roseredsnow · 8 months
So walking the dog this morning, and I guess it's just cause I was on the other side to create more distance between another dog he does like, and I noticed this.
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(Image ID: A path and part of the road that curves right then left, to the right of the path is a small patch of grass and a green salt bin. In the joint between the path and the road there is piles of leaves, however also many Buddelias)
So right after I got the dog back in the house I grabbed my handy paving tool, a garden bag and my gloves.
And spent the next hour digging all the buddelia I could see out, this is like probably not even a quarter of the bit I did but definitely the most densely populated.
One person stopped to ask me what I was doing and I explained they're highly invasive and will grow anywhere.
Another person said I was doing a good job and thanked me.
(Hopefully the image ID is alright I've only done a couple before)
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b4bphotography · 10 months
Red Spotted Purple Butterfly
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Red spotted purple (white admiral) butterfly on buddelia flowers
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forsythiahill · 4 years
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As the New Year unfolds, Spring is coming, which always brings joy to my soul.
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mrmaplematt · 4 years
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BUDDLEIA X WEYERIANA 'HONEYCOMB' YELLOW BUTTERFLYBUSH $20 https://mrmaple.com/collections/mrmaple-10-new-trees-10am-on-tuesday/products/buy-buddleia-x-weyeriana-honeycomb-yellow-butterflybush #mrmaple #buddelia #buddeliaweyeriana #butterfly #butterflybush #butterflybushes #butterflybushflower #horticulture #plant #honeycomb #pollinators (at MrMaple.com) https://www.instagram.com/p/CHjBD7qgG_d/?igshid=1uqgxxisxocd1
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mexicanaenirlanda · 4 years
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Temporada Buddleia 💜 Este arbusto es muy popular en Irlanda, es perenne y muy resistente al frío. Las flores moradas atraen a las mariposas y a otros polinizadores. #irlanda #ireland #buddelia #purple #purpleflowers #nature #naturephotography (at The Royal Canal) https://www.instagram.com/p/CCO9CPrjX_N/?igshid=6l6m02cyx4c8
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dansnaturepictures · 4 years
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31/10/2020-Lymington and photos in the garden before: The 5 landscapes pictures in this set are different to any I tweeted tonight 
There were three striking similarities with my day today and that of Saturday 21st March 2020. My Uncle came round for a visit (following current social distancing guidelines for meeting up indoors), I took a picture of a Starling in the garden (the second picture in this photoset) and we went to the Lymington-Keyhaven nature reserve. That day the Pennington marsh part of it, today the nearby Lymington (Normandy marsh) end. And of course two days after 21st March the first UK-wide coronavirus lockdown was announced and we came home to the announcement of the second English lockdown for most of November today. Appropriately on Halloween, whilst the possibility of this upcoming lockdown has really been hanging over us a while, the parallels felt spooky. 
I would like to say here that as I have done at every stage in the pandemic I of course back any move which is going to get the case numbers and prevalence of this cruel and horrid virus down, and I feel this lockdown had to happen. I know this is going to be an extremely difficult time for us all and I am fully aware that there are people sadly in employment terms a lot less lucky than me in terms of both job security and having work to focus on in the dark days of November and my heart, thoughts and prayers really do go out to you all and your families, but I do personally reflect on the fondness of the act of lockdown back in the spring (not the reason for it in any way) and especially things like having so much more time and really connecting to nature so I hope this as a consolation of this unfortunately necessary set of restrictions can be regained and the spirit of honouring our NHS heroes and coming together can also return. 
I would also like to use this as a chance to say what this means for my hobby. As expected like the lockdown that began in March daily exercise outdoors is a permitted reason to leave the house, but what I did not expect was for the Prime Minister to mention recreational activities outdoors alone, within households or on a one-to-one basis with another person from another household. So this does mean day to day for me right now not a lot will change. Social distancing is so easy to do when nature watching and I am incredibly thankful compared to people with other hobbies to have got to do so much of mine safely still since March. My walks alone in the week are just that, and a valuable and needed as long as I can activity to supplement or go some way to the usual walking and breathing in fresh air I would do in a day working from the office and Lakeside the country park on our doorstep is a refuge for me for that. 
