#but anyway this is nanami coded
wonderthor · 28 days
breeding kinks are great yeah but they’re even greater when yall already have kids
probably already have more than you thought you would and content with the kids you have now, but your husband is keen in giving you just one million more
so you’re being pressed gently into the mattress with his body, laying on your stomach while his hand is under your throat so he can be cheek to cheek with you and he rocks into you over and over
and your head’s in the clouds, but you can still hear everything he says
“you’ve been such a good mommy, always so good to our beautiful babies, sweetheart. i think we should have another one. how about it honey, you wanna be good and give me another baby? another beautiful baby that me and you and their beautiful siblings will love on? come on, be good and give us another”
when you shudder and moan against him, telling him your answer, he gets a bit more serious. making sure to pound and pound into you, getting you ready to accept the copious amount of seed he’s going to give you. because he’s putting that baby in you right now.
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niinnyu · 11 months
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Idk this shot of Nanami cracked me up so I decided to ruin it.
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Also I don't think we ever saw Nanami's weapon in his hs years but it's clearly longer, so I just imagined a long cleaver lmao.
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ARIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I HAVE A VERY IMPORTANT QUESTION FOR YOU. HOW DID ARISUGU MEET?🎤🎤🎤🎤🎤🎤 i am now steadily dragging everybody into this selfship playground hehehehhee ilysm<33 - @teddybeartoji
MICKEY!!!!!!!!……. welcome :3 take a seat :33 have some tea :333 🍵🍪 i’ve been Thinking abt this ask. intently. i got Way too into it btw
i think!! arisugu met in high school!! that makes most sense to me :> i transferred into his class and got attached to him …. pretty quickly probably. LMAO. i can see suguru being the one who gets assigned to show me around bc satoru Cannot be trusted w new students and shoko is a delinquent in the making…. so sugu is probably the one i meet first :3 and then i subtly imprint on him. like a duckling. a little ari following him around bc he has a soft silky voice. and he gets a bit of a soft spot eventually (me and the bad bitch i pulled by being socially incompetent <33)
WITH THAT BEING SAID…….. i see arisugu as The slowburn ever. neither of us are the love at first sight type, so i think it’d take a year or two for us to actually Fall in Love…. a year of getting to know each other on a deeper and more vulnerable level (ON THAT NOTE. late-night talks under starry skies are extremely arisugu coded)… so the feelings are very deep but. even though they’re mutual i don’t think we’d get together until a couple years have passed 😭😭 sugu would get tired of the ”chase” eventually and confess in our last year of hs maybe…. but i am Not Ready to accept his feelings. or my own. and i tell him that.
and so … he waits :’3 (WILLINGLY MIGHT I ADD i just think he’s the type of guy to say ”i’ll wait for you.” and Mean it yk….) until i eventually make the final push in like. our early twenties maybe…. which would mean about five total years of pining?? ish??? i just see it as a very tender, very very slow romance!! kinda like wading into deep water when you’re afraid of it. but by the time we get together we already know and trust each other so deeply that the change isn’t really too abrupt….. though he insists on taking everything at our own pace anyway. sniffle. i adore him (ALSO needless to say i’m not following canon here 🤨🤨 i firmly believe sugu wouldn’t have defected if he had a baby duckling following him around ok)
anyway. that’s how i picture it!! :3 i have Thoughts abt the overall dynamic but i think suguru is just… so patient. and so devoted. and i’m very loyal and also Very Shy. yepyep.
now . 😇 you didn’t ask for this but just as a comparison (<- this is a lie i just spent 2 much time thinking abt this)…. arigojo. i fear it’s a coworkers to lovers kinda deal. i’m Very Much picturing blindfolded gojo specifically and bc of his…. ways (crippling fear of intimacy + opening up) this is also another slowburn. and it ends with something a little less straightforward than arisugu bc i do Not think gojo asks me out…. it’s more of a gradual change yk?? bc labels are scary. but one day i don’t let him eat my portion of kikufuku and he goes ”how could you treat your boyfriend like this ;((” and i’m like . oh ok. so that’s what you are. we’re both losers sadly
ANYWAYYY THAT’S ALL i hope you didn’t run out of tea….. have some more just in case 🍵 as you can tell i had too much fun thinking of the Lore + all three of us are emotionally constipated (suguru too he’s just the most functional) but i hope reading it was enjoyable for youuu <33333 i love them. unfortunately.
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mirthcrowned · 8 months
watching jjk and it's great but i'm afraid i might have to start reading the manga
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I watched James Somerton's final video, and all I got was this 6 page document
As soon as I learned his final unreleased video was on Revolutionary Girl Utena, I knew I had to hate watch it. I didn't know that I'd spend the following 4 hours making a comprehensive doc on everything I hated about it. But here we are.
The TLDR (is this too long to be a TLDR?)
The intro section, as well as Part 2, are directly plagiarized from wikipedia. The rest is unclear.
He makes a “haha this show is so weird right guys” joke 10 different times
He reads Anthy as so emotionally stunted she literally has to be taught how to think for herself, and believes that being the rose bride makes her feel good
He says that his reading is ‘vastly different” from the rest of the community, before boldly stating that this is because he sees it as a “deeply allegorical and symbolic story”
He sees the sexual abuse as “not to be taken literally”
Insists that the show be separated into parts that are strictly literal and strictly allegorical for the entirety of parts 3 and 4, before making the contradictory move of analyzing characters as allegories during part 5
The only characters that get dedicated sections are Akio and Dios, who he doesn’t believe are the same person. 
He says Dios gets his powers by “deflowering women”
He calls Akio, known child predator, a chaotic bisexual
Uses 14 year old SA survivor Anthy’s passive personality to make a joke about her being a bottom
His final point is that Utena was the real prince all along
There are no citations
Anyway, full version for people who hate themselves under the cut. With time codes, because I cite my sources.
Part 1: Intro
This entire section is almost exclusively quoted from the Wikipedia article for Revolutionary Girl Utena. Words have been changed, but the order at which certain topics come up is not. Highlights include:
0:56 In his introduction of Be-Papas, lists the founding members in literally the exact same order as Wikipedia.
1:40-2:00 His list of Be-Papas previous works is lifted entirely from wikipedia, only with the words changed. This leads to a strange moment at 1:52 where he claims Be-papas ‘lent their talents to’ Neon Genesis Evangelion, a show which started production at least a year before Be-papas was founded. On the wikipedia article for Utena, this is instead referring to the previous work of Shinya Hasegawa and Yōji Enokido
4:23 he uses a quote by Yūichirō Oguro describing the production as a “tug of war”. He seems to have lifted this in its entirety from Wikipedia, as he does not cite the actual source it is from (the box set companion book, btw)
As for James Somerton originals, at 0:44 he claims that out of all magical girl series,”none to my knowledge have been more discussed and dissected than the 1997 series Revolutionary Girl Utena” He will go back on this at 5:05, where he states that “Sailor Moon takes the lion’s share of discussion” in regard to influential magical girl anime
Part 2: Part 1
(At least I know I’m not funny, unlike James Somerton)
Speaking of which. Here is every single time he makes a “wow this show is sooooo weird you guys” joke: 6:00, 8:50, 10:40, 10:58, 13:46, 17:07, 24:16, 30:34, 41:19, 48:01
Here’s every time the punchline to the joke is the existence of Nanami, a character who he otherwise completely disregards: 10:56, 12:05, 16:22, 42:40
6:16 Claims that the “Apocalypse saga” and “Akio Ohtori saga’ are two names for the same several episodes, depending on the release. This is untrue. Instead, different releases either only have the Apocalypse saga, or split the episodes into an Akio Ohtori saga and then the Apocalypse saga. 
7:58 Claims Utena intervening on Anthy’s behalf begins the first duel. While this happens in the movie, Touga intervenes in the scene he uses clips from (like literally right after the shot he uses in the video). Utena only gets drawn into the duels when Wakaba’s love note to Saionji is posted. Youtuber Noralities’ Utena video also gets this wrong, which makes me wonder if this was copied.
9:09 Claims Akio’s “End of the World” moniker is actually more closely translated to “Apocalypse”. In reality, the translation moves away from a more apocalyptic reading, with 世界の果て (Sekai no hate) apparently translating closer to “the furthest reach of a known world” or “edge of the world”. (Love the implications of this translation, but I digress)
9:10 As can be assumed from the previous point, this means I can’t find any sources that point to them not using the title “apocalypse” for religious reasons
10:10 Uses Anthy’s extreme passivity under her Rose bride persona to make a top/bottom joke. I’m gonna repeat this in case you’re just skimming. He uses a trait that likely stems from years of abuse, (possibly exaggerated by the persona Anthy uses to manipulate people), and uses it to call her a bottom. 
He also just doesn’t seem to understand how the whole point of Utena constantly telling Anthy that she's just a normal girl who should make more friends is framed as Utena imposing her will on Anthy, just as much as the previous Engaged have done. 
11:54 Apologies in advance for my most “um, actually!” point yet, but technically his statement that Anthy stops being host to the Sword of Dios is wrong. Akio literally pulls a sword out of her chest in the final duel. It's a more evil-looking sword of Dios, granted.
13:02 !!! CANTARELLA SCENE ALERT !!! He interprets it as them fighting over Akio?? Which like. I will allow people to have their own interpretations of vague and symbolic scenes. I will. I swear. This is not technically incorrect. It just makes me want to eat my own intestines.
14:44 Bad Anthy take #1: He states Anthy “is emotionally stunted to the point where she needs people to make decisions for her because she does not know how to think for herself” This ignores several moments of Anthy clearly making her own choices throughout the show, including the suicide attempt Somerton mentions about a minute prior. This also strips Anthy of what little agency she has throughout the story, usually exerted through messing with Utena or Nanami. (The fact that she repeatedly makes choices that contribute to her own abuse is, in my opinion, one of the most interesting parts of her character, and it's a shame that Summerton’s ‘reading’ of the story completely disregards that)
Additionally, he once again reads Utena ‘urging Anthy to think for herself” in the first arc as an unambiguously good move, and not as something critiqued in the show.
14:52 Summerton reads the Swords of hatred as symbolizing men’s hatred specifically. Again, I’m trying not to completely disregard differing interpretations to a show like Utena, but this feels very simplistic, especially considering the harm we see aimed towards Anthy by other women
16:42 Here he claims that his reading of the story seems to be “vastly different” from the bulk of Utena discourse. What is this reading? That the show shouldn’t be read literally. Or, in his words, “[we can interpret] Revolutionary Girl Utena as a deeply allegorical and symbolic story about the struggles of coming of age amidst widespread institutional corruption in a high school and which describes a passive culture of inaction in regard to brazen instances of domestic exploitation in which there is not only a question about the caporeality of the events transpiring but also which events can be taken for granted and which events are meant to signify abstract sociological institutions.” The idea that he believes this is in any way a new reading of the material honestly baffles me.
Part 3: Part 2
17:48 through 18:50 differently quotes the Wikipedia article for postmodernism. He even makes a joke at 17:55 about Wikipedia. Please kill me. 
The first three themes he lists at 19:11 are just the three main themes listed on the Revolutionary Girl Utena Wikipedia page. What was that about a “vastly different” reading, James?
You’re gonna have to take my word for it, but this section is so short because it's just him talking about the various ways the story can’t be taken literally. He does, ironically, call this a hot take.
Part 4: Part 3
Here’s where the reading falls apart folks
At 23:15, he states that some things in Utena are allegorically coded, while others are to be taken literally. This is true. However, he seems to take this to mean that some parts of the show are Strictly Literal, while others are Strictly Allegorical for things going on in the Literal World. 
This is apparently why he prefers the Anime to the Movie, where there basically is no separation between the Literal and Allegorical
This take is bizarre to me for several reasons, but here is my favorite. At several points, he mentions how Revolutionary Girl Utena is a work of Magical Realism. Magical Realism is literally defined by its blending of the “literal” and “allegorical”, the mix of fantastical elements in a mundane, realistic setting. This idea of the impossibility of a blurred line, that Utena must either have lore where the magic is all real and means nothing, or dedicated allegory segments quarantined from the rest of the story, is contrary to the very idea of Magical Realism.
I can’t help but wonder if Somerton took his mentions of Magical realism from a previous work, due to how little it is consistent with his final argument. Either way, this section suggests a great lack of creativity in his analysis, a shame for such a creative work.
24:36: Shiori slander, for those who care
After this he gets really worked up about people assuming symbolism in everything, even when the author ‘doesn’t make it clear something is symbolic’. He shuts down a reading of a shot in the Lord of the Rings. Miley Cyrus is there? Very The Curtains Were Blue of him. 
28:22 Claims that Wakaba is the key to telling where the Strictly Literal segments end and the Strictly Allegorical segments begin. He states that, under this lens, deeply personal moments of character suffering such as all of the sexual abuse and Anthy’s suicide attempt (which he literally cites) should be read as symbolic and be “approached with uncertainty rather than confusion”. (28:24-29:13)
This also somewhat falls apart when you consider Wakaba is the jeep in the movie's car chase
And then he rants about people not liking his Attack on Titan video for a bit. Since its potential symbolism also doesn't follow hard enough rules to be symbolism. Once again, the separation of “fact vs allegory” I haven’t watched AOT, so that's all I’ll say.
Part 5: Part 4
Thank god this part is short. Much like Dios’ on-screen presence.
32:55 Makes the extremely bold claim that Dios is not Akio. As in, never even became Akio. because Dios is Strictly Allegorical.
Just to be a pedant, this is pretty explicitly disproven in the show
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Confusingly, both earlier and later he will address these two as the same character. 
33:04 he also explains the root of Akio’s name in a tone that suggests this is supplemental information and not like. Literally something he explains out loud in the show?
Part 6: Part 5
This section is nearly entirely about Akio Ohtori. I would like to note that him and Dios are the only characters with dedicated segments.
38:30 The part where he states that Dios gets his powers from deflowering women.
38:46 Claims, once again, that Akio’s abuse of Anthy “may not be literal”. 
38:59 “the instance of exploitation here is used because assault has deep roots as indicating that akio's gender is the source of his imbalance”  THE ASSAULT IS ABOUT AKIO NOW???
39:45 Bad Anthy take #2: “Anthy’s conformity to the Rose bride is based around the fact that she feels good being subservient because this is the only thing in her life that has ever brought her any kind of positive reward”. This is a direct quote. Anyway, I can’t think of any instances in the show where Anthy’s subservience gives her a positive reward, except maybe when she’s intentionally using it to manipulate others. As for her feeling good being the rose bride. She tries to commit suicide. Dude.
Side tangent, but isn’t this exactly what Akio says during the final 2 episodes? That Anthy enjoys being a witch? Is the main villain, who consistently says things during that very episode that are blatantly false, our source of information for this take? I guess so, since this is the dedicated Akio section.
At 40:20 he decides to introduce the concept of Anthy, Akio, and Utena as stand-ins for wider concepts, which is antithetical to his approach in analysis beforehand
Part 7: Part 6
42:40 he finally acknowledges that he’s been spending too much time talking about Akio, and literally no time on characters like Nanami
46:10 states that Utena’s exclusive motivation “is to protect Anthy from the predatorial intentions of the other dualists”, which disregards the fact, which she states herself, that she was largely participating in the duels and protecting Anthy to feel like a prince
48:04 The part where he says that Akio has ‘chaotic Bi vibes’ in regards to him sleeping with Touga, who is 17 and implied to be a long-term victim
Part 8: Part 7
54:01: His concluding point is that Utena was the real prince all along. 
In true Somerton fashion, the video then ends over a scrolling wall of patrons, with not a single citation in sight.
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delirious-donna · 4 months
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Bath Time Gone Wrong [Part One]
an: a huge thanks to @satorini for the prompt that produced this. Let's see if this goes anywhere... it sure has potential.
prompt: Your best friend lets you crash at her place over the spring break since you have nowhere else to go. Little did you know that it isn't actually her place. Instead, it belongs to a tall (grumpy) hot guy who finds you in his apartment–her brother.
pairing: Nanami Kento x female reader
warnings: none, SFW
Series Masterlist | Part Two
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You couldn’t believe your luck. Not only was your friend clearly loaded, they had immaculate taste as well. All of this you might never have discovered if it hadn’t been for a miscommunication that left you with no place to stay over spring break.
It would be wrong to blame your parents for forgetting that you would be coming home for the two week break, instead arranging for the family home to be renovated whilst they cruised to goodness knows where, but you still felt that stab of disappointment and hurt in your gut. One phone call to confirm dates would have fixed that, but no, what was done was done.
Instead, you found yourself in a penthouse apartment that your friend from college said you could use as it was currently sitting empty. Those were Karin’s exact words, “Don’t worry about it, the place is empty anyways. May as well make the most of it!”
Whistling through your teeth, you did a slow 360 spin of the entranceway. 
The moment your Uber had pulled up outside the building you had an inkling that the inside was going to be luxurious, and you were dead right. The penthouse apartment on the very top floor needed a code and a swipe of a keycard to access by elevator. Your fingers fumbled on the keypad in your nervous excitement, only blowing out a breath of relief when you began to move smoothly upward.
As the doors opened, you found that the apartment was almost entirely open plan with panoramic windows of the cityscape lining the length of the wall in front of you. “Well, fuck…”  
The decor wasn’t quite minimalist, there were too many home comforts to allow for that, but everything was clean lines and muted colour palettes. The sprawling couch scattered with one too many throw pillows, a basket of neatly folded blankets of every type of thickness tucked into the corner and a lush potted plant with long spiky green leaves all added that homely touch that true minimalist apartments lacked.
It was spacious but oddly welcoming with a rich scent that permeated the air, French coffee and freshly baked bread. You wondered if there was perhaps a housekeeper or someone that stopped by every few days to keep the place ticking over.
That thought was how you found yourself exploring deeper into the apartment, searching for an occupied room or some sign of life. There were no noises to be heard, no telltale signs that a terrified housekeeper might pop out any moment and scare the bejeezus out of you. What you did find was several seemingly unused bedrooms in different colour schemes and what you assumed was the master bedroom.
What a sight.
The bed dominated the majority of the room, a thick grey duvet adorned with pillows and a turned down fleece lined blanket on top. What kind of luxury lifestyle did Karin live that she had this kind of place stashed away, unused?
Perhaps you should have peeked inside the closets or the walk-in wardrobe at the very least, but you were drawn like the proverbial moth to a flame by the enticing peek of an en-suite bathroom.
Dumping your small wheelie suitcase and hold-all by the bed, you scurried towards the pristine black and white marble decorated room. It was safe to say you were giggling like an idiot, hands clapping together at the generously sized tub and did it have jets too? Oh my gosh, it did!
In your pure unfiltered joy, you found some jasmine scented bubble bath tucked away behind the bathroom mirror, completely overlooking the men’s razor and bottle of expensive cologne that sat beside it.
A bath would be exactly the thing to begin your new adventure. You could soak, shave your legs, listen to some music and contemplate what you could get up to with your two weeks here. Oh, takeout! You could order something super decadent and pretend that this was actually your place for a little while. 
The possibilities were endless. 
You set your phone up in the bathroom, finding a favourite playlist and blasting the music louder than you would have done back home. No one would mind, you were alone and the noise surely wouldn’t filter to any of the apartments below.
This was going to be an amazing spring break, you could feel it.
Kento was tired. What was new?
A weary hand passed over his face as he examined his reflection in the elevator mirror. Has he always looked this tired? Maybe.
He exhaled as the doors opened into his apartment, but only two steps forward told him that something was not right. Nothing had been touched or moved in the living area or kitchen, yet an unfamiliar scent mingled with the one he was used to. 
Slowly, he deposited his briefcase and shrugged out of his jacket to hang it in the closet by the front door. He kicked out of his too-tight shoes and two fingers loosened the knot of his tie whilst his frown deepened.
His home office was exactly as it should be. The same with his little gym studio. None of the unoccupied guest bedrooms were disturbed, including the one that Karin had long claimed as her own for when she visited once in a blue moon.
Had Karin decided to visit thinking that he’d be away on the business trip that was cancelled last minute? It would be just like her to do something like that, but he was certain she would have stayed away from his room—the master suite.
Now certain to find his baby sister, who was as far from being a baby than ever, somewhere within the walls of his home, he felt his temper bubble. He didn’t need to be disturbed during what was pitched to him as mandated paid time off.
Kento was already annoyed by the idea that was forced upon him earlier this afternoon, and it wasn’t until he reached his building did he begin to think perhaps it was a blessing. Honestly, he couldn’t remember the last time he had taken any vacation time. A week or so to unwind, maybe read for the first time in months, sample a new whisky imported from Scotland… 
The possibilities were endless.
He spied a small suitcase open on his bed, the contents a riotous jumble that made his head pound just to look at. A trail of clothing led from the bed to the bathroom door which stood slightly ajar. Perfumed steam escaped and his teeth grit together in irritation. Music played rather loudly in his opinion, a bright bubbly song with lyrics in a different language he couldn’t understand.
Did he dare to burst into the bathroom and scare the living daylights out of his darling little sister? The idea was tempting. The only downside being that he had no interest in mistakenly seeing her in some state of undress if she hadn’t yet made it into the bath. He would listen a little longer, wait until he was sure he wasn’t going to irreparably damage both his eyesight and his psyche before acting. 
Kento padded around the bed, pulling his tie off and throwing it on the pillow to deal with later. The top three buttons on his shirt unbuttoned easily and breathing became a little easier again. Not for the first time, his mood shifted again. It would be nice to see Karin, catch up and find out how school was going. There was never enough time during the holidays to really enjoy her company so maybe this was all working out for the best.
He was still going to give her the fright of her life though.
The sound of splashing reached his ears and he smiled. Memories of tormenting his little sister rose to the surface whilst he tiptoed silently towards the bathroom door. He could hear the sound of humming along to the music and he had to stifle a snort of laughter, singing was not her forte.
A strong hand gripped the edge of the door. Kento held his breath, preparing to yell. Silently, he counted to three and leapt inside.
You had never screamed so loud in your entire life. A man was standing in the doorway of the bathroom, his features twisted in amusement but quickly shifting into sheer mortification.
Water sloshed over the side of the bath, bubbles going up your nose as you pushed your body low into the fragrant water. An intruder!
“Who the fuck are you?” You yelled indignantly, anger finally overcoming the terror ripping through your heart. Whoever he was, he was tall and incredibly pissed off. 
His blond hair fell into his eyes, a hand the size of a dustbin lid swiping it back only to highlight the furious scrunch of his eyebrows. Sharp hazel eyes swung between you and the wall, clearly unsure where to look. In other circumstances, you would have called him good-looking, handsome even but not when you were so very vulnerable.
He spoke, almost to himself. “You’re not Karin…” 
You knew that name, it was your friend’s name. This was her pl—Shit, this wasn’t her place. You could scream.
“I’m Nanami Kento, and you’re in my bath. Who are you?”
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thel0v3hashira143 · 2 months
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⋆𐙚₊˚⊹♡ married life with jjk men ☆ yuuji megumi gojo geto nanami n ino!
masterlist 💕
⋆𐙚₊˚⊹♡ warnings: fem!reader, reader is a sorcerer, black coded but anyone can read, mentions of sex/pregnancy/kids, mentions of breakups
⋆𐙚₊˚⊹♡ notes: sorry they're kinda short!! i abandoned my ap chem work to do this so pls like it up!😞😞inspired by my personal fantasies lately. sighhh i love my man :3 stay hot!!! 🎀
⋆𐙚₊˚⊹♡ 1.1k words, 6.3k characters
yuuji itadori 🌸
the first out of the bunch to tie the knot
a high school sweetheart kinda vibe like y'all def got married straight out of graduating jujutsu tech
small and intimate wedding, just friends and family in attendance
never shuts up about you when you guys are apart.
