#but for now I will just make mildly bewildering posts when a short story that I think folks might be interested in gets published
essektheylyss · 1 year
Oh hey! Do you like stories about wlw and weird, convoluted forms of time travel? Do you like supporting queer folks making cool art? Did River Song rewire your brain as a teenager?
I wrote a short story called "A Practical Study of Time" for Baffling Magazine, a queer speculative fiction mag! It's published on Patreon, if you're interested in becoming a patron of a super neat lit mag—or it'll be on their site when their eleventh issue is published in April!
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aquarian-sunchild · 6 years
Hello please look in this direction
I haven’t written in thirty-seven years so today I sat down and wrote about the world I build in my head when I’m bored...which is often haha.
I tried figuring out map-making programs and I am so bewildered by them. Instead I wrote this sort of historical timeline of the setting in the style of Bill Wurtz’s history videos. 
It’s probably not entirely logical or whatever, but I’ve tried my best. Constructive criticism is always appreciated. I might post this on r/worldbuilding. I dunno.
Okay, so I’m focusing on four major countries/cultures in my world-building.
Imagine a map because I can’t figure out map generator sites to save my life. Taking up most of the space in the southeast quadrant of the map is the empire of Kaleem. Centuries ago, Kaleem didn’t exist. There wasn’t much on this particular continent save for some tightly-knit tribes of hunters and gatherers following their food across vast savannahs. Water was very hard to find. Enter Kaleem the First (who I promise will have a cooler name once I start figuring out conlangs for this world). He’s restless. And he has visions of water.
“Hey” says Kaleem to his tribe. “Anyone want to follow me to the flying water I see in my dreams?”
 “Wow, no.” says most of his tribe. “That’s weird. You’re weird. Get lost.”
So that’s exactly what Kaleem did. He gathered up his wives, children and some curious hangers-on and immediately got lost in the savannah. But just as he’s down to his last wife and things are at the worst 🎶 OH MY GOD A GEYSER 🎶 . At least, modern science would say it was a geyser. Kaleem called it ‘the flying water I saw in my visions’...which thankfully became ‘Fountain of Kaleem’ for short. Kaleem and whoever is left settle around the fountain and a community begins to form (yeah there were probably some knotted-up family trees back then but this is very early human history for this world so people didn’t understand that yet so shhhh). The community becomes a settlement and becomes a city.
“Hey.” says the tribespeople who earlier called Kaleem a weirdo. “We’re kinda dying and you’re kinda not. Can we like, chill here?” “Okay” says Kaleem who is now king because he found the place and that’s how things work. The empire of Kaleem flourishes throughout the southern continent. They’re the most prosperous and advanced civilization on the map, and it’s rumored elsewhere that they eat gold.
Ilshe is an archipelago in the northeast corner of the map. Being an island nation, they’re kinda isolated and have their own traditions that others may consider WEIRD or BARBARIC or MILDLY CANNIBALISTIC but whatever half the world doesn’t know they exist so they can do whatever they want. This includes intimidating other Ilshe tribes into submission by eating their chiefs, which is exactly what Míras and his warriors did to centralize power around his particular island and tribe. Hey, it put an end to all the in-fighting for pretty much...forever. 📣Go big or go home.📣 Ilshe kinda looks like a cartoon character’s hand, with a giant island in the middle surrounded by four (maybe five I haven’t decided) smaller islands. NO ONE LIVES ON THE BIG ISLAND BECAUSE THAT IS THE ISLAND OF SOULS WHERE BODIES ARE DROPPED OFF AS OFFERINGS TO THE GUARDIANS OF THE AFTERWORLD WHO TAKE THE FORM OF HUGE CARRION BIRDS OM NOM NOM 🍖BONE ARMS AND TEETH🍖. Ever hear of a Tibetan sky burial? Go google it. It’s fascinating. And gross. It's "gross-cinating"! So now that power is centralized in Ilshe things are pretty chill and aside from butchering for food and animal sacrifices for sacred days things aren’t purposefully killed as often anymore. You could say it’s pretty peaceful, in a genuinely morbid sort of way.