But as we interpret the new regulations, I would just warn that I will reserve the right to omit locations of any of my photos and walks that I write about during the lockdown period. This is something I always reserve the right to do and I do it when rare or sensitive species are involved. I just feel that whilst I do not believe with the people I reach on social media hoards of people are suddenly going to turn up and look for a bird or something I have said I saw at or posted a picture of at a site, you just never know what a post could prompt. And the point is that I will have a camera with me and binoculars as long as weather and other factors permit, and during a lockdown I may not feel that it is always appropriate for the posting of something being at a location or where some nice views are to be a so public and the main point of posting is to show the species or views and remark on what I may have seen whilst taking a walk. If I feel it is safe to do so in terms of the species and I trust that the person will follow all restrictions to stay safe in order to try to see the species or place themselves, then I am happy to discuss with local (as there are restrictions on travel) people via private messaging means. Not something I imagine will come up during the coming month, but once again you just never know. 
Back onto today and alongside the Starlings I took the first pictures in this photoset of a House Sparrow on the still nicely yellow buddelia in the garden and more autumnal leaves scenes out the back including the third picture in this photoset of some autumnal looking leaves on a bush in the garden. 
Interestingly Lymington was the first place we went by the sea following the lifting of the first lockdown on the second May bank holiday Saturday, and I haven’t been back to that end of the reserve whilst I’ve been to Pennington a lot since. I took the fourth-eighth pictures in this photoset of beautiful views here today these all pictures I did not tweet to reduce the amount I did as I took 30 pictures today but I wanted some wildlife pictures in this blog of which I didn’t take a lot today so I didn’t do a full 10 exclusives in this like I often do. The photos all help show I hope what a great late autumn/early winter afternoon it became in the sun after another very rainy start to the day as we spent the time with my Uncle in the morning. Included in this was that quite nice light for this time of year and the novelty at this stage post-clocks going back the sun setting as the walk ended and heading down all afternoon making some nice scenes and enjoying sunsets outdoors and not from home for a change whilst I love them from my room too. 
There were some great bird moments too as I enjoyed seeing a lot of wader, duck and geese species, particularly nice Brent Geese flying in I love seeing these birds here at this time of year one of my favourites. There were so many Wigeons about too. We got chatting a social distance to a nice gentleman who was really into birds too which was great he was the one who let us know that there was an announcement from Downing Street this evening actually so after speaking to him we rather made the most of seeing certain water birds around not knowing at that stage when the lockdown would come in so thinkng we may not be back to the coastal habitats for quite a while. Earlier in the walk I took the ninth picture in this photoset of a lovely Oystercatcher and one of the species I made the most of seeing was another of my favourites the Little Egret which I took the tenth picture in this photoset of. I also enjoyed seeing a nice range of flowers here today; sea aster, broad-leaved clover and some common toadflax one of the prominent of many I have enjoyed learning this year.
On the way home we saw a spectacular and gigantic full moon over the beautiful New Forest landscape a great end to a great Saturday I hope you all had a good and safe one. 
Wildlife Sightings Summary at Lymington: Three of my favourite birds the Brent Goose, Great Crested Grebe and Little Egret, Spotted Redshank, Redshank, Ringed Plover, Turnstone, Dunlin, Oystercatcher, Curlew, Black-tailed Godwit, Black-headed Gull, Great Black Backed Gull, Herring Gull, Mallard, Wigeons, Little Grebe, Woodpigeon, Carrion Crow, Rock Pipit, Meadow Pipit and Stonechat. 
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amandateam-blog · 7 years
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dmdgarden · 7 years
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Monarch enjoying the Buddelia @rbgcanada Hendrie Gardens yesterday. #monarchbutterfly #BurlON #naturephotography
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ckalkraft-blog · 7 years
Butterflies enjoy buddelia Cran-Razz and Blue Heaven#sun #plants #butterfly #pink #purple
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path42-blog · 7 years
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Blue sky this morning while i had coffee in the garden - silver birch and buddelia #freelancelife http://ift.tt/2orKPVr
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The Color Purple-Plants
By Cynthia Brian
“God gets mad if you walk by the color purple in a field somewhere and don't notice it.”  Alice Walker, The Color Purple
As I amble through my April garden, I know that God is very happy! Purple, the color of royalty, wisdom, and luxury is favored in the majority of my botanical blooms.  The nobility of the season is highlighted with the elegantly perfumed lilac, the scented grace of cascading wisteria, and the pride of the dark and handsome hellebore as it changes from its deep shaded amethyst of winter to the violet and chartreuse of spring. Bees are swarming, sucking the sweet nectar from the fragrant flowers of lavender, freesia, and the Chinese fringe.  Shades of indigo, mauve, and sangria pepper the landscape offering a powerful presence yet calming expression.