"y'know [name]- my wife, me and my wife-, isn't my wife just the coolest?"
megumi and nobara are SICK OF HIM
absolutely REFUSES to go on missions without you cause bby just wants to protect you
when you guys finish missions he always takes you out to eat in tokyo, it's like a lil tradition you guys do 🥲💕
as for dates it's always super spontaneous and he makes sure you never do the same thing twice
but he likes to stay home too!! movie dates at home are his favorite, but he won't tell you since he knows you like going out
just follows you around as you fill up the basket and is ready to pay at the register
he's just so happy he's yours.
megumi fushiguro 🌸
not THE last! but one of the last to get married
it took him a couple years to pop the question, not because he wasn't sure about your relationship, but because he wanted to make sure he was ready before making such a big commitment
no wedding, y'all eloped and went to the courthouse but you had a little ceremony after :3
isn't super vocal about his affections like yuuji, but he does small things
you're his homescreen and his lockscreen is a picture of you two at the courthouse when you guys got married 🩷
he trust your abilities but does secretly fret when you go on missions alone
as for dates he's def a homebody...
he considers any one on one time with you a date...not in a lame way tho!
he just finds the two of you in your home alone to be intimate and comfortable
speaking of home alone...you guys have one kiddo since you guys were a little older when you tied the knot!!
a cute little girl who is y'alls pride and joy. when you told megumi you were pregnant tho he was terrified.
he just didn't want to turn out like his father
but he loves you and your little girl dearly 🩷.
satoru gojo 🌸
THE BLUE EYED PRINCE IS UR HUSBAND??? girl whats ur secret??
anyways, small wedding (he didn't want the elders all up in ur buisness) happy home, and wayyy too many kids
nobody expected you both to have so many kids but you have such a beautiful body!! how could he keep his hands off you?
and besides look at him and tell me he doesn't have a breeding kink...
due to you both being the strongest sorcerers and the kids, your schedules got a bit hectic but he always makes sure you're taken care of
multiple calls day and night, he loves to hear your voice...or moans. (he's hi-key a freak)
we know he loves sweets but you guys always go to nice restaurants, cause he believes you deserves the finest things in life
and he loves his kid so dearly
he's giving me 2 girls, 1 boy energy
from the tea parties, makeovers and late video game nights, he endures it all because of how much he adores them.
he adores you even more tho <3.
suguru geto 🌸
the. perfect. husband.
anything you want? you got it.
hair? done. nails? how much is your set?
definitely had the biggest wedding out of everyone (and the biggest ring)
AND A HUGE HONEYMOON like y'all were gone at least 2 weeks
everyone's fav couple, like nobody ever gets sick of y'all
he absolutely lovesss pda can can't keep his hands to him self. always has a hand on your lower back, arm around your shoulders, and he's just super in tune to you as a whole
wants kids bad, LIKE BAD
and y'all got busy on that honeymoon so you def had one pretty soon after the wedding
when you were pregnant, he spoiled you rotten and he made it his #1 priority to make sure you hadn't a worry in the world
you have 2 beautiful girls and suguru loves them more than life
he tries his best to keep them away from sorcerer life for as long as possible because he knows what it's like to be ostracized because of that life
has no favorites, but if he did it would be you.
kento nanami 🌸
sighhh my old man :)))
last to marry, but the ceremony was beautiful!
intimate but like i said, vv nice
lovesss to spoil you!! and plus we all know he makes hella bank bc he needs someone to spend it on
shopping dates!! mostly consist of him following you around and you just picking out what you like
if you even look at smth he's already at the register
prefers staying at home dates though, like reading together, cooking together, and movie dates!!
minimizes pda in public- perhaps holds your hand maybe
but in private he is so clingyyyy like you have to tear him off you lip to lip, chest to chest, hip to hip, you name it
you practically hung the stars, you could do no wrong in his eyes
is 50/50 on kids???
he's not going to actively ask you to start a family but he also is totally on board if you want to
we all know this man is under a lot of stress so his favorite way to spend time with you is coming home after a long day and cuddling with you 🩷
he's utterly obsessed with you (he's just good at hiding it)
takuma ino 🌸
high school sweethearts but y'all broke up right before graduation
you guys adored eachother but he was scared of losing you once you guys became sorcerers ಥ_ಥ
but fear not! you guys got back together a year- 2 years later bc he's in love with u
he wanted to propose as soon as you got back together but he has more common sense than that
when he does though it's so cutieee
def private and small, just like the wedding. only your closest friends and family, because he wants everything to be perfect
loves fun dates like laser-tag, go-carts, ect. bc he is just a big little kid
if you do missions together, he is literally that scene from hotel transylvania: "that's my girlfriend!" "your wife, ino..." "my wife? even better!"
i'm not even gonna sugarcoat it y'all get pregnant immediately after
ino is def terrified. you guys are both young and you've barely been married for 3 months
but he pulls it together obv and y'all have a cutie little son <3
just like yuuji, he gushes about his little family to nanami constantly (kento acts like he hates it but he finds it endearing)
he reads to your son for bedtime every night WITHOUT FAIL
he always thinks about how he wouldn't have things any other way.
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⋆𐙚₊˚⊹♡ i wrote this in like 2 hours and i have a chem quiz tommorow i hope u guys like it 😿😿(pls love me) BUT I GET TO SEE MY MAN TOMMORROW AHHHH. sorry i'm not gonna shut up about himmm. ok bye stay hot ily guys sm!!!!
𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞 𝐭𝐚𝐲 ♡
𝙧𝙚𝙗𝙡𝙤𝙜 𝙖𝙣𝙙 𝙡𝙞𝙠𝙚!
𝙘𝙤𝙥𝙮𝙧𝙞𝙜𝙝𝙩 𝙤𝙛 𝙩𝙝𝙚𝙡0𝙫3𝙝𝙖𝙨𝙝𝙞𝙧𝙖143 2024
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allnelia · 15 days
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A Night At The Cinema
| with Kento Nanami. This is smut. This story includes..
oral s3x, ejaculation, erection, and s3x. Enjoy my sluts |
“Come on babe we’re gonna be late.” This wasn’t the first time you’ve been in a date with Nanami. “Darling give me a second to pay alright? Every thing is going to be okay my love the previews are probably barley starting.” He reassured you. You two were running late because he got held up at work. He looked so tired. He was always so busy lately, but he promised he’d make it up to you by taking you to see the movie you’d be talking about for ages now. “Let’s go!” you say running and pulling his veiny arms behind you. You manage to find your seat. “Ah there it is.” You continue to pull him by the arm as you two sit down. “Perfect timing!” you say with a smile as you look at Nanami’s tired looking eyes. You were too excited to even worry about popcorn but looking down at your empty hands you couldn’t help but to crave it. Before you could open your mouth he began to say, “A small popcorn and a bag of skittles my love?” He knew you so well. You nodded back as a response. He leaves and comes back within 2 minutes, damn he’s fast. Time flies as your enjoying the movie. You look down at the popcorn bag and it’s empty. “I guess you can have the skittles I’m kinda..” You look over and Nanami is dosing off. Fighting for his life to stay awake. You’ve always wanted to see this movie but you didn’t wanna wake him up either. “Babe are you okay?” you said. “Yes, darling i’m just fine is everything okay?” he said. “Everything’s just fine it’s just that you seem tired.” “No. I’m not tired I’m just resting my eyes darling” he always lied to make you feel better. “Okay!” you said and you leaned in for a kiss. His eyes lit up as you pulled away from the french intimate kiss. “I’m surely awake now love” you roll your eyes. it’s been weeks since you guys have done it. “Is that so?” you say as you caress his thigh. “Good cus’ i heard this parts good” He continues to look at you even though your focus has shifted to the screen. You move your hand up his thigh and you feel his hard c*ck underneath your hand. You feel it jump at you. “Baby…” says Nanami. “Yes love?” You look at his deep green eyes. “Could you help me relieve some stress” This was a code word for head. “Seriously?! Right now?” You whisper angrily. “I know it’s bad timing but I’ve been craving you and I’m at my breaking point darling” You’re disappointed in him for even thinking of doing something like that in this moment. The movie was boring anyways so you think of some ways to make him pay for being a h*rny mess. “Mhm” Luckily you guys brought a blanket. One of the reasons being you get cold in the theater another being because of instances like this. You cover yourself and him and go underneath. Unzipping his pants and releasing his gigantic c*ck. You go down on it and you feel it take up all the space in your throat. “Mm~” he says quietly. This is crazy! You might get caught if you gag the slightest. Luckily he trained your throat to take on his massive d*ck. You start going up and down slowly speeding up the pace gradually and going slower to edge him a little. “F-fuck~” Nanami rarely cusses but when he does it means something. He lowers his head to where yours is. “Your mouth feels so fucking good darlin’” You swirl your tongue around in a circle around the tip. “Baby…please… i’m going to…c-cu-” he stuttered in your ear quietly. You taste the precum on your tongue. His d*ck getting harder in your mouth by the second. You lift you head up from under the covers. “Let’s take this somewhere else” you say looking into his eyes. He was nearly red. “But the movie-“ He said but he stopped himself as he realized how much he wanted to fuck you.
You both run outside of the theater into his car. It was brand new. You didn’t want to ruin the interior but the thought of him fucking you recklessly messed with your logical thinking. You both hop in the BMW. He’s yanking at his tie to take it off. You’re unbuttoning your blouse as fast as you can and slipping down your skirt. He’s taking of his pants and unbuttoning his shirt also. You both look at each other with pure lust. You both start making out intensely as your tongues are dancing harmoniously in each others mouths. Siliava dripping down your faces. You lay back in the back seat and he turns and faces you with his back facing the windshield window and the steering wheel. “Put your hands together above your head like a good girl for me darling” Nanami says “Yes sir” His veiny hand gripping both of your wrists together as he uses his other one to grab his d*ck and slide it against your p*ssy. You moan slightly as he sticks it in. “You know how fucking long i’ve been waiting for his” He says as he rams his d*ck in you roughly. “Ah~ N-Nanami” You moan. He takes his free hand and cover your mouth with it still gripping your wrists firmly. “I can’t believe you’ve kept this from me from that fucking long. I know i’ve been busy but you know how addictive your p*ssy is right?” “M-mhm” you say as he goes faster and more roughly. “You’re so.. warm darling. I love f*cking you raw like this.” You’re moans get louder and louder. “Nanami.. Please slow down” you beg. “F-Fuck baby I’m gonna cum in you i don’t think I can pull out. It feels so good~” He moans. “You turn me into a person I don’t want to be darling but I love it.” He goes faster as he yaps while he’s thrusting inside you. “N-Nanami~ Ah~” “I love it when you moan my name, louder princess” “No baby please I~ Nana-mi-” Your moans unintentionally get louder. “Fuck i’m gonna cum baby. You look so pretty when I fuck you like this. My sweet darling~” He moans in his deep soothing voice. “I can’t take it anymore darling I’m cumming. I’m cumming~” he says as he thrusts one last time into you before filling you up with 2 weeks worth of hot steaming cum. Your legs start to shake once he’s finished. He’s putting on his clothes and he noticed them shaking. He rubs your thigh. “You alright princess? I’m sorry If I hurt you my love.” “No, you didn’t. I guess I wasn’t used to you being that rough with me.” you explain. “I apologize love. It won’t happen again. I was just frustrated it’s been so long since I’ve relieved myself” “It’s okay my love” You kiss him on the cheek. “Just let me know sooner next time so it doesn’t build up like that” He starts helping you out back on your clothes and opens the door letting you out so you can sit in the front seat. He opens your door and always around it sit in the drivers seat. He looks back at the mess yall made. Cum all over the seats. “I guess I’ll go get our car cleaned tomorrow”. You giggle “Make sure you tip them.” you imagine the look on their faces as they clean it up. “You know I always do”
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gojo-mochi · 9 months
5 times Nanami apologized to you and meant it and one time he didn’t
CW: ModernAU! Fem!reader, Shy-ish!Reader Dom!Nanami Sub!Reader. Mostly Fluff/Suggestive with Smut at the end, Overstimulating, Dacryphilia, Size Kink/Size differences, Hand Kink, Voice Kink, Mutual Pining,  (good golly this man’s whole existence is just a kink tbh) Nanami goes feral at the end. Small noncon with overstimm and Nanami not listening. Legging ripping and small pus** slapping. Reader gets two small anxiety attacks. Slight Drunk driving I’m so so so sorry for this A/N: I blame @downforsanji for showing this TikTok and making my brain think of Nanami fucking you so hard while he soothes you by saying “Sorry”  / Also yes, I did add a hand kink in there cuz of the new JJK trailer. THIS WAS ALSO SUPPOSED TO BE A FLUFFY DRABBLE AT FIRST but Nanami rot took over my brain, I’m sorry Zoro, I’ll come back to you soon I swear. Also, we need more Haibara love!! Sort of self-coded sue me alright (actually don’t I’m kidding) Don’t ask me why it got so feral at the end my demons took over me.
Word Count:18k choking and sobbign
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You and Nanami were both coworkers stuck in the same boring office job. He sat next to your cubicle but with his stoic face and rough voice you were always afraid to say any more than just simple greetings and goodbyes. You often found yourself glancing over his way on slow days, admiring how he always seem to be focus on something, never easily distracted by anything (unless it was a certain loud-mouthed white-haired man that seems to pop out of nowhere just to bother Nanami and leave). You don’t really know who the white-haired man was and while he was extremely pretty, your sights were set on Nanami and Nanami only. Especially his hands, you didn’t think you had a hand-kink before but now you defiantly do.
Nanami’s long slender fingers that easily glide over to any letter on the keyboard in a rhythmic pattern, veins that subtly pop out whenever he deals with an angry customer on the phoneline or when the boss gives him extra work, that one day when the office’s a/c stopped working and Nanami pulled on his tie to loosen it with only one of his fingers. You had to excuse yourself after seeing that with a flushed face, blaming it on the heat and not the heat that was pooling in your core. Everything about him was so alluring and hypnotic, you often got lost in your head while watching him to your own embarrassment.
Nanami was on another long phone call with a customer that kept going on a tirade about something or other, you weren’t really listening to it anyway. You were more focused on his hand on his nice muscular thigh, that his pantsuit barely contains, softly tapping on it with his ring and middle finger. Sometimes when the customer would cut him off in the middle of answering one of their many questions, Nanami would scrunch up his face cutely and squeezed his hand to not let his annoyance show in his voice. Three times, it was three times he clenched his hand into a fist during that call and three times you also clenched your thighs together right afterwards. You were so lost in watching him for gods know how long that you didn’t notice that he put down the phone a while ago and was talking to you instead now.
You snapped out of your haze and looked up to find Nanami’s face extremely closed to yours, he was leaning down a bit even from his position sitting down on the office chair to get to eye level with you. You never fully understood just how tall he was until now. You let out a small squeak in surprise seeing the coworker you were openly ogling be so close to you. “Eep! Na-Nanami-san!” You scoot back in your chair a bit, missing how Nanami’s face fell down a bit because of it, he quickly switched back to his stoic but softer face (only around you) when you glanced back up at him. “What’s up?” You faked a cough in your throat and looked away from his intense staring. “Sorry, L/N-san, I didn’t mean to scare you. I was just going to ask if you emailed me that contract yet. But if you’re feeling unwell, I think you should think about leaving early.”
His eyebrow furrows a bit as he leans in closer to rest his hand on your forehead, checking for any signs of a high temperature. Nanami’s hand look rough and calloused but it felt so gentle and warm on your skin. It made your whole body burn up quickly, you jumped up from your chair away from Nanami’s hand, you knew that if you stayed there for one more second you would have start nuzzling and purring at his touch. Not wanting to embarrass yourself further than you already had you quickly muttered an excuse about needing to go to the restroom and left. Nanami was left there a bit shocked at your sudden departure, his hand still hanging in the air where it was pressed against you. He looks at his hand and gives a low sigh, missing your warmth that he felt on it.
When you came back, Nanami had already packed up and left but on your desk was a bottle of juice and your favorite snack from the vending machine along with a note attached. “L/N-san, don’t worry about the contract anymore. Take these and feel better. – Nanami” was written in very neat cursive writing. Short and to the point, you can hear Nanami’s voice in your head when you read the note causing you to giggle a bit. Your heart was pounding at the sweet gesture though, it made you even more embarrassed about what happened before. You slumped back in your chair and pressed on forward to finish the work you left ignored in favor of drooling over Nanami’s hands.
The next morning Nanami comes in the office to find you furiously typing away at your keyboard in hopes of finishing of work before your boss get in the office. He also finds a cup of coffee and his favorite pastry sitting on his desk with a note from you that reads “Nanami! Thanks for yesterday -L/N :)”. How unfortunate that you were too busy working on your emails that you missed the small blush that ran across Nanami’s face when he read your note. As he was eating the pastry at lunch later, he wondered if the bakery made it sweeter today or was it just because you gave it to him, that it tasted much sweeter…
Another day at the office but this time everyone was in a frenzy, deadlines for contracts were fast approaching and everyone was running around trying to finish their own work so they aren’t stuck with overtime or a lashing from the higher ups. You were faring no better than everyone else, only Nanami seem to be the only calm one like usually. Between all the phone calls, emails, meetings, documents signing, and general panicking, your mind was all over the place. Your hands were shaking with all the caffeine and sugar you ingested to try to keep your brain and eyes working just enough to write and speak coherently. You completely ignored everything else around you, this includes Nanami, who was starting to get extremely concerned at how many energy drinks were piling up on your desk.
Nanami was diligent in his work, always keeping up to task but never going overboard so while he still had work to do be done, it wasn’t a whole lot so he was free to watch the chaos unfolding around him. His eyes travel to your small form, shoulder shaking slightly as you hunch over to stare daggers at the emails on the computer screen. Your hands typing a mile a minute, your eyes seem to be unblinking as well, the only sign that you were still even alive was the short and staggered breaths you took every few minutes. Nanami’s phone buzz in his pants, he pulls it out, deciding to tear his eyes from your form for now. He immediately regrets his decision to do so as he read the name of who texted him. Automatically feeling his blood pressure rising he swipe up on his phone to read the messages.   
Gojo: Yoooo, did you bang that hot chick next to you yet? ٩(◕‿◕。)۶      
Nanami: Do not refer to L/N as that again or I will punch you next time you come here.
Gojo: Woahhh! Possessive already? (*/▽\*) I wonder if L/N would like this side of you
Nanami: If you have nothing important to say to me, I’m going back to work.
Gojo: WAITT!!!!!!   。・゚・(ノД`)ヽ Don’t go yet! I’m bored! Tell me something!! What’s L/N doing?
Nanami felt his veins pop a bit, he didn’t know why he was still entertaining Gojo’s whims, pinching the bridge of his nose he takes another look at you. You weren’t hunched over like a shrimp anymore but now you were multitasking by speaking on the phone with one hand while you kept on writing emails with the others. He would be impressed if he wasn’t worried about your wellbeing. His phone buzzing once again brought his attention away from you. He had half a mind to block Gojo for the rest of the day but he knew if he did that, he’ll just have to deal with a whiny Gojo in person next time.
Gojo: NANAMIN!!!!
Gojo: You’re so cruel and mean and you are a bad bad man, I’m telling L/N to not date you and to stay away from you from now on. ヾ(`ヘ´)ノ゙ 
Nanami: She doesn’t even know you.
Gojo: I could get to know her better… maybe even better than you (¬‿¬ )
Nanami: Watch it Gojo.
Gojo: Joking!! Geez! (@´ー`)ノ゙ Anyway how is your little lovebug doing today?? You still haven’t told me anything.
Nanami: She drank 6 energy drinks and is working like a mad man, I’m worried about her.
Nanami usually wouldn’t tell his concerns so freely to anyone lest alone Gojo but seeing you in this state made him more anxious than he realized.
Gojo: Ohhh? Maybe you should offer some help ⊂(・ω・*⊂)    Sexy help ♡ ( ̄З ̄)    
Nanami: Goodbye Gojo.
Nanami sighed out and turned off his phone’s notifications. Mood now soured thanks to Gojo, he looked to your spot once again to find no one there. Nanami panned all over the office to try to find where you went. Panicking quietly in his mind as his imagination ran wild. What if you passed out somewhere and no one was there to help you? What if you got lost somewhere in the building and someone took advantage of your state right now?  All different types of horrible scenarios bounced around in Nanami’s head as he paced around the office searching for you. Weaving and dodging all the other employees who were having their own meltdowns, but Nanami didn’t care about them, it was only you sitting on his mind right now.
Chewing on his inner cheek anxiously as he went around the office area one last time with no sight of you, his pace quickens as he heads towards the printer room, hoping to see you there. Oof!  He felt something hit his chest as he turned the corner, arms swiftly reaching to grab the person he bumped into. He only realized once his hand was grasped firmly on your waist and back that he had bumped into you. He pulls you up to your feet, one hand coming up to hold your shoulder steady as you started to sway a bit. “L/N-san, forgive me, I’m sorry I didn’t see you coming.” Nanami voice came out smooth unlike the inner turmoil he was facing right now. You shook your head, a bit dizzy from the impact and quite honestly, the amount of caffeine you drank today and on an empty stomach for that matter.
Your hands grabs on to Nanami’s bicep while your head slumps down on to his chest. Your caffeine high coming down to a crash as Nanami held you in his arms. Your mind was still reeling so you weren’t exactly all there or else your face would be a tomato red seeing how close you were to your office crush at this moment. Nanami, however, was very clear minded, enough to feel and sense everything, to smell the fragrance of the shampoo of you used this morning, to notice how utterly tiny  you were compared to him, his hand subconsciously squeezed your waist and he felt his pant tighten as he feels his fingers sink in your plush skin. A tiny groan left your lips either at the contact or from how nauseous you felt, either way it causes Nanami to blush deeply, reprimanding himself for doing such a thing while you were clearly weak and needed help.
“Na-Nanami-san?” Your voice barely came above a whisper, cheek still pressed onto Nanami’s chest as a headache started to pound at your temple.
“L/N-san, I think you should go home, you’re not looking too good right now.” Nanami cringed at himself, wishing he could come up with something to say better than that. Thankfully, you were too tired to care about his choice of wording right now.
“Ahh… I have so much work to do though, the boss is going to kill me if I leave now…” You protested with your words but your body snuggled in closer to Nanami, seeking out his warmth. Your arms now looping around his waist as far as you can reach, as you inhale his scent, it smelled clean and refreshing with a hint of spice underneath. The crisp scent of his clothes and aftershave followed just a dollop of musk in the cologne he sprays on his wrist. He was never one to overdo things so he only sprays a little of cologne each day, you smelt it before whenever he was lean in closer to hear you better or when you walked by his desk. Getting only a fragment of it each time, but now you could fully indulge yourself in his scent. It was almost like you were drunk by the way you were acting currently, later on at night when you start to remember what you did today, you would scream into your pillow for two hours and berate yourself for acting so weird.  
Nanami tried very hard not to hug you closer in this moment, chalking up your actions to your tiredness and being overworked. He cleared his throat once to gather himself and to get your attention. “Don’t worry about that, I’ll take care your workload for you. I’ll inform the boss that you got sick and your work will be done by me.” You mumbled something incoherent, Nanami takes that as an affirmative answer and continues on. “I’ll ask Ichiji to call a ride to take you home, alright?” You nod, cheek still on his chest, so you were pretty much just nuzzling him again like a cat. Nanami’s will broke as his arms wrapped around you to give you a tight squeeze that last only for a mere five seconds but letting you go. He calls over Ichiji and told him the situation, trusting that the nervous man would not doing anything unjust to you and get you home safely.
Nanami stayed at the office until 1am that night, working overtime, which was something he despised but since it was for you, he found himself not hating as much as he normally would. You did end up getting sick for a while when you got home, laying in bed kicking yourself that you can’t go apologize or thank Nanami for all that did for you. Once you got back to the office though, Nanami just told you to lay off the energy drinks if you felt that sorry, it felt more like a lecture the way he was talking to you but he ended it with a pat on your head that birthed a symphony of butterflies in your stomach.
Ever since that day you got sick from all the energy drinks and overworking, Nanami been touchier with you. It wasn’t like he was giving up bear hugs every day, but oh how you wished he did. It was small and simple actions like a touch on your shoulder to let you know he was passing by, his knee coming over to brush against yours when he had a question and turned his chair to face you, even tucking a strand of your hair behind your ear once. He asked you more question, made small talk with you, and always brought an extra water bottle with him whenever he comes back from lunch. He would place it on the side of your keyboard without a word but if you didn’t end up drinking at least half of it by the end of the work day he would send you a silence look that made your knees buckled a bit under the pressure. Sometimes you would purposefully not drink enough so he would scold you, just for a little bit.  
