#bunkyo ward
yuko-a7 · 11 months
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andypantsx3 · 6 months
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SUMMARY: Todoroki Shouto is so unsettlingly beautiful, you’re certain he has to be an omega. That is, until a chance encounter with a pushy alpha reveals you were incredibly mistaken—and the surprises don’t stop there. Shouto's suddenly mystifying behavior adds another layer of complexity to an already confusing inter-agency investigation. It would be so much easier to figure things out—and suppress your growing feelings—if only Shouto would stop being so strangely attentive to you... TAGS/WARNINGS: pro hero au, fem + afab reader, omegaverse, alpha shouto, beta reader, misunderstandings, courting behavior, slightly case fic-y, undertones of sexual violence (not between main pairing), aged-up characters, eventual smut, 18+ minors please dni! LENGTH: 4.6k, 1st of 7 chapters
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Tetsutetsu’s apartment was exploding with people by the time you made it in from the cold.
Even from outside, you could hear the chatter of dozens of voices, the thumping bass of a distant party playlist. The front door was practically wedged shut by all the bodies blocking it, and you had to suck in a breath as you squeezed yourself through, slithering through what seemed to be every single employee of the Pink Riot agency—a plethora of bulky pro heroes stuffed in among lanky support techs and sleepy-eyed case analysts.
Inside, it stank of warm beer with a slightly sweeter, sharper liquor undertone. Your nose wrinkled. You could only imagine what the scent was like to your alpha and omega coworkers, grateful you had a beta’s dulled sense of smell, and no innate reaction to the physical proximity of other secondary genders. The space was already almost overwhelming as it was, the press of people nearly claustrophobic, although no one else looked like they minded much.
You shoved yourself through the crowd, squeezing through people, somewhat regretting how late you’d gotten here. You hoped there was still something good to drink.
In your defense, you’d gotten bogged down with a bombshell of a new case at the agency, something Mina had pulled you aside to talk about on your way out to the party. She’d meant for you to pick it up Monday, as you couldn’t take any action until a supervising hero had been assigned to you. But it was so unlike any other case you’d been handed in your years at Pink Riot that you’d immediately yanked your coat back off and holed yourself up at your desk, poring over the information in shock.
The case file told you that there was a rogue pro hero harassing and assaulting the omegas in Bunkyo ward—the very ward the Pink Riot agency operated in.
What was more, local authorities suspected someone from the agencies within Bunkyo itself, considering the attacks were exclusively confined to the ward and had so far never deviated. The police had been alerted to the fact that a hero might be involved when one of the omegas who had been attacked last night had escaped, shaken but untouched, and reported their aggressor attempting to strap quirk suppressors on them—tech that was almost exclusively a tool of the heroics trade.
And so all Bunkyo-based agencies had been asked to internally investigate their heroes, with mandatory out-of-agency supervising heroes to be assigned to the cases as well, to ensure everything was above board and no cover ups were being staged. And you, as Mina’s personal friend and therefore the case analyst she trusted most with a sensitive file like this, had been assigned the task.
And it was already almost too mind-boggling for you to bear.
You plowed your way towards the kitchen, eager to chase away the idea of any of your hero coworkers as the perpetrator. You liked and trusted all of the heroes Pink Riot had on call, and hoped so desperately that another agency was at fault here. You couldn’t imagine a single one of them being responsible for something like this. You couldn’t imagine the harasser themself attending this very party.
Once in the kitchen, you discovered that Tetsutetsu had invited more than just the Pink Riot agency itself—he had also apparently invited a plethora of heroes from his former UA days. Sero Hanta and Uraraka Ochako were propped up in the kitchen with Mina and Kirishima, smiling and chatting, while Iida Tenya stood next to them, looking, as usual, like he was on the verge of a hernia. Monoma Neita was skulking in a corner, along with a couple of lower-level heroes you recognized as Tetsu’s Class B friends.
Mina perked up immediately when she caught sight of you, hopping off the counter at Kirishima’s side, beckoning you closer with a hot pink nail.
“You have to taste this disgusting thing Tetsu made,” she told you gleefully, gesturing at something vaguely gelatinous on the stove. You recoiled reflexively, even as Mina ladled a generous portion into a plastic cup for you, passing it over.
You did not like the weight of it in your hand—and the smell of it, even to your duller senses, was not exactly appetizing, more nail polish remover in profile than anything.
