#bulk windbreakers
jacketssupplier · 1 month
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Why Use Windbreaker Jackets: 5 Solid Reasons
There are many advantages of using a windbreaker jacket. Want to know about the 5 most important ones? Start reading the blog now!
Visit: https://oasisjackets.mystrikingly.com/blog/why-use-windbreaker-jackets-5-solid-reasons
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cinnabargirl · 2 years
The Chad second hand shop versus the virgin vintage boutique
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meryjones24 · 2 years
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stephinechrist14 · 2 years
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chrisgates · 8 months
Ghost of Chris' Past
TIMING: Current LOCATION: Watcher's Way PARTIES: @corpse-a-diem & @chrisgates SUMMARY: Erin goes for a run and stops Chris, who was on his own run, when she hears a woman calling for help. It turns out to be a ghost that only Erin can see. The situation gets worse when she finds out that the ghost knew Chris when she was alive. CONTENT WARNINGS: Medical blood tw, descriptions of body injuries
Crisp, morning air bit at Erin’s skin and filled her ever greedy lungs. The bulk of her morning run was over and she liked to take her time cooling down through Watcher’s Way. It was usually pretty empty this time of morning. A lot of the town found the place a little creepy, especially while the sun was still struggling to peek through the surrounding foliage. By lunchtime the place was bustling with people and she couldn’t blame them for that either. It was downright pulled straight from a movie kind of scenic. Only a few other joggers passed her by, most of who’s faces she was familiar with. It’d been a while since she’d seen Tom though - he was always friendly and chipper. And thankfully brief with his greetings before he’d be on his way again. 
Running helped clear her head. Gave her the space to think and keep moving all at once. Her therapist had suggested it when she was a teenager and it quickly became the one constant coping mechanism for her then “hallucinations” that worked. Most of the time. 
A deep breath slipped from her as her jogging slowed to a fast walk and then eventually even slower. She had time this morning to enjoy the view for a few minutes, even if the chill in the air seemed to pick up. Erin was always cold, though. Leaves crunched in the trees off to her left, stilling for a moment, and then picking back up again. A new kind of chill tickled her skin and she paused briefly, ready to flee before she heard a faint “Please! Help me!”. Then again, only this time louder. The sincerity was hard to ignore, and while she didn’t leave immediately, she backed up away from the sound as another jogger approached. She put a hand out to grab his attention, worried eyes darting between the younger man and the source of the sound. “Uh, hey wait–did you hear that?”
Ever since that run-in with the not giant chicken on one of his jogs (thankfully there was someone else there, otherwise he wasn’t sure how he would react), Chris preferred to go running with headphones. A lot of people liked to say that was dangerous to do as you wouldn’t be able to hear your surroundings, but that’s exactly why he did it. He didn’t want to hear, just in case it was something he needed to pretend didn’t exist. That was how his days and weeks and months were spent — denial. 
It was hard to stay in that river, though, when there was always someone ready to pull him out of it. A hand, halting and commanding, willed Chris to cease his pace and remove a bud from one ear. He expelled a few panting breaths before addressing the woman with a confused look; his eyes darted to and fro before they rested back on her. Nothing looked amiss. Nothing but her attention on the area around them (and the one statue that seemed to be looking in their direction). But other than that, everything was peaceful.
Her question caused him to remove the other bud and he hastily stuffed them into the pocket of his windbreaker. Alert now, Chris froze and listened. He could hear his heart — he could hear hers. But there was nothing else but the breeze that whistled by. “... no?” He replied cautiously, wondering if maybe the timing was off.
The woman cried out again, louder this time, and Erin stared at the man she’d stopped, incredulous. “There!” She pointed to the greenery again. “There’s a woman screaming. What do you mean you don’t–” she started, before realization set in and the words died on her tongue. No. Of course he didn’t hear it. Only she could. The lump in her stomach rose to her throat and she swallowed it down hard. “Right. I’m sorry, I–” she shook her head, the silence falling over the once peaceful park once more. She’d heard voices like that before, though it’d been a while since they were that clear and that prominent. Her eyes scanned over the area once more, and while she was hesitant to say that the apparition had moved on, there was nothing more she could do with the poor gentleman who’s morning she interrupted. “I must have just–”
A woman appeared beside the man. Red. That was all Erin could see against the torn skin, in her hair, dripping down her face and neck. What was left of it. “Fuck!” She yelled, lurching back from the woman and the man she stood beside, stumbling so quick she lost her footing. She barely felt the pavement beneath her as she scuttled back, averting her eyes from the horror her body was left in. Erin had seen plenty of tragedies in her cold room and she’d restored enough corpses to be desensitized enough to handle it. But this woman was staring at her, moving, dead. And it reminded her of the visions–the ghosts–she’d seen all through her life. But this woman had stopped looking at her and trained her sights on the man in front of her. 
Chris looked to where she pointed and saw nothing. He still didn’t hear anything, either, which did start to worry him a little. Granted, people were a little weird in Wicked’s Rest, but he couldn’t help the ping of anxiety that started to burn within him. He was about to apologize, maybe even profusely so, considering how perturbed she seemed, but then she was apologizing. That was a nice change; he half expected her to be upset with him for not believing her, but instead she looked a bit dejected. He couldn’t help but to feel bad. “Hey, it’s cool..” There was more to be said, more words to fall from him, but they too were halted in their tracks just as he had when her surprised outburst came tumbling out. 