Purple bearded iris and Dutch iris tender their brilliance in the middle of the weed filled hillside where Jerusalem star, also known as goat’s beard thrive. Bulbs and rhizomes are the ultimate VIP’s of my garden. Once planted, I forget about them until they burst into bloom, a welcome surprise especially when other plants are failing.  If you are a beginner gardener, I highly recommend indulging in bulbs for all seasons. Most require little maintenance and effort with minimal water while providing maximum results. Some of my perennial favorites that are available in hues of purple include calla lily, gladiolus, oriental lily, bearded iris, Asiatic lily, dahlia, anemone, and naked lady.
I love the color purple and have dedicated this month to everything purple.  If you’d like to bring a bit more of the richness of purple into your outdoors, I recommend checking out a few of these favorite cultivars.
Agastache Violet Vision Aquilegia Swan Lavender Aster Kickin’ Purple Astilbe Purple Candles Azalea Buddelia Miss  Violet Campanula Milan Lilac Chinese Fringe Plant Clematis Jackmanii Delphinium Pagan Purples Digitalis Sugar Plum Echinacea Magnus Freesia Hellebore Dark and Handsome Hemerocallis Black Stockings Heuchera Fire Alarm Hollyhock Crème de Cassis Hydrangea Let’s Dance Rave Iris Superstition Liatris Lantana Lavender Lilac Monarda Piurple Rooster Nepeta Little Trudy Purple Potato Vine Phlox Laura Prunella Puprle Daze Rose Angel Face Rhododendron Salvia May Night Society Garlic Sea Foam Statice Tulips (Black Parrot or Victoria’s Secret) Veronica Hocus Pocus Wisteria
Ask your nursery if they carry inventory from Bluestone Perennials, Brent and Becky’s, White Flower Farm, and Proven Winners. While perusing the gardens, buy petunias, pansies, zinnias, and other annuals in the hues that will brighten your landscape.  
“Purple haze, all in my brain
Lately things they don't seem the same
Actin' funny, but I don't know why
Excuse me while I kiss the sky!” Jimi Hendrix

 I am kissing the sky with joy for spring. Get your purple haze on!
Cynthia Brian’s Gardening Guide for April
SPLASH your barbecue grill with white vinegar then scrub with half an onion to clean the grates and get ready for outside dining.
BUFF your garden tools by plunging them in a five-gallon bucket of sand mixed with a cup of vegetable oil. The sand will keep them sharper and the oil wards off rust. Small hand tools can be stored in the sand bucket.
PLANT frost tender plants as the weather warms towards the end of the month. Ground covers, citrus, bougainvillea, and summer annuals are available for purchase.
SOW seeds of scarlet runner bean, sweet peas, or morning glories to climb on fences and wire.
RESIST cutting back the dying leaves of narcissi and daffodils. The frongs are gathering their nutrition for next year’s blooms. Cut them back only when as dry as potato chips.
BAIT the snails and slugs, pick them off by hand, use copper barriers, or bowls of beer. These slimy crawlers will devour new seedlings.
BUY ladybugs from your nursery or garden center if you see aphids or other pests on your plants. Remember ladybugs fly to infested gardens.
VISIT the Be the Star You Are!® booth at the Moraga Faire on Saturday, May 13th between 11-4pm to get a bag of complimentary spring potpourri. Bring your gardening questions and I’ll be there to answer them. www.BetheStarYouAre.org/events
SELECT appropriate plants in one or two gallon pots for your shade garden. Smaller sizes don’t root as quickly. Hostas, ferns, vinca minor, anemones, begonias, and impatiens mingle beautifully without much sunlight.
PLANT purple anything this spring and be delighted all year.
WEED, weed, weed. Because of the heavy rains this year, weeds are ubiquitous, yet easy to pull. If they don’t have seed heads, add to your compost pile.
