#but also jesus christ. can anyone draw him happy pls. let him sit in a flower meadow
pls never stop sharing ur story ideas, theyre all so wonderful! I can imagine steven and duff teaming up and making axls bed mysteriously disappear so axl has to share a bed with slash. also, slash is a witch from his mothers side,from a very unconventional witch upbringing and his mother never minded that he'd rather have a top hat than a typical pointy witch hat lol. also izzy and duff finally going on a date to a by and for magical people cafe and just wondering why they didnt do it sooner???
thank you so much! it’s really glad not all of my ideas are shit lol 
okay, so here we go again-
Duff and Izzy eventually end up getting all their feelings out in the open with a little help from Steven and a lot of help from some booze.
One night Duff is staying over at Izzy’s and they’re both a bit extremely tipsy and no one else is home so they end up falling asleep in Izzy’s bed. Before they passed out Duff had been in his animal form but at some time during the night he shifted back and Izzy wakes up with a face full of Duff’s hair, not fur.
Izzy just lays there for a while, not really wanting to wake Duff up and just enjoying the moment. 
Duff wakes up and they’re both really not sure what happened last night (Izzy still has his clothes on so they’re a bit confused). But Duff takes a chance and kisses Izzy.
Steven who’s turned into some random ass object somewhere near them suddenly pops back and is so happy with himself, because if he can’t get Axl and Slash together he can definitely get Duff and Izzy together.
Izzy then tries to murder Steven, who runs for his life and isn’t seen back for a few days (he’ll take his chances staying over at a friends house rather than anywhere he could see Izzy or Duff).
Duff drags Izzy out to a little cafe nearby, despite the fact that Izzy had his heels in the ground the whole damn way. 
Izzy is really awkward at first, he hasn’t really been on a ton of dates in recent years (let alone with a guy) but the cafe is a great place to start because they let werewolves through the door so you can bet they don’t give a shit about two guys holding hands (it also helps no one would want to fuck with a gypsy and an animagus (thanks @jamesheckinhetfield for this term I had no idea what to call him)).
When they’re walking home Izzy slips one of his necklaces on Duff and he just melts because, holy fuck, Izzy just went on a date with him and he loves all of Izzy’s jewelry. 
They get home and Axl is already back from god knows where, and he definitely recognizes the necklace and he gets a huge shit eating grin ‘you two fucked didn’t you?’
Duff growls and Izzy just blushes and if there’s one way Duff knows how to scare Axl it’s with his animal form. So Izzy just sorta watches as Duff tears around the house after Axl who is screaming (jesus christ, he’s going to go deaf pretty damn soon). 
Ten minutes later they’re all settled down again (Axl is locked in his room, Duff is panting on the floor, and Izzy is questioning his life choices).
Okay, so is it just me or would Duff really enjoy running around as a dog? Like he may hate being treated one, but he’ll just run around outside for an hour. But you can’t really let a huge dog run around humans without a leash so he doesn’t really go too far.
Izzy adds little charms to Duff’s necklace, he’ll just sit there and talk about it too ‘my mother taught me that this one will ward off evil, and this little blue one will keep you safe when you’re out’ and Duff just sits there and smiles like an idiot. 
Axl still says they’re being disgusting, secretly he thinks it’s actually cute but there’s no way he’s ever telling anyone (and if Steven spills he’ll just kill him, problem solved).
Izzy even slips the necklace on him when he’s in his dog form because, ‘it still works even if you’re not human at the moment.’
So, Axl and Slash still haven’t worked out their feelings.
Axl is trying (even if it’s small ways) to be nice to Slash. He even puts up with the snake, although it scares the shit out of him because Clyde always seems to be nearby when Slash is. He’ll be wrapped around his forearm when he’s doing spellwork or tucked around his neck like a scarf beneath all of his hair. 
Slash shows Axl how to feed him, and Clyde is better around Axl than he is with most people since he’s rather in synch with what Slash is feeling. 
Slash also isn’t your typical witch like you said, so when they’re out he draws a few strange looks from people. If he has to go out to pick up some supplies Axl tags along most of the time.
One time they’re out and some guy is making fun of Slash (there are a lot more female magic workers, and Slash has never worried about catering to people’s views of a traditional ‘witch’) who just ignores it, but Axl can’t let it go.
He doesn’t get why someone would be a douche over something like this, it’s not like Slash can help he’s a witch any more than Axl can help to be a banshee, they just live with it and move on.
So he snaps back at the guy, and Slash is dragging him out of the store before he starts another fight, and he’s telling him to let it go, he gets it all the time.
Axl lets his mouth get ahead of him and ends up saying too much- about how Slash is a great witch, and how he really, really likes him and that the guy was a total dick to say those things.
They’re both standing there, and Axl just bolts, because, fuck, he didn’t mean to say the part about how he liked Slash (even if it hadn’t been directly).
Slash spends the rest of the evening looking all around the area for Axl, but Axl is really good at disappearing when he wants to.
So he goes home and has the most awkward conversation with Izzy about what happened. Izzy basically calls him an idiot, but they’re all a little worried about the stupid things Axl may be doing at the moment. 
Duff shifts and goes out to look for Axl and Slash and Izzy decide to wait back in case he decides to show up. 
Two hours later there’s a scratch at the door and Duff is at the door with Axl in tow. Slash just hugs him, and Izzy is dragging Duff back at the door with him because he does not want to hear his best friend fuck one of his roommates. 
Duff shifts back and they spend the evening walking around town enjoying the quiet. 
Steven has come out of hiding by the time they get back and Axl and Slash are holed up in Slash’s room, so they all chill on the couch with the TV volume maxed out so they don’t have to hear whatever the fuck is going on in the room above them.
part 2 of this
that got long again, but this idea just keeps going :)
@pleasedontmakemechoose i may have gone overboard again 
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