#btw the fanart is credited in the tags
drangues · 1 year
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this is drawn for @motherthroat's incredible cowboy au!! (link | link )
(THE DESIGN IS N O T MINE. mori was kind enough to send me a ref sheet for mike's design, hope i did him Justice)
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mel-loly · 1 month
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Thanks to @nysnextd00r for answering me and “helping” me with this post <3
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rainerhammond · 1 year
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when i was 11 i turned 13 because fuck twelve
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mizodorito · 1 year
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humanized figure concept since im tired of seeing hot buff anime boy figure
also hc that she uses she/it yeah woo yippee
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justtwotired · 13 days
Whispers of the night - Lloyd Garmadon x F!reader
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Part 1 - previous - next
Tag list: @cipheress-to-k-pop @whore-of-many-hot-men @bodieohbo @anyth1ngfor0urmoony @luvlloyd @viannasthings
Guys- can we like- talk about this fanart I added here of Lloyd?? Cause I love it so, so much! Smits such good art and the artists OC -Christal- is also so beautiful! The Artist is ‘Scarlets.Doodles’ btw. I also wanted to say that all the art I use in the beginning of the chapters is not mine, but I always find it on Pinterest and than I can’t find the original artist, if you do know, please tell me so I can give the artist credit for their work!<3
Anyway, it’s bonding time for Y/n and her little brother😍
Your POV:
The holidays where over and it was time to go back to school, fun…!
But I guess it means I could see my friends everyday so it isn’t THAT bad, I guess, we did have fun at school the first day back.
It was a Monday, which meant school ended early for me. Dad was busy at work and mom was out with my aunt, our nanny was not available on Mondays, so that meant I was on duty of getting my little brother from school and my sister from daycare.
Luckily for me, they where right next to each other. I went to get my brother first and I walked onto the school grounds, waiting around with parents for the bell to ring and for the kids to come running out.
After five minutes off waiting, the bell rang and kids started streaming out of the school. Trough the crowd, I didn’t manage to spot Ace.
After a while, I finnaly spotted his dirty blonde hair and smiled, yet it fell when I saw he was being pushed around by a few other boys seemingly a bit older than he was, making my blood boil.
“Hey!” I called out, walking towards them, they looked up and the four boys quickly scurried off. I contemplated going after them but decided on staying with my brother.
“Ace, are you alright?” I asked concerned, squatting down next to him and turning his head towards me when he avoided looking at me. “Hey, look at me,” I said softly, “are you alright?” I repeated.
He shook his head, tears in his eyes and barreled into me, hugging me tight making me hug him right back.
“Hey, hey,” I said, softly stroking his hair. “It’s alright, they where just being little pricks,” I said and he pulled away, looking at me with a pout. “Why where they mean?” I asked softly.
“They are always mean to me,” he sniffed, whipping away the tears that threatened to spill, “just because I sometimes play with girls and dolls too,” he said and my heart broke.
“They do this more often?” I asked, glancing at the direction the kids had ran and I noticed their mothers in conversation with each other while the boys fooled around, looking oh so innocent as if they hadn’t been bullying my little brother.
“Oh, kiddo, why didn’t you tell me? Or mom and dad?” I asked, wiping away the fresh tears running down his face.
He shrugged and hid his face in my shoulder, making me kiss the top of his head. “Come,” I said, picking him up, “I’ll talk to their parents,” I said and began walking over.
“You don’t have to!” He panicked and I frowned lightly at him, “it’s fine, really!” He insisted and I shook my head.
“Ace, they are bullying you, that is not okay,” I said softly, “let’s try to solve this on our own before involving the school,” I smiled and continued walking.
The mothers looked up when I arrived, looking at me with questioning glances.
“Can we help you?” One of them asked, looking rather annoyed. Great, this was going to be harder than I had initially thought.
“Those are your kids?” I asked, nodding towards the four boys. The mothers all nodded. “I’m Y/n, Ace’s sister,” I introduced, “I just noticed your kids pushing him around and calling him names,” I looked around the group of mothers.
“You- you did?” Another asked concerned, glancing over to her son with a worried glance. “Oh great god, I am so sorry, I’ll talk to Bennie about that,” she shook her head.
“Oh please, they are just having a bit of fun, boys will be boys,” the woman who had been the first to speak waved it off.
“Clarice, if they are bullying ace we cannot take it lightly,” another told her, laying a hand on her shoulder, “we as parents are responsible to teach our children to be kind and respectful to everyone,” she smiled softly at me, making me smile back.
“Are you sure they where bullying him?” The fourth mother spoke, “I mean, they could indeed just been having fun,” she shrugged, looking over at her child as he laughed with his friends, probably not able to imagine him bullying someone.
“Seeing that my brother was crying, I am pretty sure,” I said dryly and she frowned but nodded. “I hope we can all just figure this out without having to involve the school, but if it does not improve, I’m afraid I’ll have to get my parents to speak with a teacher,” I informed.
“Oh yes, of course,” Bennie’s mother nodded hastily, “we’ll talk with our children and please, if nothing improves, come to us and we will talk with the teacher together,” she smiled and kindly touched my shoulder.