Then there’s this asshole mainland nation to the East of Ilshe called Statsukar. “Hey, that empire-building thing down south looks like fun.” say the leaders of Statsukar. “Let’s try it. How about those island weirdos up there? They’re not even doing anything. This should be easy.” So they set sail for Ilshe with a few hundred warriors and attempt an invasion. It does not go well. One boat returns with a few dozen dazed soldiers and what’s left of the king of Statsukar’s remains tied to the prow. “Soooo...they ate our king. Can we like, leave them alone?”
“Holy fucking shit.” says Statsukar. And they leave Ilshe the hell alone. Because holy fucking shit.
But now there’s no king. And he’s left behind teenage twins, Roga and Annar. Now it’s time to play “Who Wants to Lead Statsukar?” so text those votes to--actually don’t text those votes anywhere because cell phones don’t exist here. Roga wants to strengthen Statsukar’s military after the humiliating defeat by Ilshe. Annar just...doesn’t. Ae just doesn’t and I just realized I haven’t mentioned the existence of a third gender with different pronouns in this universe yet but I guess now I have so wahey. Annar wants to use Kaleem as a model for Statsukar and focus on STUDY📖 and INCREASE OF CAPITAL📈 and 🏥GENERAL WELL-BEING OF THE PEOPLE OF- “No that’s stupid we need firearms and shit.” says Roga.
And the winner is....🥁🥁🥁 🎺 Nobody, nobody is the winner. Statsukar no longer exists; it’s now Rogakar and Annakar and you will never guess why. But the loser is clearly Annakar, as they lose their sea border that would connect them with Kaleem just as this cool new concept of INTERNATIONAL TRADE💰is catching on (even with the cannibal island Ilshe, who have now sort of chilled out on the brutal tribalism thing [or have they?] and are making a name for themselves as a hub of maritime trade). So now Annakar is essentially cut off from the developing world, their financial prospects are down the tubes and HEY is that a crop-destroying drought? It’s a crop-destroying drought! YAAAAY--Wait no that’s actually pretty bad.
This of course leads to famine and a refugee crisis and there’s more in my head that I could put down but I am le tired and just blinded myself with a stupid light therapy thing so BYE.
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vitanteactawrites · 7 years
Sometimes two isn’t enough, part II
Fandom: Supernatural / AU
Characters: Reader, Dean Winchester, Sam Winchester
Pairing: Dean x Reader x Sam [no incest]
Word Count: 1785
Part: 2 [part one can be found here]
Warnings: Restraint
Author’s note: Hey everyone! I ended up posting a day sooner then planned. Unfortunately part III is going to be a bit late next week because I’ve got company flying in. I hope you enjoy and I look forward to posting next week x
The world feels groggy and heavy - like a mist that blankets the ground on an early morning, things are unclear. It that irritating pain in your neck that seems to resinate first, and as you roll your head forward from it’s place lulled against your shoulder, you grimace. Eyes open hesitantly, and after blinking a few times, you take in the space around you. It has a distinct dingy smell to it - which seems to perfectly match with the slightly curling wallpaper in the corner of the room and the hideously floral printed sheets that adorn the bed. They’re too bright and too contrasting to the rest of the room, making it appear more out of place and grotesque then required.
There is a small kitchen - the backsplash has tiles that rotate between off-white and some sort of pattern you can’t seem to make out from the distance you are away from them. There is a set of mirrors against a wall - one’s you distinguish lead to the closet - and the off you the first view of yourself. The sight is cringe worthy - you’re incredibly pale, so much so that some might deem you sickly, and the dark shadows under your eyes make it worse. Tearing your gaze away, you find the space has two more doors. The first leads to a bathroom - that much is obvious by the soft pattering of water and distinct movement coming from the space. The other has a small shaft of light creeping beneath it, showing off an obvious gap in the floor and making you away that the door will lead you outside to freedom. But rather then get up right away, your eyes move to the pressure on your wrists. The ropes immediately catch your attention, but its the skin beneath it - slightly raw but obviously healing - that make you pause. They aren’t tight enough to have caused such a thing, meaning they’re newly tied and whoever put you there didn’t want to inflict pain. Remove them. The thought is startling, but draws your attention back to the ropes and with clenched fists and enough steady concentration, they fall away, crumbling to dust before even hitting the floor. You blink twice at the sight as a bubble of worry forms in your stomach. Though your memory seems to be evading you, you realize that such an action isn’t normal.