PRE-ORDER my forthcoming garden book, Growing with the Goddess Gardener, Book I in the Garden Shorts Series. All pre-orders will receive extra goodies such as heirloom seeds, bookmarks, and more. Email me for details, [email protected]. 25% of the proceeds benefit the 501c3 Be the Star You Are!® charity.
Win $50,000 for your Garden:  As a judge in America’s Best Gardener Contest. I encourage you to enter your best garden photo. The top prize is $50,000.  http://www.americasbestgardener.com
BUY a beautiful potted purple lavender plant to show your love for your Mother or anyone’s Mom’s on Mother’s Day.
A heartfelt shout out to every Mom! You are the nurturers and our teachers. Happy Mother’s Day! Let it rain purple.
Happy Gardening and Happy Growing!
Read more at https://www.lamorindaweekly.com/archive/issue1104/Digging-Deep-Color-me-purple.html
Cynthia Brian, The Goddess Gardener, is a New York Times best selling author, actor, radio personality, speaker, media and writing coach as well as the Founder and Executive Director of Be the Star You Are1® 501 c3. Tune into Cynthia’s Radio show at www.StarStyleRadio.com Available for hire for any project.   [email protected] www.GoddessGardener.com 925-377-STAR
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goddessgardener · 7 years
Purple REIGNS!
By Cynthia Brian
“God gets mad if you walk by the color purple in a field somewhere and don't notice it.”  Alice Walker, The Color Purple
As I amble through my April garden, I know that God is very happy! Purple, the color of royalty, wisdom, and luxury is favored in the majority of my botanical blooms.  The nobility of the season is highlighted with the elegantly perfumed lilac, the scented grace of cascading wisteria, and the pride of the dark and handsome hellebore as it changes from its deep shaded amethyst of winter to the violet and chartreuse of spring. Bees are swarming, sucking the sweet nectar from the fragrant flowers of lavender, freesia, and the Chinese fringe.  Shades of indigo, mauve, and sangria pepper the landscape offering a powerful presence yet calming expression.
Purple bearded iris and Dutch iris tender their brilliance in the middle of the weed filled hillside where Jerusalem star, also known as goat’s beard thrive. Bulbs and rhizomes are the ultimate VIP’s of my garden. Once planted, I forget about them until they burst into bloom, a welcome surprise especially when other plants are failing.  If you are a beginner gardener, I highly recommend indulging in bulbs for all seasons. Most require little maintenance and effort with minimal water while providing maximum results. Some of my perennial favorites that are available in hues of purple include calla lily, gladiolus, oriental lily, bearded iris, Asiatic lily, dahlia, anemone, and naked lady.
I love the color purple and have dedicated this month to everything purple.  If you’d like to bring a bit more of the richness of purple into your outdoors, I recommend checking out a few of these favorite cultivars.
Agastache Violet Vision Aquilegia Swan Lavender Aster Kickin’ Purple Astilbe Purple Candles Azalea Buddelia Miss  Violet Campanula Milan Lilac Chinese Fringe Plant Clematis Jackmanii Delphinium Pagan Purples Digitalis Sugar Plum Echinacea Magnus Freesia Hellebore Dark and Handsome Hemerocallis Black Stockings Heuchera Fire Alarm Hollyhock Crème de Cassis Hydrangea Let’s Dance Rave Iris Superstition Liatris Lantana Lavender Lilac Monarda Piurple Rooster Nepeta Little Trudy Purple Potato Vine Phlox Laura Prunella Puprle Daze Rose Angel Face Rhododendron Salvia May Night Society Garlic Sea Foam Statice Tulips (Black Parrot or Victoria’s Secret) Veronica Hocus Pocus Wisteria
Ask your nursery if they carry inventory from Bluestone Perennials, Brent and Becky’s, White Flower Farm, and Proven Winners. While perusing the gardens, buy petunias, pansies, zinnias, and other annuals in the hues that will brighten your landscape.  
“Purple haze, all in my brain
Lately things they don't seem the same
Actin' funny, but I don't know why
Excuse me while I kiss the sky!” Jimi Hendrix

 I am kissing the sky with joy for spring. Get your purple haze on!
Cynthia Brian’s Gardening Guide for April
SPLASH your barbecue grill with white vinegar then scrub with half an onion to clean the grates and get ready for outside dining.