“Wow, this looks almost as lovely as the new case file. How generous of you,” you intoned, taking a small, investigative sip. The taste zipped down your spine all the way to your toes, so alcoholic you could almost taste an emergency room visit.
But it figured. Pro heroes in general were a hard bunch to get drunk, their metabolisms fast and their bodies honed to withstand limits a normal person could never. You imagined this was Tetsu’s own invention based on years of personal research.
Mina sloshed her own cup at you, bright-eyed as she normally was, but otherwise looking unruffled. “Tetsu and Eiji already have a bet going which of them can put back more of this, but my bet is on me,” she grinned. “They’re behind a cup already.”
You winced. “Such responsible agency heads I have.”
Mina practically cackled. “You love it.”
You couldn’t help the fond smile that pulled at your mouth, listening to her bright laughter. “I do.”
And it was true, after years at the Pink Riot agency you were spoiled for anywhere else.
Your caseload was broad and interesting, Mina and Kirishima the perfect amount of invested but trusting, always caring about the results you brought in for the safety they brought Bunkyo ward, but never micromanaging you or demanding the impossible. The agency was a little bit smaller than other agencies founded by members of their former class—a mid-sized, fairly-closely knit operation that prioritized action and minimized bureaucracy.
And it was a sort of family operation. Mina was an omega, small and bright and totally beautiful the way so many omegas were, the warmness of her personality like a magnet. And Kirishima was her bonded alpha—fairly friendly and easy-going for one, you thought—but strong, firm in his resolve, and deeply committed.
You liked them, liked their relationship, and liked how their traits translated to their management of their joint agency. You liked how the agency had basically sprung up around them, filled to the brim with good people. And so yeah, Mina was right. You did love it.
“Make sure you unwind,” Mina ordered you, flashing a pink nail in your face. “Don’t think I didn’t notice that it’s been like two hours since I saw you disappear with that case file.”
Your cheeks heated. “Did you know some agency heads like it when their employees do their jobs?”
Mina grinned wickedly, then made a sort of clucking noise. “Did you know that some agency heads are no funsies? I like when my employees do their jobs and still have time for a social life.”
A smile tugged at your mouth. Your social calendar had never been so full as when you started working at Pink Riot, their rosters absolutely packed with outgoing heroes. Someone or other was always throwing a party, organizing a celebratory dinner when an especially big case was closed, or dashing across the floor yelling “drinks on me!” after nailing a particularly notorious villain.
Between the agency and your own friends you thought you were kept rather busy. But the sudden, shifting look of undue interest on Mina’s face told you she thought otherwise.
“When was the last time you went on a date, hmm?” she asked, waggling her eyebrows. “I never catch you smelling like anyone. Looking for anyone here?”
“And who told you you could smell me?” you demanded.
Mina cackled. “It’s not like I can turn my nose off. Plus you smell nice and comforting. Very beta. I wouldn’t stop smelling you even if I could.”
Your ears went hot. Alphas and omegas were always so nosy and inquisitive, a byproduct of being able to smell way too much for your comfort, a fact you and your circle of beta friends never missed a chance to bemoan.
And this was not the first time you’d been told as much, most betas apparently smelling some level of chill and less intrusive than the insistent scents of alphas and omegas. You didn’t exactly understand how something could smell chill, but enough people had said it that you accepted it.
“Well then it’s good I’m not polluting that with other smells,” you said. “Now mind your business.”
Mina’s grin was sharp as she reached over to ladle more of Tetsu’s concoction into your cup, a small revenge. “Fine but keep your options open tonight! I know plenty of nice beta boys I can set you up with—there’s a couple of analysts from Ingenium’s crowd here tonight.”
You nodded, affecting sincerity, although you had absolutely no plan to follow through. You were going to find your agency friends, go ham on some apps, and then head back home just as soon as Mina and Kirishima ended the night the way they usually did—locked mouth to mouth after drinking a little too much, causing a scene.
You waved Mina away, poking your head back out the kitchen door and surveying the rest of the party. Over near the couch, you caught a flash of a couple of your fellow case analysts in conversation with Asui Tsuyu, a beta hero at your agency who you got on well with. Your people exactly.
However, no sooner had you started to push back into the crowd than something slammed into your shoulder, sending you stumbling back into the wall. Your drink splashed right up over your shoulder, cold and biting. You let out a strangled noise, turning your head on impulse and catching a mouthful of hair.