Her sudden bout of fearful alarm only served to fuel his own, but he didn’t think about that. Instead he tried to reach for her the minute he noticed the stumble. No luck, but the impact didn’t deter her. There was still absolute terror in her eyes, like she’d just seen a ghost. He whipped his head around to where he thought her gaze fixed itself on. Nothing. There was nothing and yet she hurried back, determined to put distance between them. “Woah! Hey, are you okay?? What, what is it?”
Everything was absolutely not cool, Erin thought in a flash. And Erin was having a considerably hard time pretending like there wasn’t a mutilated corpse-ghost standing in front of her. There wasn’t anything overtly threatening about her, outside of her immediately alarming wounds. She was… sad. Confused. Muted anger brimmed behind blue eyes, bright against the deep red gashes and bites marking her skin. Erin swore she’d seen a few animal attack deaths that didn’t look too dissimilar. “Uh…Y-yeah–yeah. I’m okay,” Erin started, though her eyes never left the figure the man beside her couldn’t see. And it was in that moment, Erin realized this was the part that her family had been trying to protect her from. But these people–these… ghosts–were everywhere. At home, at work, the park. This was never something they could keep her hidden from. 
“Chris…” The woman spoke softly, almost longingly. She knew this man. 
“Chris?” Erin repeated without thinking, glancing at the man.
She took a step closer, her sight fixed on the man–Chris, she assumed–her fingertips so close they would have grazed his cheek if they were corporeal. “His eyes. Those eyes. I know those eyes. I know them.” Erin started to stand, ever so slowly, keeping her distance from the both of them. “They did this to me.” The gentleness of her voice dropped like the stone in Erin’s stomach and she turned to Chris in speechless alarm. 
She was okay, maybe acting a little perturbed, but she did seem okay enough for him to believe her. That meant that she was probably okay to be by herself, which was completely fine for him. He didn’t really want to get in the middle of anything again, at least not for a little while. That entire thought process went out the window, however, when she said his name. Now, Chris knew his memory wasn’t the most reliable (thanks to the furry parasite that lived beneath his skin, unbeknownst to him), but he would have definitely remembered if they had exchanged names.
“Uh. Y-yeah? Do I know you?” He gave himself a once over, wondering if he had anything on him with his name on it, or if a business card was poking out of a pocket or maybe he had his lanyard on him — no dice. He had nothing but his shorts, t-shirt, sneakers and socks, cell phone and earbuds. The key to his motel room was also buried in his pocket, but nothing else screamed ‘hey my name is Chris!’. How did she know his name? Now he was worried that they may have bumped into each other before.
The woman’s face twisted from one of seemingly confusion and worry into one of horror. Again, Chris looked over his shoulder wondering if he missed something crucial and terrifying — but no. There was still nothing. Nothing behind him, nothing to his right or left, nothing but this woman and the statues that surrounded them. He felt a chill creep along his face. “I’m sorry if I don’t rememb–” just then he felt something push against him, as if someone had pressed their hands to him and gave him a shove. It wasn’t strong by any means, but it was enough force for him to physically take a step back.
With both hands now up in defense, Chris looked around him and at the woman with bewilderment. “Uh??? Did you just… Did..” He patted himself, half expecting that to happen again. He surmised that he was just losing it — still. “Uh… Anyway… I’m sorry if I don’t remember you. I kind of.. My brain is not great. I’m sorry…”
Erin wasn’t oblivious to the fact that as weirded out as she was, this poor guy was even more disturbed. Was he a poor guy, though? The pieces of this woman spoke otherwise. Her fear was abundant but it was slowly giving way to something else. Anger? It sat low in her stomach but the feeling rose as she watched the pain in the woman’s face. She didn’t care if she looked crazy anymore. “He did this to you? You’re sure?” She asked, ignoring the man for now. 
The woman’s head snapped Erin’s way and the soft sadness she was saw burned into thin, sharp edges. “I thought he liked me. I thought–I thought we were friends. We were–he–” The words stuck in her throat, tears burning at the edges of her eyes and suddenly the woman was pushing him. Erin stood back. Angry, bitter tears were flowing freely down the young woman’s cheeks at this point. The shove didn’t do much but she could see the terror and confusion in Chris’ eyes. 
“He’s a fucking monster. Tell him–tell him I hope he rots in hell. Tell him Isabelle hopes he rots in hell.”
Erin felt the cold shoot up her spine like an infusion. What the fuck did this guy do to this poor woman? There was nothing about her that made Erin believe she wasn’t being completely truthful. But she had to make sure, right? She looked at Chris again, unsure but growing steadily disgusted with him by the moment. “Do you know–or knew–an Isabelle?”
Instead of being given an answer, she answered the air beside them. Chris turned his eyes to the space she questioned and really gave it a good look – was he supposed to see something there? Or was she just crazy? Or maybe he was? Maybe this was just a dream, like every other unusual interaction he had ever had? That was the easiest cop out he could muster, but every excuse and easy way out went flying out the window the moment that name came back into the wind.