As you move to get to your feet, you realize how terribly your body aches. It would be wise to leave - to get out the door and run far, far away because being tied to a chair can’t be good. But with a second glance toward a bed, your feet are carrying you away and within moments you’re drawing back the sheets to bury yourself in them. They smell like you assume heaven or warmth would, and you take no time to pull the covers over your head, a soft hum of content falling past your lips as you bury your nose into the nearest pillow. The scent along is enough to cradle you back to sleep, your body curling comfortably into the bed as your breathing evens out and your eyes flutter shut. 
____    ____    ____    ____    ____    ____    ____    ____    ____    ____    ____
“Sam!” The sheer panic in the tone causes your eyes to snap open and brows to furrow. Whatever sleep you might have gotten is quickly swept away by the voice, and with slight hesitation, you pull the covers down to peep out to see who it was. A captor maybe? Rescuer? You could be Sam, couldn’t you? The movement seems to start both men, who look at you both bewildered and relieved. You find your lower lip being drawn between your teeth, brow furrowing slightly. “Hello.”
____    ____    ____    ____    ____    ____    ____    ____    ____    ____    ____
After a few muttered words beneath breath and an exchange of looks, the two men are quick to get you out of the bed. You’re hesitant, and that seems to draw the attention of the one with wet hair, who looks at you rather perplexed as you drag a blanket with you over to the small table near the kitchen. Wringing your hands nervously in your lap, your eyes take in the tabletop. Much like the rest of the room, it’s off and doesn’t seem to match anything. 
When there is no immediate answer to the prompt, your eyes dart up with a hint of skepticism splashing across your features. “Who?” 
There is once again a look passed between the two men, something that is beginning to border upon irritating. It’s clear they know you, which means they must know what’s going on and why you can’t remember anything.
“What do you remember?” 
Shouldn’t I be asking that? You think, brow furrowing slightly. And despite being moderately more awake and aware of your surroundings, trying to remember anything before waking up the first time turns up a blank, so shoulders raise into a small shrug. 
“I woke up tied to a chair.” You reply deadpan, earning a sheepish look from the man with wet hair. He runs a hand nervously up the back of his neck, his own gaze falling to the table and a soft blush beginning to trail up his cheeks as the other glances at him with a raised brow. 
“I didn’t want you to wake up and not realize where you were... Figured it was better safe then sorry.”
Offering a soft humpf in response, your nose crinkles. “Despite being tired to said chair, I knew I could get away. But once I was free.. I knew I shouldn’t.” Waving a hand at the room in general, you continue, “this isn’t home. It has no sense of familiarity, but there’s a scent hidden beneath the... dinginess. It’s.. how you’d assume warmth would smell if it were picked up as a difference sense. It’s why I’m still here. Such a thing couldn’t possibly be bad.”  
The silence that follows your explanation is a long one, and while each man looks at you with a similar expression, there is a distinction in both - an emotion - that makes you shift uncomfortably within your seat. “Do - do you know who I am?” 
“You’re-” There is hesitation in the word, and after a moment the other man takes over. “Y/N. That’s your name, and according to the Devil, you’re our - one of our - soulmates.”
“It isn’t as if there’s an easy way to break it to her Dean.”
There they were - the names you’d been searching for. Y/N. Sam. Dean. Much easier forms of identification then relying on distinguishing them on looks alone. But despite only interacting with them for a short time, it’s clear they’re easily told apart; Dean’s hands seem to twitch - as if itching to hold something - though you weren’t sure what. His eyes seemed harder, the emotion buried far more deeply, as if hidden behind years of emotion. Sam on the other hand, seemed to wear his heart on his sleeve, emotion clear in his eyes - but it was clear he had just as many walls as Dean. Less obvious and much more hidden.
“You’re not human either.”
“I gathered that much,” you interrupted. You needed information and having the two argue would do you know good, and despite this realization it came as more of a shock to acknowledge that such explanation hadn’t been why you’d stopped them from arguing. Yet once again, the reasoning seemed to evade you. Regardless, the words were enough for both men to pause and look at you. 
“The ropes,” you explained, “I willed them away and they... well, they disintegrated.” 
Eyebrows rose into his hairline as a soft, bewildered chuckle fell from Sam’s lips. 