You slowly start to initiate your own form of skinship with him. Feeling more confidant that he won’t find it weird now after all you did in front of him lately. You let your pinky brush against his when you gave him papers, letting a hand rest on his shoulder when he asked you to look at something on his computer, tugging on his sleeve when you wanted to get him attention on something. The small sparks that fly off whenever the two of you touch was exhilarating, making you feel like a high school girl with her first crush again. You still find yourself peeping at his hands every now and then, you wanted to find an excuse to hold his hand but came up with nothing that wouldn’t automatically be weird. So, you contained yourself to be happy with the small amount of contact you been having so far.
Nanami was pushing his luck lately, with all the small contact he been making with you. His reasonable side of the brain told him he should stop sooner than later before he makes a mistake and push you too far. He could end up in a HR case or just end up losing whatever kind of friendship the two of you have right now, both are worst case scenarios for him but he always prepared for the worst. Though a very small and annoying voice in the back of his head, that sounded a bit like Gojo, was telling him that he should test the water even further and see where it lands. You weren’t pushing him away or saying anything to him about it, so either you like it as much as he does or you were too shy to confront him about it. Nanami’s head ping pong back and forth on what to do with you, ever since that day when he hugged you closed to his body, he been feverishly missing how your body fitted so perfectly in his arms.
He remembered the scent of your shampoo still; he would go out to look for it last time he went shopping. Staying in the haircare aisle and opening various bottles, trying to find the one that you use. Oh, he was so down bad for it, it was getting embarrassing at this point, if anyone ever finds out about his shampoo adventure, he would perish on the spot. He ended up grabbing three different bottles of shampoo that seems closed enough to your scent but it wasn’t hitting the same spot in his brain as when he first inhaled your smell. The cashier at the market commented on how much he must had loved this kind of scent as they were checking him out, Nanami fought off an eye twitch and just smiled pleasantly with a nod.
Would it be weird if he asked you for shampoo recommendation? He chewed on that thought for a while, watching you flock around the office as he sips his morning coffee that you got for him. It was a routine at this point, Nanami would come in with pastries or sandwiches from the bakery he likes and you would bring in a hot cup of coffee for him with your own drink of choice. Sometimes Nanami would find small messages or doodles on the cup sleeve. His favorite ones were the small cats you drew and the one with the message; “Do your best today, Nanami!” alongside a cat with glasses on similar to his own. When you weren’t looking, Nanami would take the sleeve off and tucked away in it his suitcase to bring home. He has a small collection of your handwritten notes safely hidden away in a drawer. For the rest of the work day when he wasn’t on call or doing work, Nanami would find himself glancing your way, secretly taking some documents placed on your desk while you were away to put on his.
He hated doing extra work but the fact that your dark eye bags were lessening each day helped him press on. It was another busy day at the office, every one beside him seem to be feeling the pressure of deadlines or rude customers. He silently cursed the higher ups for managing everything so shit that the employees were the one picking up the slack. You were groaning out as you see another oncoming call from that one customer that will not stop bothering you for some reason. You send a shaky thumbs up to Nanami as you answer the call in your fake customer service’s voice. Oohing and Aahing at their stories, and feigning an apologetic tone once they started complaining again with an eye roll that Nanami smiled at. The call lasted forever or at least it seems like it did, you weren’t even speaking in full sentences at this point, just humming occasionally on the phone to let the customer know that you were still there as they start on another story. You felt tapping on your shoulder and turn to look Nanami’s way, his hand slid down your shoulder, the tips of his fingers only slightly grazing it, causing you to shiver.
He held out his palm and motioned you to copy him, you give him a questioning look but held open your palm towards him either way. He retracting his hand into his pockets and came out with a candy and a note, placing it on your palm. His own hand dwarfs yours by miles, you felt his thumb swipe a line on your wrist as he pulls away slowly. The friction was short but it set blazes in your stomach. The note was again written in that neat cursive handwriting you seen once before. “You’re doing good, L/N. Keep it up.” Another short and simple note but the way your stomach was coiling in itself with the heat with anything before simple. You unwrapped the candy and pop it pass your glossy lips, Nanami swallowed hard upon seeing that, and you gave Nanami a sweet smile. This sweet moment between the two of you was sadly interrupt by the customer who’s still on the line this whole-time yelling obscenities in your ears. “Are you still there?! Hello?!” “A-ah, sorry sir! I’m still here! The line must had been down for a while-“ You tried your best to soothe the angry customer, turning your full attention back to the call, Nanami frowned feeling annoyed at his moment with you being cut so soon. He would later in that same work day, erased that whole customer’s profile and blocked his number from ever being able to call here again.
The next morning started the same way, you brought the two drinks at the coffee shop and were now preparing to write your daily message to Nanami on it. Every time you would doodle or write on the cup sleeve before bringing it to Nanami, you had to fight off your inner demons as to not draw hearts on it. Maybe he wouldn’t even noticed, Nanami never commented on your messages before, so you thought you could get away with maybe one small heart on the corner of the cup today? Your demons celebrated victory today as you drew the outline of a small heart on the corner of the cup sleeve, far away from the big and bold lettering on your message for the day. “Let’s work hard (but not too hard) today!”. You snort lightly, remembering how Nanami would always tell you not to push yourself just for the sake of this company. Lightly chastising you for the amount of work you do and the amount of work you laze off of on, causing you to have to work extra hard to complete the deadlines. You wanted to call him a hypocrite since when you do get behind on work, Nanami would always stay behind and work extra hours just to help you.
You held the coffee close to you as you start to walk over to the office, foot tapping anxiously on the elevator ride to your floor. You suck in a huge breath as the elevator dinged and open its door. You said your morning greetings to the other employees on the floor, each step you take to your desk felt heavier than the last. The drinks start to shake in your trembling hands as you see the top of Nanami’s head poke over the desk walls. “G’morning. Nanami!” You don’t know when but you both started dropping the “-san” after each’s other names for some time now. Nanami looks up at you from his chair, waving a hand in greeting with a small “Morning, L/N.” back. You set his coffee down on his desk as you passed by, settling your own stuff down by your own desk as you boot up your computer.
As Nanami took a sip from his coffee, he smiled reading the message you wrote for him, then as he set it back down, he noticed the tiny heart left on the corner. His hand gripped the cup a bit too tight upon seeing it, the hot liquid inside almost spilling over the top, the droplets that do escape cascading down the side of the cup to singed Nanami’s fingers and stopped him from further crushing the cup. The roaring beats of his heart overtook all of his other senses, leaving him drowning in an overwhelming sense of affection and cuteness. He squeezed his other hand tightly, feeling so much cute-aggression at the moment, he wanted so badly to turn his chair around towards you and squished you in his hold. Maybe even bite on your cute cheeks or mark up your neck until you were crying just a little. He didn’t know why the idea of you crying from his actions made his cock ache, it wasn’t that he wanted to bully you outright or make you sad, it was a different kind of tears he wanted to see from you. The kind that come out from overwhelming pleasure that he wanted to force upon you.
He takes in a deep breath, controlling his mind and putting away all the dark thoughts that was spilling out. He pinches his nose and lets out a long sigh, shaking his head. You turn to him, tilting your head in a worry look. Your hand going to grasp lightly on his shoulder, as your lips jut out into a cute pout. You were worried that Nanami was pushing himself too hard for your sake by taking on your extra workload. Nanami had to bite his inner cheek to stop himself from jumping on you. Giving your hand a tentative but reassuring pat before responding; “I’m fine, just didn’t get enough rest last night it seems.” His voice came out a been gruffier than he meant it to, making him sound a lot worse than he actually was. This makes you frown more, eyes downcast as you start to apologize for all the work he took on in your stead. He stopped you with a finger on your chin, lifting it up so you meet with his eyes. “I told you, I’m fine, I don’t mind doing all this, truly.” He takes a moment to pause, his finger itching to feel more of you soft skin. “Also, thank you for the coffee again today.”
With that, he lets go of your chin, letting it linger on there for a second, leaving you breathless. You choked out a small “You-you’re welcome.” Then turned back to your work, hoping Nanami couldn’t hear how loud your heartbeat was racing. Nanami felt shamed and excitement at his small action, berating himself internally while he rub on the finger that held your chin. His brain snapped back to reality as he remembered that he still hasn’t given you the stuff he brought from the bakery today. He brought the bakery’s bag up on his desk and brought out the pastries. Laying out them out neatly on his desk, grabbing your attention right after with a cough. “L/N, the bakery had a sale today, I know it not the usual breakfast items but I got some cream puffs as extra.” He taps on the small container of cream puffs as he spoke. “Would you like to try some with me? I heard from the owner it one of their best-selling items but I never tried one myself.”
You nod along listening to his story, mouthwatering slightly at you take a look at the cream-filled pastries in front of you. “I would love to try some! Thank you Nanami!” Your eager hands go to open the container of treats, grabbing a puff and immediately popping the whole thing in your mouth. Moaning as you bit down on the outer shell, letting the sugary cream inside spill on your tongue, enjoying the way it melts so nicely down your throat. You let out a low moan, going to pluck another one, this time taking a half a bite so you can savor it more. Nanami’s Adam’s apple bobbed up and down as he swallowed harshly. His mind going to those dark places again upon hearing you moan so lewdly and in a public setting as well. His eyes followed the second puff you picked all the way to your lips as you bite down on it, leaving a little bit of cream smeared on the side of your lips.
Not that you noticed, with the way your eyes were closed, tongue lapping up the remaining cream in your mouth, too lost in the sugary and smooth bliss. Nanami’s hand moved before his brain could stop it, his hand coming up cup your chin again, fingers pressed in on your puff-out cheeks, thumb hovering just above your lips for a second. You pause in your chewing to stare at Nanami, the warmth from his calloused fingers made your brain short-circuit. The cream puff still in your mouth was left there, slowly melting and mixing in with your spit. Nanami’s big brown eyes stared into your soul from behind his glasses as his thumb finally comes down to swipe on your plush lips, collecting the cream left on the side. It was only there for half a minute at most but the time you both spent in that moment felt like an eternity while Nanami pulled away.
His eyes start blinking back to reality, realizing what he just did to you. “L/N, please forgive me, I don’t know why I did that. I-I.. I’m truly sorry, my lack of sleep must be catching up with me more than I thought.” He excuses himself one more, getting up from his seat, “Let me get some napkins for you..” was all that he said, leaving you alone to comprehend what just happened. The cream puff starting to feel heavy in your stomach as everything came crashing down on you. “Fuck..” Your whole body heats up, your face turning a bright red as your head lowers to your knees. Breathing heavily, your heart racing as fast as it can
 to lodge itself in your throat. And while you were having this mini-panic attack, Nanami sprinted to the kitchen/break area to grab some napkins for you.
The tips of his ears a bright pink as he yanked out napkins from the container, noticing cream still left on his thumb from wiping it off your face. Now, the rational thing to do would be to just wipe it off on the napkins he already holding in his other hand. And most people who knew Nanami would say that he is a very rational man. However, in this exact moment, Nanami did a very irrational thing and popped his thumb into his mouth. Licking the cream left on there with his tongue and holding in it his mouth with a soft groan. Glad that no one else uses the break room when it’s this early in the day. He wrapped his tongue around his own thumb making sure that every last drop of the cream was gone before he lewdly popped the thumb back out. He quickly wiped away the spit line connecting to it and dribbling down the side of his thumb with shame. Looking around twice to make sure that no one saw that.
He came back to place the napkins on your desk without a word, and the rest of the day went on quietly for the two of you. Neither of you mentioning what just happened earlier, the container of cream puff was left untouched for most of the day until Haibara came around and asked if he could take it home.
You and Haibara weren’t close friend to be honest, he was one of the few others who were closer to Nanami. Haibara just gave off this lovable golden retriever type energy that draws in most people to him. He treats everyone he meets like a friend so it was hard not to be friendly back to him. Though you were quite jealous of how close he and Nanami was with each other. Haibara would always come jogging up to Nanami with a bright smile, prattling off about something he did the weekend prior, arms waving around in the air as he acted out his story in a big way. Nanami simply standing there and nodding along to his story, you think he wasn’t listening by the way he was acting but every time when Haibara would end his stories, Nanami had something to say. Whether it was simply scolding him for going out again with this “Gojo” character or asking him follow up questions. Nanami was a good friend like that, yeah, a ‘friend’.
Could you call yourself friends with Nanami now, I mean you two had been getting really close lately, almost too close as you remembered when he wiped the cream off your lips. You didn’t dare bring it up again, in fear that Nanami felt nothing about it, not like how you did. You knew that Nanami went out with Haibara sometimes, from the conversations you eavesdropped in whenever you’re walking past the two. It wasn’t that hard to listen in, with Haibara being loud as he is. You gathered enough information to know that Nanami did hangout with him and others on occasions, with Nanami mostly being roped into events he didn’t really want to go to. You clicked your tongue in annoyance, wishing you had the courage to ask Nanami to hang out with you outside the office.
Fear lingering in the back of your mind, as he could only see you as an office friendship and nothing more. You didn’t want to be mad at Haibara, since he did nothing wrong but with the way he was hanging out of Nanami’s broad shoulder, laughing like it was nothing special, made you frown. Nanami walked slowly matching Haibara pace as they both came back from their break. Haibara shaking his head onto Nanami’s shoulder, still laughing about a joke he said earlier. His hand squeezing Nanami’s other shoulder as he holds his stomach. You felt your own stomach twist with envy as you saw the corner of Nanami’s lips quirk up in a small smile. Haibara spots you first, waving his arm high in the sky, calling you over to the two of them. You mustered up a smile and got up from your chair, glancing at Nanami as you walk up to Haibara. “L/N-san! Hey! Did you just come back from your break too?”
Haibara was bouncing on his heels as he spoke to you, his arm still dangling off of Nanami’s shoulder. “I just got back a couple of mins ago, yeah, are you guys just getting back too?” You asked like you haven’t been secretly watching them from your desk. Haibara nods also shouting out a “Yes!”, Nanami sighed and knocked him lightly on the back of his head. “There are other people still working, try to keep your voice down.” Haibara laughed while rubbing the place where Nanami hit him. “Sorry Nanami, heh, ah! Anyway! L/N-san!” He was raising his voice again, making Nanami sigh out deeply and you to giggle, the knots in your stomach still twisting slightly but Haibara’s silly action made it less knotted. He started to bounce again, just like an excited puppy you thought silently to yourself.
It made you smile warmly at Haibara, too warmly in fact, Nanami’s gaze turn hard as he watched the two of you. Haibara went as far to unhooked from himself to grab you hand and pull you towards him. Nanami’s hand twitch into a fist as he felt the need to suddenly hit Haibara again, a lot harder this time. Haibara hold your hands in his, shaking it up and down as he kept on talking, not noticing how Nanami’s mood suddenly shifted. You were also too busy to notice, taken in by Haibara’s sunshine like personality. Another warm grin wormed its way onto your face as you couldn’t shake off Haibara’s infectious enthusiasm. “Hey, hey! Why don’t you come join us next time you’re on break then? I’m sure it’ll be super fun! And Nanami wouldn’t mind, right Nanami?” Haibara turns to Nanami with the same wide smile on his face, Nanami fought off an eyebrow twitch and quickly changed his face back to a neutral stance.
“If…L/N doesn’t mind it, I would be happy for her to come join us.” Nanami leans his head a bit towards you, waiting for your response. With your hands still in Haibara’s hold, you looked at Nanami and Haibara for a moment, Haibara’s eyes went wide and round, like a puppy begging for table scraps. You snort, shaking his hands up and down as you agreed to hang out with them from now on. Nanami’s smiled, happy that he now can spend more time with you but his eyebrow twitched, seeing Haibara jumped on you to give you a hug. “Yay! L/N-san hanging out with us now!” He picked you up and spin you around, being surprisingly buff for someone his size and attitude. Nanami stopped him with a hand on his head after one spin, hand squeezing his head tight. “Haibara, I think that’s enough… you’re bothering the other workers.” ‘And you’re touching L/N too much…’ Haibara lets you down gently and yelps as Nanami’s grip get a bit too rough, Nanami lets go as well with a sort of apologetic look on his face.
He faked a cough to break the small tension, looping a hand on to your shoulder to pull you into his side. “Well, I think we went over our break time, so we must get back to work before the higher ups catches us. Goodbye Haibara.” Haibara exchanges his goodbyes with you and Nanami, expressing his joy that you were coming to hang out with them on break tomorrow and left. Nanami’s hand glide over to the small of your back as he led you back to your shared cubicle. Going as far to hold out your chair and patting your shoulders as you sat down, his hands lingering on you longer than usual thanks to Haibara’s actions. He would never admit that he was jealous of Haibara, not even to himself, as his mind justify his actions. You were glad for all the attention you were receiving, any chance to get Nanami’s hands on you were a blessing you did not ever want to pass up. Though you had no idea why he was being so handsy today. Oh well…
The next day rolls over quietly, doing the usual coffee and pastries trade, with no cream puffs this time sadly. Break time soon came and you suddenly remembering that you promised Haibara that you were going to join him and Nanami for break. You stretch out your shoulders, tidying up your desk a bit and grabbing your lunch bag as Haibara came rushing over, almost tripping on his feet. “L/N-san!!! Nanami!! Let’s go!!” He shouted, earning some harsh shushes from workers who were still on the phone with clients. He made a motion of zipping his mouth and bend his head down in apology, Nanami sighed and shake his head while you stifled back a laugh. Haibara whispered very lowly this time; “Are the two of you ready to head up?” While there was a break room in your office floor, it was quite small so normally people went outside or go to a different floor to have their lunches.
Haibara and Nanami liked to have their lunch break on one of the upper floor’s break rooms as it was much roomier and away from other workers. You nod and Nanami collected his things and got up from his desk, leading the way to elevator. Haibara was bouncing in every step towards to the elevator, mouth still zipped shut the whole time until the elevator door’s closed and he lets out a huge exhale, gasping for air. “Haibara, you know you didn’t need to hold your breath as well, right?” Nanami rubs Haibara’s back, helping him calm down. Haibara gives him a shaky thumbs up with a lopsided grin. “I’m ok now! Don’t let this ruin our first hang out together!” He wheezes the end out, still full of energy despite his lungs grasping for air. The elevator’s door dinged once again to signal its door opening. Haibara was the first to run out. Arms stretched out wide towards you and Nanami, hands open and closing, asking for both of your hands.
Nanami gives him a deadpan stare that withers away at one’s soul, while you rolled your eyes but smile nevertheless, offering Haibara your hand. He happily grabs it, even going as far to interlock your fingers between his. Pulling you to his hangout out spot right away, leaving Nanami behind in the dust, watching the both of you sprinted to the common room on this floor. Teeth grinding down like it was trying to compress coal into diamonds in his mouth. His eyes narrowed with fury seeing your hands still locked together with Haibara even when you both were already in the common area, Haibara holding the hand that held yours up in a double wave to Nanami. Nanami adjusted his tie, loosening it a bit to relieve some tension in his throat and face, he did it so smoothly that no one could even tell he was angry about something, his face is usually annoyed looking anyway.
You didn’t really care that Haibara was still holding your hand, your mind too fixated on the way Nanami had his finger curled in his necktie’s knot, tugging it loose as he walked over to you. The veins in his hands seems more prominent today, bulging out so delightfully that you wanted run your tongue over each and every single one of them. You wondered if he was coming down with something or feeling sick as his voice spoke out in gravelly tone. “I’m going to get a drink…Do you want a drink from the vending machine too, L/N?” The way your last name came rolling off his tongue at the end made your own stomach do backflips into a pool of arousal, causing your pussy to leak out, most likely staining the cute panties you were wearing today. “I want one too!” A Cola please!”
Haibara butt in easily as he breathes air, finally letting go of your hand as he does. Nanami felt tension fall off his shoulder seeing that, still looking at you with those soft brown eyes, asking for your order. “Ju-just a green tea, thanks.” You lick your lips, feeling them to be particularly dry at the moment, tongue slowly wetting your bottom lip first then on to your top lip. Nanami’s gaze followed your wet muscle all the way until you slipped it back inside, licking his lips in turn. He gave a stiff nod as Haibara tilts his head looking at the two of you in confusion. He turns to walk to the nearby vending machines to grab the drinks as you and Haibara gets to sit down and open your lunches. Haibara’s lunch was rice with hamburg steak and veggies on the side, while yours was some onigiri in the shaped of tiger’s heads, egg roll omelet, and those cute octopus shaped sausages.
It was all homemade of course, you pride yourself in your cooking and making cute bento boxes. Always prepping your lunches on the weekend so you didn’t have to spend money on the overpriced food in the building. Nanami came back with all three drinks, as Haibara was gushing over how cute your lunch was. “Nanami! Nanami! Have you seen how cute L/N’s lunch is!?” He hasn’t actually, this was also his first time seeing your lunch. He sets the drinks down first, observing your lunch with a curious gaze. “It is…. very cute.” He says after a moment pause, you squirm under his gaze, cheeks flushing a bit at all the attention your lunch was getting from the two. The tips of your ears getting especially red at Nanami’s compliment. “It’s not that special, I made it really quickly so the tigers are kind of lopsided.” You shyly muttered out, bringing up a hand to cover your blushing face.
Haibara was the first one to speak, obviously louder than Nanami. “You made this?!” “You made this yourself, L/N?” The both of them stared at you until you shrink deeper under your hands, nodding at the question voice squeaking a soft “Yes..” Nanami mind went out of control as he started to imagine you as his cute little housewife, making lunch for him every day in an apron. Him coming home from work and seeing you greet him at the door with food ready at the table but the only thing he wants to eat is you, he would keep the apron on, the bow still tied on the back as he devours you from behind, your hands gripping on the kitchen counter for dear life as he would keep you there for hours. Rewarding his pretty little housewife for all the hard work she did and rewarding himself as well.
He quickly recovered once he felt his pants tightening a bit too much, sitting down across from you to hide his emerging bulge, unpacking his store brought sandwich. Haibara was still gushing over how cute your lunch was but toned down his enthusiasm once he saw how shy you were getting, you were grateful for that. Everyone began digging into their own lunches, making small talk here and there, well it mostly consists of Haibara and you talking with Nanami adding small comments every once in a while. Eventually Haibara got back to the topic of your lunch and asked if he could have a taste of it. Nanami choked on his sandwich hearing you agree so readily. Haibara smack his back and you offered him your drink to help. He eyes your drinks for a bit, already feeling the sandwich piece go down his throat but he takes the chance to get a second-hand kiss from you and takes it.
Cautiously putting his lips on the opening and taking in a few gulps, intentionally running his tongue on the edge of the can to get more of a taste of you. Greedily gulping down more than he should, ending it with a sigh that sounds borderline pornographic to your ears. He hands you your drink back, muttering out a soft “Thanks.” Haibara looks over Nanami twice to make sure everything was ok, Nanami waved him off with a hand stating that he was fine. “I think I drank all of your tea though; I’ll go get you another one L/N. Nanami stood up as he says this, followed by you. “No, it’s fine! I can go get it myself!” You grab the can and down the last remaining bit in the bottom, since you wanted the chance to taste Nanami’s lips second hand as well. “I’ll go throw away this as well.” You chuckled out, licking your lips, making sure you got the taste you wanted.
Haibara happily sat back down and chewed away at his lunch, seeing how Nanami was alright, looking at the two of you with a happy unassuming stare until a lightbulb appeared above his head. Like a huge revelation just suddenly occurred to him just now, he grinned wide at Nanami and slammed his hands on the table. “O-Oh! You guys should just go together then! Since Nanami probably won’t back down, L/N-san should go with him to-uhhhh-to make sure he’s alright! Yeah!” He ends his small rant by giving the two of you a thumb ups and slyly winking at Nanami. You chalked up his weird outburst to just Haibara being Haibara and shrugged. Nanami was secretly trying to blow up Haibara with his death glare when you tapped him on the shoulder. “Should we go then?”
You asked nervously, fiddling with the hem of your skirt, you were still trying to get a feel of Nanami’s mood based on some of his tics and different facial expressions. You think you were getting better at sussing out his moods, like how his left eyebrow twitch when he’s annoyed but his right one twitches when he’s confused. By the way his jaw was clenched right now though, highlighting his sharp jawline, you could easily tell he was angry. Angry at what? That was the part you were unsure on, did you or Haibara do something to ignite his angry? You chewed on your bottom lip as you wait for his answer. Nanami sent one last glare Haibara’s way, finally looking at you and seeing your nervous fidgeting, his heart drops as he realized how angry he must seem to you. His anger was defiantly not directed at you by any chance, so he clears his throat to get your attention and drops a hand on your shoulder, rubbing a thumb gingerly near your collarbone.