Chris felt his throat get tighter. Yeah, he knew her. The last he heard she was dead — animal attack, they said. But it didn’t look like any animal attack they had ever seen. The wounds were too large, too many of them. It was too… gruesome. A bear wouldn’t have done that, they said. Not like that. Wolves, either, not to a human. Yes, he knew about her, knew of her. There was something there that both of them had wanted, and it was fine for a short while, and then it wasn’t. He didn’t know what really happened, but this woman seemed to know him — and Isabelle.
Dread filled him. He felt the urge to take a step back. “I..” he managed to start with, an uncomfortable sound that wanted to be a word but wasn’t, couldn’t. He swallowed. Maybe this was nothing? “Yeah… Uh, did you know her?”
Chris’ reaction wasn’t quite what Erin expected. There was definitely some form of acknowledgement. The name was familiar to him. She was looking for something else though. Guilt. That’s all that should have been there. Unless this guy was some sort of sociopath, which by the state Isabelle had been left in, she could understand that. But this? Something wasn’t connecting somewhere. She looked at Isabelle again, careful to keep her distance. What if this was a trick?
“No,” she answered him quietly, not sure how to go from here. It felt a little Salem Witch Trials to just stand there with her ghost and proclaim You murdered her. But wasn’t that the truth? She looked at Isabelle again, lost, no longer caring even a little if this guy thought she was crazy. That ship had sailed ages ago, anyway. “You’re sure he did this to you?” 
Isabelle merely nodded, that tight anger rigid beneath splatters of blood and exposed muscle and bones. 
Erin clenched her jaw, steadying herself and steeling her gaze at the younger man. The least she could do was relay her message. “She was murdered. Ripped to shreds. By someone with–” She paused, doubt trickling in. What the fuck was she doing? Confronting the man who possibly did that to her? She swallowed. The ghost could sense her trepidation and before Erin could blink she was standing in front of her so close she could see the torn veins in her cheeks. 
“Tell him. Please!”
Erin jumped back again, keeping on her feet this time. Curiosity and empathy were about to get her killed here too, huh? She readied herself to bolt back into the safety of the awakening town just outside of this foliage. “By a friend of hers. With your eyes.”
What the fuck was going on? That urge to move, to leave and put some distance between the two of them only grew with intensity. She didn’t know Isabelle, but she knew her name and she seemed to be speaking to someone else. Chris was not really a firm believer in anything supernatural, especially not ghosts. He could totally see aliens being a thing considering how vast and unexplored the universe was, but anything else? No way. There was no way.
And then it got worse. Ripped to shreds, his eyes. Was she there? There was no way that a ghost was there feeding her this information. An even worse thought crossed his mind — was the ghost Isabelle, if ghosts were indeed real? That would make the most sense, especially since he was pretty sure that no one else lived with her. Or — no, wait. He was supposed to meet her somewhere, somewhere public, but it was late and — oh. Oh, no.
“I didn’t… I was supposed to meet her. We were supposed to… go for a walk, before a movie.” Why didn’t he go? He couldn’t remember. Why couldn’t he remember? “Look, I already told the cops that I wasn’t even there… I…” He had an alibi, didn’t he? Or — no, not exactly. There was no evidence, nothing to really tie him to the grizzly murder. That’s what they called it — a murder. Animal attack on paper, but really, that’s all they could talk about. That’s why Chris was a suspect. Why was he trying to explain it to her anyway?
“I wouldn’t hurt her.”
She’d really fucking stepped in it this time, Erin thought, watching the ghost jumping from despair to anger and back, while the man in front of her looked like his world was crashing around him. How could he not remember leaving a woman in that state with his bare fucking hands? There was a chance that the ghost was wrong, sure. But she was sure that she’d remember the man who did something like that to her too. It was hard to mistake. And the ghost was here for a reason, hovering in his vicinity. Erin’s presence, her gift, had merely drawn her out from the darkness. 
Erin stepped back, hands firmly on her hips, straining to figure out her next step. To deal with what she’d found herself in. This was too much. She shouldn’t have gotten involved in this one. This wasn’t Felix Mendoza, a nice little ghost who just wanted to find their family. This was blood and rage and despair. This was murder. The more he spoke, the more she was convinced of it. “Yeah, well, try telling her that–” she barked, pointing to the spot beside Chris. He couldn’t see the blood dripping down her feet or the bone protruding from her collarbone, though. And it was at that moment she realized there was nothing she could do about it. Not legally. What would she even say? Yes, officer. Her ghost told me it was that guy. Lock him up! Or better–some stranger who didn’t know either of these people just had a “hunch”. But if they knew each other, there was a chance he’d already been looked at. So what was she even still doing here?
Erin swallowed hard, taking more strides away from this. “I–I have to go. I can’t–I can’t do this–” she shook her head and paused briefly, before finding Chris’ eyes. Two different colors. She’d remember that in case she ran into them again. “But you? You have to live with this. I’ll make sure of it.”
The world around Chris started to spin — or at least, that’s what it felt like. His heart started to race the moment she had uttered Isabelle’s name and it only got worse from there. Whether or not this lady was talking to a ghost or psychic or whatever, it didn’t matter. She knew he was connected to Isabelle, to her death, even if he had no memory of ever being near her that night, and that was enough for him to truly start to freak the fuck out. She didn’t exactly look like a cop, or really any member of law enforcement, but he’d been wrong before and he didn’t exactly want to be locked away in a cell. Not again. Please.