“Thank you so much,” I gave her a appreciating smile, “if you’ll excuse me, I do need to get my sister from daycare,” I said and bid my goodbyes.
The first one huffed in annoyance as I left and I heard a, “can you believe that? Accusing our children of bullying!” Coming from her mouth, making me roll my eyes.
Well, teo of them took it amazing, one seemed a bit sceptical, and they other was a total bitch. But it went better than I had expected.
“See,” I looked at Ace with a smile, “that wasn’t that hard,” I kissed his hair and put him down, holding out my hand for him to take as we both headed to the daycare before taking the car back home.
That night, when my siblings laid in bed, I entered the living room where my parents where watching tv.
“Mom, dad,” I said and they looked up at me, my father pausing the movie.
“Yes, sweetie?” My mom asked, her smile dropping at my concerned face.
I had decided it was best to talk with them while Ace wasn’t there, I didn’t want to embarrass him or make him cry by thinking about what was happening.
“Did you know Ace was getting bullied?” I asked and their faces fell, and I swore I saw actual tears form in my mothers eyes.
“Our little boy is getting bullied?” My dad asked, eyes full of rage and my mom grabbed his wrist, muttering his name, trying to calm him down.
“I saw him being pushed around and being called names by four boys about two to three years older than him,” I explained, “when I asked he said it was because he hung out with girls and played with dolls,” I looked at the ground, chewing on the inside of my cheek, “he looked so upset,” I shook my head sadly, my voice cracking.
“We need to talk to the teachers,” my mom insisted, “this is not okay, god, we should have put him in a private school, a public school is just-”
“Mom!” I cut her off, “public school or no, children are just little shits sometimes,” I shook my head, “besides, I already spoke to their mothers, I think they’re going to handle it but I can’t be sure and I wanted you to know,” I explained and my mother threw her head back and sighed.
“Oh, sweetie,” she said and walked up to me, “you’re amazing, I am so proud of you,” she hugged me tightly and I chuckled hugging her back.
“I bet it was that Lucas, wasn’t it?” Dad asked, his eyes still full of rage and he looked at me as my mother let go off the hug.
“I don’t know, but I know one of them is named Bennie, or Ben or whatever,” I shrugged and my mothers brows rose.
“Really?” She asked surprised, “Bennie’s mom is such a nice woman,” she shook her head in disbelief.
“Oh, yeah she was really nice,” I quickly nodded, “she promised to talk to her son- there was this one woman who was being kind of a bitch though,” I said and my mom shot me a look.
“Language, Y/n,” she said and my dad stifled a chuckle, making me shoot him a light glare.
“Sorry,” I muttered, “anyway, her name is Clarice and I swear I want to punch her in the face,” I huffed and crossed my arms.
“Oh… her,” my mom scoffed, “yeah, she’s Lucas’ mother, she is a horrible woman with an equally horrible husband,” she shook her head. “I don’t think she will be talking to her son about this,” she said sadly.
“Then we’ll have to step to the school eventually,” I shrugged, “for now let’s just support Ace,” I glanced towards the stairs where I had just come down from after reading Ace a bedtime story.
“Im proud of you,” my mom said, and pulled me into another hug, making me chuckle and hug her back.
It was a week later, I waited for my parents and little brother to get back from the conversation they had with the school and the parents of the kids bullying Ace.
The bullying had in fact, not stopped and my father was ready to sue. Luckily my mother was reasonable and just arranged a meeting.
When they got back, Ace just went up to his room without a word and my parents walked in aswel, rather frustrated.
“It seemed the school has the same motto as Clarice,” my mother said a bit disappointed, “apparently boys will be boys and they will get over it soon enough,” she said making me scowl and roll my eyes.
“Hey, you know where that Clarice lives?” I asked, “I might pay her a visit and try get some sense into her head, maybe the teachers aswel,” I said darkly and my father met my gaze.
“Good idea” he started but my mother cut him off.
“Absolutely not!” She said and hit the back off his head. “You should not be supporting this behaviour, Elijah!” She scolded my father, “we will handle this like adults, besides, tomorrow they have that costume party in the evening, maybe we’ll get something out of that,” she said with a small smile.
My father and I shared glances, both knowing it was probably not going to happen, but we didn’t say anything.
The next evening, I held my brothers hand as he, James and I, walked into the decorated school grounds. Kids in costumes ran around, some off the parents where even dressed up, aswel as the teachers.
I spotted some kids around our age too, also in custom. I guessed they where older siblings like me.
James, Ace and I where dressed as pirates. James and I wore our costumes from two halloweens ago, we had spent ages on making them.
Ace wore a costume that I bought at a toy store, I had pimped it with accessories and sewed the costume here and there to make it more realistic. I got him a plastic sword, an eyepatch and painted a beard on his face.
He was extremely proud and quickly went to show off to his friends. I did notice there where four girls, but there where two boys aswel that seemed to be friends with him, so I wondered why it was Ace that was targeted by bullies.
