#but also the concept of Ranboo pulling a trolly problem at the end of genloss sounds rlly cool
rayven81194 · 10 months
Trolly Problem - A Genloss Theory/Thoughts focused on Hetch
// This is kinda long, also genloss spoilers
Before I rant, I’m just saying that I feel silly and am just ranting. I saw 1 post about this and went haywire smile
Ok so i’ve been thinking about genloss, specifically, Hetch. Now I know a lot of us see him as villainous, seeing as he did manipulate Ranboo and in a way, killed them. But, as I’ve been thinking, Hetch as a character seemed a bit to simple. A villain, a killer, someone we shouldn’t trust. However, what if that in a way, he as a person was masked a bit. our view has been masked before and I don’t doubt we are free from it. So, my rant begins:
First off, titles. Hetch, apparently, was a name the Scottish used as a nickname for someone crooked. Which, with Hetchs character as we know goes, fits. But, nickname is what gets me. I could ask many questions about naming for some key characters, or a lack of naming. Examples include The Mastermind and The Founder. We are given titles that explain how they are relevant in a way. So, why wouldn’t the same go for Hetch? We know he works for The Founder, so maybe he was renamed to fit the role. The role he needed to serve.
That segway’s into my next point. A post talked about how people with masked in genloss are controllable, like the workers and Ran, as well as including Hetch. So what if Hetch is high in power, nearing The Founder, but still a puppet. Again, new point. It can be assumed that Hetch is a puppet for The Founder. But, what if that isn’t the case. Someone outside of Showfall trying to expose Showfall. But, evident by the 7-foot monster that killed multiple people, and upped security we know from Hetch telling us, simply walking in can’t happen. We know Showfall can’t stop hackers, evident by Hetch and Squiggles interactions, if you can call them that. 
I’ll stop building fluff around this and just say it, I think Hetch is a puppet being used to tear down Showfall Media. However, he works there and was quite high on the job scale. The person who is puppeteering him could be doing what we did to Ranboo in the Cabin. We told Ranboo to go somewhere, but didn’t control a lot of what they did or how they did it, aside from a one worded command. Explore. Could this person controlling Hetch be doing similar things, but with Hetch being aware of Showfall control on Ranboo or just Showfall being able to control people. Or they let him keep those memories, not relevant.
I said i’d stop the fluff then added more so here’s the good part. The person puppeteering Hetch wants us to see him as villainous as well as those working with The Founder, who we assume are well aware of everything, as people who need to be torn down. Making Hetch be the only person from The Founders direct team and our only representative of them it a great idea for the goal of tearing Showfall Media down. If we assume the Founder is the Founder of Showfall. Anyways, with how we view Hetch, maybe they want us to view the rest of them to be untrustworthy. Make us take very thing they say with a grain of salt. 
Ok that’s it, i’m not the best at explaining my theory but I hope it makes sense. A few more things though. If we believe that there is a separating party involved, that could make a neat ending. We have to make one final choice, which villain do we eliminate? Both could leave us with a feeling of dread. Ranboo seems to likes that. Adding on to that, Hetch could be neutral. Controlled by one side, but technically working for the other. Neat character idea. Bonus, stab wound was given to try and make him easier to control. Getting him both mentally and physically tired.
Also, I think you can somewhat ignore the thought of another person puppeteering Hetch or assume is just Hetch acting. But, I don’t think we know enough about Hetch and his true motives, or things threatening him. To finish this off, I pose a question to you:
You know the trolly question? The train going to hit one person or five, and we have to pick. Have you every thought of the person who was controlling the train, or the one who launched it? If they were trying to stop it, to make it better once aware. Would you blame them for the accident, a situation they might have not been able to control? Just some thoughts.
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