The woman’s harshness in her tone made Chris feel incredibly small. But he was also angry. He was angry for being put into this position again, at having to defend himself from a potentially misplaced accusation. Was it misplaced? The fragments of horrific memories that splattered themselves across his thoughts disagreed with him. He winced at her words, though he stole another glance at that damned spot again. This time, he did feel something. It wasn’t like the shove from before, but there was a chill in the air that seemed to settle deep within his bones. He felt himself shiver.
“I–” he started, unable to say anything to an empty space. He couldn’t do it. She was dead anyway, wasn’t she? “I’m sorry, what else d-” Chris stopped short with discomfort. Nothing he said was going to matter was it? Not when she continued to look at him like that. Like a monster. And then she was leaving, her evident fear having won over. A deathly cold overtook him at her final words, leaving him gasping for air the moment her back was to him. It felt like someone punched him in the stomach and knocked the wind out of him. His gaze darted to the empty spot again, but again — there was nothing. Nothing but an eerie creeping feeling at the back of his neck.
But you? You have to live with this. I’ll make sure of it.
Chris whimpered. And then he was pushed again.
So he ran.
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instarlightss · 2 years
Michael Wilkinson is killin’ it. General thoughts and a few notes on costumes design so far. Episodes 1-5.
thus far, the costuming department seems to take some notes from Rogue One as its predecessor with utilitarian, lived in garments. For example, Jyn’s pants were designed, with vest sliders and webbing details, enough bulk to allow both Felicity, and her stunt double, room to wear knee pads. Along the same lines, Cassian’s initial look which is the costume that went on display as part of the promotional run for Andor, features a few note worthy motorcycle detailing in the knees, presumably for the same reason. Other similarities in costuming:
the breathing apparatus that both Maarva and Clem have on Kenari mirror the same one seen, as decoration, around Jyn’s neck in the Eadu scenes. (Prior to her climbing the platform.)  Practically speaking, as a prop, it is the same breathing mask and tube, dyed the same color. 
fingerless gloves on the ladies
Cassian’s color palette is very similar.
Kyber crystals.  Although, from my recollection, Jyn’s is a piece of acrylic where it seems that the crystals used on Andor are genuine. Which I do appreciate as as much as I love both the design and meaning to Jyn’s crystals it often looks visually flat. The Sky Kyber catches light much prettier. I’m not particularly knowledgeable of crystals, only vaguely aware of some from my stint in jewelry craftsmanship, so this is all spoken with a grain of salt. On my third watch, the one that Maarva has in the ship looks more like a man made Citrine which is heat-treated Amethyst, which is an Amethyst that is mined in Bolivia. 
The overall color palette on Ferrix is yellow, specifically a mustard sort of yellow. I can’t help but wonder if this is to note that at least in our world, a natural yellow dye is easy to obtain.  It can be obtained from a variety of sources including onion skins, tumeric, cold tea and rhubarb. I can’t help but imagine some sort of community dye job to make all the various guild costumes thus the sense of cohesion in all the colors. And that would function so very well as it would be too expensive for anyone to be able to afford anything body the very limited color palette. 
I love Bix’s base costume. It’s an integrated mix of athletic and performance fabrics that would wick sweat, and be comfortable to do her highly mobile job. The accented quilted inserts add shaping to her vest. Although, I find it strange in terms of function to have fingerless gloves while working on something heavy as she is. It is very much a design decision versus functionality and I am okay with it.  (Again, not the first time there have been fingerless gloves recently.)
The colors are echoed over back in the Kenari flashbacks. All of the garments look as if they are uniforms from the adult figures that have been refitted smaller youth frames.
There are so many space hoodies in this show.
one on Ferrix.
Tamryn’s rough wool and or slub looking pull over.
The Aldhani Shepard “disguise”costumes as seen on our rebel cell are stunning. I also really like the base layers underneath all the sherpa, they look very coherent in terms of the color palette, fabric choices overall look.  Lots of knits and textured fabrics to provide visual interest and warmth. Additionally, fingerless gloves again. Cassian’s shirt that he picks up here and wears in episodes 4-5 is lovely. I love the black piping accents, the cross over front and tie on design at the right side. It looks to be a denim chambray fabric
Vel’s windbreaker looks like the base design is a gorka, as seen with the welted pockets, elasticated wrists. Presumably with the fabric base as well using something like a Gore-tex fabric. To me, it reads as another R1 nod, as a gorka is one of the options worn by the Pathfinders on Scarif.  It’s also just a little gay to be wearing more army/military look. It’s one of the other pieces on Vel that gave off the initial lesbian five on episode 4 for me. Additionally, more than the blanket is shared, Vel and Cinta  even share the poncho.
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lancerfay · 1 year
Current not-on-the-computer project: refashioning these worn out raincoats that dont fit very flatteringly into something still functional but visually striking
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this bright blue goretex coat is so BIG on me, and the black softshell has been my daily wear for near a decade now. I originally got them both for mountaineering, but I dont really do that anymore, and theyre a little worn for any serious conditions like that at this point..
