litrally nothing is off limits
will fight below the belt
will also bite
was, in fact, addicted to coke at one point
catfishes creeps for fun now
posts their pp pics online to shame them
knows how to pick a lock or two because her brothers would lock her out for fun
is a nuisance to her teachers in school
is somewhat popular because of her antics (also the near endless supply of snacks she shares during lunch)
became friends with robin after she introduced him to overwatch
then he became better at it than she did now she can't compete
shes resigned herself to the fate of being his pocket mercy
has noted how his cheeks feel like soft dough :)
became friends by buggin the shit outta syd
would sit on the counter and ask him what it was like to be stuck in a chastity belt
found out about the church through him and became an initiate
she has no plans to keep her vows lol
does lewd things in church specifically to get syd to do stuff to her
ran into kylar outside of school at the arcade and again, couldn't compete
started throwing quarters at him cause shes a sore loser
went to the cafe and shared a milkshake as a show of peace
she found out he's an artist
he found out she writes fanfiction
now they're working on a shitty little visual novel together every weekend
met whitney when he tried to run up on her in school
they started fighting
both got detention
making comments, flipping each other off, glaring, etc. ensued
they fight nearly every time they run into eachother
thinks he's a nuisance but stopped him from getting kidnapped despite trying to sell her off
when he asked her why, she said he was like one of her annoying ass brothers
she hates them but wouldn't fuck them over
now, while she still thinks he's fucking annoying, she looks forward to their fights from time to time
still not friends
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heinous-desiree · 1 year
Okokokok, if all your PCs existed in the same world together, would there be any changes in character if any?
Like would they all date the same people they did before? Would they all act the same now that there was someone who knew exactly what they were going through?
Ohhhh boy. So I do imagine Jas and Hunter in the same world, but... Like with there being fraternal twins of female Sydney and male Sydney. Also, two Robins. One is Jas' precious sister, and one is Hunter's boyfriend.
NOW LET'S SAY EEF THAT. YOU ALL GET ONE. Also, I'm adding my newest PC to the mix. Meet Dee the Disaster!
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How do things change? First off, Jas will end up as all my fellow PCs' orphanage Mum at some point. Hunter was always her brother from another mother, Jas will spot Celeste working herself half to death eventually and step in, Maeve gets bullied so much that Jas will violently step in and provide consistent support, Dee will approach Jas herself.
Jas is... Much more stressed, traumatized, and worn out in this scenario. She never met Avery and had no steady weekly income when she started paying her debt. She also landed herself Robin's debt after three weeks of she paying her own. She ALSO can't stop herself from taking on her fellow orphans problems, so she does many unsavory things to make ends meet/help everyone.
She never ended up with Sydney, knowing Celeste's feelings for the religious librarian and believing Celeste is better for them. Jas instead found refuge in Alex. Without Sydney in her life, Alex became the kindest person she knew that she didn't see as family. Her life is tough and she has had a few breakdowns, but she's determined to make her found family's life as good as she can.
Hunter doesn't have a harem anymore. Most of his previous love interests are taken by other people. He will not get in the way of Celeste and Sydney too cute budding relationship, he will NOT steal his big sis Jas' partner Alex, he also never met Avery, Kylar is obsessed with another orphan, and he only has the law preventing him from killing Whitney for continuously bullying someone precious to him.
Speaking of precious to him, Hunter ends up with MAEVE. Hunter is weak to people that depend on him and cute things, with Sydney out and him never needing to save Robin, it was Maeve that filled out that role of being the one Hunter wanted to protect. Hunter became a fallen angel when he got intimate with Maeve, with Maeve gently caring for him when the horrific pain of falling from grace hit him. Hunter lost his mind when Maeve was taken away for not being able to pay his debt, and was so much more clingy when Maeve finally escaped (as a cowboy) and got home. They both still have sex with other people (just demon things), but they are each other's number one.