“That’s why I didn’t find anything.” Dean muttered, his tone mirroring the laugh that had just left Sam.
The three of you sit in a more comfortable silence for a moment before your quest for information gets the better of you.
“Why were you speaking with the Devil?”
____    ____    ____    ____    ____    ____    ____    ____    ____    ____    ____
It seemed whenever they tried to offer a short answer - it lacked something they later deemed important. And by the middle of their speech, the pieces were beginning to fall into place. The two were brothers from a family of Hunters - not the regular sort, but those that went after anything that went bump in the night. Monsters. Such a statement alone was enough for your to cringe, eyes flickering down guiltily toward your hands. Undoubtedly you classified as such. Cross referencing a few stories to your experience of vaporizing the ropes had to make you bad. Make you hunted. But your reaction was easily spotted - their eyes had hardly left you since they’d found you in one of their beds - and the two practically tripped and scrambled to back track - their apologies rushed and mildly amusing. Only once they were certain you knew you weren’t a target on theirs - or anyone else's - list did they continue. 
They were destined to stop Lucifer and the apocalypse. To save the world. And when Lucifer had appeared, he’d dragged you forward as a threat to hang over their heads - to stop them. You’d felt a mild twinge of guilt over the possibility that they might not stop Lucifer or save the world, but it was quickly washed away by butterflies in your stomach. The mere thought and idea of love had been enough that they’d both been willing to throw away their one shot on happiness and love. It had made you blush and lower your eyes, a reaction you were certain they’d both caught.
Once their explanation was done, you’d all fallen into silence. Your eyes rose to trace them as they moved around the room. Dean flopped back into the seat across from you, busying himself cleaning a gun - the rhythm of the movement seeming to help his jittery hands. Sam placed a warm mug before you, as well as a sandwich. Taking both gratefully, you offered him a smile. He beamed in return.
“What do we do now?”
Though there was initial worry in voicing the question, the fear is squashed almost immediately. 
“Try to figure this thing out I suppose. Make our way back to the bunker, solve any cases that pop up on the way... Once we’re somewhere safe we can call in Cass and see if he knows anything about you and why Lucifer might have had you.”
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d1tman-blog · 6 years
To those who love to post memes and articles that you should be grateful for life no matter what your circumstances,  I am constantly bewildered by people who take the stance that life is precious and must be maintained at all costs. I submit that there are fates much worse than death, and that life lived in constant pain is not a life that is sustainable.  I contracted Congestive Heart Failure and Atrial Fibrillation 3 years ago, and to be frank, have felt like shit ever since. I have diary excerpts that detail some of this... Unfortunately it is painful and difficult. I assume you want the truth. I am drowning in my own fluids and my organs are failing from lack of blood flow. Breathing is both impossibly difficult/strained and painful. I have been in the hospital 11 times during these past 3 years. I had a pretty good job that I had to quit because I couldn't even take the strain of commuting to work, much less putting in an 8 hour day. A fish out of water, short of breathe all the time. All the organs are progressively shutting down. As the kidneys and liver fail, waste products build up…it's a vicious spiral downward. Many people die of arrythmia, Sudden Cardiac Arrest leading to what is termed Sudden Cardiac Death. SCD is usually from Ventricular Tachycardia leading to, or Ventricular Fibrillation. This can occur fairly early once a diagnosis of CHF/HF is made. Only in the end stages, if one survives long enough… pump failure… everything shuts down. Confusion sets in. People “sleep” progressively longer elevated by pillows, or in a chair.. Gasping for air, lungs crackling. Ugh. So, while you are posting all the feel good messages about how grateful we should all be for our lives, that someone else's is worse...well I don't wish this on anyone. The commplications I have from CHF and AFib now also include renal insufficency and elevated liver enzymes. Death, when it comes, will not be kind. I will suffocate in my own body fluids, and my ICD (implanted cardiac device - defibrillator) will jump start my heart with severe electric shocks which have been likened to being kicked in the chest by a mule, until the battery runs out, about 40 to 50 severe electric shocks...