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My proposed design combines the two into something that screams jrpg character. a halter styled breast with matching sleeves and a slight tail should help accent my broad shoulders and narrow hips to look for femme. It'll be the most audacious thing I own. the thinner goretex for the bulk of the sleeves will mean rolling them up will be super comfortable, fpr the days where its warmer and i just want a windbreaker.
First step is to source good nylon thread and a seam sealant, want it to continue being waterproof after all
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book-my-crop · 1 year
Sustainable Agriculture Practices and Their Impact on Crop Yields
Sustainable agriculture practices have gained significant attention in recent years as the world faces the challenge of feeding a growing population while minimizing environmental impact.  In response to this global concern, farmers and researchers have been exploring various sustainable techniques that promote long-term soil health, biodiversity conservation, and efficient resource management.  One crucial aspect of sustainable agriculture is its impact on crop yields.  In this blog post, we will delve into some key sustainable agriculture practices and examine how they contribute to enhanced crop yields, ensuring food security for future generations.  If you are looking to buy or sell agriculture produces online in India, Book My Crop (BMC) is a cutting-edge platform that is specially designed to bring farmers and buyers together on together for the agro trade.
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Conservation Agriculture:
Conservation Agriculture (CA) is a sustainable farming approach that emphasizes minimal soil disturbance, permanent soil cover, and crop rotation.  By reducing tillage operations, CA helps prevent soil erosion, improves water retention, and enhances soil structure.  These factors positively influence crop yields in several ways.  Firstly, reduced soil erosion preserves the topsoil layer, which contains essential nutrients necessary for plant growth.  Secondly, the presence of permanent soil cover, such as crop residues or cover crops, mitigates moisture loss due to evaporation, keeping the soil adequately moist for plant roots.  Lastly, crop rotation reduces the build-up of pests and diseases, minimizing the need for chemical pesticides.  Overall, CA practices foster healthier soils, leading to increased crop productivity and improved yield stability. 
Experience the freshness of farm-to-table with premium quality agricultural produce offered directly by farmers on Book My Crop (BMC) - India’s first cutting-edge agrotech platform that brings farmers and buyers together for the agro-trade. Order bulk agriculture produces online in India and experience the difference with BMC! 
Precision Farming:
Precision farming utilizes advanced technologies, including GPS, remote sensing, and data analytics, to optimize crop production.  By precisely mapping and monitoring fields, farmers can tailor inputs such as irrigation, fertilizers, and pesticides to meet the specific needs of different areas within their fields.  This targeted approach ensures resource efficiency and reduces waste.  Consequently, crop yields are significantly improved.  Precision farming enables farmers to detect variations in soil fertility, moisture levels, and crop health, allowing them to take timely corrective measures.  The application of precise amounts of fertilizers and water enhances nutrient uptake and minimizes nutrient leaching, resulting in healthier plants and improved yields.  Additionally, by accurately identifying pest or disease hotspots, farmers can minimize chemical inputs, reducing environmental pollution and maintaining crop productivity.  Discover the rich and diverse agricultural produce in Gujarat, India, conveniently available online through BookMyCrop. 
Agroforestry is an integrated land management practice that combines agricultural crops with trees and shrubs. This sustainable approach offers multiple benefits for crop yields.  Firstly, the presence of trees and shrubs provides shade and windbreaks, reducing moisture loss and preventing soil erosion.  It also creates microclimates that protect crops from extreme weather events. Furthermore, agroforestry systems promote nutrient cycling, as trees draw up nutrients from deep in the soil and deposit them on the surface through leaf litter.  These nutrient-rich leaves act as natural fertilizers, benefiting adjacent crops.  Additionally, the diversity created by integrating trees and shrubs attracts beneficial insects and pollinators, which aid in crop pollination and reduce the need for synthetic pesticides.  Agroforestry, with its multifunctional and sustainable approach, plays a vital role in increasing crop yields while maintaining environmental balance.  Whether you're a foodie, a health enthusiast, or simply appreciate quality agriculture produces online in India, BookMyCrop offers a seamless and sustainable way to support Indian farmers and savor the flavors of Gujarat.
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Sustainable agriculture practices offer a viable solution to address the challenges of food production in a world grappling with environmental concerns.  The three practices discussed—Conservation Agriculture, Precision Farming, and Agroforestry—have demonstrated their effectiveness in boosting crop yields while minimizing negative impacts on the environment.  By preserving soil health, optimizing resource use, and promoting biodiversity, these practices ensure long-term sustainability in agriculture. As we strive for a food-secure future, it is crucial to embrace and support sustainable farming methods that enhance crop productivity, protect natural resources, and contribute to a healthier planet for generations to come.  Discover the freshness of Gujarat's finest agricultural produce - order agriculture produces in Gujarat online now and savour the goodness of the land of tradition and culture with Book My Crop (BMC)!
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lydiathane · 2 years
Prompt #7: Pawn
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A serene light turns snow to gold on a particularly blustery morning on the tundra. Trees heave and bend with the weight of the ice glazing their boughs, sending crisp crackles with every slight shake and jostle of the wind. Overhead, streaked clouds race fast and sweeping tracks through a painted sky toward the horizon. Dawn breaks in defiance of the storm that whipped through overnight in darkness, revealing a landscape that still quivers, but none so much as the armored car nestled against a rock face serving as a windbreak. Even on treads, the carriage of the vehicle twitches with motion, bouncing not with the gusts outside, but motion within.