“I might.. still be feeling a bit off from earlier, please excuse me. I would be grateful if you would accompany me, L/N.” His soft ministrations on your shoulder doesn’t stop once he ends his sentence, only getting longer, his thumb rubs small circles over your dress shirt. Guiding you out of the break room as Haibara sends him another thumb ups from behind your back. His hands slip off your shoulders once you reach the vending machine area, ghosting down to the small of your back as you peruse the choices of snacks and drinks. His long fingers were enough to reach the side of your plush waist and gripped down on it. He leans in close to you ear, his hot breath sending shivers down your spine as he spoke. “Have you decided on what you wanted yet?” his slightly still gruff voice echoed down to your pussy.
“May-maybe just another tea again.” You hastily press the buttons on the machine, your arm that was closest to Nanami was twitching slightly unsure if you should also be holding on to him as well. Nanami watches you with a small smile on his face, feeling his jealously from earlier die down as he was the one holding you in his arms and not Haibara. Speaking of Haibara, he was mass spamming a group chat with a certain white-haired annoyance about how he was bringing Plan: Nanami gets his **** wet! together. The plan’s name was obviously made by Gojo, of course, Geto would send Nanami a consoling text, knowing how it is being on the ends of one of Gojo’s scheme while Gojo would send Nanami raunchy memes and tell him to send them to you later to test them out. All of this was happening as you were waiting on the painfully slow machine to drop your tea down; you were about to ask Nanami if what he wanted and if they should get anything back for Haibara when an angry looking salesman came rushing down the hallway.
He was grumbling about something on his phone as he stomped his way past you, roughly pushing Nanami out of the way with a loud, “Move it!” as he runs past to wherever his destination was.  Seeing as Nanami was still holding on to you, you were also in the line of attack, Nanami’s arm quickly wrapped around your entire waist pulling you into his chest as his other one slams on the vending machine’s front to stop himself from slamming into you. It all happened so fast that your mind was too slow to understand what was happening until, Nanami’s voice came out to you again. “L/N? Are you alright?” His voice took on a concern tone as your lack of a response. To be honest, you were quite not alright at the moment, body shaking as tears well up in the corners of your eyes.
The shock of that man yelling at the two of you, and being pushed so close to Nanami was overwhelming your senses. The scent of his cologne, the warmth of his body heat and hands on you, the timbers of his voice. It was all too much to handle at once. You hled back a sniffle as you lean your head on his chest, shutting your eyes as you nod your head. Trying to pretend that you were ok even though the evidence was heavily stacked against you. Nanami lets out a worried sigh, arm trapping you in closer as he brings his hand down from the vending machine to brush his knuckles over your cheek. Wiping away stray tears that you didn’t know were already falling, “What’s wrong, L/N? Please tell me.” His voice lowers down an octave, gingerly cooing at your scrunched up face as you try to stop the tears and sniffles from coming forward, hand now cupping your cheek as he tilts it up, “Look at me, dear.” The nickname coming out at the end on accident but it doesn’t feel wrong to say.
You look at Nanami through bleary eyes, noticing how utterly tender his expression was right now, a new expression one you never seen before. Even his glasses were lowered down on the bridge of his nose, his eyes peering down at you with a swirl of unreadable emotions in them. It made your heart do leaps and bounds, worsening your anxiety as well. “You-you’re too close..” you managed to breathe out finally. “Sorry, I really didn’t mean to-“ Nanami quickly spits out and instantly reacting by pulling away and taking his arm off of you but your hands clutch on to his tie and shirt before he close fully go. “Wait!” You clutched on tighter, resting your head back on his chest again. “I don’t… hate it, it just was surprising and a lot.. and it happened really fast.” You breathe out at the end, sucking in a deep breath as you try to calm down. Nanami hands went back on you, rubbing soothing circles on your sides, a hand holding on to the back of your head as he gently rock from side to side.
The effect this man has on you was immense, you snuggled in closer to him, the pit of anxiety in your stomach quicky fading away as Nanami’s cooed out more soft words to you. Minutes ticked by as you two stayed there, interrupted by the sound of Nanami’s phone going off, he checked the caller id and read it to be Haibara calling. Picking it up and holding it between his ear and shoulder so he could go back to holding you in his arms. “What is it?” “Nanami!! Are you two okay?! Did you pass out? Did L/N pass out?!” You giggled into his chest, feeling better already, as Haibara loud voice ring out in the small hallway. “We’re fine, we just had to deal with some rude person that came through.” Haibara lets out a gasp, “I think I saw him too! He was slamming doors and ranting about something really really loudly!” Now it was Nanami turn to chuckle, he must had been really loud if Haibara is saying so. “We are both fine, we’re coming back soon.” Nanami ends the call after that.
“Well, there goes most of our lunch break..” You squish your cheek against his shoulder, all your worries washing away seeing how Nanami was still not letting go after all this time. The delusional part of your brain thinks maybe just maybe he does like you back, or maybe you were inhaling too much of his scent currently and it was messing with you. His hand was playing with the ends of your hair while he was on the call, making you purr a bit. Nanami’s mind was also soaring into many different conclusions, two parts were battling each other. One was saying that you were only still in his arms due to the shock from that man and the other part shyly whispers in the deepest ends of his mind that you were enjoying it and secretly into him. Maybe you even liked him as much as he liked you.
All moments must come to an end though as Nanami pulls away from you, making you almost whine at the loss of heat and contact, his hand still lands itself on your back as he leads you back to the breakroom and Haibara. And ultimately back to work as the break time was almost about to be over. So, the three of you packed your lunches away and cleaned up, heading back to the elevator, ready to face another grueling day of customer service. Nanami also had to send a heavy-worded complaint to the higher ups about what happened. Jotting down in his mind to ruin that man’s life or career at the very least for making you cry like that.
“So, L/N-san, can you make me lunch next time?”
Nanami would say that the smack of Haibara’s head at that moment was totally accidental.
You were hanging out with Nanami outside the office today! Unfortunately, it was also work related. Clank! Gojo made everyone do another round of beer, on him of course, clinking your glass together all around the table. This wasn’t the first time you see the eccentric white-haired male assuming that he worked on a different level in the same company as he likes to bother Nanami sometimes. But he introduced himself to you as a CEO of the partnering company. Your eyes went wide and you started bowing rapidly to him, he laughed and told you it was ok, that he heard a lot about you from Nanamin. The nickname and this information made you blush and sputtered out, causing the man to laugh out more until Nanami came up from behind you and smack Gojo on the head. Telling him off for messing with you, Gojo went and cried to a long dark-haired man with a man-bun on top, his slanted dark eyes rolling over as he wordlessly rubbed the injury on Gojo’s head.
He would later introduce himself to you as Geto, also another one of Nanami’s friend and business partners with Gojo. You go shake his hand as he gave it to you with a smirk, bringing your hand up to his lips as he plants a few kisses along your knuckles. He stopped when Nanami gripped on to his wrist with a dark look gleaming past his glasses. Geto’s smirk only widen after this and he lets you go, offering you a sly wink as he turns back to the group. You met with a long hair woman as well, Shoko was her name, a renowned doctor in her field. Even Haibara was there mingling in with the group, you were surprised to see Nanami know so many people like this, but he just states that their classmates from his high school. Causing Gojo to dramatically wail out; “How could you say that we’re just classmates? After all that we been through?!” Falling to the floor after pretending to have a heart attack at Nanami’s words.
Everyone else in the group even Haibara just went on carrying the convo like nothing happened so you ignored it too. Gravitating towards other coworkers you were more familiar with like Ichiji and the new hire in the company. He was an odd boy, only here for a part time job helping the cleaners and doing menials task around the building. He was kinda loud and brash at most points but you could tell he was a sweet boy at his core, even showing you his many photos of his cute dog named “Pochita” during his break once. You weren’t sure if he was old enough to drink alcohol, judging from his demeanor and overall looking very young. But you came up to him bothering Ichiji about something and spotted him only drinking juice so your worries were faded fast.
You wanted to spend time with Nanami to be honest but he was quickly pulled in to his old friend group and you felt awkward butting into their convo. So, you float around the restaurant, sipping at your own beer while you do, saying hi to people you knew and some faces you recognize around the building before. Gojo’s company brought out the second floor of this restaurant’s bar so everyone in here, either worked at your company or was a business partner or someone’s plus one. Your eyes occasionally flickered to where Nanami was at most of the night, seeing how Gojo wrapped his arm around his shoulder so that he couldn’t escape and even catching Geto’s eyes on you at one point. He looks at you with a devious smirk painted across his lips, eyes softly shutting close as he bumps elbows with Gojo and whispered something in his ear. You turned back around with a blush before Gojo could look your away and catch you staring as well.
Gulping down the last of your drink, you excuse yourself to the bathroom for a bit, feeling the tips of your ears go red after that interaction. You locked yourself in the bathroom for a small while, sighing out at you look at your reflection in the mirror. Fixing up your makeup a little and patting your cheeks with a pout. You hoped the redness was only due to the alcohol in your system and that it would hopefully calm down soon. You were in the middle of applying lip-gloss when a faint knock could be heard on the door. You squeaked out a “Almost done!” and hurried with your application and went to open the door to find Shoko and another girl on the other side. An unlit cigarette hanging from her mouth, same with the unnamed woman next to her, she was sporting an eyepatch? Holding a box of cigarette up in her hand with a grin. “Oop! Sorry about that, didn’t think anyone was going to use this bathroom all the way in the corner.” The dark hair woman sheepishly grinned out.
Shoko moved the cigarette to the other side of her mouth with only her lips as she look you up and down with an unreadable glint in her eye, you nervously backed out of the bathroom and into the hallway as she does. “Oh hey! Since you’re here anyway, you want to smoke with us?” Eyepatch-lady goes to offer you a smoke from her packet, you shake your head. “Ah, I don’t smoke but thank you anyway.” You bow your head lightly at the two women and start to head out before hearing a soft “Hey, wait.” You turn your head around to find Shoko staring at you again with the same look, “You don’t have a boyfriend, right?” She pauses for a bit. “Or a girlfriend?” You felt your ears go even redder than they were before at her question. You shake your head rapidly. “N-no! I mean, I don’t have either.”
Eyepatch lady looked at the two of you with a confused expression before tugging Shoko next to her with a soft gasp. “Oh! Are you into this little cutie?” She awed and cooed at Shoko who smacked her hand lightly and heads to the bathroom with a wave to you. “No, it not like that, and thanks for answering by the way, L/N-san” They both went in the bathroom after that, locking the door, and you sprinted down the hallway, unsure of what to make of what just happened in there. You gather yourself back up as you start to head back into the bar, Gojo spots you down right away and came rushing towards you with Nanami close on his heel. He has some sort of frozen drink in his hand but he acted normally or what you considered to be normal with no redness in his face, so you assumed that Gojo wasn’t drinking any alcohol tonight, even though he made everyone else here order three round of beer at the start of the night.
“L/N!!! Hey! Where you go? We were looking for you!” Gojo danced around you, hiding behind your back as Nanami came up with an angry expression on his face that quickly dissipates upon seeing you. “Oh um, I was just in the bathroom down the hall. and we?” You tilt your head cutely at the end, causing Gojo to poke your soft cheek with a coo. Nanami anger was also quick to come back, swatting away Gojo’s hand quite harshly and pulling you into side by your shoulder. You crash into his taller self with a “Oof.” Nanami rubbed your shoulder soothingly as a silent apology as he tries to send Gojo off with a death glare. Gojo merely sipped at his drink once, smacking his glossy lips annoyingly with a satisfied sigh. “Yeah! We!” He giggled out, dancing around the two of you happily. “Nanami here was sooooooo worried that something happened to you. I swear! He was almost going to turn this whole place upside down looking for you.” Gojo poke at Nanami as he continued to dance around, only stopping when Geto came out of nowhere to trip him on his long and slender legs.
‘Why is everyone one of Nanami’s friends so hot?!’ You screamed out in your mind, looking at two men now fighting on the floor, as Gojo kicked at Geto’s leg causing him to fall on top of Gojo. Now they were rolling around on the floor, Geto’s hair bun out of placed, his dark locks framing his sharp features perfectly and Gojo’s shades flew off to the side, revealing his piercing and gorgeous light blue eyes. Two grown men fighting like children on the playground, rolling on the floor together shouldn’t be this hot to be honest. Nanami pinched the bridge of his nose as you kept on staring at the sight, Haibara was cheering them on with the new hire as Ichiji looked around for help. A tall older man with a stitched scar across his rugged cheek came to break them up, pulling up the two from the floor by the back of their collars. You think he worked for your company, but on the higher floors so you never really saw him. He was the one that taught the new hire though, so you trusted him to take care of things.
Despite being tall themselves or even taller than the rugged blonde hair man, Gojo and Geto was dangling from his grip, looking like sad kicked puppies. Nanami turned you around, so you couldn’t watch them get scolded while Haibara and the new hire were laughing hysterically. “Let’s get out of this area before we get caught up in with them.” He leans down to speak directly in your ear in the loud environment. The low timbers of his voice, send shivers down your spine. You grabbed on to his elbow as he leads you to a small corner of the bar, ordering two more beers as he does. You huddled next to him, feeling a bit of courage from all the drinks tonight. Feeling safe enough in his presence to lean your head on his shoulders, looking at him through your pretty lashes as he rants on about his friend group and how much trouble they caused him over the school years.
You were curious on how he knew people like that so he was telling you tales of his school days, mostly of how Gojo and Geto would bully the younger classmen, including him most of the time. He sighs out, rubbing his face, complaining that Gojo was most likely the cause of his stress lines of his face. You laughed out, happiness bubbling in your chest that Nanami was so talkative today, it was probably thanks to the beers and drinks but you revel in this, soaking up all the information and attention he was giving you. Retelling a story about how Geto was flirting with this girl at a party by the poolside and Gojo cannonball in the pool, soaking both Geto and the girl and also getting a leg cramp in the pool so everyone had to help get out before Geto could drown him further. You held your stomach as you double over in laughter, both at the story and the way Nanami was telling it with his stoic voice.
You lean further into Nanami, half of your body over his lap at this point, wiping away tears from your face. “O-oh my god! How did Gojo even survive that party that night?” You wheezed out between laughs, propping up your hand on Nanami’s knees trying to keep yourself steady. Nanami takes in a sharp inhale, shifting slightly to adjust the needy bulge in his pants. “You be surprised on what he survived so far, he’s like a cockroach I swear..” Nanami smooth voice washed over you, you could barely see a hint of redness on his face, his glasses taken off earlier, revealing his brown eyes looking down at you. The edge of his eyes crinkled a bit, as a hint of a smile made it ways on his face. “Enjoying the view?” His voice takes on a lighter teasing lilt as well.
You didn’t realize that you were staring at him, without a word, your mouth opens and close like a gaping fish as your hands scrambles to get away from Nanami. Accidently pressing down on his bulge, squeezing it faintly, Nanami choked out a groan, fluttering his eyes close at the feeling of your delicate hands on his bulge. You backed up until your back hit the wall, hands up defensively in front of you. “I-I’m so sorry- I-I didn’t mean to!” You sputter apologies after apologies “L/N, L/N, it’s okay-look at me-Y/N!” Nanami’s hand cupped your cheeks, making you look at him. “Y/N, I’m fine, you’re ok, I’m ok.” His thumb gingerly squish down on your cheek, as he spoke to you, resting his forehead against yours. “Breathe with me, ok dear?” he waits until you nod, still in his hold, following the way his Adam’s apple bop up and down as he guides your breathing down to a normal pace again.
His hands slide down to your shoulders and then your waist, bringing you into his embrace. “Better now?” he rubs his hand up and down your spine with one weaving it way into your hair. You sigh out, nodding your head and leaning back to look back up at him, tears stained your lashes and our cheeks. Nanami sigh out at your look, bringing his hand entangled in your hair to wipe away your tears. “You called me by my first name…” Nanami’s hand tense at you spoke out, fingers gently placing themselves on the side of your cheek, twitching slightly as he was ready to let go if you asked him to. You took it upon yourself to grab his wrist and place it closer to your skin. “Does this mean I can call you Kento now?” Your hold on to his wrist as you asked, leaning in closer and closer. The sparks between you in this moment was undeniable and Nanami felt it too. Leaning in as well, “Of course, Y/N… please say my name.”
“And Gojo too!”
Your head bump into Nanami’s as Gojo popped up out of nowhere, utterly ruining the moment between you two. You rub the bruise on your forehead as you and Nanami both turn to glare at Gojo. He still has some decency to sense the foul mood and slowly started to back away with a sheepish grin. “…. I’ll go bother Ichiji instead.” He rushes away from the table. Nanami turns his eyes from the annoying man to focus on you, brushing your hair from your forehead to check for any bruises. “Does it hurt badly?” He tilts your head back and forth, looking for any sigh of discomfort. You shake your head from his grasp and went to hold his hand, interlacing your fingers together with his. “Nana-I mean, Kento, I-I want to say that I-um.”
“Oh! Nanami! I forgot to ask! Could you show me how to that combo again in Tekken? Suguru totally cheated using this illegal move last time so I need you to- “Gojo teleported in once again, just in the right moment once again.
Nanami growls out; “Gojo…” slamming his hand on the table causing it to shake and one of the beer drinks to topple over from the force, splashing all over your clothes. Nanami grabs the napkins quickly and tries to soak all the spill to no avail. You go to stand up, brushing off whatever you can off your skirt and button up but you already felt the liquid soaking pass your skirt and into your leggings. Making your groan out at the gross feeling, Nanami stood up with you, taking your hand in his as you both walk out of the booth. Gojo was long gone again, afraid of actually being throttle by Nanami for this. “Let’s get you out of here and cleaned up, yeah?” Nanami murmured softly in your ear, guiding you by the hand through the bar, heading for the exit downstairs. Some of your other coworkers looks at the two of you with varying expressions from confusion and worry. Nanami only answered them with one word. “Gojo.” And everyone instantly understood and left the two of you alone.
His hand still locked in with your as you both exit the restaurant, “Did you drive here, Y/N?” You shake your head at his question; “Ah, I got a ride with here with Ichiji actually.” The cold night air made you shiver once it hit your soaked clothes. Nanami released your hand and goes to pull you in closer to his side, sharing some of his body heat with you. “That’s good, I can just take you in my car then.” He leads you to his car, opening the passenger door for you. “Ah! My apartment’s pretty far from here so I’m not sure that…” You trail off, getting in the car as Nanami shoo you in quietly. He goes to get in the driver seat next, making sure that you were buckled in and taking off his suit jacket to cover you from the cold. “My place is nearby; we can just go there instead so you don’t have to sit in those clothes anymore.” You meekly nod, heart still thumping from earlier, taking a glance at Nanami’s face and being confused on how he seemed so calm when you two were literally about to kiss mere minutes ago.
Did he not really care that much about it? Was it an only heat of the moment thing? Did he not want to kiss you anymore? All these thoughts swirled around your head as you watch Nanami back out of the parking spot, his arm reaching over behind your headrest as he looked behind to reverse. Drool pooled in your mouth watching his arm flex underneath his white sleeve, the way his head crane at an angle to watch behind him, giving you full view of his neck and all the veins there. You clutch your thighs together, momentarily forgetting that it was still wet and sticky from the beer, suppressing a shudder from escaping your lips at the feeling. Nanami took his arm back on the steering wheel as the two of you drive out of the parking lot, heading to Nanami’s place. The doom and gloom happening in your mind didn’t end since Nanami was keeping quiet the whole drive, leaving you alone with your thoughts.
It might seem that Nanami was calm as the ocean’s breeze right now, but internally he was fighting himself to one; go back into the bar and finally strangle Gojo for all that he does, two; pull over and ravage you right in his car seat, taking off those soaked leggings of yours and lick up all the liquid before causing you to leak more out. That small moment in the bar where you called him “Kento..” lit up all the emotions that he been barely keeping in check over the past months. Now knowing that you at least find him attractive enough to lean in to what he assumed was a kiss, was all the sign he needed to press hard on the pedal, metaphorically of course, Nanami was a safe driver after all. Even if it was only the alcohol in your system that was making you act this was tonight, the lingering voice in Nanami’s head told him he should still go for it. Taking you back to his apartment, away from everyone else, and away from Gojo butting in again was the perfect opportunity for him to try again.
He had to make sure that it was the right moment again though, he didn’t want to push too far and scare you off, not when he was so close to getting the object of his desire. He was far too focus on maintaining a calm composure and controlling himself that he didn’t realize how silent the whole car ride had been not until he was pulling up to his driveway and finally looking over to you trembling ever so slightly under his suit jacket. You looked like you were drowning in it, your face still red from the glow of alcohol, you looked absolutely delectable right about now that Nanami had to gripped his fist until he felt like his fingers would break to stop himself from jumping you. He takes in a heavy breath as he walked over to your side of the car and opens the door once again for you, stretching out his other hand for you to grab. “Cold still? Poor thing… We really should get you out of those clothes.” Nanami said as he pulled you out of the car, steadying you by the shoulder as he leads you into his house.
You weren’t feeling as cold as before, not after hearing Nanami talk to  you like that. You hid your face by burying it in his jacket, only to regret that choice once you realize how much his jacket smells like his cologne and Nanami in general. The woodsy and spicy aroma hits your nose like a truck, sending hot flashes thru your core as you walk into Nanami’s house. Taking a look at the surrounding, minimal decors with only the necessary furniture in place. It was nice and all but it felt empty too, lonely, like he was missing something in here that would help fix it all. Maybe that something was you. You shake your head, shooing away the delusional thoughts in your mind as Nanami opened a door and ushers you inside. “My clothes probably won’t fit you, but let’s at least dry you up, yeah?” Nanami shut the door behind him, loosening his tie as he steps forward in front of you, easily towering over you.
You had to look away from his, opting to memorize the pattern of his carpet instead of looking at his handsome face. Nanami smirked observing your reaction to him just coming close, he was feeling a lot bolder now and greedy. He tugged on his suit jacket still covering your body, you let go of it with little resistance, his eyes trail down to your wet stains on your shirt and skirt, all the way to your leggings, poking his tongue out to wet his lips a bit as he does. Your face felt like it was on fire and you felt so exposed, crossing your arms in front of your chest even. Nanami clicked his tongue slightly at that, stepping forward some more until you were walking behind and you felt something hit the back of your knee. It was the edge of his bed, you noticed taking a quick look down before feeling Nanami’s hand swiftly cupped your chin, his thumb resting in the indent of your cheek, squishing the soft fat there just a bit.
“Y/N… I don’t think I can wait anymore, you want this right? Say it for me, please.” He tilts his head down just enough so his lips were right over yours, his eyes looking at you, his tone was soft and pleading but you felt the underlying desire and fire it held. You whimpered, fearing that your voice would fail you if you tried to speak, you just grabbed him by the tie, pulling him in and slamming your lips on his. His other hand found it place on the back of your head as he slots his lips over your, your hand letting go of his tie to wrap your arms around his neck, bringing your bodies closer. Your lips molded together with his perfectly, his hand angling you face so he could kiss you deeper and deeper, letting go of your lips to start trailing kisses down your chin to the crook of your neck below your ear. “Tell me that you want this, use your pretty voice, come on, you can do it, my pretty girl.”
Oh god, he was making it hard with his sucking deep markings on your neck. “I ne-nghh-need you, o-oh, ple-please!” You whined out, voice getting high pitched with every syllable. Nanami lets out a growl, sucking one more purple mark on your neck before find his way back to your lips, this time kissing it more ferociously. His tongue poking between your lips, trying to force it way through, you gladly open up for it though. A guttural groan gets ripped from the back of Nanami’s throat as his tongue delves into your space. Tasting the beer that still stained your poor clothes on your own tongue, greedily tracing any corner and inch of your mouth, not letting you breath for air until you were pounding on his chest. Parting from your abused lips with a sting of salvia connecting in between, he wasted no time attacking your neck with open-mouthed kisses right after. “I been wanting to this do ever since you first spoke to me.” He murmured in the small pauses between smooches.