Celeste life is better in this world, just because she has an army of people that would stop her from over working and help her. She doesn't have to deal with Whitney's nonsense as much because Jas, Hunter, Dee, and her take turns beating up that bully. She no longer has to look over her shoulder in anxiety cause she doesn't have a stalker in this world. Jas studies with her, often teasing Celeste and urging the angel on how to pursue Sydney (Celeste feels like Jas looks longingly at Sydney sometimes?). Hunter is a bit awkward with her but always kind, trying his best to bring her out of her shell with games and jokes while trying not to offend her. Maeve will tug at her sleeves when she tries to keep working when the exhaustion starts kicking in, eyes doe and asking her for favors that involves her doing low energy tasks till bedtime. Dee has simply stepped in her life, told her to get it together, closed her textbook, and made her do... Fun and decent jobs around town to de-stress... And sometimes forces her to socialize with other people, mostly fellow students because, "your reputation sucks... Please, for the love of God, make some friends."
Celeste is happy... She plans to invite all of them to her wedding with Sydney when it comes. She never turns into a harpy in this world.
Maeve was the lucky orphan that caught Kylar's eye! So Maeve still ended up in between Whitney and Kylar's tug of war with Maeve as the rope... Well, initially, at least. Maeve was okay with having them in his life even when things... Got difficult. It's fine, they wanted him!
Then, Jas beat up Whitney for him when Maeve really... Really didn't want to do something Whitney asked. Then, Jas asked him if he was okay, smiled warmly, and helped him back to the orphanage. Maeve wanted to avoid her at first, she was too good for someone like him, and he felt guilty depending on her.
Then, he met Hunter, who scared off a group of bullies before they could do anything to him. Hunter was far more persistent than Jas in making sure Maeve was okay, with each incident of bullying, attacks in public, or just bruises that Hunter catches, the more the wolf boy stuck around, warm, patient, and kind... Made Maeve want this more than the humiliation Whitney gives him, or the creepy obsession of Kylar. Maeve felt safe...
Kylar kidnapped Maeve after the incident where he was sold to the farm. Jas, Hunter, Celeste, and Dee found him in record time, but it was Hunter that beat Kylar up, and Celeste that got the police involved.
Dee is with Avery, and she ensured it. In the beginning, her own security was the only thing that mattered. She needed moneybags to pick HER so she could protect herself. She had no intention of involving herself with other people, she couldn't afford to. She was small, weak, with no support. She refuses to let this town eat her alive.
...Things didn't go as plan. She managed fine, but her not all her fellow orphans did... She watched Jas slowly give more and more of herself away, and for what? Other orphans. Not even herself... Dee felt bad for her. She watched Celeste try her best to stay pure in this town despite making it impossible to make good money and she felt the angel was stupid... But admirable. And she felt her resolve snap, stopping Jas from taking on certain jobs and shoving money in her hands, "take care of yourself, idiot." And forcing Celeste to kick back and relax before she collapsed, "come on, church girl. Dance in the name of the lord! It's called having fun!"
They are all a messy family. But they have each other. (Of course, even in this world Hunter fucks his pseudo brother.)
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mortiefied · 7 months
uuum. i'm literally going to bombard you with asks about your naga! kylar and merman! sydney au because i am CONSTANTLY thinking about all of the possibilities within it ...
are the boys going to full on brawl over reader eventually (like, because sydney already kinda owned kylar with the whole screech thing but i wonder what kylar could hold over sydney??? probably just that he's not stuck in water 24/7 L)
will whitney ever visit reader's job at the laboratory or is whitney more of a moral support kinda character (like. i just think kylar would start FREAKING out over some buff guy strolling into the lab with reader who is covered in reader's scent too... AAAAA)
......will they go into heat AHFSJKSAKF
can sydney not talk bec of gills or??? ALSO I GET THE SHAPE OF WATER VIBES FROM IT AND I LOOOOVEE THAT MOVIE AAAAA. like. communicating through sign language is so fjskgkfdjgk
the metal on kylars hand.... is it like... claws or a glove or a shield??? IS HE VENOMOUS OR SOMETHING????
anyways that's all my questions that i can think of right now :) sorry if u think this is weird but im genuinely obsessed with your fic so much??? sobbing because you are SUCH an intellectual to create something SO COOL ADN INTERESTING FROM A SILLY DATING SIM PORN GAME AAAA
I'll answer these the best I can.
I find it more likely that if either of them are going to stir shit, it would be Kylar. (Mermaid!Sydney is obsessive but not volatile.) But Naga!Kylar specifically plays the long game, so now that he knows Sydney's upper hand, he will plan around that. If his second plan fails, he will likely lose patience and explode in some way.