Heavy breathing fills the humid interior, the only sound of life over the grumble of the motor. A middle-aged man with the bulk and muscle of an honest laborer reclines in the back seat with his eyes closed in respite, running a hand through the thick, black tangle under his chin that’s gone unshorn since they set out on this venture weeks ago. His companion swings her tawny legs over his lap and dismounts, coming to rest next to him in a spent slump.
“I haven’t been fucked like that since the last time I was getting ready to die,” Lydia offers, and surely it’s meant as a joke, but the delivery doesn’t quite lift her voice above a flat, raspy murmur. Silence greets her awkward attempt at levity. It stretches so long without answer that she finally turns her glance over at Arius to read his reaction more directly. “No...? You’re right, wasn’t very funny,” she concedes at his lack of expression.
“Stop doing that,” he responds plainly. It’s not annoyance, per se; she’d come to provoke his ire intentionally a number of times, but this disapproval was subtly different enough to cut short the smart-assed remark lined up behind the first and force her to actually listen. “Just...stop talking. Enjoy a moment for once without saying something to make it less vulnerable. Don’t say anything at all.”
She rolls her head forward and stares at the back of the seat ahead, slowly tugging the grey waffle-knit over her bare breasts, just one layer of what feels like a thousand in such an unforgiving environment. The breathing slows and soon it’s only the hum of machinery and the howl of arctic winds pounding to get in. The man’s chiding doesn’t last; he reaches over to take her hand and spares her a look of acknowledgement, as though to say, See? Isn’t that better?
“People like me...” She begins again, this time with a different level of candor. “We’re used to being tools. The person who does what needs doing. I’m a mammet, you know? Wind me up, give me a purpose, and I’ll do it until I break down.” There’s a long pause, hesitation that is unusual for someone who normally fires and forgets. “Every time I’ve been off the clock and left to my own devices, it’s a disaster. I get a notion in my head of doing things differently, and that’s the beginning of the end. I’m not a thinker, I just want a fucking purpose. And I hope...” Her mouth presses together in time with the hitch in her voice. “I just hope you’re right about all of this.”
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arizkhan · 3 days
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Essential Tennis Apparel for Every Season
Tennis is a sport that can be played year-round, but to perform your best and stay comfortable, it's crucial to have the right apparel for each season. Whether you're braving the summer heat, layering up for the winter chill, or dealing with the unpredictability of spring and fall, the right clothing can make a significant difference. In this blog, we'll explore essential tennis apparel for every season, ensuring you're prepared for any weather.
 Spring: Preparing for Unpredictability
Spring weather can be unpredictable, with sudden changes in temperature and unexpected showers. Here's what you'll need to stay comfortable and perform well during the spring months:
 1. Lightweight Layers
Spring mornings can be chilly, but temperatures often rise as the day progresses. Lightweight, breathable layers are key. Opt for moisture-wicking fabrics that keep you dry and comfortable.
- Light Jacket or Windbreaker: Ideal for warming up and cooling down. Look for jackets with ventilation options.
- Long-Sleeve Shirts: Provide warmth without overheating. Choose materials like polyester or nylon that wick away sweat.
 2. Breathable Bottoms
- Capri Pants or Leggings: Great for those in-between temperatures, offering more coverage than shorts but less than full-length pants.
- Shorts: Keep a pair handy for warmer days. Look for shorts with built-in liners for added comfort.
 3. Weather-Ready Accessories
- Hat or Visor: Protects you from the sun and keeps sweat out of your eyes.
- Lightweight Socks: Ensure your feet stay dry and blister-free.
 Summer: Beating the Heat
Summer tennis can be intense, with high temperatures and increased sun exposure. Staying cool and protected is the priority.
 1. Breathable Tops
- Moisture-Wicking T-Shirts or Tank Tops: Look for lightweight materials like polyester blends. Technologies like Nike's Dri-FIT or Adidas' Climalite are excellent choices.
 2. Lightweight Bottoms
- Shorts: Essential for keeping cool. Opt for shorts with breathable fabric and built-in liners.
- Skirts/Skorts: For those who prefer a skirt look with the functionality of shorts.
 3. Sun Protection
- Hat or Visor: Provides shade and keeps sweat away.
- Sunglasses: Protect your eyes from harmful UV rays.
- Sunscreen: Don't forget to apply a high SPF sunscreen to all exposed skin areas.
 Fall: Adapting to Cooler Temperatures
As temperatures start to drop, it's important to stay warm without overheating. Layering becomes essential once again.
 1. Layered Tops
- Long-Sleeve Shirts: Great for cooler days, providing warmth without bulk.
- Vests or Light Jackets: Perfect for adding warmth without restricting movement.
 2. Versatile Bottoms
- Leggings or Tights: Provide warmth and flexibility.
- Convertible Pants: Some tennis pants have zip-off legs, allowing you to adjust as temperatures change.
 3. Essential Accessories
- Headbands or Ear Warmers: Keep your ears warm on cooler days.
- Thicker Socks: Ensure your feet stay warm and comfortable.
 Winter: Staying Warm and Flexible
Winter tennis requires clothing that keeps you warm but also allows for full range of motion. Insulation and flexibility are key.