His hands roam all over your body, a finger tracing the outline of your back, making your arch closer into him. His other hand quickly unbuttoning your dress shirt effortlessly, sliding your shirt off your shoulders. He breaks off from the kiss to lean back to admire your body, hands coming around the front to grope at cup at your bra, his large hands easily taking over all the soft flesh in his hold. He softly kneads at your chest, eyes soaking up how it easily jiggles and bends to his way, ears perking up to catch on all the soft pants and moans that escapes your lips. Slipping his thumb underneath your bra to roll over your nubs, making you gasp out at the contact. “Nana-Nanami~! You whined, chest heaving up to lean into his touches some more. “I thought I said you should call me Kento now, dear, hmm? Come on now, let me hear my name in that pretty voice of yours again.”
In the middle of you calling his name out, Nanami pulled down your bra to latch his mouth on your nipples, flicking it with his tongue. He lets go right after to look up at you with a sly grin. “I didn’t know my name was Ken-hahh-too now.” He mimics the way you moaned his name earlier, chuckling as you pout and turn your head away from him. He apologizes by kissing at your collarbone, finger unhooking your bra from the back and slipping it off your shoulders, as he put his eager mouth back on your nipple. His free hand pinching and flicking at the other nub, the contrast between the sharp pain from his pinches to the pulsing pleasure of his tongue made your mind spin and spin. He was precise in the way he attacked your chest, tongue gently lolling over your nub, circling around it once or twice, flicking it with the tip, then he would hollow his cheeks out just a bit to suck on it. Repeating this motion again and again as his finger on the other side was grasping and pinching your nipple until you were crying out.
Only when you were tugging on his hand that was abusing your poor nub did he switch sides, soothing away the pain with his skillful tongue and going to knead and grope at your chest with his hand. Making it jiggle and bounce, cupping it between his fingers, if you weren’t almost about to cum from just his tongue on you, you would be more focus on how the nice veins on his hand flex slightly when he was playing with your boob. You tugged once again on his hand, feeling your nipple go sore from all the manhandling it was getting. Nanami lets go with a perverted sounding “Pop!” Drool wetting his chin as he takes a look at his handiwork, he scoots you over to the middle of the bed and push on your stomach until you were lying flat down on his pillows. Fingers dancing along your sides, finding their way in the zipper of your skirt and unzipping it.
Tapping your hips once with the command; “Up.” You lift your hips up as soon as you heard it, Nanami praises you with a delicate smile this time. “Good girl.” the way he said it, sounded like he really meant it, he wasn’t teasing or mocking you this time. Pulling your beer-stained skirt all the way down and off. Hands roaming up from your calves to your thighs, squeezing and groping at the soft flesh in every turn. You squirm cutely underneath his grasps, soft whines of his name escape your lips as he continues to tease you. Just massaging your thighs, letting his fingers sinks in and rubbing circles on it with his thumb. Maneuvering up and down your thighs to your hips and pressing his thumb lightly on the juncture there. Snorting softly when he sees your hips jolt up from the light touches, he was doing, enjoying the way he has this effect on you just from simply touching your body.
“So pretty, aren’t you? This body drives me crazy, Y/N, every single inch of it.”
“Shaking just from me massaging you? How cute… Could you cum just from this, hmm? I’m not even touching your cunt right now and you’re already on the edge, haha.”
“Can’t say that I’m faring any better though… Sigh You drive me insane… I’m barely holding myself back still right now…”
Nanami was talking but mostly just seems like the was letting his thoughts speak out for himself, not noticing that you weren’t mustering up responses for his questions and just continuing on. Gasping and whimpering as his hands, the hands that you spent days dreaming about, grope and poke at your body like it was his toy. You let out a high pitch squeak once a thumb roughly ran over the middle of your leggings, right over your needy cunt. Scrambling up on your elbows to look at Nanami with wide eyes, making him laugh out loud at the sight. “Sorry, Sorry…”  He was apologizing but still letting his thumb run over the same spot, making you fall right back down on to the bed, biting your lips to suppress all the pathetic moans from coming out. “You know, since your leggings are already ruined from the beer, wouldn’t it better to just get rid of it at this point?” You managed to pants out a “Huh?” before hearing a ripping sound and shivering from the cold air hitting your soaked panties. 
“Ath ath, what’s my name again?”
Nanami slaps your cunt over your panties when you didn’t answer him in time. Holding your hips down from arching off the bed with his other hand, another slap comes down a bit harsher this time. You cried out at that, never experiencing this type of pain/pleasure before, your lips wobbled out. “So-sorry, Kento..” Nanami eyes soften at that, his hand gently rubbing over your panties this time, his middle and ring fingers rubbing up and down the middle, pushing slightly in with each thrust of his hand. He lets you buck up your hips this time, leaning his whole body forward to pepper your teary eyes with smooches, whispering praises over you. Your body was in Nanami’s control now, maybe it always has been and you were only realizing it just now. His fingers stop only to dance around your waistband for a bit while Nanami look at your face for your reaction. Grasping your chin and planting a rough kiss on your lips when you tried to look away from his gaze.
“Look at me, tell me that you want me.” ‘Just as much as I want you…’
“I want you, Kento, I need you.” You take in a deep breath. “I wanted you to touch me for so-so long…. I like you.” You close your eyes as your breathe out your confession.
Nanami’s voice hitches in his throat upon hearing you say that, slotting his lips over yours, hungrily, leaving no room for air or movement, his fingers still holding on to your chin tightly as his hand below slips inside your panties and between your slick folds. He swallows up every moan and breath of air that escapes your lips, groaning himself once he feels how utterly soaked you are for him. His long fingers collecting all the slick and stroking your cunt languidly, grazing your clit once in a while, leaving you begging for more. If you could beg that was, Nanami made it hard since he was stealing your breath away from you, quite literally, you felt a bit light headed even. Hands harshly tugging at his blonde locks so you could part from his lips for some air. Nanami lets go of your lips with a hiss, panting heavily, his chest rising and falling with each ragged and short breath he takes. His eyes still fixated on your lips, licking his own as if remembering the taste, he had on there.
His fingers seem to have a mind of its own though, working hard to make your cunt sloppy and wet, slipping in two fingers inside right away, making you dig your nails into his shoulder as he stretches you out. Nanami goes back to kiss you, leaving your lips alone this time and opting to attack your neck, biting it the point of leaving a mark, on the edge of pain but quickly letting go and kissing and licking at the mark. You wiggle your hips trying to get used to the feeling of Nanami’s fingers inside of you, he was easily reaching much further than your own fingers could ever do. Already brushing against the one spot that makes you see stars. You suck in your bottom lip, holding back moans as his fingers brush up against that spot again. Nanami lips brushes against your ear, hot puff of air washing over it; “Don’t hold back on me, dear. I wanna hear you scream, let me hear how much you love it, how much you love my fingers fucking inside of you right now.”
His fingers start going faster and faster, hitting the same spot making you wrap your arms around his neck and bury your head on top of his shoulders. “Fu-fuckkkk- Kento! Hahhh-ngahhh- to-too much! I’m gonna cu--!” Stars blur into your visions as your legs start shaking around his fingers, Nanami didn’t stop, only murmuring words of encouragement, egging you to make a mess on his fingers, biting your earlobe as you whine his name so lewdly. Hips spasming, reaching orgasm, soaking Nanami’s whole hand as he pulls his fingers out with a ‘squelch’ . Your arms fall from his shoulders and flop on to the bed lazily, already feeling weak and out of strength. Nanami brought his fingers up to his mouth, licking off your essence from his digits and then slurping off the rest with his mouth. Making sure that you were watching him do it with a careful eye. He gradually slips his finger out of his mouth, letting his spit cover his digits messily. Lazily bringing it up to poke at your lips, wetting it more with his spit-ridden fingers, you gulp down tensely, parting your lips uncertainly as Nanami nudge his fingers inside with a soft coo.
Pressing down on your tongue, as his other hand press open on your cheeks so he could watch his spit and your spit mix together. His eyes glazed over with something dark as he watches you loll your tongue out so obediently for him. For him and only him, the idea that he was the only one who could see you like this, who could make you submit like this, it drove him crazy, he never knew that he had a side like this until you came into his life. He knew now that he could never let you go, not when you have kind of hold on him and it was obvious that he had the same kind effect on you, you two were made for each other. “My darling.. you’re too good for me, you know that? But it’s ok, let me show you how I good I can be for you, my sweets.” His voice was too soft for you to catch everything he said, not when your ears were burning with shame and embarrassment.
Your body still tingling from the high, as Nanami leaves a trail of tender kisses down the nape of your neck to your shoulder down your arm and to the tip of your fingers. Kissing each one delicately like it was a fragile flower that would blow away with too much force. You felt so much love and affection in each kiss, the look in his eyes conveyed that much as well, also you felt the deep and dark desire he held for you with the way his lips linger longer every other kiss and his eyes darkening as he lowers himself down. Lifting your knees up and placing them over his shoulders and on to his back as he moves your panties to the side once more. Admiring the way your clit twitches when he breathes out puff of air against it. Your pussy still a mess from him fingering you; you tried to move away from his prying eyes but stopped once he shoots you a look that promise punishment if you did.
“Shh, shh, it’s ok pretty girl, just let me take care of my girl.”
He murmurs so quietly that you had to strain your ears to hear him fully. He starts off by licking a long stripe up, collecting all the cream still on your cunt on his tongue. Holding it in his mouth for a moment, savoring the taste, going back in for more with sweet kitten licks on your clit. His eyes watching your face contorts and body shake with each movement of his tongue. He loves having this sort of control on you, moving his tongue in a fast or slow pace and seeing your reaction to it, keeping in mind which action made you moan and squirm the best. He flattens out his tongue, moving it down to your hole as he moves at an extremely slow pace, placing his whole tongue up across your pussy, his nose poking your clit just for a bit of stimulation. His hands had a firm hold on your hips, keeping you from bucking up or wiggling away from his torturous attacks. You could only beg and pleas for him to give you more, more.
 “Kentooooo-nggh-haah-please-I need yo-you-o-oh. I need---”
Nanami let out a deep groan from the back of his throat the timbers sending small shockwaves in your body, eliciting another whine from your lips. He loves hearing you call his name and beg for him, saying that you needed him. He knew that his slow attacks weren’t enough to get you off, he just needed for you to begged a few times before he relented and finally gave you want you been asking for. He pulls you in closer to his awaiting mouth, lips sucking on directly to your clit as he sucks in harshly at first. Making you yelp out a half moan and scream, your hands quickly place in Nanami’s hair and pulling on it. He didn’t mind the painful sting as you kept on tugging it, it made him aware of how close you were again. His mouth was working hard, alternating between sucking and licking on your poor clit. Never taking a break, as he even drools out on your hole, his fingers clamping down harder on your hips, leaving a bruise that would show up in the morning.
You couldn’t even form words at this point, only whimpers and moans as Nanami was eating you out. Your thighs clenched around his head, as your hold on him tighten so much your knuckles turned white. Your mouth open in that cute ‘o’ look as you silently scream out as you creamed into Nanami’s mouth. But oh, he wasn’t finished eating yet, his tongue and head was moving in tandem this time, shaking back and forth on your puffy clit, making your legs start to kick at his back to try to stop him. Either Nanami didn’t feel your kicking or he didn’t care as he kept on, hands releasing your hips to push at your thighs and force them to your chest his mouth still latch on to your pussy as he did. You tried to push his head away but it was fruitless effort and you both know that. You felt the same blinding pleasure build up in your core again, letting your go body go as Nanami force another orgasm out of you, this time he actually let’s go to watch you shake and squirm underneath him, your head lolling from side to side. Your chest heaving out heavy sigh as your body tries to get every bit of air it can.
He crawls up next to your face, wiping away tears that you didn’t know you were crying as he soothingly praise you. “Good, you did so well, for me. Fuck, Y/N, I love you so much.” He held you so close to him, arms rubbing your back, as you calm down from your high. Nuzzling his cheek against your, humming softly as your voice comes back to you. You weren’t sure you heard correctly but did Nanami say he loves you?! You didn’t know if you should question it now so you just opted to turn your head to the side to give him a long kiss. Breathing out; “Please take me Kento, I-I want to be yours tonight.” Nanami’s world stopped, he knew that he wanted you tonight, he wanted you since forever, but hearing you speak out loud for him to take you. It was still unbelievable in his mind, along with the word ‘Tonight’ like this was only to happen tonight, no, he wanted you to stay with him forever, to be his forever.  
But he can teach you that later, right now, he yours, yours to hold and to love, and you’re his to love as well and to take, to ravage. He props back on his knees, unbuckling his pants and shimmering it down along with his boxer. His leaking cock springs out with a soft groan from his lips, happy to have some freedom and release. You unabashedly stare at his length, admiring the pretty veins, his red tip, to the mass of yellow slightly curly hair at the base. It was Nanami’s turn to be a bit shy from your gaze, blushing he lowered his undergarments down and off his feet, throwing it off the bed as he positions himself between your thighs. His cock hovering a bit above your cunt the tip barely tapping against your skin with each breath Nanami takes. The rest of his elbow on either side of you head, looking straight at you. Eyes filled with desire, lust, longing, and love, the emotions swirling around each other, as he breathes in your scent, bask in your presence. “You ready, my dear?” You nod, placing your hands on his shoulders; “I’m ready, Kento, take me.”
Nanami sighs out, placing his lips above yours, not kissing you but just being near enough so he could feel you closer, breath in your soft pants and whines as he grabs his length and push the tip in. Your clit was still sensitive but that made it easily for his cock to sink in without a problem, he watches your face closely for any sign of pain. Stopping once you wince when he was halfway in, already stretching you out by a lot. His hand gently grasps the back of your hair, nails scraping against the base of you head in a calming matter as he places quick kisses on your lips. He wanted so badly go all the way in, his cock was twitching inside of you, but he held firm, waiting until you adjusted enough to his girth to breath properly again. Moving his hips and burying his cock all the way to the hilt, a shaky groan parting from his pretty lips as he does.
 “Fuck, you’re so warm and tight. Y/N, my sweet girl. You were made for me, weren’t you? This pussy was only made to be fucked by my cock and only me..” He growled, hips stuttering as you clenched at his words.
“You like that? Like being called mine? Cause you are mine, my dear, my sweet Y/N, I could never let you go, not after seeing what this pussy does to me.”
You couldn’t hide your blush or any sweet noises escaping your lips as his face was close to yours, not letting you hide any part of yourself. He snaps his hips back only to slam it deep inside you, creating a slow and long pace. Your moans mix in with his, feeling every inch of cock slide over your walls, his throbbing veins, the tip hitting your cervix so nicely each time. You hold on to his forearms, grasping tightly as you body writhes around in electrifying pleasure. The slow and languid build up was almost too slow for you to reach that peak again, but Nanami took care of you, of course he did, with his hand place below your naval and his thumb rubbing your clit and back and forth. With every thrust and flick of his thumb he made sure to moan out your name in his raspy voice, telling you how much he needs you, how much he wants you, singing sweet praises that made you your cheeks burn.
 “Kentooooo~ Nghhh-mmm-Ken-Kento..Kento—ahh-hahh.”
“That’s it, sweetheart, keeping saying my-hahh-fuck, name just like that.”
Your nails dig in his forearms as you clench down again, he never picked up the pace but the build up and all the past orgasm made you sensitive enough to cum from this, and his cock still hit so deeply inside you. “Just cum, my dear, make a pretty mess, come on, please, dear.”  Nanami begged at the end. Wanting you to cum on his cock, and how could you refuse after hearing that, cumming soon after with a silent moan, your head lolling backward as your back arch off the bed. Nanami hiss out, his cock being squeeze tight by you now, picking up his pace a bit with both his hips and his thumb as he reaches his own orgasm. “Le-let come inside you? Dear? Are you gonna let me mark you inside too?” His voice rumbled out deep and needy, you nod your head as best you can in your position, squeaking out a “Yes!” He presses his forehead over yours as he place his lips over yours. Messily licking and sucking at your bottom lips as he finishes inside, groaning out, feeling his cum warm up your insides.
He pulls his arms back, loosening your grip on him and letting your arms fall back on the bed. He leans back, to admire the state you were in, all sweat glistening on your skin, your face a sweet blushing red, your chest raising and falling so softly. His eyes go dark and darker, licking his lips as the sight as his cock twitches with need. Pushing lightly on the bulge in your stomach, made by his cock, causing you to whined at the pressure. He angles his hips back just enough so his cock slid out of your cunt, covered in his own cum and your cream. He looks at the mess you both made almost purring from deep within his chest at the sight, grabbing his cock by the base and smearing the cum on the tip over your clit, sending shockwaves of pain and pleasure again throughout your body. The overstimulation he was giving you was too much to handle. “Kento-wait!” You look up at him, tears pricked at the corner of your eyes, lips out in a wobbling pout. “Hmm?”  He pretended not to hear you as he shoves his cock back in your hole, faster this time and with more force, the slapping sound of your skin contacting echoed loudly in his bedroom. His cock seemed to reach deeper than before, reaching places that made you mind go blank.
“Sorry, dear, couldn’t hear you. What was that?”
“Heh… did pretty girl just want to scream my name out? How cute..”
He slams his hips back again, his hands pulling on your hips so you couldn’t wiggle away, grunting as he does. His pace rough and face on your poor cunt, your eyes squeezed shut to the world around you, only feeling Nanami relentless ram his cock in and out of you, any time you tried to talk he would just fuck the words out of your head so you couldn’t speak. This treatment was completely different than before, before he was making love to you. This time he was just fucking you, raw and unhinged, like he was chasing only after his own pleasure but Nanami made sure you were going to cum again tonight for him, his thumb still had that same slow pace as it did before on your clit. Now mixed with the rough treatment of his cock ramming inside you, you were sure you weren’t going to survive for much longer. No build up to it this time as you just came on his dick in the middle of a thrust, causing Nanami to soon cum right after, your pussy clamping down so tightly on him that he had to stop inside you until your body stopped shaking and calmed down. Releasing more of his cum inside your already full belly.
When he pulled out this time, with more cream spilling out, he pulled out for good, wiping away your tears and drool on your face with a loving hand. Kissing your eyelids as you still had them shut, faintly saying that he was going somewhere in a raspy voice. You whimpered out for him when you felt his warmth leave you for a couple of moment until you felt the bed dip under his weigh again, with something cold wiping away at the mess in between your thighs. You tried to move away from the coldness with a whine, hearing Nanami rasps out a small chuckle; “It’ll be over with soon, my dear.” Cleaning up your thighs as best as he can to make sure you were comfortable when you were sleeping later, throwing the towel on the floor on top of his clothes to deal with later as he climbs back into bed with you, rolling you on your side that you were facing him, one arm tucked underneath your head and the other wrapped around your waist keeping you close.
“You did so good, my sweet girl.”
“Was I too rough? Hmm, I’ll remember that next time.”
“Just rest, my love, tomorrow is the weekend, we can rest all we want…”
Planting soft kisses on your forehead as he tells you to rest now. You still wanted to question if he actually said “I love you” or not, what this meant for your relationship, and what happens after tonight but the fatigue in your body was too much and Nanami was too warm. He was humming a lullaby for you too, or at the very least he was humming, his timbre voice caresses your ear so nicely, it was hard to resist sleep at this point. So off you drift into a peaceful slumber in the arms of the man you been crushing on for months, after an intense night of passion. Nanami takes one last look at your peaceful resting face before he too succumbs to sleep.
In Nanami’s group chat on his phone while did was all happening
Gojo: Do you think Nanami still going to kill me or do you think after post-nut Nanami would be nice and not kill me? Σ(°△°|||)︴
Geto: If he wasn’t going to kill you before he will now after he reads that
Haibara: Do you think he and L/N are together right now?!?
Shoko: She was cute, I hope he didn’t ruin his chance with her tonight
… to be continue?
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Taglist: Comment/Ask/DM for to put my taglist for JJK Writing! @saenora
A/N: don’t look at me ok this is like over 18k IM TIRED I might write the after-morning scene where they talk more about their relationship but also you could just pretend, they talked about it and are now dating wooo UNLESS unless… some cute people want to send me some asks that might fuel me to make more of this au of ppl like it..
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pupkashi · 11 months
nanami is sooo shopping at the farmers market on warm mornings and getting u fresh flowers when your back is turned coded <3
he’s holding your hand and has your tote bag slung over his shoulder because you ‘needed to get a better angle looking at these peaches.’ he’s watching you with the faintest of smiles on his lips when you make small talk with the person running the jam booth, giving them a smile sweeter than the jelly you’re holding and telling them you’d be back next week to get another jar of the blueberry flavor.
he’s buying you everything you want, getting the two of you oranges to snack on while you walk along. he’s peeling the orange for you, handing you the sweet slices as he goes, asking if it was sweet. you’re smiling back at him, nodding your head, the sun kissing your skin with all the love it holds.
nanami can’t help but end up giving you half of his orange after you tell him how his was sweeter than yours. he doesn’t hesitate to give you the rest of it, saying he’s never been a fan of oranges anyway, ‘im more of a mandarin lover,’ he smiles.
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neesieiumz · 1 year
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venus ⸻⸻⸻ k.nanami
synopsis ⸻⸻ after five years of you being his lawyer, nanami shows you just how much he appreciates you
warnings ⸻⸻ smut. 18+ minors do not interact. lawyer!reader. mafia!nanami. black-coded reader. female reader. afab anatomy. praise kink. slight degradation kink. kento has a thing for your titties. starts off with him being arrested. slight open ending incase i feel like doing a part two. slight power imbalance (after all, he's fucking his lawyer.)
writer notes ⸻⸻ yes yes i know. *another one*. I'm in love with this man and you can't keep him away from me. will it surprise y'all that i started this a month ago and just finished it now? anyways, i hope you all enjoy it! see you in the next one.
wc ⸻ 4.5k
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Who would have thought one’s life would be this way?
You remember the days, desk surrounded by coffee and energy drinks, books as thick as statues as you studied for your next exam in Legal Methods. Hair matted for days, not even knowing when your next shower is. Struggles while at Law school, to take the bar exam, every single decision has led you to this very moment in your life. 
You stood amid the officer, staring at you as if their looks will put you six feet into the ground, “If that is all, you have absolutely nothing to hold my client. Release him immediately.”
Blonde hair and brown eyes stare at you, as the officer in front of him glanced between the two of you. The man sighed, pulling his ring of keys. The detective standing not too far from you turned to glare at him, but he had already moved to take the cuffs of your client. Kento rose up, his figure towering above rest as he rolled down his sleeves, buttoning his cufflinks. Taking a deep breath, you moved out of the way, allowing Kento to leave first before following him. You walked towards the receptionist's desk, grabbing the release papers for him. He didn't say anything as he waited, leaning right near you as you filled out the papers. The smell of off-stale coffee and donuts soon permeated your senses as some stood right next to you. 
“How does it feel to represent someone who has killed people,” you felt someone whisper in your ear. 
You glanced to your left, the detective that was standing too far from you back in the interrogation room. She glared at you, hard as you finished signing the final line. Handing the papers to the detective herself, you gave her a smile, a cold one. 
“You forget the word allegedly, and on the 1000-thread silk sheets with the money, he pays me,” you whisper back to her, before looking over at Kento. 
With that single look, Kento stood up and followed right behind you. He pushed slightly in front of you, opening the door for you, allowing you to walk into the cold night. There stood a car, with a tall standing man right near the back entrances. Once Kento got close, he bowed before opening the door and gesturing towards it. You glanced towards Kento, who stood right behind you, taking your briefcase from your hands. A normal routine was what ran through your mind as you climbed into the low-rise small limo. You got comfortable as Kento took the seat in front of you. The man closed the door, before running around towards the front. The moment the door shut, you relaxed into your seat, sighing as you fell back into the comforting leather. You reached over, grabbing a rose champagne bottle, which was pineapple flavored along. Along with the drink, you grabbed a clean glass.
“Kento, you are probably my favorite client but please, never again get arrested like that again,” you grumbled, pouring out the drink, and filling it to the brim.
The car began to move at the same time he chuckled, the low rumble matching the roar of the car.
“Probably? You act as if it was my intention to get arrested like that,” he says, rubbing his fingers against his temples. 
“But still Kento,” you said, “if you’re gonna make big moves, let me know. If I have to jump out of my hot jacuzzi bath because you got taken down to the big house, I would like it to be known.”