I almost tripped when four kids in ninja costume came running past me. One of them wore green, the others red, black and white. I chuckled at the sight before the masks went off and my smile fell.
“What?” James asked when he noticed, giving me a frowning look.
“Those are the four kids that bully Ace,” I whispered, “little shits,” I murmured right after.
“Oh, that’s them aye?” He asked, making way to go talk to them- or well probably their mothers as they stood next to them, showing off, making me grab his arm.
“Jamie,” I said, “don’t, we don’t wat to make it worse,” I frowned and looked at Ace, who was beaming at me, making me smile back. “Ace is happy, let’s leave it like that,”
James nodded and together we headed over to Ace who introduced us to his friends who where all dressed up differently, looking cute as ever.
After abput two hours, both me and James sat on a bench, drinks in hand as we where quietly judging costumes, giggling amongst ourselves.
“There’s so many ninja outfits,” he commented, making me nod. There where indeed, even one teacher was dressed up, fully in blue.
One girl was proudly dressed as the water ninja, boasting to the four little rascals about how she was the best ninja.
They countered that by saying that the green ninja was the best and the most powerful, which just made her stick out her tongue.
I averted my gaze to three girls, who I guessed where in grade seven or so, playing with skipping ropes, doing tricks that almost made me jealous, because I could never do that when I was their age.
James made a comment about that and I shoved him, causing him to almost fall off the bench while laughing.
With a chuckle, my eyes searched for Ace and my stomach sank when I watched how he was harshly pushed and he fell to the ground, making me seath with rage.
“Hey!” I stood up and quickly made my way over, “what do you think you’re doing?!” I called and a few people looked up to see what was happening. From the corner of my eye, I saw two people also quickly making their way over.
“Bennie!” His mother called out, and the boy looked up, eyes wide, looking like a deer in headlights.
I quickly kneeled down next to Ace. “Are you hurt?” I asked worried, fussing over him, James also coming to stand next to me.
“Are you four crazy?” He interrogated the children, “he could’ve been seriously hurt!” He pointed at Ace who had thick tears streaming down his face as I kissed his forehead and hugged him tightly.
“Oh, I am so, so sorry,” Bennies mother said to me, before turning to her son and starting to scold him. “Oh, and you three to!” She turned to the other three boys, who wore the same expression as their friend.
“Gavin,” another mother kneeled down to the level of her child, “what did we talk about, we do not hurt other kids, neither with words or our hands,” she said in a serious tone.
“I wanna go home,” Ace cried and I sighed, picking him up and letting him sit on my hip.
“Lets go, it’s late anyway,” I shook my head, starting to walk off.
“Hey, hold up!” I turned around at a hand in my shoulder, facing Bennies mother. “Bennie, say sorry to Ace,” she looked at her soon with an expecting look.
“Sorry, Ace,” he said softly, and I was quite surprised to see ehe genuinely meant it.
“You too,” the other mother looked at the remaining three kids who also muttered their sorry’s. She then turned to me with a soft look. “I promise this will not happen again,” she said and that’s when the third mother arrived aswel.
“Hey, what happened?” She asked worried glancing at Ace who was still whipping away tears.
Bennie’s mother quickly explained and the woman frowned and turned to her child.
“Felix, have you apologised to Ace?” She asked and he nodded, she looked at me for confirmation and I nodded aswel. “I am so sorry, dear,” she shook her head.
I muttered something before walking of, mostly focused on getting Ace out of here. James followed after me, a hard look on his face.
James hates bullies. He himself was bullied when he was little too and he did everything to protect those who were targeted.
One time, he sucker punched some guy who was bothering a first year, stealing their backpack and everything, it was pretty amusing.
Back at home, James said goodbye to me and Ace and I headed inside, holding Ace’s hand.
My mom was in the kitchen and he quickly hugged her when he spotted her, making her look at me in question, probably wondering why we where back so early and why Ace seemed like he had cried.
I explained the story and she was lost for words for a moment before hugging her son tightly, whispering reassuring things to him before taking him upstairs to get ready for bed.
I also went upstairs, texting with James who just got home and wondered how Ace was doing.
I yelped when my window -which I had slightly opened just in case- opened, greenie stepping inside with a wide grin as he pulled off his mask.
“Hi, princess,” he greeted and I chuckled, sending James a quick goodnight text before getting off the bed.
“Hi, stinky,” I said, scrunching my nose as I smelled the sweat from only a few feet away. He pouted at me and I chuckled.
“You bully,” he said, whiling away fake tears making me jab his side. He laughed, catching my hand before I could do it again.
He pulled me forwards into a kiss and I chuckled, before my face fell slightly when he pulled away, making him frown.
“What’s wrong?” He asked concerned, cupping my face in his hands.
“Lloyd,” I said softly and he hummed in acknowledgment, “can you do something for me?”
Lloyd POV:
I stood in front of Y/n’s house, gi and mask on, a small helmet in my hands.
The front door opened and Ace came running out, followed by a chuckling Y/n who was holding his hand, being dragged towards me.
“Ready to go, little man?” I asked and he beamed at me, almost jumping up and down.