The scene where Whitney asked about reader's harasser is foreshadowing.
Not planned but anything is possible if your heart dreams it.
In this AU Sydney and Kylar are adjusted to animalistic communication that doesn't require the minute manipulation of muscles that human speech does at the present. Think of them as babies. (I recently watched Shape of Water and it was so good. I love nonhuman-human romance, and it was such an earnest story.)
I wanted to draw a parallel to Kylar's parents in DoL.
I'm so flattered by your words, thank you. TT I simply just wrote on vibes and my personal interests. If DoL weren't such an engaging game, I wouldn't have written anything. It's one of the most time-sucking text adventure-esque games I've played in recent memory. (When I first started, I was obsessed with how much story/mechanics there was that I was shocked when I looked at my play time and it had hit over a hundred hours in a single save. It felt like I hadn't played for that long.)
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undead-merman · 2 years
Based on that last selkie ask, I just about melt when I think about how earnest Robin and P!Sydney would be while trying to earn your coat, they would be so cute; but I would love to see just how badly it would go if Whitney or Kylar ever heard about PC's unique species trait, I mean, a sure fire way to keep their slut/the love of their life at their side forever and ever? PC wouldn't know what hit them, really
Not going to lie, wrote this really sleep deprived and editor was busy. Left out Whitney simply because I was in a wholesome writing mood.
Robin, Kylar, and Sydney with a Selkie GN- Reader
It happened in the early morning. It was going to get hot and Robin wanted to set up before it got hot. Plus, with more time spent out there, it was more money.
But you also happened to be resting. The sun had yet to come out. It was peaceful when the residents of this town were there to bother you, or worse. You lounged your coat on your lap and looked at the early morning stars.
You then could hear something running as you whipped your head around and saw a redhead holding a tablecloth with his face as red as his hair as he asked with a raised voice if you are alright. It was nearly unheard of for a gentle person like this in this town. It was almost funny.
He’s a gentle human, fretting over any wounds you might have just from being out in the sea, even little ones from bumping into rocks and getting a scuff. He offers to patch you up and give you real clothes. And if you accept, he'll take you to his room in the orphanage, sit you down, and disinfect each scratch. Even putting childish Band-Aids on them. He doesn’t seem to realize what you are.
But then he departs, asking if he can see you again. He’s so earnest and he means no harm, so why not? If you give any conditions to your meetup plans he agrees to anything really.
Every time you meet up, he's lit up with joy. He's telling you about the games he plays and is often trying to sneak you in so you can see them in person. He doesn’t catch on quickly but he does have suspicions, he just doesn't say anything about them.
When he sees you peel your seal skin off, and it’s likely long after he started spending time with you, coming early, he’s bashful about it, apologizing but telling you how amazing it is that you have these abilities. He asks you tons of questions, but during his bombardment, he suddenly holds your hand with the same blush on his face as when you met him. It's almost like he’s proposing. He promises to keep your secret.
After the discovery, he takes his time to look into the folklore more, and he’s filled with childlike wonder, looking over the library’s books, and he starts imaging you and him. Staying together forever? It would be a dream come true. But he would never want to steal your coat. Even the thought of it made him ill, let alone the idea of someone else taking it. Why not earn your coat the right way?
He starts to get a bit closer. He is trying his hardest to woo you in his own inexperienced way. Making you presents, offering sweet praise and feather light touches.
He does tell you his goal. His eyes are full of determination, but he puts his hand on yours, telling you he wants to earn your coat, your love. And he'll do what he can to keep you and your secret safe.
It was another early morning with restless sleep. His room was stuffy and he needed fresh air. Going down to the beach, he spotted you. You had your coat half taken off and were nude in the cold early morning air.
He was instantly starstruck. You looked utterly splendid, and he had to cover his mouth before he made a noise and scared you off. He took to just kneeling near the rocks and watching you, biting his nails and trying to hold still. He doesn’t dare say anything, content to just watch you.
After his first encounter with you, he starts drawing you on everything he can get his hands on, book margins, sticky notes, his sketchbook, even his own skin. And he’s checking that same area where you were last every morning and night. He can’t stop thinking about you and every time he sees you, it’s euphoric, it’s healing and therapeutic.
Overnight, you became his muse. Every time he draws, he thinks of you and your perfect form, and he falls in love with you again and again every time he sees or remembers you. He can’t get you out of his head even if he wanted to.