Diary Excerpts 3 Before you get started on the diary, put something that mildly buzzes next to your ear. Keep it there a few minutes. That is one of the things I have going on 24/7/365, and have had it for 3 years (tinnitus). Now get a belt and tighten it as tight as you can by hand around your head. that is what I feel 24/7/365:  Every single day at least 15 to 20 minutes and often all day long, I feel nauseous.                                                           My life changed drastically and unalterably in early October, 2015. I had gotten that terrible flu that went round Atlanta and did not understand or recognize it's severity until I felt as if I would not draw another breath. I woke up one Sunday morning unable to breathe. I could only breathe sitting straight up. Monday morning I made a doctor appointment with my general practitioner. To make a long story short, I ended up in the hospital in late October  for the 1st of 11 times, sometimes only 5 days per stay, sometiems as long as 9 days (as of 9/29/2018).  I remained in the hospital a week. The flu had developed into pneumonia, and bacteria from the pneumonia damaged my heart even more than the childhood illness did), causing congestive heart failure, atrial fibrillation, and an enlarged heart. Complications from these and from the medicines to combat it have also caused renal insuffiency and elevated liver enzymes. I am now on 9 medications to combat the diseases. I have also had two TIAs (mini strokes) and precancerous polyps were removed from my colon. To those who will be conducting and/or involved in my funeral:                                                     Don't spend any more money than necessary to bury me. If I am near death and someone finds me, don't use heroic measures to save me. Just keep me from as much pain as possible. It is in many respects difficult to contemplate death, but the facts and my present condition preclude a long life, so I will end this journey shortly.  I am comforted by the words attributed to Julius Caeser in Shakespeare's novel: " Cowards die many times before their deaths. The valiant taste of death but once. Of all the wonders that I yet have heard, It seems to me most strange that men should fear death, Seeing that death, a necessary end, Will come when it will come." To be honest, I will be glad when this life of misery and pain is over. I wish it would have been different.  I wish that all I had dreamed and aspired to had become reality. The circumstances have dealt a different path though. I have taken a very different road in life than I ever would have imagined. There is so much to say: The loss of broken and unrealized dreams, expectations unfilled, life cut short. I hope my ramblings on Facebook, Twitter and tumblr, and my encounters on this journey called life have had a positive impact on someone, and that I have made a positive difference in someone's life. I will keep a diary starting on page two of this document. I hope to live a long life, but It doesn't seem like that is to be. I have made some tremendous mistakes in my life, but hope the good I have done outweighs the bad. There isn't a day that goes by when I am not saddened unbearably by losing the love of family.  To everyone, I love you.
Diary: 10/18/2016. I felt pretty fair throughout most of the day, although I haven't slept a lot. I haven't really kept track but I believe I slept about 4 hours from 4:30am until 8:30am, then from about 2:30pm until 4:30pm. I feel like **** now. Weak, heart beating hard... I think nearly every day about not living through this any more...Congestive heart failure, atrial fibrillation, and an enlarged heart - it is a bitch to live with - no energy, no stamina, hurting or in some type of discomfort constantly. 10/19/2016 Another day feeling like total ****. 10/20/2016 I feel a little bit better today - still no energy to speak of. I hurt my back, so am dealing with that in addition to everything else. I stay tired and sleepy nearly all the time... 10/21/2016 Can't sleep. Heart racing, lungs feel tight. 10/22/2016 went back on Proventil inhaler. I think last dose was about 10:45pm 10/21/2016. Have to wait another hour for another dose. can't breathe. Weak stomach tight/bloated. have dry cough. able to sleep 5 hours after 2nd dose of Proventil. Still no energy, no stamina. Throat and mouth dry. slept another 3 hours. Ear infection is back. Ear infection is bothering the hell out of me. Constant ringing. a little sick - don't know if it is from ear infection or other malady - had runny stool several times yesterday. Lost my appetite. Got prescriptions and started back taking them. I hope it gets me feeling better. Kevin's arraignment was Wednesday - charged with felony marijuana possession, misdemeanor marijuana possession, and drug paraphernalia. Finally getting a little hungry. Ate 1/2 Big Mac large meal earlier; Will finish it. Lasix is working me over. 10/23/2016 hard to breathe - can't sleep well. yet am almost overpoweringly sleepy. I finally got a little sleep - about 5 hours. Stomach is cramping, still no energy, no stamina. 