“Yes!” He said in excitement and I chuckled, kneeling down to help him put on the helmet.
“Does that fit?” I asked and he nodded, looking up at Y/n to show off, making her chuckle.
“Good luck, you two,” she smiled and I stood up again, ruffling her hair affectionately making her mumble a soft curse before quickly glancing at Ace who luckily didn’t hear it.
“I’ll see you later,” I said, making her smile and nod. “Now, let’s get you onto the bike,” I said before lifting him up and putting him on the bike before also getting on myself.
“Drive safely!” Y/n called before I drove off, Ace shrieking and laughing in excitement the whole ride.
When we got to his school, I helped him off the bike, before kneeling down and also getting the helmet off. It revealed an excited grin and I chuckled, holding out my hand for him to take.
There were already a few parents and kids in the parking lot who watched with wide eyes.
The two of us walked onto the schoolyard and many heads turned in wonder and surprise, making me grin from under the mask while Ace buzzed in excitement.
“Acey!” A girl came running up followed by a few others, she hugged him tightly, making him let go of my hand to hug her back.
only when she let go did she seem to notice me, making her eyes grow wide. “The green ninja!” She gasped and the other friends yaws dropped aswel as they watched me in awe, making me chuckle.
“Hi there,” I greeted with a small wave. I scanned the grounds quickly and then spotted a small group of four boys, watching in awe. I recognised them from the pictures in the yearbook Y/n had showed me, so I diverted my gaze and looked back at Ace.
“How do you know him?” A boy asked, looking at me, then at Ace, then me again in awe, and then back at Ace.
“He is my sisters friend,” Ace said, a bit shy now as he answered the questions his friends had for him.
“Excuse me?” I looked up at a woman who was holding a phone and a man beside her. “Can I take a picture of the lot of you?” She asked with a warm smile, one of the Ace’s friends went to hug her legs and I guessed this was her mom.
“Of course,” I said and the kids bustled around, all posing as the woman took a few pictures. My hand rested on Ace’s shoulder the whole time.
I never really did pictures and autographs, but just for this one time should be fine.
“Hey, Mr. Green ninja?” I looked up to see a man approaching, he stuck out his hand and I shook it in silence. “I am William Wright, the principal. May I ask you what gives us the honour for you to visit our school?” He asked and I shrugged.
“Oh, I just came to drop off Ace here, his sister was supposed to, but she had an emergency. We’re great friends so she asked me to do it, seeing it is in my patrol area anyway,” I said and the principle nodded.
“Say, can I take a picture for the schools instagram?” He asked, I contemplated for a bit, before just deciding to agree.
Both me and the kids all posed again as the pictures were taken. At one point, I swooped Ace of his feet and got him to sit on my neck, making him laugh and the other kids giggle.
After the pictures were taken, the kids hurried off to play elsewhere and I turned to the principal.
“Say, I’ve been talking to Ace’s sister, and I heard he has been having some problems with bullies, is that correct?” I asked and the principal looked nervous.
“Oh, well, we had a meeting about it a few days back, but, we worked out that it was just a bit of fun, nothing big,” he waved it off and my eyes narrowed.
“Hm, interesting, seeing as he came home yesterday with bruised elbows,” I said and the principals eyes widened.
“Oh that is concerning,” he nodded hastily, “we will look into it, I promise,”
“I am happy to hear that,” I said, glancing at the four boys who were still watching in awe, but didn’t dare walk up to me. “I do really hate bullying, it just disgusts me, you know?” I said, I knew they could hear me.
“Yes, yes of course,” the man nodded and chuckled, “we do really not tolerate bullies here, thank you for informing me of the situation,” he said and then quickly excused himself.
He better do something about it, otherwise I might barge into his office some time later.
I waved at Ace in the distance before leaving with a content smirk on my face.
(Are you liking the fluff? Just asking… for no reason at all)
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codecicle · 9 months
pfp by @/living 404 ^_^
WHATS POPPING‼️ I'm Ashton B Codecicle Gayboy Swagaythor and I use he/him they/them and it/its with no preference in between all of them. Dudebro Manguy who will be weird and freakish on your dashboard faggot-style :D👍
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matching pfps with my boyfriend @felixisfruity and my friend @originallymax ^_^
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‼️ cc!wilbur and cc!dream stans fuck off. if i talk about them im always talking about their characters (my ocs) ‼️
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HELLO!! gaze apon ye affront to god and despair. if me or any of my posts have made you deeply sigh with shame and regret then i may be entitled to financial compensation! cashapp me 20 bucks rn
also! am a minor ^_^ so i wont be drawing the labia ghoul as i am 15 years of age smiley face (<- inside joke)
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number ONE codeflippa and qcharlie enthusiast. if anyone tells u otherwise run very very fast in the other direction and dont look back its me boy im the ps5 speaking to you inside ur brain listen to me boy
mcyt is my special intrest im never leaving this place until the day i die. qsmp dsmp osmp scu smplive cogchamp sdmp epicsmp.. my servers.... <3 i also watch chuckle sandwich and jrwi + most mcyt adjacent people
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I do not make sideblogs and never plan on it! outside of!! url hoarding and my singular jrwi gimmick blog/son @has-chip-beaten-the-allegaytions I'm a Chip "Bastard" James JRWI enthusiast btw ^_^)
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albatrio are transexuals and faggots and in queer platonic t3t love i dont care about jrwitwt they can explode. sad! 💥💥💥💥
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also also im a grimeduo guy. a big one. being both a slimer and an inniter at the same time is like a full time job of being transgender but i somehow manage. who up beastin
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if you ever want to listen to my scu propaganda and start watching it i ramble about it a little bit in this ask
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i am learning french btw!! charlie and baghera mental illness strikes again (chose the class before the qsmp started and has now managed to make practicing a language into something about my special interests to make me more intrested in it) ((YOU WANNA SEND ME ASKS IN FRENCH. YOU WOULD LIKE TO TALK TO ME IN FRENCH. YOU NEED TO GIVE ME FRENCH PRACTICE. ITS MEEEE BOY IM THE FUCKING PS5 FREE WILL IS AN ILLUSION))
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collection of people being normal about me.