He starts spending more time looking up more facts about selkies, he’s known a bit, but gets frustrated over not having enough information. He needs more, he needs more of you.
At some point, he starts thinking about how this might be a temporary case. That thought sent him spiraling. He hadn't even asked your name, and now he wants to tear his own hair out at the thought of you leaving and never coming back. But looking down at his knife, he knew he wasn't all powerless.
The next time you came to the beach, he was ready. You had placed your coat down on a nearby rock, as you always did, and stretched your cramped human limbs. He takes it. holding his face in it and taking deep and shaky breaths. Your scent was amazing, just like he expected, and he was shuttering as he wrapped it around himself. Still warm. He could cry right then. He was quite literally in your skin, and he could die happy right there.
He waited until you turned, and saw a stranger wrapped in your coat. Smiling while trembling He looked so happy as he held a knife.
He barked out with a shaky voice, clearly sounding underused but full of pride in his name, his undying love and admiration for you, and how happy he is to have you as a spouse.
He's not going to let that jacket back into your hands. Never. Not when you could swim away and he could never see you again. He wants to get married, right now if he can, all while still wrapped in your sea salt-scented coat. He's so excited to have you forever now.
He never did anything like this. Never. But for some reason, something was coiling in him tight and he needed to come to the beach for some fresh air even if he was utterly exhausted. At least this early, no one bothered him. The town had a few hours of peace when most of the nightlife came to an end.
He was simply walking down the edge, not even paying attention, and the sounds of his walk were covered up by the wind and waves. He ended up colliding into you knocking you both over in a messy tangle of limbs.
He was a mess,, apologizing as he messily tried to stand up, only to fall on you again. Eventually, after a few awkward moments, you were able to split apart and when he got a good look at you, he froze. And it seemed like he was steaming in the cold air with how red and heated he got. He quickly offers you his jacket, stammering about how he didn’t mean to look but sees your seal skin coat on the ground by his feet.
He doesn't say anything about it. But it's the look in his eyes that screams that he's piecing it together. He suddenly gives you such a pleasant and genuine smile that you've never seen anyone from the town make. He promises to not tell a soul. But he's taken an interest in you. Asking if you could meet again. He doesn't force you. He just says he'll wait for you to come and if you don't, there are no hard feelings. However, he insists on you keeping his jacket.
The rest of that day, he tries to wrap his head around it, almost doubting that the meeting was even real. But because of the smell of the ocean so deeply clinging onto his skin after tumbling on you and how his jacket is gone, he's reminded that it's real.
When he waits for you, he comes early, and when he sees you swim up and peel off your coat, he turns to give you decency. But now he truly knows, without a shadow of a doubt.
He's curious about your life, asking questions a bit too quickly, but it doesn't take long for him to notice himself and reel it back in a bit. He's never pushing you to do anything you don't want to.
He often brings books to read with you as well as treats for you both to share, and he seems more relaxed now, even passing out the sand next to you sometimes. He doesn’t have the heavy dark circles under his eyes anymore since meeting you, and something about that feels special after he tells you how busy he is and all the responsibilities he has.
It takes a long time, but at some point he tells you his feelings for you. He’s even giving you one of the flowers you pointed out that was your favorite in the encyclopedia he brought you once. He’s holding himself together as best as he can, but even then, his confession is sweet, like poetry.
He doesn’t tell you, he won’t ever tell you, but he dreams of the day when you're ready to spend the rest of your life with him and you’ll accept him by offering him your coat. He wouldn't dream of asking for it, never wanting to scare you but he hopes you’ll trust him enough.
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bloodpenned · 3 years
mm role reversal with the LIs as the teachers. kylar as the headmaster who enjoys giving you personal attention just a little too much. whitney as the math teacher who cancels class depending on whether they feel like it or not and gets you to strip for every problem done wrong at the board. sydney the english teacher who rubs your bruises you get from the other professors and covers you with their cardigan when you fall asleep at the library, studying for whatever class you have. and robin the sweet science teacher who gets bullied by the class and flushes so easily whenever you sit on their lap to ask questions in class.