He grabbed a glass from his side of the car, holding it out towards you. Leaning forward, you poured out teh rose for him. As you pour, glancing towards his eyes, seeing them linger along your chest, before looking away. 
“Thought you were more of a red person?” You asked, leaning back and taking another sip of your drink. 
“In the mood for just about anything right now. I feel sloppy, tired even. I haven’t been on top of things, that’s probably how they even arrested me.”
Shuffling in your seat, you stared at the man, as he swirled the rosé within the glass. His hair was ruffled, his eyes heavy with bags, and his eyes strained with red. He took a sip of the alcohol, taking a long one before pulling it away from his lips. A bit of it dripped down his lips, his tongue flicking, licking up the rest of his lips as well. Taking a deep breath, you looked away, taking another sip of your drink as well. 
“Well then, you’re lucky I’m very good at my job then,” you smirked, causing him to glance at you, “fuck up all you need to get your head back in the game Kento, I’ll make sure the law doesn't bother you.”
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You glanced at the text once more. 
Come by Venus in an hour. Dress up a bit. Leave the pantsuits at home.
You could almost scoff at that last sentence in his sentence. This wasn't the first time you were invited to Kento’s clubs, one of his many places of income. Venus was one of his new places, which opened up a year ago. There were many times your own friends had invited you out to the exclusive nightclub. They knew of your relationship with the owner and hoped you would be able to get them in. You had only gone there for meetings with him concerning the legalities of his endeavors, but the way he texted you, he wanted you to come over for something more informal. It's been over ten minutes, and he’s probably seen that you’ve read his text. Walking around your penthouse, you glanced around at everything, massaging your temples. Heart pounding, you look around your place one more time. Glancing back down at your phone, you let out a sigh, before typing out a response. 
Fine. Don’t make me regret it. Kento
With that, you moved with purpose, going up the stairs to your room. With you already freshly showered, it wasn't a matter until you found something to wear. It was an impulsive decision, a red latex dress with a side split, showing off some cleavage. You pushed back your faux locs behind your ears and shoulders, showing off the amount of skin you were showing. Grabbing a red coat, draping it over your shoulders as well. You picked up a simple pearl layered necklace, with its matching earrings and bracelet, you are set. Grabbing your things and stuffing them within a red latex bag that matched the outfit, you head out. Before you left, you grabbed a pair of sunglasses, holding them right in your hands as you walked down the steps of your high-rise luxury place. 
The club was packed, lines stretching down the way. The moment you pulled up, a person came and opened your door, immediately prompting you to turn off your car. One of the valet people helped you out of your car, their gloved hand matching your own. You handed the keys to another person who handed you a ticket. As soon as you took another step, a man dressed in an all-black suit appeared right beside you. 
“Mr. Nanami is expecting you inside, ma’am,” he guided you towards the door with his hands. 
Saying no words, you nodded, the man escorting you inside as well. The interior was glowing a deep red color, an irony considering your chosen outfit for tonight. Money was everywhere, within every step you took. Velvet couches surrounded poles, dancers for parties twisting and folding themselves along the poles. The air smelled rich, expensive alcohol being seen at every turn, carried by different bottle girls. 
Taking a breath, you followed the club bouncer through the crowds, eyes not leaving all the different exotic dancers. He led towards the twisting stairs, cut off from the rest of the world by two other bouncers in matching uniforms to the one leading you and velvet rope. The man whispered to his coworkers, who glanced at you and at their tablets before nodding. The man to the right reached for the velvet robe hook, unhooking it and gesturing for you to go up the stairs. The man continued to lead you up the stairs. As you reached the top of the stairs, past the guards that were posted there as well, you found the area calmer, and more serene yet it was even more intoxicating than the ambiance on the lower floor. 
You swayed through the crowd, eyes drifting to those all around you. As you passed by a couch, you caught eyes with a certain blue, peeking from tinted glasses. Beside him, his usual companion, two peas in a pod people would call them. Kento would call them acquaintances, while they would call him “his closest friends.” Before the man could lay eyes upon you, you looked away and continued on your journey to the man who invited you to this very place. 
As you walked further and further into the crowd, the lights dimmed darker and darker, until you couldn't see barely two feet in front of you. There were not as many people around anymore, and it seemed they were standing around something. The bouncer sifted through the crowds, the people parting their way to let you two through. He soon approached a door, locked behind an ID scanner. The bouncer who led you here pulled his own out, pressing it against the small machine. The door unlocked, revealing a short hallway leading into some kind of private living room. Ahead was a couch, surrounded by a few people as well. And in the midst of them, was the man himself, Kento Nanami. He wore a white shirt, ruffled with its first few buttons unbuttoned. He was mostly alone on the couch, with two of his associates he often does business with. He was talking slowly amongst himself, taking sips from his crystal glass.
The bouncer soon stopped right in front of the couch, nodding to Kento before gesturing toward you. The moment his eyes landed upon you, he rose up from his lean position, eyes locking with you. The bouncer nodded one more time at his boss, before walking away, disappearing back into the real world. The blond man stared at you for a few more moments, before smirking right at you. The two people he was talking to also looked at you, but your focus was right on Kento. You took a couple of steps towards him, walking around the small table the men had amongst themselves. Kento closed his legs up, making even more room for you as you sat down right beside him. 
Kento glanced at his two associates, who looked amongst themselves before getting up at the same time. At the same time, the people who were also doing business within the room got up, without a word filed out of the room. They gave a slight head nod towards Kento before waving off into the crowd, probably up to the lower floor to chat up some poor girls. It was just the two of you for a moment before a girl came up with a tray. She placed down a tall wine glass, along with a bottle of wine, rosé to be more specific. It was your favorite bottle too, one of the more expensive bottles. One that you usually get when you’ve had huge wins. The girl nodded toward Kento, before holding the tray close to her body and walking off. The moment she was gone, it was just the two of you, as if the people around you dissipated. 
Kento grabbed the bottle of wine, twisting the top off of it with ease. You heard a pop, with slight steam flowing out of the bottle. He poured it out, filling it ⅔ of the way before placing the bottle down, taking the wine glass in his hands, and handing it over to you. You thanked him quietly, before taking a sip of the wine. As you sipped, Kento grabbed the bottle of whiskey on the table, refilling his own glass. Keeping your eyes on him as he finished poring, placing the bottle down, and taking another sip of his hard drink. You took another sip at the same time as he did, lowering your glass and looking over at him. 
“Why am I here, Kento?”
The man sighed, leaning back into his side of the couch, “I just wanted to have a celebration with you, a more private one.”
You said nothing, continuing to look at him with a knowing look. The man smirked, letting out an almost silent chuckle. 
“It’s been five years to the date since I officially asked you to be my lawyer.”
You blinked, sitting up a bit in your seat. Pulling out your phone from your purse, you glanced at the date under the time. May 14th. He was right, the anniversary of him officially asking to be your client. At the time, you were an overworked and underpaid lawyer at a big-time law firm. Your bosses were putting major cases on you, you did all the evidence finding and the hotshot lawyers above you would take your findings and use them in court. Using your hard work and they took all the glory for it. Kento saw how they took advantage, his previous lawyer being one of his bosses in fact. He offered you a deal, a way out. With that, you built your own law firm, with his support being the main backbone. Kento Nanami was your first client, and the reason you are as successful as you are now. 
You looked over at him, giving him a soft smile, “why, yes it is. Can’t believe you remember that to date. I didn’t even remember”
He nodded, taking another sip of his drink, “I tend to remember things important to me. You were an overworked, unappreciated lawyer and I was someone who had fired their own lawyer.”
You rolled your eyes at that, “yeah “fired” and right after that, you had to face a jury on whether or not you torched the man to death, Kento.”
Scoffing, you took another sip of your drink, looking away from him. 
“Yeah, but you can’t lie, you liked the rush.” You glanced over at him the moment he said those words. 
You couldn’t deny that you thought to yourself as you smirked. Taking another sip of your wine, looking at Kento as he placed his glass down. The two of you looked at each other for a moment, unresisting in the way your eyes glanced over his huge form once more. You couldn't lie to yourself, Kento Nanami was a desperately handsome man. 
“The rush is definitely a nice perk to the job but that check you paid me after was extra nice,” you winked at him, heart pounding away in your chest. 
The more sweet wine you took, the more your inner inhibitions cracked. You could feel the blood rush through your veins, feeling hotter and constricted within this dark area. You knew there were people around you, but the room was so dark that you couldn’t even see anyone around the two of you. Finishing the glass, you held out your hand with it, expecting more which he fulfilled with ease. He lifted his own glass in his hand, before tipping it towards you, clinking them together. 
“To a longer partnership,” he cheered, and you smiled a bit, cheering with him. 
“A long partnership.”
The both of you took a long sip, sighing before placing your glasses down on the table before you. You looked around in the low-lit room, the golden spotlights glowing against the golden-themed room. Feeling slightly cold hands rest upon your chin, you found yourself behind turned to face right back at Kento. Glancing down at his fingers before looking back at the man, narrowing your eyes at him. 
“What’s your game here, Kento?” Your voice lowered when you spoke his name. 
He shook his head slightly, “no games here for me, just appreciating what’s in front of me.”
You narrowed your eyes at him, “In front of you, you say?”
“you ask me to come to your nightclub, an exclusive nightclub at that. You ‘say’ you just want to celebrate our partnership, but I’m not an idiot, Kento Nanami. You know this.”
As you spoke, you leaned closer, your large red coat falling off your body as you did, revealing the straps of your glossy red dress. His eyes dropped down to your cleavage, revealed by the low dive of the neckline. Easily, you maneuvered the rest of your coat off your body, the huge fabric falling onto the couch. Reaching up, you placed your thumb right on his lips, and the feeling of his soft lips electrified you.
“Well,” he said with a softness you’ve never heard from him, “what exactly do you want me to say?”
Right after he said that his hand came up around your bottom, stroking it against the smooth latex. You couldn't help but roll your eyes at him but the smile was still present on your face. His hand soon moved down to your neck, slowly wiping away the little bit of sweat that was dripping down your neck. The tension that had always built between the two of you was reaching an all-time high as your own hands found their way to his collar, fumbling with the ruffled collar. 
His large hands found their way around your hips, lifting you up with ease before placing you right on his lap. With no more words that could be said, you rested your hands against his chest before he captured your lips into a hot heavy kiss. The force stumbled you back for a moment but you kissed back immediately, gripping at his pure white shirt. You could feel his hands slide to your hips before scooping up around your bottom, grabbing at the rubber-like material on your body. 
You could feel yourself grind against him, desperate for some kind of feeling. Hands gripping his shirt, they fumbled against the crisp fabric, trying their best to unbutton the dress shirt. His own hands come up to your zipper, quickly unzipping it, a cool air breeze against your open back. Frustrated, you took the top of his shirt, before ripping it, buttons flying all over the place. Feeling him smirk, hands shifting underneath your dress, grabbing at bare skin and the matching red lace panties you wore underneath the dress. His hands guided you, lifting and resting your hips against him. He commanded your every movement, your pussy dripping against him as he did so. Placing your hands on him, hands resting on top of muscular pecs. The sudden cool air you felt dissipated, heat rising between the two of you. 
Letting go of the kiss, you braced your arms around him as his hands moved up from your ass. He grabbed at the rest of the dress, slowly peeling it off your body and revealing your breasts to him, no bra. The dress began to pool around your hips as he lifted you up into the air. Immediately, you wrapped your legs around his waist as he carried you towards another room, one with a bed in it. Barely paying attention to what's around you, he basically dropped you onto the soft bed, before climbing right on top of you. With a quick motion, he removed the rest of the dress off you, leaving you in nothing but your thin lace panties. He tore off the scarps of a shirt before slowly unbuttoning his pants, and sitting right on top of you. Kento grabbed the back of your left leg, slowly pushing back as he sunk further and further down toward you.
Once he was close enough, he captured you into a heavy kiss, his free hand coming to your titty, giving it a quick squeeze. You gasped into the kiss as he did so, wrapping your arms around him to pull him closer. He soon let go of the kiss, giving you a quick and light kiss all down your neck before dipping into the valley between your breasts. Once he reached one, he wrapped his lips around your nipple, eyes closing as he sucked away at it. His other hand rested on your other titty, massaging within his heavy hand. Back arching, clenching around nothing as you hissed in pleasure. He hummed against your warm skin, tongue swirling around the sensitive tit. Slowing down his massages, he wrapped his thick fingers around your free nipple, slowly pressing down and adding pressure. 
Moaning, you couldn't help but say, “I always knew you had a thing for them.”
Inhaling sharply at the sudden pinch of pain that shot through you, you narrowed your eyes at Kento who smirked as much as he could against you before lifting his head up. His lips wet with drool, he immediately switched between the two, sucking away as well. You were soaked, pussy dripping away within your panties as he did this. Soon he let go before immediately moving down, resting his hands around your hips, and maneuvering his fingers underneath the lingerie. He pulled them off your body, throwing them onto the floor. His eyes stared right up at you as he lowered his head, before glazing down and focusing on what he was doing. 
“Oh fuck—” your loud voice cut through, and your head was thrown back as you felt his lips wrap around your clit, sucking away harshly at it as well. 
You could feel his fingers rubbing circles into your inner thighs licking and sucking away at your pussy. Feeling his thumb, parting your inner labia before placing his lips right back on your sopping cunt. Your body squirmed, yet his firm hold on your thigh could only get you so far. He was a madman, sinking two of his fingers within you as he continued to eat away at you. Kento brought you to depths you had yet to understand yet, and the highlight of the night wasn’t even here. 
“So wet,” he mumbled against you, leaving wet kisses against you. 
You cried, curling into him as he continuously devoured within you, sinking another finger into you “want more, please, please, fuckfuck, gimme more! Fuck!—!” 
You screeched, back arching towards the sky as you came unexpectedly, clenched tightly around his now three fingers still moving deep within you. Your hands suddenly weaved themselves within his blond hair, pulling harshly as your arousal dripped all over him. Your sudden orgasm deterred nothing from him, Kento still lapping away at and within you as if you didn’t reach your peak of the night. Your body began trembling unconsciously, your clit feeling the effects of overstimulation. 
“Oh wait, fuck fuck fuck too much! Oh my GOD!”
Still, he didn’t stop, his ministrations leading you to another, much shorter orgasm for the night. Breathing heavily as you felt him slowly remove himself from you. Arms stretched across your face as you caught your breath, peeking from behind as you caught a glance of him slowly removing his boxers. Once he tossed his boxers to the ground, he reached out towards you, screeching as he grabbed at your hips before pulling down towards him a bit. He wrapped your legs around his own waist again, lifting right up off the bed. Cursing, you immediately hold onto him across his neck, so you don’t fall. About to speak, before feeling sudden pressure right against your cunt. Slowly, he lowered you down, his thickness stretching you out in different ways. 
“Kento, oh, oh my fucking god!”
His loud heavy grunts and groans resonated through the room, vibrating especially in your ear. Your grip on his was tight as he lifted you up and down his cock. 
“Fuck— don’t know how long I’ve been waiting for this,” he groaned in your ear. 
Gasping, you moved your face to look at him as he spoke to you. 
“My pretty little lawyer, all fucked out, look at you,” his tone had a twinge of condescension. 
“You’ve been so good to me these past five years,—fuck— “
His words had you clenching around, unable to say anything as his thrust got quicker and quicker, hitting deeper and deeper inside you. His lips soon began pressing harsh kisses on your neck, feeling his hot breath blow against your sensitive skin. 
“Taking me so fucking well,” he mumbled again, his tongue lapping up the sweat dripping down. 
“Kento,” you moaned, “oh my god, ohmygod ohmygod,” was all you could say as you convulsed within his hold, feeling his mushroom tip kiss up against your cervix. 
“Hmm, you gonna come for me, you gonna come all over me?” His own thrusts were erratic, his short hair falling over his forehead. 
Throwing your head back as your body let off a violent tremble, “yesyesyesYES!”
With that final shout, your orgasm came crashing down, spilling all over him. Your shaky movements didn’t stop Kento, his thrusts still as heavy as your cum dripping down your thighs. His actions consumed you all over again, before letting out a heavy groan, slamming into you for the final. Gasping, feeling the way he filled you up, his grip on your thighs having the possibility of leaving deep-dark bruises all over. 
“Fuc…” gasping, your head dropping onto his shoulder. 
You could feel him carrying you towards the bed, before slowly laying you across the comfortable sheets and blankets. Slowly regaining feeling within your limbs, you began to sit up as you felt the space beside you sink down. You pulled the blanket up to you, relishing in the soft feel as you saw a movement towards your right. Glancing over, you found a hand holding a glass with ice within it. Thanking him softly, you took the glass before taking a sip, the drink cooling your body down. It allowed you to move up, sitting up fully, bringing the comforter with you. 
“Feeling better?” His voice was slightly hoarse as he asked you
You nodded your head, not saying anything as you finished the glass, placing it on the nightside table. You could feel the comforter move right under you before feeling warm arms wrapped around, squealing before feeling pull you down into the bed. You couldn't help but giggle, squirming a bit as you felt his warm breath brush up against the hairs of your neck. 
“If only your men knew how much of a cuddle buddy you are,” you mumbled against him, feeling his arms wrapped around your waist and hips. 
You placed your own hands underneath your head, right on top of his chest. 
“Well then, looks like it's another secret for you to keep then.”
You laughed at that, before slowly closing your eyes, a heavy tired feeling falling over the two of you.
taglist: @joviallljas @bokutossidepiece @cienakim @monsterha-blog @slvt4dabi @teenagecookieexpertangel @gyusbrownie @genofae @5cmbackto-you @eddiesbunnie @wheresclaire @ryumiii @prexeca @nanamikentobrainrot @ddymarie @sugarloafi @atsumulovemail @axidthot @rzrsblog @sxylenaa @gardenof-venus @whimsical--duck @kakashi-mask20 @banolicious @a-mars-0 @diorlov3er @justnamuaf @lik0 @artistyuki-blog @Iysa1201 @poutyoonkook @black-mariposa22 @guguug1 @tookiostqr @daddybugs101 @dionne-dior @reapersan
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lu-dao-writes · 9 months
𝙷𝚊𝚛𝚍 𝚃𝚒𝚖𝚎𝚜 (𝐆𝐨𝐣𝐨, 𝐍𝐚𝐧𝐚𝐦𝐢, & 𝐆𝐞𝐭𝐨)
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𖥔 ݁ ˖ 𝒮𝓎𝓃𝑜𝓅𝓈𝒾𝓈 ♡ ˊˎ- What the trio does when you’re going through a rough time.
.𖥔 ݁ ˖ 𝒲𝒶𝓇𝓃𝒾𝓃𝑔(𝓈) / 𝒯𝒶𝑔𝓈 ♡ ˊˎ-  Themes of depression and very vague mentions of self harm & suicidal ideation, hurt & comfort, established relationships.
.𖥔 ݁ ˖ 𝒜/𝒩 ♡ ˊˎ- My firstish jjk piece and I hope to make more. I’m NOT caught up but I know some stuff. Please be gentle cause again this my first time kinda writing for them/this fandom. If you’re new to my page please know that most, if not all, my readers are gender neutral and usually are given little to no descriptions, but I do at times make them black coded, but anyone can still enjoy my content, just don’t be disrespectful about it. But I made this because lately my mental health has been ass and we all deserve comfort, no? Apologies if this seems all over the place! Anyways, please enjoy!✨💕
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♡˗ˏ:𝐆𝐨𝐣𝐨 𝐒𝐚𝐭𝐨𝐫𝐮: :;🤍
Gojo knows exactly what it’s like to go through dark times (all three of them do fr).
Gojo knows something is wrong by the change of your actions. Although he acts like a clown and seems to be blasé about everything and everyone, he’s very observant and cares a lot more than what everyone thinks.
He’s not one to pry, especially if you don’t wanna talk about it right this second, but do eventually tell him what’s up, especially if you’re planning to hurt yourself in any way.
If you don’t tell him, he’ll be upset. Obvi.
He would listen to whatever you wanna say/vent.
Gojo seems like the type to take you to some empty field and let you scream it out and he’ll join you.
He’d want to see you smile and laugh and makes it his mission to see to that.
Gojo will also share his sweets with you if you’re craving something sweet.
Also the type to take you down to the convenient store in the late hours to buy junk food for you.
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♡˗ˏ:𝐍𝐚𝐧𝐚𝐦𝐢 𝐊𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐨: :;🩵
Nanami knows something is wrong instinctually and by your actions. This man literally knows you like the back of his hand.
We all know he’s extremely observant and he’s the king of communication.
So he’ll most likely confront you the second he realizes somethings wrong.
He’s gentle but straightforward.
Nanami would want you to communicate with him, but he understands if it’s hard and you need time, just again, don’t let it be too late.
He’ll hold your hand if you allow it and will listen to you and offer advice or his opinion if that’s what you want.
If you wish to sit in silence, he’ll do that as well.
He’s definitely the type to gently lecture you about holding everything in, and he will admit that he doesn’t want to lose you.
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♡˗ˏ:𝐆𝐞𝐭𝐨 𝐒𝐮𝐠𝐮𝐫𝐮: :;🖤
Geto would want you to tell him right away if somethings wrong or you’re in a dark headspace.
He’s been one of those people that never got checked on when he was silently crying out for help and he’d be damned to let you be in that same position.
He’s a sensitive guy himself so if you cry he might shed a tear with you.
Seeing you in so much mental anguish and or even physical pain makes him devastated.
Geto is the clingy type so expect him to stay close to you and check in with you a lot more, but if you desire space, he’ll give it to you, but he’s a bit reluctant.
He’s very scared to lose you.
If you’re wanting to cuddle, I can tell you right now, he gives the best cuddles ever.
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j2lx · 2 years
Holding Hands With Them (headcanons)
Warnings: gojo is a tease (to no one's surprise smh), mentions of nightmares in Maki's, messy kissing in Toji's =P, pet names (darling, pretty baby), none really this one's just wholesome fluff
A/n: I went very overboard writing this one so it's pretty long… yeah. Anyways, here are some fluffy headcanons to hopefully make you feel happier! <3 Enjoy reading!
Characters: Itadori Yuuji, Fushiguro Megumi, Kugisaki Nobara, Gojo Satoru, Nanami Kento, Ryomen Sukuna (Sukuna has his own body in this but isn't in his OG form and he's a jujutsu sorcerer), Zenin Maki, Okkotsu Yuuta, Inumaki Toge, Suguru Geto (basically high school Geto, before he became all you know), Toji Fushiguro, Naoya Zenin (he isn't misogynistic (for Fem!readers) cuz he loves you a lot!) x Gender Neutral!reader
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Itadori Yuuji
He's so pure and cute omg ahhh he loves holding your hand anywhere, anytime. He doesn't feel that he needs a reason to do it at all, since you're precious to him and naturally, he'll want to hold onto something he wants to protect.
He's the kind of boyfriend who would hold your hand in public, private, even on missions. It gives him comfort that you're there, right next to him, and it's easier for him to make sure you're safe (especially on missions when he can pull you to the side in case of danger)
One of his favourite things to do when the two of you are holding hands is to swing the hand that's holding yours up and down. Yes it's a little childish and the last time you did it was probably it in kindergarten or something, but trust me with Yuuji it's going to be a norm 🥺
Because of how much he holds your hand, he can tell the smallest differences on your hand. You got a shallow cut on your finger? He can feel it when he starts to intertwine his hand with yours. Your hands are a little dry from the weather? He'll rub the area a little before finding cream to help relieve the pain really soon. Holding hands with you helps him look out for you, and it might not seem like much but he really does care a lot about your physical wellbeing, even if he's only checking your hands!
He likes fidgeting a lot with your fingers and it often leads to unintentional finger fights. It's random but also really cute at the same time because he gets really competitive about it and tries to win but if he doesn't, he gives you your prize, which is a kiss on your "winning" finger from him.
His hands are always so nice and warm, so he offers to be your personal hand warmer in the winter when the two of you are in either one of your dorm rooms. He'll hold both of your hands between his and it seriously does help warm your hands up instantly. He doesn't mind how cold his hands might feel after that, he loves being able to hold your hands no matter the situation <3
Overall, holding hands with Yuuji is a sweet and affectionate thing that you both indulge in everyday. It gives both of you so much comfort and never fails to put a smile on both your faces!
