#but 48 talking only to myself out loud… it’s like an echo chamber where I get more and more southern by the minute
ivytwines · 4 months
sat at home talking to myself about quilt making for too long and now I sound like somebody’s meemaw
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Proof Of Innocence ch. 2
It’s been a while, but Chapter two is finally here and of course, I had to leave it on a cliffhanger because, why not? Anyways, I really hope you enjoy and be prepared for what’s to come next! 
You can read chapter 1 here
"You guys are making a serious mistake here! Why aren't you listening to reason?"
"Because as it stands, you're labeled as an accomplice in this theft case and in 48 hours, if no evidence is found to prove that you or the student known as Viggo is innocent, then you'll both be put on trial at the Ministry where you will face the punishment for your crime."
"Y-You can't be serious ri- ow!"
I was forcefully pushed into a detention chamber cell and looked onward as the guards silently closed the door; locking it before leaving.
"I can't believe this...I can't believe they're serious.."
I hesitantly got up and backed up slowly before sitting down on the edge of the bed. I was mortified at how bad this situation had gotten. Just the other day, things seemed to be fine and now, both Viggo and I had charges looming above our heads. I was so distraught that I found myself clutching at my head, desperately trying to think of a way to ward off the information that kept ringing in my ears.
"Yeah, yeah, I'll be down here for a few days, big whoop. Hey, how about giving me a good chamber makeover so I can live down here."
I heard a joking, yet cold chuckle echo out and I knew who it was before the could even turn around the corner and reveal their face. He was put in a chamber that was right across from me, but over about two. Once the door was locked and one of the Night Class teachers left, I quickly gripped the bars on the chamber door.
"Oh hey, Sephie. What are you in for today? Did you get into a fight or pull another one of your pranks again?"
That smile of his...does he even know how bad the situation is? Or does he not even know about it all?
"Viggo, do you know why you're down here?"
"Not sure, probably for a past prank though. It's happened to me before."
He spoke nonchalantly while leaning up against the wall.
"So...you don't know about the theft? Or about the trial, or anything?!"
My voice was practically a shout by this point as I gripped the bars tighter.
"No? What the hell are you talking about?"
"I'm talking about a theft that happened at the Ministry! Something important was stolen! In fact, it very well might be the thing that keeps Graceus and Gedonelune from going to war! But Viggo, the blame is being put on *you*. They think that you stole it because of your record."
I heard a loud bang as his fist came into contact with the metal bars, his eyes and whole demeanor were filled with rage upon hearing the news. 
"Did they really not tell you?"
"No, no one told me anything! Dammit! I never stole from the MInistry, even I know how stupid and dangerous that would be!"
"Exactly! That's why I wanted to clear your name and prove that you're innocent."
"Is...is that why you're being put in here? Because you're helping me?"
"Well...I suppose that's one way of looking at it."
"What the hell does that mean?"
"They think that I'm your accomplice, Viggo and if there's no evidence to prove our innocence then we'll be taken to the Ministry and put on trial. We'll be getting punished for a crime that we didn't commit!"
"Did they not try to hear you out?"
"No, they wouldn't listen to anything that I had to say. There were two people, I think their names were Klaus and Vincent, they ordered the guards to take me away."
"Those bastards..." Viggo sighed.
"Something seems off though. One of them comes to the cafe down here quite a bit. I can't imagine that they wouldn't attempt to listen to what one of us had to say..."
"I guess you have a point. But what are we supposed to do right now?"
"As it stands, there's really not much we can do right now. I was told that I would be pulled into questioning at some point...but who knows. They might not even listen to me..."
My voice lowered until it was nothing more than some inaudible mumble. I pressed my side against the bars and stared blankly at the wall in the dimly lit cell. I couldn't help but chuckle coldly at how the situation had turned out and escalated so quickly, it just seemed so incredibly unreal and laughable.
"So I guess that's it huh?"
Viggo stretched before letting out a sigh before lying down on his bed.
"What do you mean?"
"Well, it just seems like you're giving up."
"Like hell I am." I snarled. "I know that something isn't right and you know what, I think someone is behind all this. If they wanted to take us in, then why the hell don't they just do it already. Save them the trouble."
"Tch, so then who do you think it is?"
"Not think, Viggo. I'm pretty sure I know it is, a certain hooded guy gave me a warning to not play the part of the hero or I'd find myself in just as much trouble as you."
"Oh? Who's this hooded guy?"
"I'm not entirely sure, I...didn't even catch his name but I know what he looks like so I'm sure I could track him down. The only problem is that I can't leave without drawing attention."
"Leave that to me, darling." 
Viggo gave a quick wink before pulling out his pipe. With a smirk a cloud of smoke began to form and take shape of my exact form, it looked like a smokey clone of myself.
"Okay two things, one, you're lucky I don't beat you into a pulp for calling me 'darling'. Two, since the hell did you learn to do that?!"
"I have a lot of free time when I'm put in here, it gives me the chance to practice my skills, something that maybe you should try doing."
I clicked my tongue in annoyance in response to his latest statement. Then I put my hand to my shoulder and waited for a warm sensation before I felt my body become light. With a small burst of dark purple-tinted light, I was outside of the cell. When I turned around, I saw that my 'shadow' had now taken my place.
"Hey, Sephie, one thing before you leave."
I walked over to his cell and put my hands on the bars. Viggo's hand went to his side where he pulled out a Night Class cloak which was similar to Hiro's. He then handed it to me through the bars. My eyes went wide with confusion as I stared at the cloak and then back at Viggo.
"I know you don't wear the traditional cloak, but you're going to need something to disguise yourself. So take it and don't start complaining."
I gently squeezed the fabric in my hand before opening it up and then tying it securely around me. It was almost like the typical Night Class cloak, except that this one had a hood, which would be perfect for keeping my face mostly covered.
"One last thing." Viggo stared directly at me. "Come back in one piece, alright?"
"We'll see."
"Hey, I mean it!" 
Viggo shouted out, but I was already making my escape, plus, I...I don't think I had it in me to try and talk to him. There was a lot at stake here and if I couldn't do anything to help Viggo then....he'd...no!
I shook my head of the terrible thoughts that were beginning to pour in, I couldn't think like this, I had to be strong for not only my sake but for his as well. I know he's worried about me, but oh if he only knew how worried I was for him.  I was beginning to lose not only speed, but also my breath from running for so hard and for so long. At least I had made it to the light at the end of the tunnel. I wish I could say that I was free, but I knew that wasn't the case. I still had to make it through town and ope that no one else from the Academy was wandering about down there.
As I walked out into the open, I noticed something strange; it was raining. Something like this shouldn't be seen as much of a concern, but considering that Gedonelune's weather was controlled by magic, led me to believe that something was amiss. As I stared up at the gray clouds, cold droplets of water began to fall onto my face. 
"How ironic, fitting weather for the situation at hand."
I wanted to chuckle or even attempt to liven up the mood, but it just wasn't possible, no matter how hard I tried. 
"Alright, time to go into town and look for some clu-- no way..."
Just as my eyes made contact with the town, I happened to notice a very familiar figure that made my blood boil. Though it was true that I was looking for him, I wish that it hadn't been so soon. Though, it did seem odd that he seemed to be at every turn, no matter where I go. I peered at him from a distance but quickly ducked when I saw his head move towards my direction.
I thought I had hidden myself just in time to not be spotted, but little did I know that my little blunder would be sending me on the chase of a lifetime...and decide my fate...
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