#but anyway i’m sorry i’ve just admitted to thievery i guess 😭😭😭
dois-funnyzone · 5 months
this is a legit question - for years i’ve essentially ‘pirated’ color palettes
for procreate, there’s a pretty big market of color palettes you can purchase to add the swatches to your program. however i was like “i ain’t paying 2+ dollars on some colors” so i just took a screenshot and eyedropped them into the program myself (and for preview images that were censored to avoid that, like having an overlay over half of the colors, i just edited it out to get it close enough). for as long as ive done this i was a cocky edgelord about it but now im wondering if i should feel bad about it??
because even if i think buying colors is ridiculous (especially for some of the prices i’ve seen geez) im still technically stealing. from small businesses. right?? but at the same time can you even copyright a color scheme? is buying a color palette for procreate even worth paying for? cuz they’re so cool and i wanna use em but also cmon.
(also ngl collecting them and dumping them into the program like a treasure haul is addicting lol)
this probably sounds so so stupid but i’m starting to worry a little 😭😭
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