ive been eyeing this request ever since i got it help- this is such a good idea omg… in addition to the things you mentioned i had some general ideas;
a decent part of the student body agrees that their headmaster, kylar, is a weirdo. it’s not like they actually ever do anything inappropriate to anyone, but... they regularly ‘patrol’ the hallways to stop any harassment they see and have a tendency to appear out of nowhere when you’re just talking bad about them. every once in a while, they’ll just look over their students eating lunch, expression completely blank. that isn’t to say they’re not liked at all though. in fact, a lot of the less popular/bullied students are fond of them despite their ways, as they make a genuine effort to stop harrassment. the headmaster has a soft spot for them because of their own past. they have... unconventional methods of getting delinquents to lay low if they go too far. the rumours about what a ‘punishment’ from kylar is like are each more outrageous than the last, and the students in question can never seem to recall exactly what happened... their memories too foggy. some of the worst escape with gashes on their body they can’t explain.
whitney has absolutely 0 rights to be a teacher. they’re usually at least 10 minutes late and smoke in the classroom. they usually don’t care what’s going on, might even find the less popular students getting harassed kind of entertaining. when they’re actually explaining something, you better fucking listen now that they’re putting in the effort. way too mean when you get an answer wrong and, yeah, answering questions more resembles strip poker than anything else would have you fuck them for a higher grade if they think you’re cute. could also see them just fucking you in front of the class without a single care in the world. might start treating you like their favourite little student, with a collar and special uniform included. they’re completely unashamed about favouring you over the rest. whitney and kylar cannot tolerate each other’s presence. having whitney get a little too interested in you doesn’t escape kylar’s notice either.
out of everyone on this list, sydney is the strictest. they’re nice and willing to help anyone who needs it, but they have meticulously planned out lessons and don’t tolerate disorder in their classes. people don’t often act up in their classes, as they aren’t hesitant to whack anyone who harasses others with their ruler. they make a lot of extra material for people that get excellent grades while also being willing to tutor the students that others would view as ‘lost causes’, which leads to them overworking themselves. they’re very fussy and quick to worry as well, especially about the good students, another thing they can lose sleep over.  if you have them as your first class of the day, there’s a decent chance they’ll oversleep. still very devout. students regularly make dirty jokes at their expense, which they can usually get away with since they aren’t sure what they mean. they are friends with robin, and try to give them advice that will make their students actually listen. this has mixed results. 
poor robin. poor, poor robin. they’re like fresh meat strung up in front of a pack of predators. every lesson once again seems like their first day on the job with how nervous they are, stumbling through words and wringing their hands together. they try too hard to be the ‘fun’ teacher and end up letting their class walk all over them. with how cute they are, there’s no small number of students that have a crush on them. it isn’t uncommon for lessons to devolve into a competition of ‘who can embarrass them the fastest’, and people keep one-upping each other. maybe they even lost their first kiss to a cute student like yourself? robin is forever grateful to anyone that tries to pay attention to their class, despite the... unfortunate circumstances. they just keep going the best they can, ignoring distractions. gets insulted by whitney often for having no backbone whatsoever. they’ve begun to believe they’re probably right. 
alternative idea for this one; match teacher whitney, english teacher kylar (likes writing poems. also i can’t imagine headmaster!kylar letting whitney have a job lmao), science teacher sydney (literally just. switching them and their parent around) and history teacher robin (i just like the idea… shh...)
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oyasuminto · 3 years
Isekai anon here, here's a small sampling of what I have. It's just a small bit and the oc did jump in at like maybe 5 so lots of years of planning lol. Also its subject to change, I just mostly have Kylar parts down with Sydney and Robin being sprinkled throughout.
She had built up quite a nest egg for the future. It had taken years to build it up to what it was now, the hours laboring planting flowers and selling them, becoming a church initiate and working there just for the guaranteed money at the end of the month. There wasn't much work she could do as most of the stores wanted people of legal age but wouldn't be the case soon. And with becoming a legal adult soon the meager protection that she and Robin have will disappear. At least she was able to convince her to join the temple for the added boost in funds. She didn't want her little sister to be sent to the docks and the trauma that would ensure. It wouldn't happen if she had her way and after living in this fucked up sea side town she had become very persuasive.
Robin's suffering and trauma wouldn't happen if she takes on the debt at the beginning. As long as Bailey got the money he wouldn't care, she was willing to risk it. She loved Robin too much to let her suffer.
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