 1. Insulated Tops
- Thermal Shirts: Provide excellent warmth while wicking away moisture.
- Fleece Jackets: Offer great insulation and are perfect for colder days.
 2. Warm Bottoms
- Thermal Leggings or Pants: Keep your legs warm without restricting movement.
- Fleece-Lined Pants: Ideal for extremely cold conditions.
 3. Cold-Weather Accessories
- Gloves: Ensure you have a good grip while keeping your hands warm.
- Beanies or Headbands: Keep your head and ears warm.
- Warm Socks: Opt for thermal or wool blend socks for maximum warmth.
Having the right tennis apparel for every season can significantly enhance your performance and enjoyment of the game. By investing in quality clothing that suits the weather conditions, you can stay comfortable, protect yourself from the elements, and focus on improving your game. Visit TennisShop.ae today to explore their extensive collection and equip yourself for every season.
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jacketssupplier · 24 days
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Exploring the Awesomeness of Windbreaker Jackets as a Layering Piece for Ladies!
Want to add windbreakers to your private label jacket stock? Then view this to know why you must own a wind runner jacket in your wardrobe.
Visit: https://www.oasisjackets.com/exploring-the-awesomeness-of-windbreaker-jackets-as-a-layering-piece-for-ladies/
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bodycareapparels · 2 months
Discover Kids' Fashion: Bloomers, Shorts, Jackets & More | Bodycare
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When it comes to dressing our children, finding the right balance between comfort, functionality, and style is crucial. Bodycare excels in providing a children's clothing line that includes bloomers pants, boy shorts, boys jacket, boys sweatshirts, and girls jacket—each piece crafted to support kids' playful and active lifestyle. Our collection is designed with the notion that children's clothes should be as vibrant and dynamic as their personalities.
Bloomers pants are an excellent choice for toddlers and young children who need the freedom to move and explore. These pants are not only comfortable but also adorable, offering a range of styles and colours that are sure to delight both parents and kids. The elastic waistbands and soft, stretchy materials ensure that the pants stay in place, no matter the adventure.
Moving on to boy shorts, these are essential for any boy’s summer wardrobe or as a comfortable option under school uniforms. Made with durable, easy-care fabrics, our boy shorts are designed to withstand the rough and tumble of everyday play. With a variety of colours and styles available, they offer functionality without sacrificing style, making them perfect for everything from a day at the beach to a backyard playdate.
For cooler weather, our boys jacket and girls jacket collections provide warmth without the bulk. Whether you're looking for a lightweight windbreaker or a cosy winter coat, our jackets are made to keep children warm and dry in all weather conditions. Stylish yet practical, these jackets come in various designs that are both trendy and timeless, ensuring your child looks their best while staying protected from the elements.
Boys sweatshirts are another essential layering piece for chilly days. Combining warmth with comfort, our sweatshirts feature soft, breathable fabrics that keep boys warm during outdoor adventures or cosy movie nights at home. With fun prints and classic designs, these sweatshirts can easily become a go-to favourite in any young boy’s wardrobe.
Completing our lineup, the girls jacket is designed not only for warmth but also for style. From elegant designs that add a touch of sophistication to casual ensembles to rugged styles that are perfect for play, each jacket is crafted with attention to detail and quality, ensuring your little girl can enjoy the outdoors no matter the season.
At Bodycare, we understand that parents are looking for clothing that lasts, looks good, and allows their children to express themselves. That’s why we commit to using quality materials and thoughtful designs in all our kids' wear, ensuring that each item from our collection supports the needs of active, growing children. We believe that kids should look good whether they are at play or rest, and our clothing reflects this philosophy.
In conclusion, Bodycare’s diverse range of children's clothing from bloomers pants to girls' jackets is perfectly suited to meet the demands of growing kids who need both comfort and style in their daily lives. Check out our collection today and find everything you need to keep your child looking sharp and feeling comfortable, season after season.
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meryjones24 · 2 years
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bestweatherstation · 3 months
Dressing for the Chill: What to Wear in 40-50 Degree Weather
As the temperature hovers between 40 and 50 degrees Fahrenheit, finding the right balance between warmth and comfort becomes essential for braving the chill. Whether you're heading out for a brisk autumn walk or preparing for the unpredictable spring weather, dressing appropriately is the key to staying cozy. Let's explore the wardrobe essentials and layering tips to navigate the nuances of what to wear in 40-50 degree weather with style and practicality.
Understanding the Weather Range
40 Degrees Fahrenheit
At 40 degrees Fahrenheit, the chill is noticeable, and adequate layers become crucial. While it's not extremely cold, being prepared for the lower end of the range ensures comfort, especially in the early mornings or late evenings.
50 Degrees Fahrenheit
As the temperature climbs to 50 degrees Fahrenheit, a slightly milder feel emerges. However, it's still considered cool, and dressing in layers allows for adaptability as the day progresses.
Building the Perfect Outfit
1. Base Layer: Long Sleeves and Thermal Tops
Start with a long-sleeved base layer to trap body heat. Thermal tops or moisture-wicking fabrics are excellent choices, providing warmth without bulk.
2. Mid-Layer: Sweaters or Light Jackets
Add a mid-layer for insulation. A cozy sweater or a light jacket provides additional warmth, allowing you to adjust as needed throughout the day.