“Oh my god, I am sooo sorry,” a soft voice said. You realized you’d collided with an omega analyst from another Bunkyo agency—a girl you vaguely remembered from a joint case a few years ago. She was small, petite, and delicately pretty in the way of most omegas. And she had also managed to empty nearly the entirety of your cup onto you.
“Shit, shit—I got your shirt wet!” she said, yanking herself back from you. She looked a little glassy-eyed, but genuinely apologetic, and she wiped at your shoulder with her bare hand. Definitely a bit drunk.
“No—it’s fine,” you told her, attempting to duck her hand. “I also didn’t see you!”
The omega girl didn’t look reassured however. She frowned, pausing over you—then suddenly slithered right out of her cardigan, throwing it over your shoulders.
“We’ll hide it like that. Please take it,” she said, her delicate fingers flitting back and forth over your now-covered shoulder, like she still itched to fix something. The cardigan was soft and warm, and even you could tell it smelled good—a soft, powdery, classically omegan scent.
“It’s really fine—” you insisted, immediately shrugging the cardigan back off, though you appreciated the gesture. You glanced down at your shoulder, surveying the damp patch that was slowly soaking closer to your boob. “It’s clear—it will dry in a couple of minutes and no one will be any the wiser. It already stinks like alcohol in here anyway.”
The omega girl hesitated as you handed her sweater back to her. She leaned in to sniff you tentatively. “Are you sure? I really am so sorry. Your mate is going to be so mad, now you can’t really smell you over the vodka unless you get in close—”
You held up a hand, sending her a reassuring smile. “I don’t have a mate, so there’s no problem. I promise.”
You did not add that as a beta, your pool of potential mates was limited to other betas, and that no beta’s sense of smell was enough to get worked up over this. Alphas and omegas tended to forget that not everyone was as sensitive as they were.
She bit her lip, the gesture pretty, but looked somewhat mollified. “You’re sure?” she ventured one last time.
You nodded. “Totally sure. I appreciate the gesture though.”
She nodded, still looking hesitant, and you decided there was only one way to put an end to this.
“Nice to see you, though. Maybe I will catch you around later!” you said, waving her off firmly. You quickly abandoned your now empty cup on a nearby table and turned to head back into the living room. You spotted Tsuyu’s head of dark green hair through the crowd of shoulders, a homing beacon in the dim.
As you charted an unsteady path through the crush of people, you noted several more heroes and analysts from other agencies, including Kaminari Denki and a beaming Midoriya Izuku, crammed into a corner and chatting animatedly to—oh.
Your cheeks flushed. Pro hero Shouto was here.
The other hero stood tall and solemnly handsome across from Midoriya, just as maddeningly gorgeous as always. You, like every other person with working eyeballs, had long nursed a tiny bit of a celebrity crush on him, as he was literally the most beautiful person on earth—a fact evidenced by his now six-year running sweep of Tokyo Beat magazine’s cutest hero award.
In your time at Pink Riot, you’d worked a couple of joint cases with Shouto’s agency and met him a few times in passing. You’d always found him to be a little bit intense, but kind, thoughtful, straightforward, and diligent. He was every bit the reassuring hero the media made him out to be, and even more striking in person. He also always wore scent patches flush at the sides of his neck, concealing what his secondary gender was from prying noses, although you’d always sort of suspected he had to be an omega.
He was tall and solid and strong in the way of most pro heroes. But his features were so finely-wrought, so strangely graceful and elegant for a man, that you would have put significant amounts of money down on his omega status.
Not that it mattered. Betas really only dated betas, and alphas really only omegas, so Shouto’s status wasn’t much to you, regardless of what it was.
You slipped past, averting your eyes, wondering absently if an omega like Todoroki Shouto ever encountered harassment like the victims in your newest case file. Maybe his scent blockers were for this very purpose—hiding his omega status so he didn’t run the risk. You imagined with a face like his, he would be sure to garner migraine-inducing levels of undue interest.
This thought was suddenly arrested, however, when a hand pressed to your chest, shoving you back into the wall you were sidling past.
Your breath wooshed out of your lungs as a strangled “fwuuh” noise escaped you. Your gaze jerked up to find an alpha you somewhat recognized was holding you against the wall, grinning in an incredibly unsettling way.