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(my chip hater blinkies and normal about father-child dynamics shirt were both made by felix!! <3 this egg is transgender image was made by @/foxtriestobiteandmaimandkilland </3 and the juanaflippa divider can be used with credit to the artist!! it was made by @/etoilesbienne)
tag list ahead! if you ever need me to tag something just send me an ask or dm and let me know i will ALWAYS say yes i want people to be safe. that being said i do talk about triggering topics from time to time and my intrests are often gore/body horror filled like genloss or bitb so keep that in mind!! i will still tag them properly but i am a walking trigger warning PLEASE stay safe :DD
original posts -> i make yet anothet post just for me 👍
important things ive gottta find multiple times -> saving for later
i am arguably a pink core (the typa shit ballincat43 is on) person and you can pry that from my cold dead hands so here is the tag for it LMAO -> me core
qsmp -> qsmp
qsmp fanart -> qsmp art
absurdly powerful dnd podcast posting -> jrwi (i also tag the individual characters)
liveblogging newer jrwi episodes or jrwiepisodes with spoilers -> jrwilb
gayass military game posting -> cod
generation loss -> genloss
jerma -> jerma is a fucking cryptid
liveblogging -> liveblogging
ask tag -> we have mail :]
best asks I've ever received -> askbox hall of fame
slimecicle cinematic universe -> scu
autism² (risk of rain) -> ror2
self rb -> reblogging my own post
the mcu / mutual cinematic universe -> little rp thing I do with my friends ^_^
tag for elliot (my boyfriend) -> my love felix <3 <3
pokemon (autism³) -> poketag
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tigwex · 9 months
Hi, I'm Hawk, a struggling autistic trans student from Scotland and I just got thrown into the deep end with living on my own with no income whatsoever (my universal credit having been revoked and my student loan processing for the next 1-2 months) and a bank account in the minuses plus outstanding bills hitting me within the next week; including a phone bill and keeping my electricity on.
That being said, my commissions are so extremely open!
HEADSHOTS $15 HALFBODY $25 FULLBODY $35 +15$ for fancy rendering, $15 for fancy shading, $20 for detailed background! (simple shading is free!) (payment through PayPal or Ko-Fi btw!)
PLUS other options!!! I'm open to do other things like character references, pagedolls, customs etc! I just don't have a hard and fast price for them, but if you're interested, I can give you a quote! ^_^
I DO: - humans / humanoids - furry / anthro - animals / ferals - non-hyperdetailed gore - nsfw & nudity - fanart I DON’T DO: - most fetish and fetish-adjacent art - generally anything weird or offensive - anything i’m uncomfortable with
examples below or in my art tag, although feel free to ask for specific examples! feel free to message me on here or discord at tigwex!
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hdra77 · 4 months
Ok since this blog is kinda getting alot of attention i'll just make a pinned post about a little bit of myself
Heyy! i'm Soren!
You can call me zarou or dra
I am bilingual but im more comfortable speaking in english (still bad at it actually)
i really like cybercore,webcore,warcore aesthetic it may not look like it right now but expect a whole bunch of techcore designs soon
Oh and i am also a huge fan of astronomy,space and all of that sort. Along with post apocalyptic settings,body horror elements and eldritch beings.
Using my art as PFPs/Banners is okay! As long as you give proper credit! But reuploading my works without my permission or claiming them as your own is NOT okay. I will find you and i will hunt you down and turn you into a helpless flopping fish gasping for air.
Inspirations is ok too!! But please do not directly copy from the original work.
!! DISCLAIMER !! Btw please read this before following my blog!! There would be gore,body horror,dark themes and even some suggestive themes Sometimes but overall i do not post any explicit nsfw here !! (they can be filtered through tags but just putting this here as a heads up)
my DNI are basically the general DNI: proshippers,homophobes,etc. you know, the general
my interest varies but i currently hyperfixtate on these fandoms so far:
Animator vs Animation/Animation vs Minecraft
Warrior cats
My dms here are also open so feel free to send me a message! (No weird dms or you get instant block)
Im busy and i dont check discord as frequently but i would be happy to talk to you! I would also be glad to make friends im not intimidating i promise i dont bite totally-
My ask box are always open! Ask me anything basically, my aus, ocs, pretty much anything. You can also send some requests but they will take a gajillion years to finish but i promise ill get them done soon!