Fushiguro Megumi
He doesn't show affection in public much because well it's not really his thing. But holding hands? Yeah that's an exception. He'll never let go of your hand, even more so in public places where it could be crowded and busy.
He doesn't mind being teased by some people (cough cough Gojo) about holding your hand because it's just another way for him to show his affection and love for you. He knows he's not that good with words sometimes so he uses these opportunities to show how much you mean to him!
He squeezes your hand a lot and it's almost like there are different "codes" for when he squeezes your hand. If he squeezes your hand gently, it's probably him asking if you're alright. If he squeezes it a little harder than usual, it's probably because he feels uncomfortable in the situation you both are in. It's a silent yet efficient way of communicating and it's like a secret code between the both of you
He likes running his thumb up and down your hand but he does it in the most ticklish way possible? Like he does it so gently that it becomes ticklish and you start giggling sometimes, which confuses him because he was just trying to be gentle with you 🥺
His hands are cold. Just really cold most of the time. And he knows it and will use it to his advantage should he deem it necessary (when you're being mischievous =P). Otherwise, he always makes sure to warm his hands up before holding your hand so you won't get cold! And the best part about that is that after that, the warmth from your hands would warm his hands up, so he doesn't have to worry about his "cold hands" problem anymore.
He has really nice hands. Like they're a nice size, smooth and just overall really pretty and beautiful (just like him =)). And you love holding his hands up to your eye level and admiring them, which always causes him to show a small smile! Of course he'll return the favour and bring your hand up to his lips and press a kiss on it as a way of telling you how much he loves your hands too <3
Overall, he's really sweet and gentle when holding your hand! He's not that good with expressing his feelings and he knows it, so holding hands often is one way he feels he can express just how much he loves you!
Kugisaki Nobara
Holding hands comes easy to the two of you. It's been a part of your relationship since the start and the two of you absolutely adore doing it! It gives the both of you comfort that you're both there for each other.
She loves holding your hand anywhere, anytime. It's one of those things she considers "basic" in a relationship, and it just comes naturally for her to be holding your hand whenever she can. Whether it be going out with her, in the car before missions, and at night when the two of you are watching movies together, the two of you will always be holding hands.
When shopping with her, your hand will definitely be intertwined with hers. And she really likes it since it's really easy for her to just tug on your hand a little or straight up pull you to what she's looking at when shopping! She has the tendency to squeeze your hand when she gets excited while the two of you shop too. It's easy to tell what excites her the most (which is basically what she wants the most) by how hard she squeezes your hand!
If you are keen, she would love to have manicures with you to match the colours on both of your nails! She makes sure to choose colours according to both of your tastes, and makes sure that they don't clash too much. She wants to make sure that when the two of you hold hands, the colour of your nails complement each other nicely!
Most of the time (when not shopping), she holds your hand really gently! The two of you hold hands in a way that it's loose and comfortable for the both of you, but not too loose that your hands will separate! And your palms don't always have to be touching each other, just intertwining fingers with you is enough to make her happy <3
Her hands are really well taken care of, and she puts in quite a bit of effort to make sure that her hands are smooth and nice. Please kiss her hands after holding them and tell her how much you love her beautiful hands, she literally gets so flustered and shy 🥺
Overall, she really loves holding hands with you and it's a norm in your relationship for sure! It gives her a sense of comfort and safety, your interlocking fingers reassuring her that you are just next to her.
Satoru Gojo
He absolutely loves holding your hand! Like no matter what he does he feels the need to have your hand in his, as a form of affection and reassurance to him that you're still by his side.
Will hold your hand no matter what. Showering together? He'll hold your hand when the two of you are chilling in the bathtub. On a mission together? He holds your hand to keep you close to him and to pull you out of danger if needed. Folding laundry with him? You'll have to settle it with one of your hands and one of his hands only.
He'll turn on his infinity just as you reach out to hold his hand, and tell you to "profess your undying love" for him before he'll let your hand reach his. If you choose to do as he says, he'll definitely smile at you and then press a kiss on your hand before placing it in his own. If you choose to ignore, he'll pout and whine, but will still reach out to hold your hand because he wants to hold your hand too much. So either way, he'll end up holding your hand <3 (if he's been annoying don't be afraid to do the latter, he knows how annoying he can be so he'll accept his fate)
He always caresses the back of your hand with his fingers! It's like his way of telling you that he loves you, that he's thankful to have you by his side and that he's happy that he gets to hold your hand. And if you do the same to his hand, you'll see a large and loving smile on his face, one that you see whenever you show how much you love him 🥺
Will kiss each one of your knuckles when holding hands with you! He does it at the most random times, and for no reason most of the time. He just wants you to know that he loves you (and your hands) a lot and expresses it that way! He likes seeing your cheeks flush red from the sudden affectionate gesture.
He loves making his hands cold on purpose before holding your hand. If he ever holds your hand without teasing you about it (basically by not turning on his infinity), he's either touch starved after being away from you for a long time (which to him is more than 8 hours), or he has something up his sleeve. He'll take an ice cube and let it melt on his hands, dry his hands and then immediately go to hold your hands. He loves watching the way you jump up from the sudden coldness of his hands and he always laughs at your reaction.
Overall, he doesn't stop being a tease before holding your hand, but he makes sure to make sure you know how loved you are when your hands are actually in his and your fingers are intertwined.
Nanami Kento
This man is so… perfect. He holds your hand not just as a sign of affection and love, but to protect you and make sure that you're ok every now and then. He always treats you with so much care and when holding hands with him, you can be assured that he treats you like the most precious thing in existence.
He isn't much into PDA, but his immediate priority and need is to protect you and make sure that you're next to him. So he always makes sure to hold your hand in crowded places and during the missions the two of you go on together (before engaging in combat because he prefers giving you freedom to use your technique properly, without him potentially being in the way).
He's the kind of boyfriend who'll kiss your hand before and after holding it. He'll ask you for permission to hold your hand and when you give him consent to, he'll raise it to his lips and press a soft kiss on it as a way of saying "thank you". And before he lets go of your hand, he does the same thing and always mutters a quiet "thank you for letting me hold your hand, darling" <3
His favourite thing to do is to hold your hand when the two of you are at home, cuddling or just resting on the couch together! His hand will always be intertwined with yours, no matter what. If he's reading a book, he'll be using one hand to hold it and to flip the pages while the other is holding your hand. And if the two of you are watching a show together, he places both of your hands in his!
His hands are super smooth and beautiful. Like his fingernails are a nice length, and his fingers are just so long, slender and pretty. He has super nice hands, and you always hold one of his hands in both of yours and just admire it quietly when the two of you are cuddling on the couch together. He'll always notice and bring your hands to his lips as a way of telling you that he thinks your hands are equally beautiful 🥺
Whenever it gets cold, Kento will definitely be holding onto at least one of your hands. It's a way for him to tell if you're feeling too cold, and also a way for him to warm you up. He has really nice and warm hands, so he uses that to his advantage to help your hands feel less cold. If your hands get really cold though, he'll ask you to put on some gloves. Don't worry, he still holds onto your gloved hand afterwards!
Overall, holding hands with him is a super sweet aspect of your relationship! He takes it as a chance to express his affection while looking out for you and making sure that you're alright!
Ryomen Sukuna
He loves holding your hand and feels the need to do so every given moment. He likes that it gives him some control over you (in case anything happens to you), and at the same time is an affectionate and sweet gesture.
He holds your hand mostly in public, since he prefers other intimacies when the two of you are alone, like cuddling. He'll hold your hand especially tight in crowded places and when going around the mission site to find the curses you have to defeat. He still treats you like glass though, and he never holds your hand to the point that it hurts!
Yes, Sukuna gets possessive and jealous easily, especially if you're talking to people who you don't know for no apparent reason. Whenever he sees someone approach you, be it to get directions or to flirt with you, he grips onto your hand tightly and glares at them until they get intimidated and walk away. He'll loosen his grip on your hand afterwards and kiss your hand as an apology for being possessive and a little rough with you.
He finds it fun how the two of you manage to hold hands while doing all sorts of things. When making dinner for the both of you, you tend to sneak up behind your boyfriend and hold his hand. He doesn't mind though, because most of the time, you only hold his hand when he doesn't need to use both of his hands. He'll use one of his hands to stir and mix the food while the other is intertwined with one of your hands. He's super used since it's been like a tradition ever since the two of you started being in a relationship together <3
Likes to prank you by putting cling wrap on his hand before holding your hand. It happens a lot especially after he washes up and is waiting for the food to finish cooking! He'll just put a thin layer of cling wrap on his hand and since he knows that you never look down at his hands when he moves to hold your hand, he knows that his plan will work. It always makes him laugh when he sees your surprised and annoyed expression, but you don't stop him from pulling this prank almost every other day, since you want to see him laugh 🥺
He loves bringing your hands to his eye level and admiring your hands for at least a few minutes each time. He really loves you so much, and he can't help but want to admire every part of your body over and over again. He'll always press kisses all over each of your hands after he's done looking at them, and calls you his "pretty baby".
Overall, Sukuna truly makes sure that you feel loved when holding your hand. Yes, he might get possessive and yes, he might prank you from time to time, but he really just wants you to be safe and happy!
Zenin Maki
She absolutely adores holding hands with you! She might not be super comfortable with all forms of affection since she's still getting used to it, but holding hands is something she absolutely loves!
She doesn't initiate hand holding most of the time though, despite the fact that she enjoys it a lot. It just doesn't come as naturally to her, so most of the time she doesn't process that she can just reach for your hand and hold it. You'll have to initiate it most of the time; she'll always be happy to hold onto your hand as long as you offer it to her.
She mostly initiates hand holding when she senses that you're feeling upset or sad. She knows what it's like to have no one to turn to and not having any hand to hold on to when feeling all those negative emotions, and she doesn't want you to go through that. The moment she sees a frown on your face, or tears well up in your eyes, your hand will be in hers. She'll stroke your hand with her thumb to try to calm you down too.
She doesn't hold your hand before going to sleep, but your hands are always near each other's. And somehow, her hand always gravitates towards yours in the middle of the night and the two of you wake up to find your hands intertwined. It happens mostly when Maki gets nightmares. She senses the warmth of your hand and her hand will just move to hold yours as a source of comfort and reassurance that you're still next to her 🥺
Hand holding before bed is a must though! The two of you make sure to cuddle and relax in bed before going to sleep, and your hands are always intertwined no matter what you both are doing. Be it watching a movie together, or scrolling through your phones, you both will be holding hands!
She especially enjoys holding hands with you before, during and after training! Your hands are intertwined until the two of you reach the training venue, and then you both press a kiss on each other's hand as a form of encouragement! In between training, when the two of you get a break, her hand will be in yours as you both hydrate. And after training, no matter how sweaty both of your hands are, you and Maki will walk back to the dorms hand in hand, ready to relax and chill together <3
Overall, holding hands with Maki is something that happens everyday, and you both like it a lot, even if she won't admit it out loud. The two of you are often seen holding hands, and you both bask in each of those moments, enjoying the feeling of your hands being pressed against each other and your both of your fingers interlocking.
Okkotsu Yuuta
Yuuta is a super sweet boyfriend! He'll take any opportunity to be affectionate with you and he definitely loves physical touch! He's going to be holding onto your hand as much as possible, as long as you're comfortable with it.
Pinky holding that turns into hand holding! He always starts by linking and interlocking both of your pinkies together. Slowly but surely, he'll start to slip his hand into yours and intertwine them, his thumb stroking your hand gently. It's more of a habit from the start of your relationship when he didn't know if you wanted to hold hands or not, but he's continued it and he still does it.
He might be a special grade sorcerer with loads of experience, but he still gets nervous before missions, especially if he's on a mission with you. On the way to the mission site, he'll hold onto your hand and squeeze it every now and then, just as a way to reassure and comfort himself, and you as well. Your touch is more than enough to make him feel safe and sound <3
Expect lots and lots of hand holding during movies! No matter what kind of movie it is, Yuuta's hand would always be intertwined with yours, squeezing it from time to time. When you're watching a really scary horror movie, he'll hold on to your hand like his life depends on it, and watching a romance movie, his thumb would be stroking your hand gently. Just expect hand holding as long as you both are watching a movie!
He's the kind of boyfriend who likes to hold your hand up to your lips and say things like "your hands are so beautiful, just like you", or "how are your hands so perfect, my darling?" while kissing your hand in between each of his words. He really just wants you to realise how beautiful he thinks you and your hands are 🥺
He loves holding your hand in public and he's so cute about it. If he sees something that interests or excites him, he'll tug your hand gently and bring you to look at it. Most of the time, it's related to you and he just gets really eager to show you!
Overall, he's such a sweet boyfriend when it comes to holding your hand! Yuuta loves holding your hand as much as possible, since holding your hand gives him lots of comfort and makes him really happy to have someone like you love him!
Inumaki Toge
Toge loves holding hands so much! He can't exactly express his feelings for you through his words because of his cursed speech, so physical affection has become his default way of making you feel loved.
He holds your hand whenever it's free, and he always holds it close to him as a way of asking for permission to hold it! The two of you hold hands when taking a break during training, on dates, and practically any time you don't need both your hands to function.
He loves twirling you around when the two of you are holding hands! Yes, it's random and the both of you don't really dance together, but he just enjoys doing it! Sometimes, he just stops in the middle of nowhere randomly and kisses your forehead before twirling you around like you're a ballerina, with his hand still intertwined with yours. He seldom does it in front of people though, it's mostly when the two of you are alone <3
When he holds your hand, he has the habit of tracing small drawings on the back of your hand with his fingers. He especially loves tracing onigiri! It's become a game between the two of you too, and the two of you take turns tracing patterns on the back of each other's hands while the other person has to guess what was drawn!
He really likes holding hands with you when you wear one of his oversized hoodies! The sleeves are too long and reach down to around your knuckles, and Toge loves holding hands with that small portion of his hoodie… just there. It makes him feel really lucky to have you by his side, wearing his hoodie and holding his hand! He loves that his fingers can reach the inside of the sleeve when he holds your hands, it just gives him a sense of comfort that he can't exactly explain.
He holds your hand to sleep every single night! It reassures him that you're right by his side as he sleeps, and the warmth of your hand in his helps lull him to sleep too! No matter how close your bodies are, your hands will find their way to each other (and will rest in a comfortable position) and will stay intertwined throughout the night 🥺
Overall, holding hands is one of his favourite things to do with you! It's sweet and provides the both of you with each other's warmth and comfort! Toge definitely sees holding hands as one of the most important things in your relationship, and he truly enjoys it a lot!
Suguru Geto
Suguru is someone who loves holding hands, but won't openly express it. He doesn't want to make you feel uncomfortable by his overwhelming need to have your hand in his all the time, but you've told him time and time again that it's fine to hold your hand whenever he wants.
As a result, your hand is almost always intertwined with your boyfriend's. The both of you just really enjoy the feeling of your skin being in contact with each other and the warmth radiating from each other's hands. And even if it's cold and the two of you wear gloves, the two of you will still be seen walking hand in hand despite not being able to feel each other's skin and warmth. It's just the feeling of having each other close that makes the two of you happy, really 🥺
He's always so polite and asks for permission to hold your hand every time. It was more of a matter of consent at the start of your relationship, but now he uses it to tease you, since he knows that you're more than fine with him holding your hand anytime he wants. He'll still place your hand on top of his and ask, "May I hold your hand?" in the most teasing way possible every time he wants to hold your hand.
Whenever the two of you go shopping together, he'll hold onto your shopping bags for you. He honestly just wants to make sure that your hands are free for him to hold onto no matter what. And once you find out, you offer to hold some of the shopping bags in the hand your boyfriend isn't holding onto just to lessen the load on your boyfriend!
When it rains, he likes to hold onto your hand and either stick both of your hands out from under the umbrella or run around in the rain with you. Of course, he knows that the latter could cause you to fall sick, which is why he hardly does it. But sticking out your intertwined hands out into the rain? Absolutely yes. It's calming for him to feel the raindrops fall onto his hand, and with your hand in his, it makes the whole experience even more fun and relaxing.
Likes holding your hand and placing it right in between both of you at night, before you both go to sleep. He'll bring your hand closer to his and place kisses from your fingertips to your knuckles on each and every single one of your fingers, before placing 3 kisses on the back of your hand. He never fails to do this every single night, and he loves seeing your eyes light up everytime he does it <3
Overall, hand holding is something Suguru loves and craves really often. But no matter how many times the both of you hold hands, you both make sure that you can feel each other's love behind the seemingly simple, yet meaningful, action.
Toji Fushiguro
He loves holding your hand! It gives him the sense that he has someone to hold onto and rely on. He's been through way too much, and the fact that he's able to hold your hand makes him feel that maybe, all the pain he went through in the past was worth going through if he had you to hold onto now.
He holds your hand all the time and doesn't let go unless you do. He takes hand holding seriously, and to him, it's a way to protect you and pull you away from any danger. After he realises that danger isn't always around the corner, he starts to feel the enjoyment and intimacy of holding hands with you.
He didn't always start out by holding your hand though. At the start of your relationship, he used to grab you by the wrist instead of intertwining his hand with yours. It was partially because he wasn't used to hand holding and felt that it was awkward to initiate, and also partially because he felt that he didn't deserve to hold your hand at the start of your relationship. He wanted you to be sure that you wanted to be with him before holding hands with him. Of course, you had to reassure him that you truly did love him and wanted him to hold hands with you multiple times before he got used to it.
His hands are large and really nice to hold! They're calloused and rough, and there are many small scars littered all over his hands from everything he went through. If you ever bring his hands close to your lips and press soft kisses all over his scars, he'll melt on the inside for sure! He won't show it, or admit it out loud, but he feels that it's a very sweet gesture and he definitely feels really loved whenever you do it. It reminds him that you love all of him, scars and bruises included 🥺
He loves it when you're sitting on the couch or on the bed with him and he just holds onto your hand really tight before bringing it to his lips. He'll place wet and messy kisses all over your hand while you squeeze his hand to encourage him to keep going. He'll switch over to your other hand not long after and give it an equal amount of love and kisses <3
Secretly enjoys it when you're holding his hand, but your fingers aren't interlocked and are gripping the side of his hand instead. And when you drag him around to look at different things while holding his hand like that, he feels like he's in a dream. He's only ever seen such a thing happen in romance movies, but to be able to experience it with you… he truly feels like the luckiest person on earth.
Overall, he loves holding hands with you so, so much! Your hand in his makes him feel safe and protected, and he hopes that he can make you feel the same way whenever he holds your hand!
Naoya Zenin
He's not good at being affectionate, he knows that. But he's trying his very best! One thing he makes sure of is that in your relationship, both of you are comfortable with holding hands with each other.
He tries his best to pick up on your body language and decides if he should hold your hand or not from that. If he senses that you're scared or upset, he'll try to reach for your hand and let you hold his hand if you want. Otherwise, you'll have to initiate most of the time because he genuinely doesn't know if he'll piss you off by holding your hand without asking you.
He always touches your hands with his fingers before holding your hand. It's his way of asking for permission to hold hands with you, and the last thing he'll want is for you to push him away because he didn't realise that you didn't want to hold hands. He'll use his index finger and try to link it with your own, and slowly but surely, it leads to full out hand holding.
He's quite insecure and scared to initiate hand holding with you because "what if it's not convenient for them?". Naoya gets that thought really often and sometimes, he doesn't try to initiate any hand holding in fear that he's annoying you. So then it's up to you to initiate it! When he gets extra fidgety and starts playing with the hem of his shirt or fidgeting his hands in his pants pockets, that probably means that he wants to hold your hand, but is too scared to initiate it. Please please hold his hands if that happens, he'll smile and mutter a quiet "I love you" <3
Likes it when you squeeze his hand from time to time. It doesn't have to be for any particular reason at all, it just gives him the reassurance that you're still next to him. He's been through a lot in the past and lots of people have left his side because of how he used to be, but with your hand in his and your gentle squeezes, he doesn't feel lonely and alone 🥺
He especially loves holding hands with you in the rain. He'll use his other hand to hold the umbrella and shelter the both of you, while the hand closer to you is intertwined with yours, his hold on you gentle and comforting. He loves the whole atmosphere of walking together in the rain while you're holding hands so much, it's very magical to him!
Overall, he's still trying his best to initiate hand holding, and he's getting better at it slowly but surely. In the meantime, you'll have to take the initiative and fulfil his desire to have your hand in his.
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My headcanons are seriously getting longer and longer without me even realising as I write them lol. But it's too fun writing them ehehe =)) Hope you enjoyed reading!
© @j2lx, 2022
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nanamiscocksleeve · 6 days
Too Sweet
Ok, so here's my hot take (or maybe not, who knows) about the Hozier song Too Sweet being Nanami-coded. When the song first came out, everyone was screaming that it's Nanami-coded so obviously I gave it a listen and when it was done...I was a bit confused.
There is nothing about this song that makes me think of Nanami. Save for the chorus:
"I think I'll take my whiskey neat My coffee black and my bed at three"
With the exception of those lines I fail to see how any of the rest of the song relates to Nanami. The song talks about a man who (apparently) is in a relationship with someone who lives a contrasting life to his own. His s/o seems to be someone who likes structure and a more stable life with a plan, whereas he prefers spontaneity and some of the darker aspects of life.
Now, I can't help but picture Nanami as someone who craves this kind of structured lifestyle as well. We know he's tired and I think he would love it if he could find someone that could bring a touch of domesticity into his life. The song narrator sounds like the person Nanami is right now, like making the best decisions he can with whatever he has but I just don't feel like he'd reject someone trying to provide him with comforts like making sure he gets enough sleep, or that he's living life to the fullest.
As for the "you're too sweet for me" I can imagine Nanami saying this when he finds his s/o doing things that he doesn't necessarily expect of them, like staying up waiting for him when he gets home late, or bringing him his lunch if he forgets it. The song though, almost makes it sound like the narrator is patronizing the s/o because they're "too sweet" for the rough and almost bitter lifestyle he prefers.
"sweet as a grape If you can sit in a barrel, maybe I'll wait"
This almost makes it sound like the narrator is asking s/o to wait on him and see if they'll change their mind about the type of lifestyle they want vs the one he's leading. That almost feels like he's not making promises to the s/o but rather, he's waiting for them to accept his lifestyle and maybe ease up on their own expectations as to how they want to live ("You treat your mouth as if it's Heaven's gate, The rest of you like you're the TSA"). I can't imagine Nanami leading someone on like that, or asking them to change their mind on something that they clearly have worked hard to attain.
I guess what I'm trying to say here is Nanami isn't someone running away from wanting a structured life and stability. He very much wants it, but he's stuck with the current lifestyle of working long hours and sleeping whenever he can. He doesn't want it, but it's what he has and he's doing his best to make it work.
Anyway, I fail to find the connection between Nanami and this song. This is just my opinion and thoughts, of course, everyone is free to feel how they feel. No shade to Hozier though, it's a nice song on it's own, just not Nanami-coded.
Thanks for listening to me ramble.
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tojiscumdumpster · 6 months
⠀ ⠀ ⠀⠀ ⠀ ⠀⠀ ⠀ i. suguru
⠀ ⠀ ⠀⠀ ⠀ ⠀⠀ ⠀ ⠀⠀ ⠀ ⠀⭑๋࣭ summary page
please refresh your memory of the content warnings that's mentioned on the summary page. this chapter will include s*xual activites.
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Ah, fuck, baby. Just like that.”
 No. I lied. Not just like that. 
 I’ve been in the bathroom for twenty minutes with some chick, whose name I can’t remember, getting probably the worst head I’ve ever had in my life. I’m pretty sure I’m still soft, but her self-esteem won’t allow her pride to be tarnished by the lack of abilities she has to make me come. 
 She approached me while I was having drinks with Satoru, Shoko, and Nanami. Well, really Shoko and Nanami because Satoru just keeps getting sugary milkshakes. Anyways, that’s not the point. She approached me. I thought she had nice lips, which I thought could be utilized to please me, but instead, she couldn’t stop talking.
 “Do you like that, baby?” she asked, for maybe the tenth time. 
 I groaned. Though, not in the way that she thinks. I couldn’t do this anymore, and I knew her knees were hurting. “No. Look, Akane,” I sigh, pulling her off me and lifting her to meet my face. “I don’t—”
 “Ayame,” she interrupted. I gave her a confused look. “My name is Ayame. Not, Akane.”
