#but I'm also pretty sure that when one becomes a Stones guitar player
waugh-bao · 2 years
Love how every time Charlie is asked about Ronnie it boils down to: "He's a great musician,he's dumb, and I love him."
And there is a quote that says exactly that from 2002:
"I still tend to think that Ronnie only joined The Stones a couple of years ago, but it’s actually a hell of a long time. He’s a great guy to be on tour with - he’s daft as well, but he’s a nice person.”
Basically, 'he's dumb but he's sweet so I told Mick and Keith they could keep him.'
Other greatest hits from Charlie on Ronnie include:
"He has the attention span of a gnat."
"He's not at all sensible, Ronnie. It's not his role. He's a maniac."
"It's very difficult to keep a straight face with Ronnie. Either he's doing something really stupid, and he doesn't know it, or he knows it, and they're both very funny."
"He's not a grown-up."
And that time he joked that, now they'd had him for 40 years it was time to fire him.
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In seriousness, though, he did always have the highest praise for him as a guitar player.
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When it came down to it, he did a lot for Ronnie, especially during his first days in the band and post-WWIII.
Ronnie's first gig as a Rolling Stone was the flatbed truck on 5th Avenue in 1975. All Charlie's idea (it was an old jazz band trick from the '30s), and maybe the most spectacular way to make one's debut as a Stone.
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Depending upon who's telling the story, the second person vacillates between being Keith or Bill, but Charlie is always mentioned as the biggest advocate for Ronnie becoming a full member of the band. Ronnie in 2003:
"Before we went to Japan, on the Steel Wheels tour, my pals Charlie and Bill stood up for me. They said, Are you earning as much as we are? and I said, No. So they said, Unless you earn as much as us, we're not going to carry on. They brought this up at a meeting and I thought, Thank you very much! 
Bill and Charlie were very supportive. They made a stand for me without me having to beg and say, I'm being unfairly treated. They said, Ronnie's slaved away as hard as we have and he's not getting as much as us. And the rest of the band said, Right, OK, we'll finally end your apprenticeship, you're finally part of the band."
All of this was in addition to Charlie helping Ronnie with his kids, assisting him in sobriety, being the best man in his wedding to Jo, acting as his chief artistic critic, playing drums for his most successful solo record, etc.
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It should be said that, while I don't think Ronnie is going to be receiving a Fulbright scholarship anytime soon, he's no idiot when it comes to Charlie.
He had a very incisive read not just on his excellence as a drummer or as a person (though he praised both often), but on Charlie's inability to see why he was so loved and admired:
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Whenever they were in interviews together, he never let Charlie get away with putting himself down:
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So, you know, maybe Keith wasn't quite that ridiculous in getting a little worried Ronnie was going to steal the spot of favorite he (thought) he had:
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auskultu · 7 years
Yardbird Jimmy Page says, 'Open Your Mind'
Hit Parader magazine: WHEN YOU were a session man, were you playing bass or lead guitar?
Jim: Lead guitar.
HP: Was it difficult to switch to bass when you joined the Yardbirds?
Jim: It was at first because I tended to play it like a guitar. With the bass you just play a sort of root thing. I was just leaping around all over the place with great speed and I had to stop doing that. I managed to simplify it. But at first I was playing far too quickly.
HP: I read somewhere that you were going to play lead soon?
Jim: I already have because Jeff was taken ill. Chris took over bass.
HP: Who were some of the other people you have accompanied?
Jim: Them, the Kinks, Georgie Fame, I did some stuff for the Rolling Stones. Actually, we just did a lot of things for fun for Andrew Oldham. In fact, it really was good fun. But I've never been on any of their records. I was on the Who stuff. Petula Clark, P.J. Proby. Nearly everybody who didn't have their own backup group.
HP: How would you describe your style of guitar playing?
Jim: My style has always been very similar to Jeff Beck's. We knew each other for about 9 years. We've always liked the same music and we had the same tastes. As a result, it's been quite easy to fill in for him. When we get the two lead guitars going, it should be pretty good. Because it'll be like two identical people playing together.
HP: What's your opinion of the Paul Butterfield Blues Band?
Jim: I haven't seen them live. But their album is pretty good. As a harp player, Butterfield is really great. He's better than anybody in England. Lots of people speak of Mike Bloomfield, but there are a lot of guys in England who play that stuff.
HP: Beck is an excellent guitarist, but why isn't more of his solo work heard on records?
Jim: How far can you go? We've been told our latest album is too far advanced. There's too much electronic stuff on it. But I think it's all basic. We cut a single with Jeff. It's a Bolero thing. It's very exciting and strange. It's either going to be a monster or a bomb. It's an instrumental based on the classical Bolero piece. Beck's guitar-playing is exploited quite a bit there. But how much can you do that the public will accept? You either make a commercial record or a musicians' record. You've got to draw the line somewhere.
