#but even maia and the narrator of the short suspect thara is younger than 30
oakantony · 1 year
thara celehar is pretty. it’s just that he’s the narrator of his own story so we never get to know it. but he IS. he’s only in his early-mid 30s. and he looks haunted and tired. we can all agree on that. but him being pretty seems hotly contested and i’d like to state that i know he’s pretty because
maia describes his gruff, gravelly voice to be “at odds with his respectable appearance” which for a man as straight as maia is practically him shouting “TAKE A LOOK AT THIS BABE, PHEW!!!!”
the narrator of the short at the end of the witness for the dead almost directly uses the word pretty for him, because when she meets him, she “felt at her most half goblinish” and laments that her sister was “the pretty one.” thara is pretty; she wishes she were pretty. AHEM
everyone opens up to him readily and easily and we all know that’s happens most easily with pretty people (not that he’s not also cunning and kind; whatever the questioning requires)
anyway I’m obsessed and very glad to be pivoting back into writing fantasy because GOD i love fantasy stories
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