10/24/2016 Woke up early - hard to breathe. don't have stamina or energy for ****. Get extremely tired when sitting in a chair and need to lie down and rest, but it takes a long time to sleep - if I am able to - because it is hard to breathe lying down.  made a doctor's appointment for Thursday at 3:30pm. 10/25/2016 same as yesterday. may be getting a little worse. 10/26/2016 my worst day yet. same as the days above, but can't get relief even for a moment. Constant pain and discomfort, tightening band around my head - helluva headache 11/8/2016 Still feel nauseous about 3/4 of the day each day. Doctors think it is the medicine that makes me sick: Indications for some of the meds say will make you sick. 11/11/2016 Sick as ****. I hope that is what is causing me to be so confrontational with people rather than me turning into an a**hole. I went off on Jecca. Got jealous because she contacted an old boyfriend of hers. Turns out he called her because he has some type of injury to  his hand and foot and wanted some sympathy. I told her if she continues contact with him I would start hanging with sluts and send her pictures. I told him I would stomp his ass if he kept contacting her. I got pretty nasty with her before we finally made up and resolved it. 11/12/2016 I have been off the diary except sporadically for a while. I thought I was getting better: No such luck. Started driving to class today and threw up all over myself and my car. I am extremely nauseous, and have a tremendous headache.  I get hungry as hell, but then get full after only two or three bites of food. Death would be a blessing. No energy, listless, no ambition, no drive. Headaches are the norm for me, and the ear infection is chronic with constant tinnitus. 11/13/2016 pretty much the same as yesterday. a general feeling of malaise, nauseated. 12/4/2016 I was invited to Christmas dinner. I hope I can have the energy to go. It is getting to the point I don’t even want to be around anyone. I just want to be in the comfort of my own home. Becoming even more of a recluse than normal. New medication regimen seems to be working a little better. Still feel weak and sleepy most of the time. I guess tinnitus will be permanent. 12/12/2016 Was invited to a show free of charge to sell my jewelry. I don’t have the stamina to set up my display, much less be there several hours. Headaches are normal, and tinnitus is constant. 4 days now with no sleep. Period. Zilch. Nada. Bupkiss. 12/24/2016 I can’t make it to the Christmas dinner I was invited to. I don’t have the energy to go. Staying home and cooking chicken with vegetables. 11/14/2017 It has been a long time since the last entry, but what's the point? At least by reading it I discover again the pain and shitty feeling all the time are not new. I don't know what the merit is in that, but it makes me feel like maybe I am not getting worse: I just get the unparralled joy of feeling like total **** all the time: Nausea - constant; headache - constant; tinitus - constant. It is all 24/7/ 365 until I manage to sleep for a little while - 3 or if I'm lucky, 4 hours at a time.  YIPPEE!!! On a different note, Jecca and I are no longer together. When I incurred tremendous financial burdens because of the CHF, she no longer waned to stick around. It has really done a number on me emotionally, but on the other hand, it wouldn't be fair to want her to stick around and watch me die, becoming a widow in the prime of her life.   I would like at my funeral, Crossing the Bar read during the service: Crossing the Bar   BY ALFRED, LORD TENNYSON Sunset and evening star,    And one clear call for me!   And may there be no moaning of the bar,    When I put out to sea,  
But such a tide as moving seems asleep,    Too full for sound and foam,   When that which drew from out the boundless deep    Turns again home.  
Twilight and evening bell,    And after that the dark!     And may there be no sadness of farewell,    When I embark;  
For tho’ from out our bourne of Time and Place    The flood may bear me far,   I hope to see my Pilot face to face    When I have cross’d the bar. I started an online ministry - not much participation - only 22 members after a few months, but I post sermons and positive thoughts for the day, most of the time twice a day on the positive thoughts. Well, I will stop blubbering and blathering now. Nothing can change, unless I somehow have the good fortune of being hit by a Mack truck or a meteor falling from the sky to put me out of my misery, or something like that. Yippee kayay. Anecdote: I may seem at times to not have much patience with people when they have their little foibles. I am not cold hearted, and have tremendous empathy when people are truly in pain or have grief. It is the little mundane bs that people grouse about that annoys me. So forgive me if sometimes am a bit impatient and high strung. you may share this with others  if it will be a testimony or can help with anything.
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