Fuzzily, you matched his face to one of the techs from the support department, someone you occasionally saw at work functions but never worked directly with. Support interfaced mainly with the heroes, mending their tech, inventing new items, and—if Mina’s complaints were to be believed—running up quite the bill for the agency with their experimentation.
“Can I—help you?” you garbled out, staring the alpha down.
He leaned in, leery, slurring, “What’sa pretty li’l thing like you doin’ here, huh?”
He smelled strongly of Tetsutestu’s horrid concoction, like the alcohol was literally seeping from his pores. You frowned, shifting uncomfortably under his hand. It was large, and too-warm against your shoulder, and the desire to turn and bite it welled up in your mouth.
“Can you get off me?” you asked, grabbing the alpha by the wrist. A support tech though he was, his hold on you was firm, and your grip didn’t dislodge him. He clung to your sweater, his gaze glassy but intense.
He closed his eyes, nose twitching like he was-–ew—like he was scenting you. “Aww come on baby. A li’l omega like you? There’s no need to pr’tend you don’t want this.”
Your brows furrowed, confusion bubbling up inside you. A little omega like you? What the fuck was he talking about? Was he that blasted?
“You have three seconds before I bite you,” you said, certain that would be clear enough, even if he was too drunk to tell you were a beta.
But his hand didn’t move. Instead he laughed, hot and humid and smelling strongly of liquor, and he fumbled with something at his belt.
A hot wave of fear suddenly washed over you, a stab of panic lancing your heart. He wasn’t going to expose himself right here, was he? You pushed back against the wall, feeling entrapped, yanking at his wrist harder to get him off of you.
“I’m not an omega,” you said loudly. “And I’m not interested, now get—”
The alpha’s hand was gone. You blinked, suddenly finding his face missing too, your vision gone entirely gray and strangely…knitted?
“Do not touch her,” a deep voice intoned, and you realized you were staring at a broad back, clad in a handsome gray sweater. You tipped your head back, your gaze fixing on a suspiciously familiar mop of scarlet and white hair.
Shouto. Pro hero Shouto had put himself in between you and the asshole alpha.
A thrill raced down your spine.
“The fuck I won’t,” a snort issued over one of Shouto’s strong shoulders.
There was a small, silent moment where you watched Shouto’s head tilt just the tiniest bit. He didn’t say anything in return—but a sudden, creeping unease slithered over your senses, raising the hair on the back of your neck. An audible hush fell over the people nearest you, though you couldn’t see what exactly was happening, caged between Shouto’s back and the wall.
You could just make out Shouto’s scent patches, perfectly even against his neck like always, and wondered whether they would help—-if the alpha couldn’t smell Shouto was an omega, maybe he thought he would respect his boundaries more?
“Dude—” someone hissed, from somewhere near the alpha, just as Shouto spoke once more.
“You will leave,” he intoned in that deep tone again. His voice was soft, placid—but the feeling of unease grew within you, a strange itch under your skin. You had the sudden urge to flee, but one of Shouto’s hands closed over your wrist, as a cerulean eye caught yours over his shoulder. “You…please stay.”
You could do nothing but nod, your feet practically freezing in place, the desire to obey subsuming your entire brain. What the hell was happening?
As Shouto turned back to face the alpha again, that hunted feeling grew stronger, like there was something in the apartment that you should be very, very wary of. Your throat started to close up, and your breath came a little short.
The room was so suddenly silent that you could hear the nervous shift of the people beyond Shouto, and you caught the sound of the alpha suddenly stumbling back.
“You’re—are you fucking Ordering me?” The alpha asked, but you could hear that he was still backing away.
The question crawled right under your skin along with the unsettled feeling.
An Order. As in, an Alpha Order. From Shouto? Pretty, kind, patient, careful Shouto? Classic omega material Shouto?
Was…using an Order on an alpha, and it was working?
Your head spun with the mismatch between Shouto’s face and the latent command in his tone. It was almost too strange to be contemplated, and yet here it was playing out in front of you.
Shouto, for his part, didn’t bother answering the question. “I believe I asked you to leave,” he said firmly. His voice carried an inflection that sliced through the air like a knife.
“Sorry, Todoroki, he’s super fucking drunk—I’ll get him out of here,” another voice said, one you recognized as a different support tech.
It sounded like he didn’t need to expend the effort, however, as the alpha’s footsteps were already beating a hasty retreat. The other support tech’s footsteps followed, his pace clipped on the hardwood.
