#but also i think it is 100% fanon for Izzy to hate Jack enough to bond with Stede about it because he hates Stede more
theorderofthetriad · 2 years
Funny to me how the ofmd fandom as a whole seems to agree that Izzy hates the everloving fuck outta Calico Jack when there's no strong evidence either way.
Like i get the assumption, because how could any of us even ever conceive anyone actually liking Calico Jack other than the singular character who was confirmed to like him. But we also know that Calico was specifically sent to the Revenge by Izzy, so Izzy does not hate him so much he's unwilling to work with him. Sending Jack to interfere with Stede does imply that Izzy at least prefers Jack to Stede, or hates Stede more than he hates Jack.
And I've already said this in another post, but Izzy's issue with Stede is something more than just "this guy is stealing my boss's affections" because Calico Jack also steal's Edward's affections, and Izzy literally sent the man to do exactly that. Calico is an asshole in a profession full of assholes, I think Izzy respects that. Whereas Stede is a sweetheart in a profession of assholes and Izzy does not respect that, especially since Ed fucking loves it at the detriment of his own safety.
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