#but I dont have the patience to read anymore 😭
feniverse-unfiltered · 3 months
Would absolutely love to finish reading the trigun manga (and actually get to trimax , god please, I want to see feral Vash) but my attention span is nonexistent and I’m getting /old/ and like can’t read shonen anymore apparently because I can’t keep track of anything that’s happening on the pages. Send help
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toastsnaffler · 1 year
istg one of these days.......
#ya know that post thats like texting lesbians: its throw bowling balls down the stairs day u better be game#one of my fave posts ever in the world#anyway my lesbian flatmate texts like the straight female friend part of that post and i love her but its killing me#its endearing but its so hard not to read it as flirty stoppitttt im already dedicating so much work to repressing this little crush 😭#ALSO THAT POST THATS LIKE FLIRTING W GIRLS WILL HAVE U ADDING :3 TO UR TEXTS literally so true but I dont think she means it like that 😭😭#like she talks to everyone that way I remember when I first met her me + my ex spent ages trying to work out if she was gay#bc we were so sure she had a gay vibe but every text felt like it was pointing the other way..... the vindication when I found out she WAS#anyway my resolve weakens with every 😘 emoji like im already thinking abt it dont give me any more ideas !!!!#its not even embarrassing anymore like how am i supposed to exist near someone like her WITHOUT ever having a gay thought#so im not sorry if she sees this. i take rejection like a champ dont be shy#but genuinely tho i dont think shes interested shes just cute like that. and idw make things weird cuz we're still living together next yr#itd be suchh a pain if i made things awkward right when we need to find a place. and anyway my best case is our 3rd flatmates WORST#i wouldnt do that to him god forbid#buuuut...... nope ok enough of that im going back to bed its almost 1am#this is what HAPPENS when u have insomnia tuning into the crazy radio every night#need to get onto dating apps and find smth new to distract me before this gets out of hand....... buttttt i dont want to >:|#its ok my patience is infinite i like playing the long game. i was into my ex for 2 and a half years before i made any moves#i can wait this one out too either itll happen eventually or itll pass. we're good#ok thats GOODNIGHT from me if u read this far wow ur nosy arent u...... jk ily sleep well everyone#muah all round#.diaries
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pieroulette · 11 months
Kei huh? From &team? i always liked him and EJ (buuuuut ooooh Ej......love Ej) ....have you seen the muscles on K though? Man is unreal. he's like a machine.
Seriously, don't rush route 1. that is seriously a masterpiece in the making and it shouldn't be posted unless you had rendered your fullest thought process into it. I totally understand that the spark died down, and that's fine, those idiots wont get to enjoy it because they'll be long gone by then. the spark will lighten back up again and when it does, you'll slay. it is truly a fic story that deserves patience and time because its a remarkable read. for someone like me to say that and be patient for route 1's finale, truuuuuuuust me....girl you're going to find out soon that i'm probably the biggest route 1 fan of them all. you'll see after a bit. and taking a break from enha isn't a bad thing, it's good to switch it up <3 in the meantime my yuanwon-ie or my kei-yuan, whichever you're in the mood for ;) it's musing-tuesday goodness for you.
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okay but seriously......what in the actual hell Mr. Yang, Jungwon!?
On a side note, even though we dont know what we look like, i can already tell you're beautiful bc creative minds come in very pretty packages. <3
#@🤡anon #guessyouregonnamissout #R1isgoingtobesoooooogoooood #andyouaintgonna #getanyofit #karamaisreal #rememberthat #to🤡anon #itsokay #westillwilling #toloveyou #andgiveyou #goodshittoread #eventhough #youwakeup #everymorning #takingout #yourfrustrations #onothers #werehere #foryou #becauseweown #thisshit #andthankyou #forbeinginspiration #tomynextvillian
KEI IS INDEED A MONSTER- and yes EJ lol idk which one of them is my bias wrecker anymore 😭😭 they just rlly had their unique qualities and charms it's hard to choose but Kei won my heart for now >< BUT OMG i know I've said this many times alrd but truly I'm thankful for these long long paragraphs, i love each word!!! I feel so appreciated and loved by this, Nana !! I appreciate u sm, and reading this gives me alot of energy and motivation boost to keep going <3 THANK U VERY VERY MUCH FROM THE BOTTOM OF MY HEART 💓💓 yuanwon-ie and kei-yuan is so freaking cute lol im crying 😭😭
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fruityocto · 2 years
! Introduction Alert !