BUFF your garden tools by plunging them in a five-gallon bucket of sand mixed with a cup of vegetable oil. The sand will keep them sharper and the oil wards off rust. Small hand tools can be stored in the sand bucket.
PLANT frost tender plants as the weather warms towards the end of the month. Ground covers, citrus, bougainvillea, and summer annuals are available for purchase.
SOW seeds of scarlet runner bean, sweet peas, or morning glories to climb on fences and wire.
RESIST cutting back the dying leaves of narcissi and daffodils. The frongs are gathering their nutrition for next year’s blooms. Cut them back only when as dry as potato chips.
BAIT the snails and slugs, pick them off by hand, use copper barriers, or bowls of beer. These slimy crawlers will devour new seedlings.
BUY ladybugs from your nursery or garden center if you see aphids or other pests on your plants. Remember ladybugs fly to infested gardens.
VISIT the Be the Star You Are!® booth at the Moraga Faire on Saturday, May 13th between 11-4pm to get a bag of complimentary spring potpourri. Bring your gardening questions and I’ll be there to answer them. www.BetheStarYouAre.org/events
SELECT appropriate plants in one or two gallon pots for your shade garden. Smaller sizes don’t root as quickly. Hostas, ferns, vinca minor, anemones, begonias, and impatiens mingle beautifully without much sunlight.
PLANT purple anything this spring and be delighted all year.
WEED, weed, weed. Because of the heavy rains this year, weeds are ubiquitous, yet easy to pull. If they don’t have seed heads, add to your compost pile.
PRE-ORDER my forthcoming garden book, Growing with the Goddess Gardener, Book I in the Garden Shorts Series. All pre-orders will receive extra goodies such as heirloom seeds, bookmarks, and more. Email me for details, [email protected]. 25% of the proceeds benefit the 501c3 Be the Star You Are!® charity.
Win $50,000 for your Garden:  As a judge in America’s Best Gardener Contest. I encourage you to enter your best garden photo. The top prize is $50,000.  http://www.americasbestgardener.com
BUY a beautiful potted purple lavender plant to show your love for your Mother or anyone’s Mom’s on Mother’s Day.
A heartfelt shout out to every Mom! You are the nurturers and our teachers. Happy Mother’s Day! Let it rain purple.
Happy Gardening and Happy Growing!
Read more at https://www.lamorindaweekly.com/archive/issue1104/Digging-Deep-Color-me-purple.html
Cynthia Brian, The Goddess Gardener, is a New York Times best selling author, actor, radio personality, speaker, media and writing coach as well as the Founder and Executive Director of Be the Star You Are1® 501 c3. Tune into Cynthia’s Radio show at www.StarStyleRadio.com Available for hire for any project.   [email protected] www.GoddessGardener.com 925-377-STAR
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forsythiahill · 7 years
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The end of the season salute. Until we meet again in 2018.
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mrmaplematt · 4 years
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BUDDLEIA X WEYERIANA 'HONEYCOMB' YELLOW BUTTERFLYBUSH $20 https://mrmaple.com/collections/mrmaple-10-new-trees-10am-on-tuesday/products/buy-buddleia-x-weyeriana-honeycomb-yellow-butterflybush #mrmaple #buddelia #buddeliaweyeriana #butterfly #butterflybush #butterflybushes #butterflybushflower #horticulture #plant #honeycomb #pollinators (at MrMaple.com) https://www.instagram.com/p/CGFIb6GAVmO/?igshid=k2cob3piyz1o
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ckalkraft-blog · 7 years
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Blue Heaven buddelia #plants #nursery #blue #butterfly
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mrmaplematt · 4 years
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BUDDLEIA X WEYERIANA 'HONEYCOMB' YELLOW BUTTERFLYBUSH $20 https://mrmaple.com/collections/mrmaple-10-new-trees-10am-on-tuesday/products/buy-buddleia-x-weyeriana-honeycomb-yellow-butterflybush #mrmaple #buddelia #buddeliaweyeriana #butterfly #butterflybush #butterflybushes #butterflybushflower #horticulture #plant #honeycomb #pollinators (at MrMaple.com) https://www.instagram.com/p/CFiBkkTgjdy/?igshid=14tqhmlwkrmhf
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