HP: Are there some good blues bands in England?
Jim: There's one called John Mayall's Blues Breakers. Mayall himself is terrible. And then Eric Clapton is good, but he's in the Mike Bloomfield bag, and that's that. And there are lots of good guitarists in minor bands.
HP: Would you say blues is still a big rage in England?
Jim: No, not really. It's still got a market; it's the same thing as in America.
HP: Are you basically a blues guitarist?
Jim: Before the Indian thing was exploited, everyone said I played like an Indian. Mainly because I was interested in the music so many years back. I had the albums and I sent to India for a sitar. I had one long before George Harrison. I tried to learn the actual classical music. It's very difficult. There are so many sides to it. I tried to adapt that to my guitar playing.
HP: Why have musicians latched on to these Indian sounds?
Jim: Because it's so esoteric. Everybody thinks they understand. They get a new sound and they say this is it. But really, they don't know what's going on, I'm sure. I've heard people in groups playing sitars and they don't know what's going on. They don't even tune them up right. Apparently, George Harrison has become deeply interested in it. He plays a sitar on their new album and he was getting along very well. People like Brian Jones just got it for the one record and I doubt if they'll ever use it again.
HP: There are a lot of Indians living in London, aren't there?
Jim: Yes, there are quite a few. Strangely enough, when you speak to them of Indian music, they don't seem to know anything about it. The only thing they know is the western music or the Indian film music, which is completely different from the classical. When you ask them about it, they recommend you to the Asian society or something. I met Ravi Shankar and that's how I got my information on how to tune up the sitar.
HP: Will you be writing material for the Yardbirds now?
Jim: With them, not for them. When one of us has an idea, we all chip in on it until it's finished. I wasn't on the last two, but 'Shapes of Things' and 'Over, Under, Sideways, Down' were all made up in the studio.
HP: What kind of equipment do you use?
Jim: When Chris is on rhythm guitar, we use any old amplifier because it isn't that important, but on bass we have a big set-up with 2 or 3 speakers.
On this tour, we've been given Jordan equipment. It's all transistorized equipment. We're sort of experimenting with it. It hasn't worked out properly on the lead guitars. But it's been sufficient on the bass. On bass, we've got 6 speakers to 8 speakers. In England I've been using a Showman Fender amplifier. And a Fender concert amp which is a smaller one with 4 ten-inch speakers. I link them up together so I get double the power. Through one you get the bass frequencies and through the other I use feedback and the treble frequencies. This is about the best set-up I've had so far. But Jordan is working on some new equipment which should prove to be great. I play a Gibson Les Paul guitar, Chris has an Epiphone bass and there's another Gibson floating around. Eventually, it will be all Gibson because we bought them and never bothered to change them. They're quite adequate.
HP: How did you finally end up with the equipment you've got now?
Jim: We just worked on it. I've been playing guitar for a few years now and I just work on this certain line. You do as best you can. The only problem being we blow up quite a few amps. We did one show and I had 4 amplifiers all linked up. It must have been about 400 watts all together. Those were Vox amps. They just can't take the volume. The speakers blow and then you don't get any sound at all. The Jordan ones didn't blow up, but they don't have enough volume. I've never broken a guitar, but I've been through nearly every make. I've never found a guitar which is exactly what I want. At the moment, I'm happy with this Gibson. I've also got a Fender Telecaster. I find every guitar's got a sound of its own and you can use them all and get something out of them. I haven't used the Telecaster on stage yet. Actually, all my guitars are in England because I came over playing bass. I switched to Jeff's guitar. His is very close to mine because they're both Les Paul models. Normally, we all travel by plane and the equipment goes by van. We have two road managers, one for the equipment and one for us.
HP: Have you found a big difference in British youth and American youth?
Jim: The Americans are a little more narrow-minded. The English, at the moment, are completely broad-minded. This wasn't the original concept of the English, was it? You can shock people in America very easily. If people are shocked, that's their bad luck. They should open their minds. In England, you could walk around in the nude and you wouldn't shock anyone. They'd think you should be put away, but they wouldn't beat the guts out of you. Also, the age of consent is 16. You can marry at 16. The attitude over there is completely free, just like the attitude toward clothes.
HP: Are you really that concerned about how you look?