As soon as they were out of view, the suffocating feeling all but evaporated. You could almost feel the sigh of relief around the room, and the line of Shouto’s shoulders untensed.
He turned to you slowly, drawing in a deep breath. His normally blank expression had been exchanged for something troubled, his perfect eyebrows knitted in concern, his full mouth pursed up like he’d just let it drop from a snarl.
He blinked down at you for a second, those distinct heterochromatic eyes flicking over you, before you found yourself suddenly crowded back into the corner, your back bumping the wall. Shouto leaned down and gave a delicate sniff at your temple, as if checking your condition.
“Are you alright?” he asked. His voice was still strange, rough with something you couldn’t name.
He was warm where he lingered over you, his shoulders broad enough that they blocked the light and cast falling shadows into the meager space between you. He was near enough that the dip of his sweater collar rasped over your shoulder, sending a swarm of tingles over your skin. You drew in a careful breath, trying to figure out just what the right answer was, coming up with nothing.
Shouto frowned over your lack of a response. His nose pressed right into your hair, and he crowded even closer, like he was trying to find the source of your discomfort—even though he’d just chased that source right through the front door.
“Your scent is difficult to find,” he murmured, his chest expanding and contracting. “It is covered by many things…” He trailed off as he seemed to find it—and then something strange happened—even stranger than the scene with the support tech alpha.
Shouto froze in place, going so unearthly still he might have been transmuted into marble. You heard his breath catch and hold in his lungs, and his fingers came up to grasp your sleeve, clutching you tightly.
You opened your mouth to ask what was wrong when a shudder swept down him, from head to toe. His grip on your wrist tightened for a moment, and a groan bubbled up from somewhere low in his throat.
“Your scent—” he rasped, then cut himself off.
He huffed out a harsh breath instead, stirring your hair, before his face dropped into the cradle of your shoulder. He breathed in, slow, measured, his mouth just barely touching the skin of your throat. You could feel his long, pretty eyelashes flutter against your skin, and the sensation sent shivers down your spine.
Something under your skin shifted in response, then.
To your utter shock, you could feel yourself tilting your head to the side, baring your neck. A strange feeling of malleability settled over you, like your bones had jellified and your muscles had atrophied.
“Shouto—?” you garbled out, unable to articulate any question beyond what the fuck was happening? You knew it had something to do with the way Shouto was most definitely not an omega after all. The thought made your brain fuzz with static.
Pretty, gentle, elegant Todoroki Shouto was an alpha. Kind, placid, beautiful Todoroki Shouto was even some kind of…distressingly strong alpha.
It crossed all the wires in your brain to think of that face possessing that kind of strength. But there was clearly something there. And you were being so weird and embarrassing about it, but you couldn’t have moved, even if you wanted to.
It felt like a short eternity, the time Shouto stood over you like that, his face pressed into your throat, your own throat bared to him. Your heartbeat pounded in your chest, simultaneously hammering a zillion miles a minute, and yet feeling slow, syrupy.
Distantly, you registered the hum of voices in the background, Tetsutetsu trying to rekindle the happy atmosphere. But Shouto was so warm over you, breathing slow and shallow, a tall, strong anchor weighing you against the wall.
It could have been minutes or hours before he finally stepped away. He looked calmer, but a little dazed. You felt the same way, mystified by what had just occurred between you.
His gaze picked over you in some kind of assessment. “You’re well?” he asked carefully. His voice was pitched low.
“Yeah,” you managed, your throat weirdly dry. “Yeah. I—thank you, Shouto.”
Shouto inclined his head in a nod. “You, as well. I don’t usually…I try not to rise to anger. But when alphas try to use their power to—” he cut himself off. His throat bobbed with some emotion you couldn’t name.
“Your scent is….calming to me.”
You nodded. The beta chill thing again, like Mina had said.
“Your friendly neighborhood beta, at your service,” you saluted him, trying to ignore the strange, lingering shiver in your limbs.
A tiny smile quirked the corner of Shouto’s mouth, but his gaze remained fixed on you, almost inhumanly intense.
“That is not quite what I mean,” he said, but did not elaborate. There was something in his voice, in the way he was looking at you that you didn’t understand, but you didn’t know him well enough to try to dig into it.
Instead you just gave him another smile, your face heating as you noticed several people around you were still watching you.