personal account!! @tacozonesu + @softandfluffycalliefan is literally the best person in the whole wide world.. please go give her some love on her art too!!! its SO pretty!!(just like herself!!) ((love you wifey <3<3<))
anyway yeah i wanted a personal account because im dropping the whole social media thing and just want to do it for myself and not to build a following like i originally intended when i first started my social media journey back in summer of 2020.. i will not be giving out the name of it for multiple reasons.
anywho, i go by They/He and im pansexual. Please try to use tone tags with certain messages!! i have a hard time deciphering tone through only text without them, after some bad experiences with that i decided i needed tone tags. please try not to use feminine terms for me(unless for satire/humorous purposes)
im trying my best to improve myself every day as a person, for my girlfriend and the people around me. if i say something wrong by accident, please try to correct me in a polite way, i havent had good experiences with people when i slip up, so please be patient with me.
with that out of the way, im a huge fan of splatoon and owl house, amongst many other things. I like to draw a ton..i wouldnt say my art is the best, but i try. i also have a fascination for flowers and crystals... it comforts me in a way. i just never talked about it to anybody because i kinda. yknow. wanted to keep it to myself as a little thing i can study and learn about. im too shy to talk about something like that with people, yknow?
[ uh oh girlfriend ramble😭 ]
i have a BIG fear of bugs though, and my girlfriend is obsessed with them, so its a little bit stupid..but she deals with them for me. she doesnt kill them, which im starting to not wanting to, she just cares for them in the gentlest way possible.. which is something i literally ADORE about her. shes so sweet to almost every creature in the world, she even took care of a mantis for like.. a week or two straight. it was so cute i CANTTT shes so sweet and i love her to death and will personally throw hand with anyone who tells me otherwise. shes one of the nicest people ive ever met, she helps me in every way she can and i love her so much for it. shes so supportive of everything i do.. im so happy i have her. shes one of the most special people to me, and she plays a big part of my healing process. whenever i think of what my life would be without her, its just.. sad. she brightens up my days even when she doesnt try and she just warms my heart..im being so cheesy and i genuinely dont care anymore this girl is my everything. ever. not to mention how drop dead gorgeous she is. I WAS SITTING IN MATH CLASS NEXT TO HER AND FOR LIKE. 5 MINUTES STRAIGHT. I STARED AT HER THE WHOLE TIME. i didnt even notice i was staring at her. i think that just PROVES my point. i love her so much and she has her own special place in my heart and godDAMNIT i wish i was with her right now. just. laying down and talking to eachother while at like.. 2 in the morning while running on an hour of sleep. SHE MAKES MY HEART FLUTTER SO MUCH.. I WAS IN SOCIAL STUDIES AND SHE WRAPPED HER ARM AROUND MY WAIST FROM THE SIDE AND I SQUEALED IN MY HEAD IT WAS LIKE A CHEESY X READER FANFICTION but it was SO COOL EEEEEEWJDJNSNDSNSNNS
dear god i really just made a whole essay about my girlfriend..i think that just comes to show how much she means to me sjdjsndn....i had to write the warning AFTER i made that because i realized how much i wrote BAHA
if you got this far, thank you for reading you have so much patience oh my god........take my creature while ur here
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- sam☆
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yanbub · 3 years
multiple announcements coming through !
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okok first of all, im back 😋. as in ill be fully active again like usual xdxd.
i know i didn't seem like i was on a semi-hiatus but shhh i had to take care of things and i had to fix my mental stability too.
i'm really sorry that i didn't reply to my inbox while i was gone !! i was very unmotivated to reply during the whole break even tho i rbed some ask games LOL. ill reply to them later so your wait won't be that long anymore !
thank you all 4 ur patience and efforts 💞
pls read the other announcements utc! its all important and i just cut it so that it wont clog up other's dashboards.
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second of all, the blog will go a heavy revamp session! please don't mind the spam posting, it'll just be me organizing my blog all over again.
the revamp will include the following:
a new tagging system
(finally) an official post for my blog rules, writing rules, etc. i know i have a carrd for that but im tired of editing it every now and then
a clean up! ill be deleting some old posts such as my shitposts and some other miscellaneous things i want out of this blog. and sadly, this includes the requests that was left in my inbox. sorry that you didn't get your request done ^^'
i think thats p much it? again dont mind the spam posting you'll see when this is in progress!
asks will be answered AFTER this revamp session is done.
