#but also the people not taking accountability for being nasty like...shut tf up
nicxxx5 · 10 months
i'm sorry about about to go an a rant here about theories and analysis in media so if you don't wanna here it just move on and don't read this. i'm just venting because well...my blog and i can do what i want
y'all need to think about the reality around unfinished media. like it's fine to analyze and make theories but please remember those are not truth yet no matter how much you "prove" it
you can disagree with how someone thinks about the meaning behind the media but also like...be fucking nice about it and accept others opinions even if you don't see it that way
just because you have you're evidence for a theory doesn't suddenly mean that evidence is the only correct evidence or that it's even correct at all
stop saying things are fact when the og content creators haven't said so yet
i'm sorry but discourse in these fandoms is sooo annoying
“oh i'm just defending my point of view” actually you're sounding like a jackass tbh
“you have no proof supporting your opinion” do you ever think that maybe you've convinced yourself its not proof because you've made yourself so sure that your theory/evidence/analysis is the only really proof
my point is people need to stop acting all fucking high and mighty about their theories until its all over and we hear from the CREATORS
and if this offends you...maybe think about what that means for you idk what to tell you
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I am mutuals with the louies on Twitter who were quoted here for being nasty. Do you know why? We'd just come to know about the fact that Harry is performing on the preshow Superbowl on 31st (azoff can suck it) & larries were comparing it to Louis performing a free show on Z100 all access lounge on dec 13 (how tf it's the same thing?) & defending h by saying music industry doesn't stop if Louis releases an album. Some of us here have been waiting for a day like 31st Jan - we definitely don't 1/2
appreciate Harry doing shit on that day . That said they may have been rude which is wrong - but harries dragging Louis everyday & make up nasty stuff about Louis so they can praise Harry is an everyday business. Where are your quotes from then? If you care sm to protect H who's getting his ass licked by the industry, who cares about Louis ? Especially his online persona which was methodically destroyed ? sorry if fans get defensive once in a while. 2/2
I hadn’t read or seen any of that, so thanks for explaining it.
I don’t know what was said but I don’t condone any homophobic attacks or ad hominem attacks on anyone. If intentions were good, I hope Louies can hold on to our integrity without doing anything like that.
I understand feeling defensive. In general, I do love that Louies defend Louis ferociously on Twitter. Louis is a protective person himself and has defended his fans many times. Twitter Louies take on a lot of shit. There aren’t anons on Twitter, which makes confrontation more open, and aggression more direct. I think anonymous messages and indirects are the reason that Larries have successfully attacked solo Louies on Tumblr, such that prominent Louies keep leaving. They also know that there’s a huge imbalance in industry support between Harry and Louis, which many take pains to deny. Big Larrie accounts invite followers to feel negatively about Louies so that many are afraid to openly support Louis without associating him with Harry. For example, Larries that attack Louie blogs often cite the fact that the blogs “don’t support Harry,” but this is never said of ex-Larries who become Harries. Do you know why? Because in some people’s eyes, Louis’ most important function in the fandom is to be a spouse. The bias is abundantly clear in the way Harry and Louis are viewed.
The fact that the Z-100 All Access Lounge can even be compared to a Super Bowl pre-show event shows this bias. The fact that Louis doing a Warchild charity concert for Brits Week and Harry performing at the Brits Awards can even be considered a matching “Larry” moment is... ridiculous? That “mutually supportive” train left the station a long time ago (for Larries and for the boys). Many Larries assume that Louis is less than Harry— less handsome, less ambitious, less focused, less talented— so of course he gets less and deserves less, and Louies should shut up and accept it.
For Harry’s debut moment, fandom rallied together because “you can only debut once.” For Louis’, “you can support multiple things, the music industry doesn’t stop just because he’s releasing an album.”
If this is the true general feelings in both camps, then I assume that when Walls is released, Louies will be the ones hyping it up hard. Tbh I gave up on Larries supporting Louis as a solid block a long time ago. Anyone can see which boy needs more hype and support, but Louis won’t get it. This bias was always there, but when the time got closer for Walls, you see the panic and true colors start to become more obvious. Louies aren’t going to shut up about Louis, and we won’t feel good about HSHQ, ever. We don’t have to buy whatever they’re trying to shove down our throats. And yes, you only debut once. Give Louis his debut. Don’t make it about anything else.
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