My socials:
Twitter - HINDRANCE77 (!! page contains some suggestive themes !!) Youtube - HINDRANCE77 Tumblr - hdra77 (you are literally here right now)
My tags:
#hdra7shitposts - yes, shitposts
#fishdoesart - all my art comes here
#fishdoesdoodles - random doodles and some occasional shitposting, mostly on ms paint
#fishdoesrequests - all my art requests comes here, so far this is where you find my ship requests (still open for now btw)
#wips - wips
#fishbites.txt - ramblings
#othersart - gifts/fanarts! Sometimes some reblogs
#asks - all of my responses comes here
My other blogs:
@nyaworld-askblog - for the nyaworld au! this blog is story driven but asks for specific characters are always welcome!
@fallowclans-unruly-demise - for a warrior cats clangen blog, still stuck in hiatus void
My Rainworld AU tags:
#rw voided au - simple AU about iterators called voideds who drains void fluids out of other iterators, theres also some rot infection going on too
#rw disarray au/SYSTEM FAILURE - a virus in Lttm's code had created a fatal error in her system which caused her to slowly spiral into insanity as she would slowly loosen her grip onto reality, claiming that she had found the solution to their problem..but was it really the answer all along?
#rw nyaworld au - joke au about the entire rainworld cast taking place in the 2000's this one is purely just for nostalgia purposes #into the sigverse - technically considered an au. this is just a silly little askblog about different versions of NSH interacting because for some reason they can now magically interact with different alternate universe versions of themselves. ocs being used to interact is allowed to!! anyone can use this tag however they please you don't have to send me asks to be a part of the sigverse
My Rainworld Oc tags: #Sector7c - official oc local group tag!
#7c dystopian arbitrary
#7c golden life
#rw ocs #ocs
-- still WIP --
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nikoco11 · 1 year
hey u. yeah u. read this.
some words !!
   ♡ im Nico/Nok, he/him, 18, thai american
   ♡ i use clip studio paint pro for ipad / huion kamvas 16
   ♡ requests r open but im bad at doing them so beware
   ♡ icons r OK with credit ( fanart only )          do not repost my art ill take u to courttttttt
some links !!
    ❤︎    twitter     ❤︎    instagram     ❤︎    kofi (store + comms )     ❤︎    twitch
some tags !!
#nok talks - text posts asks etc
#my art - my art!!!
#request o the day - inbox art requests
#qna - tutorials n brushes and stuff
btw check around #asks and #nok talks before sending a question, i might’ve answered it already ^_^ uhh what else o yea @middlekeyboard is my alt for podcast stuff, if u followed me for tma go over there!!! ok thats all i think stay safe have fun love you (?)
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arsonistbunny · 5 months
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Vincent/William, he/him, 24, french. other blog is @vincentwilliaw
Please tag pictures of jewellery.
🐰 about carrd • commissions • store 🐰
🐰 ao3 • youtube • twitch 🐰
🐰 # art tag # 🐰
🐰 start reading A Rabbit's Wolfsbane 🐰
🐰 #canadian vanessa fnaf au • #deucalion posting 🐰
No repost without permission!
This isn't a FNAF blog btw. This is a fun blog. I post and reblog stuff I like without the pressure of looking professional. (I just happen to be very into fnaf) Please support my original work as well 👍
You can use my fanart as pfp but always credit me!!!
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Welcome to my blog! I'm Pizzahead, and we're gonna have fun here, haha!
This site is gonna be one of my first interactions with the world outside of my tower, but haha, i'll manage!
(psst, hey! i'm the person who runs this thing. this is also my first time doing anything like this, so sorry if it's bad.)
(anyways, i'm gonna speak in these parenthesis just because i want people to know the difference in tags about whether Pizzahead or i am saying a thing.)
(so here are some rules btw-)
1: I could be a bit slow with asks sometimes. Sorry, but i got a life, and i can't control that. Just dont get angry or demand asks be turned on or answered or smth
2: I'm a minor, and i have friends that dislike NSFW! At their worst, keep asks mildly suggestive please! Otherwise they will be deleted
3: Basic DNI stuff (racist, homophobic, transphobic, etc.)
4: Don't be mean in general, unless its for RP reasons
(and if you want to refer to me, you can just call me RandMod. Okay now some other info...)
I think that one blue square on my blog is usually called "asks" by others or somethin? Well, haha, either way, mine are...
Open! Go ahead, don't be shy, ha! say whatever!
Closed! Sorry, heh, ya gotta come back later!
Hrm... Think that's about enough for now, ha! Bye!
(And also, here's my explanation on some of the tags ill use. I'm using them all on this post mostly to check if they don't exist yet...)