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third, a new character for the character list! thoma is added now. as for gorou, well, that's still dependable since i haven't grasped his personality yet with the little interaction we got from the archon quests. ill try writing for him but only on specific and self indulgent ideas.
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not that important but new theme hehe. ive had this theme on pc for a while now but i wanted to change it on mobile once im back from the break. anyways stan remi ayasaki for clear skin yalls
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to explain further about me deleting requests in my inbox, as you saw during my break i only posted self indulgent content.
i don't really wanna open requests for a while since i have so many self indulgent ideas that i wanna focus on. the ideas that you sent in were honestly great but im sorry that i won't be able to write it :((
though there might be times that i won't be writing because deadass i post content almost everyday, i need a break too 🧍‍♀️.
HOWEVER! if you're willing to send in some brainrot at my inbox, ill be more than glad to whip up a small blurb/ficlet for you! or maybe ill add more onto that brainrot, who knows really.
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anyways if you reached this part of the post, congrats! you're probs the only one who bothered to read all the important announcements.
ill be off to revamp the blog now and istg ill finally answer asks after that 😭 i missed interacting w yall but i swear my motivation said no <//3
bye bye now, ty for reading <33
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staysuki · 3 years
squid game episode 6 reactions:
1) things are getting intense whew. that scene where the traitors were hung in the hallways, the bright pastel colours all around as they were in the air and the players all looking up at them, and also no.101’s hope dying in his eyes. idk there was smth so beautiful in that scene. the colors, the representation, idk, it just got to me. such good visual imagery.
2) old man peed himself, i still can’t read him but damn am i super suspicious. maybe i just have trust issues idk. i’m not good at among us. gihun to the rescue, best man or smth idk. istg if he turns out to be the winner because he’s a good samaritan idk what to think anymore
3) mr. hwang, first rule of snooping: don’t dawdle 😭 and also ignore when phones ring
4) i forgot that the front man spoke english, it threw me off again 😭
5) pairs of two: my guess on the pairs would probably be ali x sangwoo, gihun x no.001, and then no.67 x no.240
6) mr. hwang really tried to call 911 😭😭😭😭
7) ok all my guesses were right, i called it, great pairs huh but idk i think that one were easy predictions. i did not think no.212 would “die” (we didn’t see it, it didn’t happen, she’ll probably come back as an antagonist idk). it’s a common cinematography trope that if we don’t get a confirmed kill then that probably means smth.
8) the set design once again is top notch, i wonder what they’re gonna do. marbles 👀 i used to have a lot as a kid too, never knew how to play with it tho. i vaguely remember putting one in my mouth idk.
9) uh oh. i knew this was coming one way or another. there’s just NO WAY this wasn’t gonna happen. ok, predictions: sangwoo and ali would probably be competitive but in the end, the other would let the other win (i think ali would die, or idk, they’d rather both die together, i also see sangwoo dying instead but it’s a thin margin), obviously no.67 will win, she’s a girl with a purpose and honestly i don’t remember no.240’s name, did they disclose her name? if not, she’s def gonna die. gihun will win, old man will let him win. so either the main trio will live OR there will be some sort of hail mary where they find a loophole in the game and survive.
10) i like this game though. so far, everything has been “physically strenuous” to an extent (yes, even the dalgona one). there was bound to be psychological game soon or smth intelligence-centric.
11) counter offer: if it were me, i’d offer to play a bunch of mini games or just rock paper scissor it all throughout idk.
12) i love no.240’s energy so much. kinda sad she’s gonna die. def just make up your own game 😤
13) no.001 gonna come in clutch with a revelation, i’m sure of it.
14) istg if sangwoo cons ali 😤😤😤😤
16) the masked workers really have infinite patience huh
17) oh no sangwoo snappedt ;(((((
18) tragic backstory time, they really went all out with these. i love it. immigration is such a touchy subject, i’m so sad for no.67
19) old man really went all or nothing huh
20) these two gals awww, they’re so cute. “once we get out of here— oh.” so sad. sangwoo and ali too, i knew something emotional was gonna happen 😭💔
21) no.001 is so good at this game as expected. master boomer gamer. i love this part sm.
22) no.101 and no.278 are so funny idc
23) big brain sangwoo??? idk, he’s so sussy rn. i don’t trust people that get caught up in their emotions. ali still my best man.
24) so we see backstory on why no.240 hates the religious guy sm. makes sense.