You figured it was probably time to make an escape after that little scene you had just caused, for Shouto’s reputation as well as yours. You didn’t need people thinking Shouto had been scenting you for any reason other than your apparent beta chill pill scent, especially now that people at the party would know he was an alpha.
God, he was an alpha, even with a face like that.
You waved at him, garbling out another, “Well, thanks for the save! I, um, have to be going, but I’ll see you around!” before throwing yourself back through the crowd, your head spinning.
Mina had come out of the kitchen and tried to flag you down as you passed. You waved back at her like you’d misunderstood, quickly fighting your way back to Tetsu’s front door. You felt the weight of dozens of eyes on your back, and the prick of two heterochromatic ones, somehow more certain and weightier than the others. But you didn’t turn around, eager to get out of the crowd, still reeling from what had happened.
You didn’t know how you had been mistaken for an omega by that drunk alpha, and understood even less what had possessed Shouto to sniff you all over like that, embarrassed by how much you had liked it. It most probably had something to do with how inherently non-aggressive beta scents were supposed to be, maybe helping Shouto down from how keyed up he’d been about that other alpha.
But it had still been so embarrassing and strange, the way your head had tipped right back for him, the way your limbs had gone to jelly in his hold. You hoped he’d had a little to drink too or he’d probably realize how weird you were, reacting like that.
Finally, you spilled out of Tetsu’s and into the night, the evening air cool on your heated skin. The phantom touch of Shouto’s mouth still lingered on your throat, warm and disconcerting.
You beelined for home, your head swimming. You wondered just how long it would take you to forget how very strange this evening had been.
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774 · 2 months
番号の順番は、明治の東京15区時代以来の慣習で、千代田区を中心に「の」の字を書くようにして順番を定めるというものによる。 以下は、各23区の番号、市区町村コード、英語表記をまとめたものである。英語で特別区は「special wards」で表現されるが、各区は「city」と表現されるようになった。 番号 市区町村コード 特別区 city 01 13101 千代田区 Chiyoda 02 13102 中央区 Chuo 03 13103 港区 Minato 04 13104 新宿区 Shinjuku 05 13105 文京区 Bunkyo 06 13106 台東区 Taito 07 13107 墨田区 Sumida 08 13108 江東区 Koto 09 13109 品川区 Shinagawa 10 13110 目黒区 Meguro 11 13111 大田区 Ota 12 13112 世田谷区 Setagaya 13 13113 渋谷区 Shibuya 14 13114 中野区 Nakano 15 13115 杉並区 Suginami 16 13116 豊島区 Toshima 17 13117 北区 Kita 18 13118 荒川区 Arakawa 19 13119 板橋区 Itabashi 20 13120 練馬区 Nerima 21 13121 足立区 Adachi 22 13122 葛飾区 Katsushika 23 13123 江戸川区 Edogawa
東京特別区23区の番号について 解説/説明 - 知識 - シマウマ用語集
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hattoriandkudo · 3 months
History with Conan: Japan’s Yayoi Period (Introduction: Jomon to Yayoi)
The Yayoi period was a period of about 700 years, from around the 4th century BCE to around the 3rd century CE. The big development in this period was the introduction of rice cultivation from the continent, and its spread across Japan.This changed daily life quite a bit. 
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Yayoi people also began making different pottery than the Jomon rope-patterned vessels, but just like the Jomon period, the era is named for its pottery (kind of). Yayoi period pottery was discovered in what’s now Tokyo’s Bunkyo Ward, in a neighborhood called Yayoi. Thus, the pottery was called Yayoi pottery, and the era they were made came to be called the Yayoi period.
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Right: hunter gatherer. Left: the beginning of rice cultivation.
The last big change is that rather than stone and bone, people began using iron and bronze. We’ve now entered the Bronze Age, leaving behind the Stone Age of the Jomon period.
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Right: stone and bone tools. Left: metal weapon, bell, and mirror.
With illustrations and information from History Detective Conan 2: Yayoi Period (The Lonely Little Queen)
Next Time: Rice Cultivation
Kofi Tip Jar
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hirocimacruiser · 1 year
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Feel, 295ps.