("Just silly pizza thoughts" will be used whenever Pizzahead is just saying things)
("Just sad pizza thoughts" will be used for AAAAAANGST!!! which apparently happens a lot ig)
("the RandMod speaks!" will be used whenever i make a post that's just me talking to you directly, or if i'm in a post)
("Pizzahead's art gallery" will be used when art is reblogged on this blog, which will be rare unless its direct fanart for this blog)
(And of course i will use the basic tags of "Pizzahead" and "Pizza Tower" for each post)
(Oh, and you can do just about whatever with the stuff from this blog as long as u credit it, and it abides to the rules from earlier)
(Alright then, uh... bye. Hope you have some sort of fun with this...)
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sebfreak · 22 days
okay that´s it!
because i saw somebody reposted my gifs i will change my notes on my blog. you fault for not being respectful but tbh i only waited for this day.
it can´t be that you only like my gifs and then you repost my gifs instead of reblogging. it´s not like a sweet candy bar where you can pick your gifs and repost them. the only time you are allowed to repost my gifs is when you ask and put a credit under this post (i mean the post you are posting). btw if you ignore this post and think: hah this dumb little idiot will never find out.
then be pretty sure i will call you out and block you.
also from now on i will put a name on all my gifs fuck all reposter!!!!!!
i´m a very nice person but only until a specific moment. i am very relaxed when people ask me: "hey can i repost it and i will credit you!" i will always say yes. I´m not relaxed when people just pick my posts and use it for their own agenda because they feel like it. it´s time you all learn some respect towards people who create stuff and share it. sharing doesn´t mean reposting!!!!!!
why is it so difficult for you all to understand it?
now I´ve added it into my notes that you shouldn´t repost my gifs without permission and you have to credit it but you have to scroll down because i don´t wanna ruin my uhm... quote there. but it is written there and if you ignore it well you see what happens.
also what does reposting means. i think we should start from there.
reposting means: save a fanart or gif or other creation you like on your pc or smartphone -> upload it again on any other social media site without asking the creator (tumblr, twitter, facebook etc.) -> don´t mention the name of the creator/maker whatever
reposting isn´t: seeing a fanart or some other creation -> liking it and reblogging it (the arrows that are in circles here on tumblr) because you wanna share it on your blog so other people can see it!!!!
reposting isn´t also: if you write a post on tumblr -> you want to make it better with a gif -> you go onto the search bar and search for a gif -> you post one (because the name of the creator is directly under the gif and everybody can see who made it)
screenshots are not mentioned because i just simply made them while watching gintama, i didn´t edit them. so if you are person who is lazy as fuck and you only wanna repost gintama screenshot my gosh then do it. i know i´ve made them and i´m smart enough to not claim pics i never edited. this whole thing is only meant for gifs and gifs alone. i´ve edited them. sharpenng, coloring etc. and it needs time. ALSO (i hate it i have to write every little fucking detail because people try to find a little hole in all this so they can say: well you didn´t specifical say this blahblahblha) alsooooo... this counts for all of my gifs. my gifs won´t be only tagged in the future with sebfreaks gif they also have a name on it. but old gifs aren´t free to repost. reblog them if you like them or ask me and credit me.
if you ever see that I´m gonna like your post although you´ve credited me, then don´t be scared. it´s just i saw it and appreciated it. <3
new add: i will block empty blogs but also blogs which are led by people who only like and don´t reblog. oh and blogs which are abandoned but people are online for only liking. i don´t wanna have your attitude here. oh and i will block these kind of people when they follow me.
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askbigcheese · 1 month
intro post. i guessies
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This blog is multifandom: Regretevator, Toontown (OG game, specifically), and The Normal Elevator.
My main is @kalkori
Call me KB
While this blog is gonna focus on Big Cheese for hopefully obvious reasons, this IS kinda multimuse. Restricted multimuse? Whatever theres multiple gays but there's one prominant dude
im using ms paint rn but i could just randomly switch to krita at random times. i could use catalogue avatar creator for all you know.
Every and any fandom or oc blog n whatnot are encouraged to interact. :3
Dubs, fanart, edits n pfps, and fanfic [IF WE GET TO THAT POINT???] is ok!! WITH CREDIT.
info overload n stuff down there V
if you just want to see the tags, they at the end
NSFW, proship (as in "I AM GOING TO WRITE The Sex ABOUT A CHILD AND AN ADULT WHEN THE FANDOM IS CHILD-BASED AND/OR THE CREATOR HAS ASKED SPECIFICALLY NOT TO DO THAT AND IDC!!" way. specification because proship and antiship have become such blurred terms that they're essentially useless lmao), and 18+ dni!! i am an infant!!!
Whether or not there is shipping depends on if you guys can be normal about this blog, ok? i will make big cheese aroace at the drop of a hat at the slight whiff of weirdness do not test me.
you can send the occassional penis joke but if i see an actual nsfw ask its on sight [block and not answer]
magic anons are on thin ice. by that i mean i refuse to deal with stuff i dont wanna, ok? ok. if you have a question and a magic anon in the same question‚ i will just screenshot the magic anon out if i dont like it.
i am a faggot and a cripple!! im also autistic!! if i see any weird shit surrounding that it is ON SIGHT. tone tags are preferred btw.
if ive asked you to not interact with my shit for any reason and you do so anyway i will just fucking call you out directly. you know who you are.