 My right eye twitched. “Okay, Ayame . Look,” I began, adjusting myself back in my pants. “I don’t like it. It’s okay, though. Maybe it’s not you. Maybe I’m just tired. But hey, I’ll get your number and we can try this some other time. Okay?”
 “Ugh, whatever.” 
 I eventually got her number before we made our way out of the bathroom. I’m not going to text her. I was just trying to make her feel better.
 My plans were never to hook up with anyone tonight, let alone leave my apartment. But Satoru insisted I needed to come out of my shell more. 
 I’m pretty sure that was code for, you need to get laid.
 I argued with him that I don’t need anything. It wasn’t hard for me to find someone to have sex with. I’ve just been on a break because I haven’t found anyone who matches my libido or someone I actually enjoyed.
 Don’t get me wrong—most of the women I’ve been with are beautiful. Physically, my type. However, they’re just too boring. Too prissy. It’s like they’re trying to prove something to me when I fuck them. 
 The unnecessary loud moaning.
 The unnatural facial expressions when they come.
 Not wanting to be kissed after I eat their pussy, which I find strange because why wouldn’t you want to taste yourself? Questionable .
 Anyways. This is the last time I’m allowing Satoru to drag me out of my apar—
 My thoughts were interrupted by someone running into me. 
 “Oh! I’m sorry.”
 That. . . That voice. Sultry. Raspy. All I heard were three words and I felt at ease. Her scent was alluring. Sweet. Delicate. I’m picking up notes of warm berries, creamy vanilla. Maybe cacao? She smells so fucking good. But when I looked at her? I’m convinced she’s the most beautiful woman I’ve ever fucking laid eyes on.
 Her complexion reminded me of autumn. Deep and warm. Those chestnut-colored doe eyes I knew I would become lost in if I didn’t look away. It didn’t take long before I took notice of the fullness of her lips. They were two different colors. Brown on top and pink on bottom, coated with a clear gloss.  Gosh, I want to suck them. I want to suck them so fucking badly until she becomes whiny. My cock is getting hard just thinking—
 “Hello?” she spoke again. 
  Suguru, what the fuck?
 I looked down and noticed my fingers were still caged around her soft flesh. I immediately pulled away. “S-Sorry,” I stammered. Why am I so damn nervous?
 She looked at me through narrow eyes with a hint of playfulness. “It’s okay. . . Well, enjoy your night.” 
 “Wait!” Before she turned away from me, I impulsively reached for her wrist to prevent her from leaving.
 Those brown hues that were amorous turned dark, daggers that penetrated my head. They were a warning to let her go. They make me want to be submit. So I didn’t let go.
 “What’s your name?”
 I still see the daggers in her eyes, however, she slightly raised her brows while tilting her head out of confusion— boldness —of my decision to not let go of her wrist. My expression is deadpan, but I feel heat rushing to my body, to my cock.
 She drags her eyes up my frame, stopping at the front of my pants that caused my dick to twitch in response. She chuckled, snatched her wrist, and walked away from me. 
 I stood where she left me, lust filled and wishful thinking about how desperately I want her. No, need her. And by the end of the night, I'll know how she feels around me.
Later that night. . .
 I sit at the booth, dividing my attention between the conversation being held at the table and the bar, where the woman I ran into earlier sits. I can’t stop thinking about fucking her. The image of her thick curves plays in my mind. She’s so sexy. That backless dress that clung to her hips drove me insane. I was craving those love handles. I wanted to hold them, bite them to leave territorial marks.  
 What the fuck is wrong with me? This instant lust was foreign to me. I don’t remember the last time my cock was this eager. Maybe never.
But it's just something about her that has arousal fucking burn through my veins.
 “Suguru!” Satoru’s voice tore me away from my perverted thoughts. 
 “Huh?” I answered, but my attention was still on the bar.
 He pouted. “Are you even listening to me?”
 “Uhm, yeah. You were talking about throwing a surprise party for Utahime.” I'm hoping I'm right because the last thing I need is to hear a speech about how I always ignore him.
 “No. That was thirty minutes ago.”
 “Okay, sorry. Repeat what you said.” 
 He sighed. “There’s no point. You’re not even looking at me. What are you even looking at over. . . Ohhh, I see.” I knew Satoru would begin mocking me based on his voice and how he slurped the remnants of probably his fourth milkshake tonight. “Aren’t you glad I dragged you out tonight? If I didn’t, you wouldn’t have seen her,” he says, scooting closer to nudge me. “She’s gorgeous.”
  I snapped my attention back to Satoru, glowering him.
 Why? She wasn't my girlfriend. I don’t even know her name, but she was off-limits. 
 I know she’s gorgeous. He didn’t have to fucking tell me that. 
 I decided not to play into his obvious game. My time can be used elsewhere, like sitting next to that beautiful woman. I’ve been watching her for the past three hours, seeing how several men, at least ten or more approached her with their advances. 
 She declined every single last one. But I didn’t care. Seeing her reject a couple of men would never hurt my ego. . . especially since I knew she’d be mine.
 I had nothing to worry about.
 I left the table for the second time tonight and this time, I’m not planning on returning. 
 Every step I took brought me closer to the woman of my dreams. Her rich scent starts to fill my senses and I'm almost positive I've developed a smell kink because of her.
 Shit, if she smells like that, I could only image how her pussy is. I'd do anything to run my nose between her folds.
  Focus, Suguru. You can’t go over there hard. 
 Yes, I can, and I will. 
 I was close enough to be in the shot of her peripheral, making her notice me. She sized me up before giving her attention back to the large televisions surrounding the bar.
 I smirked. She’s enticing. She may or may not make me work for pussy, but I don’t mind at all. 
 Of course, I’m a gentleman, so I asked if the seat next to her was taken. I’m sure the other guys asked her this same question. I saw her reject them. She didn’t say yes or no to me, so naturally I took it as a yes. 
 I nod at the bartender. “Open a tab for me. Double Hibiki on the rocks, and add this lovely lady’s tab onto mine,” I told him. 
 “I can pay for my tab,” she says, eyes remaining on the TV. 
 “I don’t remember saying that you couldn’t. Now did I?” I saw her roll her eyes, which made me chuckle. Fuck, I like her even more. “Are you going to tell me your name now?”
 She lightly scoffs. “Why are you being so clingy over a name? And common courtesy, you introduce yourself before asking for someone’s name. Do you lack mannerisms?” 
 Twenty-four words.
 That’s how many words she spoke to me, and I watched her plush lips pronounce every last syllable. 
 She speaks to me with such spice, but I know she’d sound so sweet while my cock is deep inside of her. 
 “You’re right. Maybe you can forgive my lack of mannerisms ,” I say, teasingly. “My name is Geto Suguru.”
 She finally gives me her attention, scanning my arms that are painted with tattoos before actually looking at my face, leisurely. But says nothing and returns to watch whatever is on TV. 
 I continued, “I didn’t get your name?” The bartender placed my whiskey in front of me and I gave him my gratitude while waiting for her name. 
 “Because I didn’t give it. What do you want anyways? Placed a bet with your friends to see if you could get an older woman’s number? Hm?”
 I threw my hands up in surrender, chucking. “No, and older? We’re probably the same age. I can even argue that you’re younger than me.”
 “Ha, I doubt it.”
 “Me or you?” she asks.
 “Me.” I take another sip of my drink. “You?”
 “Damn, you want my name and age? Should I give you my ID number, too?” 
  She’s such a fucking tease. 
 “I’ll settle for your name and age.” For now. 
 Her lips part into a smile that pulls strings inside my chest. “Settle?”
 I smirk. “I just want to make sure I can be in this territory.”
 We lock eyes. Hers shines curiosity and mine shines intent. I want her to understand that I’m not going anywhere unless it’s with her. For a moment, I allowed my eyes to fall on her gloss-coated lips, then the rest of her body to make my message clear. Something in me wanted the boldness to leak and tell her how badly I wanted her to fuck her, but I chose to play it safe. 
 “Me or you?” I teased, earning another eye roll from her. 
 “And for your information,”—she raises her left hand—“territory off limits. I have a husband.”
 Oh, so she is married. 
 Funny she thinks that’s going to stop me. Like I’m supposed to give a fuck. 
 “Well, I think it’s silly that your husband is allowing such a beautiful woman such as yourself”—my eyes roam along her curves—“to come out alone and potentially have other men make a move on her. No?”
 She narrowed her eyes. “What are you trying to say, Geto? Just spit it out.”
  Say my fucking name like that again. 
 I got up from my seat, invading her personal space to ghost my lips along her ear, making it clear, “I want to fuck you. . . so badly. ” The last words came out as a faint whisper. 
 I stood there for a moment so my clear message could linger. If I didn’t know any better, her breathing quickened for a moment. I sat back in my seat and watched her attentively to see if I could catch a reaction. Her face showed none, but the subtle uncrossing and crossing of her legs told me everything I needed to know. 
 She’s aroused.
  Wet .
 But she didn’t say anything. Only cleared her throat and sipped on her near-empty glass of wine. 
 We sat in silence for at least ten minutes, and just when I was about to call the bartender for another round for the both of us, she stood up. She started walking away, and rather than reaching for her wrist like I did the last time, I watched her sway her full hips in the direction of the restrooms. She has been drinking, so of course she probably needs to go clear her system. However, the small look over her shoulders in my direction said otherwise. 
 I chugged the rest of my whiskey, pulled out cash, leaving more than needed, and followed her. 
Our lips collided, kissing recklessly like two horny college kids at a frat party. I felt myself becoming greedy and eager to have my hands run along her curves. Her tits, waist, neck—I didn't know which part of her body to focus on because having under the touch of my hands feels so fucking good. 
 And it didn't help hearing those faint whimpers every grip and nip on her flesh I left. 
 Maybe my movements are fervent, but I don't give a fuck. Sucking on soft lips to taste those sweet sounds is all I've thought about since I laid my eyes on her. Kissing her alone could make me come in my pants. 
 My cock is screaming for a release, being uncomfortable due to the restraint of my pants that keeps its hardness from fully erecting. I’m in between wanting to take my time with her and being eager to fuck her, so I choose the latter.
 I lifted her with ease onto the sink and break out kiss to drag my lips across her flesh. I suck, nip, and lick that sweet neck of hers. Her whimpers turn into soft moans, and I couldn’t get enough of how sexy she fucking sounds. Not forced. Not trying to impress me. Just pure bliss. 
 I found my way between her breasts to leave open mouthed kisses while pinching her nipples through the sheer material of her dress. She reacts by lacing her fingers through my hair and pull me closer until I've suffocating against her chest.
 Fucking hell. She's needy, too?
 “Geto,” she moans. 
 “Hm? What’s wrong, pretty girl?”
 “ I need more. ”
 “You need more, what?” I ask, pulling down her straps to expose her breasts. 
 They’re so full. I’m met with the prettiest tits I've ever seen. Naturally saggy. Slight stretch marks. Dark brown peaks.
 They’re fucking perfect. 
 I continue, “Use your words. I don’t know what you need if you don’t tell me.” Then start sucking on her nipples. 
 Her gasps fill the bathroom, and while I’m showing love to her breasts, she begins hiking up her dress and spreads her legs. 
 I smell her. 
 How wet she is. 
 Her scent is telling me that she’s dying to cream on my cock. But I need to hear it. 
 “Geto. . . I need you to fuck me, ” she purrs.
 I stopped sucking her breasts to level with her face. Both of our hues are darkening with an appetite for each other. Lust. Hunger. A need for a release. I pulled out a condom from my pocket and held it in my mouth. Without breaking our contact, I unbuckle my pants to push down, along with my briefs, in one motion to free my dick. She looked down and sucked in a sharp breath before bringing her eyes back up to me. 
 She’s probably thinking that she can’t take me. But she will. That’s what I’m here for. To help her and make sure she does. 
 I ripped the wrapper with my teeth to roll on my cock, still not taking my eyes off her. I will never stop watching her. I need to see her reaction to everything I do.
 When I finish pushing her dress up to her waist.
 When her brows draw together when I pull her panties to the side and run my fingers along her puffy folds to rub her clit. 
 She looks so damn pretty when she’s pleased. I’m anticipating her face when I’m finally inside her. 
 I pull her to the edge of the sink, lining myself up to her entrance to push in. Though, I was met with an intrusion. My head was barely in.
 When was the last time she got fucked? 
 “Hm, stubborn we’re being. Aren’t we?” I taunt. 
 “It’s been a minute,” she teases back. 
 That’s fine. We’ll fix that.
 I bring my fingers back to her pussy to warm up her walls. The moment I slipped inside, she immediately clenched around my fingers. I only had two in and I felt like I was being pushed out again. I’m not going anywhere, though.
 I pump my digits in and out of her, pulling the most obnoxious and pornographic sounds of wetness. It’s like music to my ears. My only intent was to open her up a bit, but I could tell she was dying to come. 
 She looks at me through lidded eyes, softly panting and holding my wrist. I pick up my speed while now rubbing her clit with my thumb. Her pussy was squeezing the feeling out of my fingers, indicating she was about to come. So she held my hand in place to ride out her orgasm. 
 “ F-Fuck . . . Geto. I’m coming.” Earlier she was spicy to me, but now she cries and sounds so sweet dripping on my fingers.  
 She’s open and ready to come for me again. 
 I grabbed my cock to slam myself inside of her in one motion, which gifted me with a sharp cry I’m sure anyone outside could hear. She slapped her hand over her mouth to muffle the sounds of pleasure, but I shook my head and removed her hand. 
 “When I’m inside of you” —I pulled back— “When I’m making you cum.” —I pushed in— “You call me Suguru. Okay?” She nodded, placing her hand below my abdomen to hold my shirt up to prepare for my thrusts. “Good girl.”
 I didn’t let her adjust to my size. She could take it. I know she can. I start fucking her with hunger while keeping her legs apart. Gosh, she’s so fucking tight. So wet and warm. I doubt her husband knows what to do with her pussy because she wouldn’t be here crying on my cock. 
 I stuff every inch of me in her depths to pull out her moans. To watch how gorgeous she looks while being fucked. I want to ask her if can I feel her raw because this fucking rubber is preventing me from feeling her a hundred percent. But I don’t want to show my greed
 Not yet, at least. 
 I’ve never had pussy this good before. Pussy that’s leaking and creaming all over me. No one else deserves this but me. Fucking pussy this good is pure luck, and I feel like the luckiest man alive. 
 “You’re doing so good, Suguru. This feels so fucking good,” she cries. “Fuck me harder.”
 Her praise makes my dick twitch. Imagine being praised by someone with pussy as good as hers. 
  I’m so lucky. 
 However, her need for more makes me possessive. I ripped her away from the sink to place her back against the door and fucked her against it. The door jiggles from our intense fucking and it only jumps more the harder I fuck her. 
 “W-Wait. S-Suguru, it’s too. . . it’s too much, ” she stammered through breathy moans. "You’re too big."
 I clicked my tongue. “You begged me to fuck you harder and now it’s too much?” I shook my head. “Take this cock like a good girl because I know you can. I know you can. Just take it for me. Okay? Hm? Will you do that for me? I just want to make you come one more time. Is that okay?”
 Every word I spoke to her I felt her squeezing my cock. I can feel her coming again soon. She just needed reassurance. 
 “. . . Okay. I’ll take it, Suguru. I’ll take it .”
 I repeatedly pecked her lips. “Fuck. Thank you, angel. Thank you for giving me this good pussy. This fat wet pussy. Do you realize how good you feel?”
 I continued pounding into her pussy and noticed her tits falling out of her dress with every thrust I made. Her chestnut-colored hues glossed with pleasure and tears began pricking the corner of her eyes. 
 She's high off my fucking. Not her pathetic ass husband. I don't even know the guy, but how much of a dickhead you have to be to not worship as mesmerizing as she is?
 I think I’m infatuated. 
 No, I think I love her. She needs to be mine, and mine only.
 I’m the only motherfucker that needs to fuck her like this. I'm not letting this just be a one night stand. I’m going to make her come again tonight. Tomorrow. The day after. The weekend. All day, every day. Only me. 
  Suguru, relax.
 I’m so lost in my thoughts, but her heightened moans brought me back. She doesn’t care about being loud anymore. Yes. Cry my name loud enough so the whole restaurant knows who’s making you come like a slut in the bathroom. 
 “Yes. Oh, fuck, yes! Give it to me, Suguru. Give it,” she begs while rubbing her clit. “I’m about to come again.”
 I push past my thrusts, digging my fingers into her flesh to keep her in place. “Look at my pretty girl taking this fucking cock.” I fuck her with the energy of a lion chasing its prey. “Like this?”
  She nods, desperately. "Yes. Yes, like that, Sugu. I'm coming. I'm fucking coming."
 I’m indecisive about letting her moans roam freely or devouring them with a kiss. And she looks so pretty. That fucking smile while libido pumps through her veins has my cock jumping inside of her unruly. I’m doing my best to hold back my release, but the feel of her pussy is not making it easy. 
 I look down between us and fucking groan from seeing the creamy mess she’s making. My cock down to my balls. The hem of my shirt. Her thighs. Even after she orgasmed, her pussy grips me. How could I not be greedy?
 “One more?” I panted, smirking. 
 Her eyes blew wide. “S-Suguru, no. I don’t think I can.”
 “So why is your fucking pussy still squeezing me?” I was left with nothing but a whimper. “Exactly. Keep rubbing your clit until you come again and squirt all over me.”
 I remove her from the door to hook my arms under her thighs to have her meet with my intense thrusts. She hooks one of her hands around my neck while the other is being used to play with herself. I feel my balls growing heavy and slapping against her sex.
 I was recklessly fucking her pussy like I have no home training. I moan for her. Call for her despite me not knowing her name. I’m lucky. I’m so, so lucky. Fuck her husband. This pussy is mine. I don’t care if this is our first encounter. I’ll kill over pussy like this. 
 “Ahh, fuck!” I growled. My release crept up to the tip of my cock and sprayed the inside of the condom while I fucked her through both of our orgasms. She came between us, drenching my cock, shirt, and pants with her squirt. 
 I hope she doesn’t think this is the last time we’ll see each other.
 I rest my face on the side of her cheek, breaking heavily from that intense orgasm. I know the condom is filled to the stop. I had years worth of come built inside of me, and I still feel like I have more to give. 
 She looks at me, eyes still filled with lust and smirks. “Not too bad, Geto.”
 “I thought I told you to call me Suguru,” I say, leaving kisses on her neck.
 “You said only when I’m coming on your dick.”
 She listens.
 “I did say that. Didn’t I?” I let out an airy chuckle. “Still call me Suguru.”
 “Okay, Suguru .” It rolls off her tongue perfectly even when she’s not moaning. “I enjoyed myself.”
 I nipped on her jawline before meeting her lips with a sensual kiss. “I did too. I want to do it again.”
 “You got three nuts out of me. How needy can you be?” she teases.
 If only she knew.
 “No. Not tonight. I mean, I wouldn’t mind, but not tonight. Another time.”
 She looks at me in confusion. “One night stands aren’t your cup of tea?” She taps my shoulders to let her down so she can start fixing herself. We shared a final moan when I removed my cock from her pussy. The lost contact makes me want her more. 
 “Yeah, they are, " I answered. "But I don’t think there’s anything wrong with enjoying each other’s company. No?”
 “No, but”–she pulls down her dress—“you’re forgetting that I’m married.”
 I arched my brow, teasingly. “Did I forget or did you?”
 She glares at me. “Seems like I have a thing for jackasses with good dick.”
 There goes that spice again.
 “Look. That’s not what I meant and you know that.”
 “Ha. Oh, do I?” 
 I watched her finish adjusting herself in the mirror, grabbing her purse, and heading for the door. The moment her hand lands on the handle, I put my hand on top of hers to keep the knob from turning. By all means, she’s not a short woman. Maybe five-foot-seven at most. But even with heels, I tower her. 
 Wrapping my free arm around her waist, I push myself against her so she can feel my erection against her ass. My lips meet with her ear, and I know she’s affected by my actions because I heard the moment her breath hitched.
 “It’s just. . . you’re so damn beautiful. You can’t give me that good pussy and expect me to only want it once,” I whisper. “I haven’t even tasted you yet.”
 “ Suguru . . .” Her voice was soft, barely above a hushed tone.
 She turns around. Our eyes lock once more. Her plush lips ghost over mines, nearly kissing me, but says, “Go fuck yourself,” and walks out the door. 
 Yeah. I think I love her. 
 I follow behind her like a lost puppy. “Wait!” She stops in the hallway near the bathrooms. “You still didn’t give me your name.”
 Smirking over her shoulder, she left me there with a semi-hard cock and her name.
  Y/N. . . Perfect.
 I hope she doesn’t think this will be the last time I see her.
 It’s not. 
  Far from it.
next chapter
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villalunae · 9 months
im in such a utena mood right now i think anthy would not use nuclear war codes if she had them but would instead drop hints of incoming nuclear winter to nanami by messing with the plants in the birdcage and mentioning dead roses are often considered an omen of war (lie) so that nanami attempts to discredit her by looking up omens of war through a book miki lended her and instead finding out that all the crazy shit happening to her in the last few days (kangaroo showing up on campus was actually a political refugee, tsuwabuki prepping her cheat sheet for an upcoming test on the ramificiations of nagasaki and hiroshima, students gathering about television sets that before she can see what terrible news theyre watching someone says "turn something nice on instead!" and she only sees shopping channels marketing items like gas masks, bomb shelters, and canned foods) has actually been subtle hints and omens that they're approaching world war three and nanami ends up going to touga asking if theyre gonna make it and if japan can withstand another genocidal war crime against humanity and touga somehow reads this as her telling him her dream job is to be a stripper and tells her "silly little sister. all women are inferior to men already bc of eve's fatal sin. dont degrade yourself further than you already have" and shes like "what do you mean degrade myself further than i already have" and hes like "dont worry about it youre perfect to me. like a 9.5/10. or an 8/10. maybe a 6. definitely not any lower than a 3" and after hearing that she goes to bed upset and confused because not only is her brother not taking nuclear war seriously he also once again made her feel infantilized and small and then after hearing a loud boom in the distance she thinks nuclear war is starting and starts freaking out and thinks "my brother must have been speaking in a code! he was trying to make me feel nostalgic about my childhood to comfort me before the upcoming attack! now that nuclear war is starting i should take shelter but we dont have a bomb shelter here but ohtori has a bunch of students! it probably does!" running to ohtori and trying to think of the oldest building on campus and goes to utena and anthy's door banging on it in the middle of the night and utena gets up in her jammies like "what?" and nanamis like "QUICK we all have to GET UNDERGROUND wheres your NEAREST BOMB SHELTER" and anthy comes in behind utena like miss nanami what are you talking about? :) and utena is like yeah seriously thats so weird. i guess you can come inside . we couldnt sleep anyway because -- and then nanami sees on the floor of their room a bunch of scattered papers with a big red button in a briefcase and nanami points at anthy and is like "IT WAS YOU THAT LAUNCHED THE NUKE??????" and anthy says "oh this? this button is enrichment for my pet parrot! ive named her nanami. nanami press the button" and nanami the parrot presses the button and theres a loud boom and nanami (not the parrot) is like but what was that?!?! i heard it from my house!!!! and utena is like "oh! you must be talking about the firework display! the button is rigged up to some fireworks we got for the upcoming spring festival and we were actually up late tonight trying to get the display to work! we messed up pretty bad and most of the fireworks went off at once though haha." nanami the parrot keeps pressing the button in the bg and anthy is like "aww i guess that was the last firework left!" and nanami is like b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-but what about the kangaroo? and the test on nagasaki and hiroshima?? and the shopping channels advertising gas masks and bomb shelters and canned food??? and utena says "oh the kangaroo was a political refugee from australia its boxing career went down the hill after it killed steve durwin in a freak accident. all schools are doing history tests on world war two this time in the semester!" and anthy says "yes and because theres no clear threat of nuclear winter anymore all the old holdovers from wwii are being sold at discounted prices :)"
as nanami leaves the house feeling much better but also stupider she gets traumatized one last time by another firework going off and utena yells out the window "sorry nanami! guess there was one more loaded in there!" the firework design is chuchus face and he has been mysteriously absent this whole time. we see him in the sex car with that cat thing from madoka driving
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