Maximum output 295ps /6,500rpm
Maximum torque 38.76kg-m/5100rpm
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Vehicle price (5M/T)
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udonangya · 1 year
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文京区本郷3丁目の、味噌煮込 罠で、和風サラダ650、出汁巻き玉子600、味噌煮込みうどん1,000、〆て2,250円也。
Daikon radish salad, Japanese rolled omelette, and Misonikomi udon noodles at Misonikomi_Wana, Hongo Sanchome, Bunkyo ward, Tokyo.
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dojizerker · 1 year
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【お知らせ】 2023年1月14日(土)より文京区・永青文庫で「刀 銘 濃州関住兼定作(歌仙兼定)」と国宝「太刀 銘 豊後国行平作(古今伝授の太刀)」が展示されることを記念した描き下ろしイラストを公開!文��区コラボの詳細は特設サイトをご覧ください△△ https://bunkyo-touken.jp #刀剣乱舞 #とうらぶ
From January 14th, 2023, both Kasen Kanesada and Kokindenjunotachi will be on display at Eisei Bunko in the Bunkyo Ward!
To celebrate the exhibition, new illustrations have been released to commemorate the event! Please check out the special website for further details (in Japanese).
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tokyowalking · 1 year
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I took a picture while taking a walk around Korakuen Garden in Bunkyo Ward, Tokyo.
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aishiteru-kenshin · 2 years
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Hotel Chinzanso Firefly Fantasy
May 20th — July 3rd Hotel Chinzanso Tokyo is a first rate hotel in Bunkyo Ward with a large, beautiful Japanese garden. While a night’s stay would cost you upwards of ¥80,000, the gardens are free to enter — and one of the best places in Tokyo to see the fireflies. The garden is open from 9am until 10pm, and late evening is said to be the best time to view the little creatures.
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DO NOTHING :The core of urban engineering (1:1/3 Essay)
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Unreasonable work
I am a fairly arrogant person, and I rarely call my teacher a "teacher". But I definitely have a teacher who can be called a "Former teacher". In this section, I will write about that person.
When I was in and out of the voluntary course(自主講座), I was assigned a job by Jun Ui (assistant in the Department of Urban Engineering:純 宇井). It was to rent a classroom in the Department of Urban Engineering on Sunday for a group that was not directly related to the voluntary course. It may seem easy to read, but it's a tough job.
First of all, Mr. Ui and the voluntary course were "insects in the lion's body" for the University of Tokyo, and our activities were a nuisance for the university. Therefore, the paperwork was complicated so that the classroom could not be used as much as possible.
For example, if you want to hold a course at Komaba (a liberal arts course campus in Meguro Ward), you only need one professor's stamp and office work stamp to complete the procedure. However, at Hongo (specialized course campus in Bunkyo Ward), stamp, a professor of the Department of Urban Engineering, stamp, a professor representing the Faculty of Engineering (three-month shift system), stamp, the Secretary-General of the Department of Urban Engineering, stamp, the Secretary-General of the Faculty of Engineering, and university affairs.
If you don't get 5 of the long stamps, you won't be able to open the course. In addition, the professor who pushed the stamp must stay on campus during the course, even if he is not present in the course. This is complicated even on weekdays. All are self-directed course countermeasures. Now then, can we rent a classroom on Sunday? In such a desperate situation, I struggled to get a stamp.
Of course, I approached the professors and associate professors of the Department of Urban Engineering at random. However, even though all the people originally didn't like Mr. Ui, I had to add them and detain them at the university on Sunday. There is no way to push the stamp.
Professor V, who is a boss in the Department of Urban Engineering, says: "Jun Ui really wants to be a professor. You can see his ambitions. There is only one perdecade urban engineer who goes in and out of the Voluntary course like you. I'm afraid, but don't you know you are being used? "I didn't answer that.
Furthermore, Professor V: "I also participated in the school struggle." Me: "Huh, did you teacher also wield a geba stick?" Of course, I knew that Professor V was in a position to suppress the student movement. I turned it back. In the end, I didn't get a stamp, and when I parted, Professor V said, "Come again." It must have evaluated me as such. I replied, "I'm not coming anymore."
Associate Professor H was indignant, saying, "What is Ui thinking about letting students do this kind of work?" The reaction was various.
Mr. Ui was in a position to ignore complicated procedures, etc., because they are selfish arrangements of the university. However, Professor Asada of the Department of Mechanical Engineering advised me, "You can do anything. In any case, follow the procedure."