🧀non-ask canon post
🤖big cheese respode
🦌shitposting and joshing and jesting
more tags to be added as we go
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amoebeau · 2 years
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I INTERACT FROM : @hardpuzzles​​ !!
Hi hello I’m Specter / Beau
i post whatever i want here. mostly art. i make a lot of fanart for things im currently into
dont be a stranger i love asks and talking and chatting 👍
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using my art as icons, in edits, tagging as kin/me, are all OK btw!! 👍 just credit if using pls
i block freely. Do Not interact or follow me if you are a proship, zoo, terf, transmed. etc etc. my stuff is not for you freaks
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funmalibmillie · 4 months
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I channeled my inner Deku to do this fake analysis on Mineta Minoru for my bakudeku fanfic: Ripple. My background in reporting and research came in handy! Note: All of the text here is a false analysis I made up for this character and visual drawing of said character is not mine! The text is not canon! Made for funsies!
Ripple (67489 words) by MaliBMillie Chapters: 10/15-Liplocked & Shellshocked Fandom: 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia (Anime & Manga) Rating: Mature Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence Relationships: Bakugou Katsuki/Midoriya Izuku, Bakugou Katsuki & Midoriya Izuku, Midoriya Izuku/Shindou You, Kaminari Denki/Shinsou Hitoshi, Ashido Mina/Kirishima Eijirou, Jirou Kyouka/Yaoyorozu Momo, Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead/Yamada Hizashi | Present Mic, Aoyama Yuuga/Mineta Minoru, Midoriya Inko/Yagi Toshinori | All Might, Bakugou Masaru/Bakugou Mitsuki Characters: Bakugou Katsuki, Midoriya Izuku, Kaminari Denki, Kirishima Eijirou, Ashido Mina, Jirou Kyouka, Sero Hanta, Original Characters, Shindou You, Shinsou Hitoshi, Yamada Hizashi | Present Mic, Yaoyorozu Momo, Class 1-A (My Hero Academia), Midoriya Inko, Bakugou Katsuki's Parents, Yagi Toshinori | All Might, Bakugou Mitsuki, Bakugou Masaru Additional Tags: Endgame Bakugou Katsuki/Midoriya Izuku, Pro Hero Midoriya Izuku, Pro Hero Bakugou Katsuki, Alternate Universe - Pro Heroes (My Hero Academia), Aged-Up Bakugou Katsuki, Aged-Up Midoriya Izuku, Bakugou Katsuki is Bad at Feelings, Bakugou Katsuki Swears A Lot, Pining Bakugou Katsuki, Canon-Typical Violence, BAMF Midoriya Izuku, BAMF Bakugou Katsuki, Midoriya Izuku is a Ray of Sunshine, They are gay your honor, Jealous Bakugou Katsuki, Angst and Feels, Fluff and Angst, Post-Graduation, Post-War, Bakugou Katsuki is a Dork, Bakusquad (My Hero Academia), Jirou Kyouka is in the Bakusquad, Bakusquad Being Idiots (My Hero Academia), Let Midoriya Izuku Swear, Shinsou Hitoshi is a Good Friend, Bakugou Katsuki Needs a Hug, Characters Are Pro Heroes (My Hero Academia), Aged-Up Character(s), Soft Bakugou Katsuki, Confident Midoriya Izuku, New Year's Eve, Bakugou Katsuki Loves Midoriya Izuku, Midoriya Izuku Loves Bakugou Katsuki, Midoriya Izuku Has One for All Quirk, Midoriya Izuku Needs A Hug, Regretful Bakugou Katsuki, Time Travel, Alternate Universe - Time Travel, Protective Bakugou Mitsuki, Good Parent Bakugou Mitsuki, Good Parent Bakugou Masaru, Angst and Romance, Angst and Humor, Idiots in Love, Temporary Character Death, Bakugou Katsuki-centric Summary: When a New Years Party ends in tragedy and he fails to win Izuku from Shindo, Katsuki Bakugo falls into despair. However, an unexpected stranger? with a quirk called “Ripple” comes along and gives him the chance of a lifetime: three days to change the past. Will the explosive blonde succeed or will the Symbol of Victory lose…again? NOTE: Entire Story is mostly completed until Chapter 9. I had WAY too much fun getting these images together for this fanfic. Thankful for Canva, that’s for sure! BTW, images provided are mostly made on my Canva Account, but any picture involving fanart of the MHA characters are NOT mine. When I know the artist, I make sure to credit them. If I have the wrong artist or am missing giving them the appropriate credit, please message me.
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kuromitea · 5 months
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Kabo and Zobie fanart (original art don’t steal or you will get banned for 1 week but if you want to use it say it with my permission and credit me) btw this is my first digital art srry for bad cuality and also my english tags ignore #midnighthorrorschool#mhs#kabo#kabomhs#zobie#zobiemhs#mhs#duo#digitalart ^v^
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