3. Outer Layer: Versatile Jackets
Choose an outer layer that serves both as protection against the chill and a stylish addition to your outfit. A versatile jacket, such as a windbreaker or a denim jacket, works well in this temperature range.
4. Bottoms: Jeans or Chinos
Opt for jeans or chinos for the bottom half. These provide adequate insulation without being too heavy, striking a balance between warmth and comfort.
5. Footwear: Closed-Toe Shoes
Keep your feet warm with closed-toe shoes. Sneakers, ankle boots, or loafers offer both style and protection from the cool temperatures.
6. Accessories: Scarves and Beanies
Complete your look with accessories like scarves and beanies. These not only add a touch of fashion but also provide extra warmth to key areas like the neck and head.
Navigating Considerations
1. Pay Attention to Wind Chill
In cooler temperatures, wind chill can significantly impact how it feels outside. Factor in wind speed when dressing, and consider wind-resistant outer layers to stay comfortable.
2. Opt for Breathable Fabrics
Layering is effective when using breathable fabrics. This allows moisture to escape, preventing overheating and ensuring you stay dry and comfortable throughout the day.
Making Informed Choices
1. Check Weather Forecasts
Stay informed about the day's weather forecast. This helps you plan your outfit accordingly, considering factors such as temperature fluctuations, wind speed, and potential precipitation.
2. Dress in Easily Adjustable Layers
Choose clothing that can be easily adjusted throughout the day. This ensures you're prepared for temperature variations and allows you to stay comfortable in changing weather conditions.
Conclusion: Embracing Style and Comfort
Dressing for the chill in 40-50 degree weather is all about striking a balance between style and comfort. By layering thoughtfully and choosing versatile pieces, you can navigate the cool temperatures with ease. Whether you're enjoying the outdoors or heading to work, embracing the right wardrobe essentials ensures you stay warm, fashionable, and prepared for whatever the day brings.
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feedhour0 · 4 months
Unveiling the Ultimate Guide to Men’s Training Jackets and Ski Jackets for Women
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Introduction: Elevate Your Outdoor Experience with Premium Jackets
Welcome to our comprehensive guide on men’s training jackets and ski jackets for women. In today’s fast-paced world, where fitness and adventure go hand in hand, having the right outerwear is essential to maximize performance and comfort. Whether you’re hitting the gym, pounding the pavement, or shredding the slopes, the perfect jacket can make all the difference.
The Evolution of Men’s Training Jackets: Function Meets Fashion
Men’s training jackets have come a long way from basic windbreakers to sophisticated pieces of performance apparel. Today, these jackets are designed with cutting-edge materials and technologies to enhance breathability, flexibility, and durability. From lightweight shells for high-intensity workouts to insulated layers for cold-weather training, there’s a training jacket to suit every athlete’s needs.
Key Features to Look for in Men’s Training Jackets
Moisture-wicking: Keep sweat at bay and stay dry during intense workouts.
Breathability: Ensure optimal airflow to prevent overheating.
Stretchability: Allow for unrestricted movement and flexibility.
Reflective elements: Enhance visibility during low-light conditions.
Zippered pockets: Securely store essentials like keys and cards.
Adjustable hoods and cuffs: Customize the fit for maximum comfort.
Waterproofing: Shield against rain and snow for outdoor training versatility.
Elevate Your Performance on the Slopes with Ski Jackets for Women
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For female adventurers hitting the slopes, a high-performance ski jacket is a must-have to stay warm, dry, and stylish in challenging conditions. Modern ski jackets combine technical features with fashionable designs to ensure both form and function.
Must-Have Features in Ski Jackets for Women
Insulation: Provide warmth without bulk for unrestricted movement.
Waterproof and breathable materials: Keep you dry and comfortable in varying weather conditions.
Snow skirts and adjustable hems: Seal out snow and cold air for added protection.
Helmet-compatible hoods: Ensure compatibility with ski helmets for safety and convenience.
Underarm vents: Regulate temperature during intense activity.
Multiple pockets: Store essentials such as ski passes, goggles, and snacks.
Reinforced shoulders and elbows: Enhance durability for extended use.
Finding the Perfect Fit: Tips for Choosing the Right Jacket
When shopping for men’s training jackets and ski jackets for women, it’s essential to consider factors such as fit, style, and intended use. Here are some tips to help you find the perfect jacket for your needs:
Consider your activity: Whether you’re running, cycling, skiing, or snowboarding, choose a jacket tailored to your specific activity and climate conditions.
Try before you buy: Visit a reputable retailer and try on different styles and sizes to find the perfect fit.
Pay attention to features: Look for jackets with the features that matter most to you, such as waterproofing, insulation, and ventilation.
Invest in quality: While premium jackets may come with a higher price tag, they often offer superior performance, durability, and longevity.
Conclusion: Gear Up for Success with Premium Performance Apparel
In conclusion, investing in high-quality men’s training jackets and ski jackets for women is essential for optimizing performance and comfort during outdoor activities. With the right jacket, you can push your limits, conquer new challenges, and enjoy every moment of your adventure. So, whether you’re hitting the trails or carving up the slopes, make sure to choose a jacket that meets your needs and exceeds your expectations.
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