When I brought the above results to Mr. Ui, it became a big quarrel. Me: "I didn't want to take such a terrible job! Also, I think the procedure should be done properly! Why don't you stop this course!" Mr. Ui: "You are just a insignificant student at the University of Tokyo at last." It's ironic like Mr. Ui who was negative to the University of Tokyo students) "I:" I'm sure, I'm a University of Tokyo student (rather proud of being a University of Tokyo student) " .
According to the leader of the group which want do the course on Sunday: "I didn't think there was anyone who could fight head-on with Mr. Ui." Anyway, it seems that the classroom was licensed and the lecture was opened. (I didn't attend.) I don't remember the details. However, this unreasonable work assigned to Mr. Ui broadened my face and insight by negotiating with various professors of the Faculty of Engineering, including the work after that, and something. This experiment taught me that it is important to take steps when taking action.
* * Voluntary course: A group of groups that mainly think about "environmental problems", which began when students and graduate students of the urban engineering department occupied classroom 302 of the Faculty of Engineering Bldg. 8 during the school struggle and made it a liberated area. It is different from the so-called New Left.
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yuko-a7 · 11 months
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si-t-rda · 2 years
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Bunkyo-Ward, Tokyo, Japan/2022
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newwavejsc · 4 months
About Newwave Solutions
With over 12 years of experience and a dedicated team of more than 300 professionals, Newwave Solutions proudly ranks among Vietnam’s top 10 software development companies. Our expertise spans diverse fields, encompassing Mobile App Development, QA and Testing, Software Maintenance, Game Development, UI/UX Design, and innovative Emerging Technologies like Blockchain, AI, and IoT.
Our notable history of achievements encompasses awards like the Sao Khue 2022 Award and Vietnam’s Top 10 Information and Communication Technology 2022 Award, in addition to being recognized as one of the Top 100 Sustained-Growth Companies (2018–2021).
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#newwavesolutions #softwaredevelopment #websitedevelopment #mobileappdevelopment #blockchain
You can connect with us through various channels:
Head Office (Hanoi): 1F, 4F, 10F, Mitec Building, Duong Dinh Nghe Street, Yen Hoa Ward, Cau Giay District, Hanoi City, Vietnam. Branch Office (Tokyo): 1-chōme-11–8 Yushima, Bunkyo City, Tokyo 113–0034, Japan.
Hotline: (+84) 985310203
Google Map: https://www.google.com/maps?cid=13971322988478829248
Website: https://newwavesolution.com/
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shreyabriana4 · 7 months
Newwave Solutions is one of the top 10 software companies in Vietnam with over 12+ years of experience and 300+ dedicated employees.
Head Office (Hanoi): 1F, 4F, 10F, Mitec Building, Duong Dinh Nghe Street, Yen Hoa Ward, Cau Giay District, Hanoi City, Vietnam.
Branch Office (Tokyo): 1-chōme-11-8 Yushima, Bunkyo City, Tokyo 113-0034, Japan.
Hotline: (+84) 985310203
Website: https://newwave.vn/
Email: [email protected] software development company
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Hey guys!
I'm Lex. I'll be studying abroad at Toyo University in Tokyo. At the moment I am not incredibly familiar with Tumblr, so these guys may be a little ugly at first.
If you apply via CISAbroad, you will likely get placed into the AI-House. This is located in Akabanedai, a town in Tokyo's Kita-ku ward. If you know some Japanese I have attached a couple links. I am sure they probably have English counterparts as well.
You will probably be taking most of your classes on the Hakusan campus, which appears to be in Bunkyo-ku, a little ways away from Kita-ku. Likely will need to take a bus or use a train.
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As you can see, the AI-House is located in the northern region of the 23 wards of Tokyo. In fact, Kita-ku's "Kita" (北) means North.
What else can I tell you... I am still waiting on the Visa. That should be the last thing needed. I'll probably also post a little about myself so you can get a feel of who it is writing this stuff.
Toyo's AI-House website (EN version is available)
Akabandai's Wikipedia page (Not sure if EN version is available).
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pix4japan · 5 years
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Turtle near small bridge crossing over pond in Koishikawa Korakuen (小石川後楽園), Bunkyo Ward, Tokyo. ISO 100 at ƒ/5.6 for 1/250 sec. #turtle #KoishikawaKorakuen #JapaneseGarden #TokyoGarden #Japan #小石川後楽園 #東京 #亀 #文京区
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