#burying these at the end of the tags so as not to be sweetiy gross
twstinginthewind · 2 years
Violetta doesn't really give nicknames? I guess Soot counts as a nickname for Nana. If Nana became friends with Nadya, she would definitely call her Nanners.
Savvy will call Joker Jo or Jokey or Jokerkins. She has so many cute lil nicknames for friends.
Juniper and Paul don't use nicknames very often. Sparky, of course, usually uses last names but he might call Joker "the cute Carder" sometimes ...
Give a nickname, get a nickname! :-3
Nana thought of Violetta as "the Girl" for years, honestly; I don't know if that counts as a nickname. She does like calling her Vivi so that they have somewhat matching structure... and she would LOVE Nadya's enthusiasm with Nanners. She might also try to parallel that with "Naddie", or go the other route with "Yaya".
Joker and Savvy are very similar with theirs, honestly. You'll hear a lot of "Sav", "Savvykins", or, quite often bc Joker's a whiner, "Saaaaaaaaaaaavvyyyyyyyyy." Maybe a joking "Your Highness" if Savvy's going a lil' too hard in princess mode, haha.
Joker definitely calls Juniper "Juni" and "Junebug" and "Moony". Just... it's so easy. It really is. Paul gets "Paulie" or she echoes Floyd's "Barnacle" with him.
And as for Sparky... she would relish being called the cute one. She really would. She'd probably reflect his names with things like "Sparks" or "Mister Aetos" or even "Sir", just to play with sounding formal. If things get mushy... *cough*... they'd be impossibly sappy. I'll spare you the sugar. For now.
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