Jim: I'm not really concerned with clothes. People put that on my shoulders. In actual fact, I'm pleased to see people walking around in outrageous things. They're throwing off the chains of a society that was. It's probably making England completely decadent, but so what. Billy Graham was just over there in England and if you walked around with him, you'd have seen it look all pretty decadent. I'd have to agree. He didn't make any impact at all. Actually, it's a forecast of the end of society. But I don't care because I'll be dead before it ends. If we've come this far in five years, it should really be something in another five. I'd like the new society to be a peaceful one but it won't be, because violence seems to be the answer to every problem. Every fringe society must be experiencing this. We walk around with long hair and someone shouts something, so you give them an answer back which is a little sharp and which they don't quite expect. Then they can't give you an answer, so they come to fists. What sort of mentality is that? I can't argue with a person like that.
It must be terrible for someone to have to fight in a war. I haven't had to think about wars. It's just something I haven't had to contend with, really, I hadn't realized what a big problem it is. I've just seen the horrors of it.
HP: Well, England doesn't have any big thing going now.
Jim: No, this is it. We have no conscription whatsoever. I'll never be drafted or anything.
HP: They won't send you over to Africa to beat up some people or anything?
Jim: Well, they don't do this. People wouldn't do this. If they had a mass conscription now, I dread thinking how many people would go. Because it would only be 40% of those who would have gone before they dropped conscription. People don't want to know about it anymore. They think, well, why should I waste two years of my life and probably lose my life in the process. They just don't want to know anymore.
They've got a regular army where you join and you jet paid every week for doing it. And you just do maneuvers and things.
HP: They have that here, too!
Jim: Yeah, sure, but yours is more of a reality because they get drafted over to Viet Nam. Basically, I must be a coward, but I just couldn't shoot someone. I guess it's different if they're looking at you with a gun and you're looking at them with a gun. You'd have to do it, though. I'd just be violently sick afterwards. I'd never forgive myself, anyway. I'm not the sort of person who's the violent type. I've never never had a fight in my life. I've never put my fists up to anybody. I've never needed to. Only, as I say, through the long hair problem people have said things. But it's never developed. Even if you say come on then, they still won't do anything. Basically, they've still got no guts. But even if they did, I'd run a mile. It's funny because you think, well, what are they going to do, and they don't do anything. So they just wasted the whole time laughing at you. Perhaps they just laugh to reassure their own masculinity.
HP: Why do you think there's such a big concern with clothes?
Jim: I don't know. It's a projection of one's character, I suppose.
HP: Is Carnaby Street a real madhouse?
Jim: It's so easy to send that Carnaby Street thing up. It really is. It's really a street with lots and lots of clothing shops. It's quite a revelation if you've never seen anything like it before, and I'm sure nobody over here has. There's nothing like that. It's just teen-age fashions, bizarre styles. You go there on a Saturday and the kids are there spending money. This is all part of the game, I suppose. Yeah, they spend a fortune on clothes. I don't know where some of the young ones get it from. You see them walking around and they must have spent twice what they've earned.
HP: Do they have things like charge accounts over there?
Jim: No. Not on Carnaby Street, anyway. They won't take checks or anything, not from the kids. Not unless they know you. But there is a big leaning towards clothes and fashions. It's an extension of their character. People have become more aware of the fact that, if they dress up and they look really elegant, I'm not saying Carnaby Street, but if they've got a very clean-cut suit on and still look pretty hip with it and not just sort of middle class, it has the affect on a girl.
HP: What's the biggest thing you dislike about America?
Jim: You see, the only thing that I've seen is violence, but I've only been doing concerts. I don't get out to walk around and meet people very often. If I was walking around the street, I probably wouldn't see any violence whatsoever. So, it's difficult. You see, I haven't seen much of America on this tour. But, when I had my holidays before in Hollywood, I enjoyed it. I thought it was great.
HP: You spent your holiday in Los Angeles?
Jim: Before I joined the group, I spent my holidays for the last couple of years in Hollywood.
HP: What are some of the things you enjoyed in Hollywood?
Jim: The weather. The weather's pretty bad in England. I met quite a few people and made some good friends. I liked the Sunset Strip; there's quite a bit happening there. I got to see groups I could never see in England.
HP: If you had a choice, where would you like to live?
Jim: Miles away from anybody. That's what I'm going to do when I get back. I'm buying a house. It's about a half a mile from anybody else. It's got a river, five bedrooms. That's for when the group slows down a bit. But we'll be working hard for the next year. There's so many things I'd like to do that I don't have the time for now. Things which are very important to me, like painting. But it's best to work now and make all the money I can.
HP: What kind of books do you like to read?
Jim: I used to study religion when I was in art school. But I stopped.
HP: Was that how you got interested in Indian music?
Jim: It may have been subconsciously. But I didn't just read about it and then go onto it. At the moment, I read sort of very strange things like I, Jan Cramer. Things which are a social comment. This Cramer is a beat painter in Holland. I like Henry Miller, too.
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