25) HE LET GIHUN REPLAY. OMG. I’m really doubting this man’s dementia idk, it seems like he knows what he’s doing 100%
26) sangwoo 😐😐😐😐😐😐😐😐😐
27) i dont like how 101 and 278’s game turned out ://// but that’s how the world works ig.
28) sangwoo and gihun conning their way to victory huh. this makes me feel miserable :(
29) jiyeong and saebyeok 💔💔💔
30) 240 is gonna fudge it and let saebyeok win
31) 240 HAS A BIG HEART 😭😭😭😭 i knew it. ok this is the part that made me cry. also ali’s death. *sigh* i have such a bad experience with episode 6s, even some of the anime i’ve watched have really sad death scenes in the sixth episode. what’s up with that. so sad though, jiyeong’s death scene, but we didn’t learn her name till the last second so that was bound to come. still mad about ali tho
32) im so confused how this’ll turn out with no.001 and no.456. BUT OMG I KNEW NO.001 WASNT REALLY FORGETTING IT
33) again, props to the set design 😭💔 i say thru tears
34) oh il-nam, i don’t think he’s dead. maybe ali’s not dead too idk, we didn’t see the kill count so it doesn’t count.
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sanshine · 3 years
omg I'm so sorry this took me so long to get back I just lost track of time </3 I hate college life....I hope you are still doing alright though and life is treating you well~ <3<3 sending all the hugs and love~
you just must be amazing at challenge runs then because istg I suck lol </3 but true ff 15 is probably not the hardest game to challenge run in I just never tried....hmmm maybe it's worth a shot now....
which is why I'm never going for the platinum sigh.....that's just not even fair though.....I don't know who has that kind of patience to dodge 200 of those damn things....IN A ROW like >:(
Yeah you totally have a point....I think it's because they were so rushed in development (and not to mention switching directors from Tetsuya Nomura to Hajime Tabata did not help....hence why in Kingdom Hearts 3 Tetsuya Nomura created his own version of ff 15 and basically said eff u to square lmao) OMG the friendship alone between all 4 is so well written and done :( </3 Aranea I kinda liked too she had a tiny bit of depth but otherwise yeah everyone else was kinda plah....especially Lunafreya and she's like the romance interest so wtf happened there????
OMG what I wouldn't give to play ff6 I don't know much about it either but it sounds amazing....and everyone I met whose played it says I need too so......
you are the sweetest person alive though!!!! <3<3<3 I'm so sorry again ahhhh I'll try to be a better anon lmao <3 I hope you have a good day/night whenever you are reading this <3<3<3<3 ~ Final Fantasy Anon
nooooooo dont worry it's okay <333 i've been good, pretty busy myself tho!! there's always so much stuff to do i barely spend time scrolling my dash anymore 😭
FDVJDFBVHSDF i don't think i am but thank you dhfvhdsfv i think it really depends on what kinda challege run you wanna do!! i think a no item run could be a fun idea as well fhbvhsdfvb we kinda got a taste of that in ff15 in one of those post-game dungeons that disabled using any items in and out of combat and yeah that was somethign hhfdvbshdf i think i cheesed it with the magitek suit because i didnt wanna lose progress or anything lol but i definitely encourage you to do some of those challenge runs <33333
you'd be surprised how many peolpe do vfjhsdfvhdf but then again so would i......
yeah that is true :( but also i didnt know nomura created his own version of ff15?? what's that about hdhvbhsfdvb bc i know so many peolpe were hyped about the game becoming a versus 13 which i also have no clue what it would be about lol but in the end im very happy with the way the game ended up being but it'd be definitely interesting to see a different version so i think i'll have to look that up dfvhsdfv and yeah luna was such a pointless character JHDVHSDBFVBDF with all respect!!! but she realy has no significance at all in the game, i mean you were supposed to bond with her and be close with her so you can feel bad about the death scene (which was also basically just copy pasted aerith scenario lol) but we see so little of her by the time she dies that its just not emotional at all dhfbsdh which is a shame of course :(
i mean you should if you havent yet!!!! and so should i dhbvshdf it's pretty cheap on steam especially when it goes on sale bc those usually give like 50% discount sooo keep an eye out and definitely do get it <3 maybe we could even experience it together 😳
again, no need to be sorry at all!!! you're a perfect anon and it's okay if you take your time!! <3 im thankful for every message you send me <3 i hope you have a lovely week yourself!!! uwu <3
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