#btw that's what i was doing all day...i'm gonna actually Respond to messages Soon! :*
vetteldixon · 1 year
who’s got two thumbs and dropped 75 posts in their queue and upped the frequency? this jay 👍👍
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perexcri · 1 year
That fic was !!! Wordsmith Perexcri strikes again because you always seem to know how to weave them!!!
(This is Fannon btw)
The imagery of Never Have I Ever on the eve of the Apocalypse—it’s like. I can’t even explain why I think it’s so cool—it’s sort of like almost an anachronism? but instead of something modern in a historical setting, it’s something so so normal when nothing in the world is normal. Idk I just woke up and I have a cold so idk if that made any sense, just know that I enjoy it.
Also, ‘All he knows is, each night, when Will rolls over to the edge of the bed they share and Mike’s eyes bore in to his bedroom wall, they always snag against a bloody, crimson heart on a shield, and he thinks he’d been stupid to ever believe anybody else could know him like Will does.’ BEAUTIFUL SO SO MUCH I am going to have this tattooed on the inside of my eyelids so I can look at it forever.
I hope you are doing very well!
(,,,I told my friends I would try to do this off anon for Once, bc I want to be your friend but,,,,I’m a coward☺️)
Thank you for being such a lovely writer!
!! hello fannon!! i hope you recover from your cold soon!! i am sending you a cup of warm soup to ward the illness away~
(this one got long so i'm gonna put the rest under the cut!!)
i'm so glad you liked it!! honestly i think this fic has become my fav i've written this year, so it brings me joy to see others liking it as well :D
what you're saying makes total sense!! i love when the mundane is contrasted with the horrific, like two teenagers playing never have i ever when they both think they're gonna die the next day. i always find little human moments like that impact me more than, like, an extended action sequence
i didn't explicitly use it as inspiration for this fic, but i do think i drew a little from buffy the vampire slayer (like with most apocalypse byler stuff i've written lol) for that contrast!! that show does such a good job of contrasting the mundane and quiet with the loud and horrific. i did think a little about the very last episode of buffy on the night before the big final battle, and there's this very quiet shot of buffy and spike sharing a bed in her basement,,,that's kinda the vibe i was going for, and i felt happy with how it came out in the actual story :D
AHHHH i love when people point out lines they like!! that's one of my favorites from this one - i remember writing it last night and kinda staring at my screen for a second like "oh. okay. don't know where that came from but i guess we'll roll with it" lol
FANNONNNNNN please please please don't feel like you have to keep using anon!! i would love to be your friend!! honestly a big reason why i post fics or do stuff on tumblr is because i want to talk with other people who are suffering from the same brainrot as me!! i've literally had full-blown conversations in the comments on some of my fics because i've really enjoyed getting to talk to other people (even though my social anxiety makes it very hard sometimes to talk but i'm being so brave about it). and honestly, i think fandom stuff is supposed to feel more like a communal thing?? idk i love responding to comments or getting asks or getting your messages anytime i post something because it makes it feel like i'm interacting with other people who like similar things as me, rather than me just like,,,mindlessly pushing stuff out into the void and never hearing anything back, or something like that. idk if that makes sense, but tl;dr: i would love to be your friend!! (but if you are too anxious about it i totally understand because, again, re: social anxiety)
thank you once again for stopping by fannon!! your words always mean a lot to me, and i hope you get to feeling better soon!! :] 💜💜💜
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irskth · 4 years
Haechan : Yes I hate you! - Part 1
Description : You and Donghyuck have a weird relationship, he appeared in your life during a stressful time and in a way helped you forget about it, by creating even more chaos as you got to know him better.
Warnings : Kind of a bad boy hyuck but still soft and funny savage ; Angst ; probably going to be suggestive (I don't know where to take this and I'm just going to write it as i go along) ; some fluff expected(?).
not proof read
A/N : It's not my first time writing a Fic but I haven't done it in some years and they have all been crap so let's see how this goes.
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- Hell no I am not doing that - you whisper to yourself after reading his text message, somehow leaving you speechless at his audacity.
" No thanks I want sleep " you text him back typing fast as you wanted to go to sleep soon.
" Why not? It'll be fun I promise! " he's persistent and annoying and you know he won't give up dragging you to that party he's been talking about all week.
" btw I'm at your doorstep, come down bish " he texts and you go down just to check and he really is at that damn doorstep.
- I already told you I'm not going - you said, stern look on your face but he just chuckled looking at your pajamas.
- You don't look that threatening with those bunny pants - he said annoying the shit out of you - come onn, you're always in your room never leaving your house, you're so boorinng - his whining face was cute.
- what's wrong with being boring?! -
- idk, being boring I guess? - he answered, ironic tone in his voice - come on, I'll buy you that game you've been talking about, just come this once pleaaasee - he begged, pout in his face.
you couldn't say no to the best game you've been dreaming about "Nier Automata" all you could talk about was playing it one day and hyuck was tired of your conversations being only about that game.
- fine I'll go, but only because of the game! - you said, going to your room to grab a sweater and some pants while hyuck was smilling proudly at your doorstep.
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still not happy about the idea of going to a party in the middle of the night you were still happy at the thought of your new game arriving soon, for free.
- what are we doing at this so called party? - you asked, the way to the house where the party was held was quite long and you were going on foot beside hyuck.
- well it's technically not a party - he said a little high pitched sound to his voice.
- so what it is then? - raised eyebrow on your face.
- kinda a sleepover? like just some friends hanging out, I don't even know why you dressed up lol - he said laughing at your fast combination of clothes and attempt at makeup.
- YOU TOLD ME IT WAS A PARTY! - you said, angry tone, still hyuck could only laugh at your angry expressions.
- yeah I know, I wanted to know if you'd still come if I said it was a party - he said low laughing.
- yeah okay, only for my precious game tho - you said still daydreaming about your game.
- man you and your games, could you pay a little more attention to me? - he said pouting while hitting your head.
- Ouch? why would I pay attention to you wtf? we're not even friends lol - you said, savageness in your eyes.
- yeah I hate you lol, idk why we even hang out, don't even know your name clown - you roll your eyes at his nickname.
- yeah lol wtf, you're kidnapping me - you say laughing at the end for how stupid you sound.
- I don't even like that much lol.
- yeah but you don't hang out with anyone else - he responds, tone in his voice deeper than before - you're a loser lol - he laughs it off before taking your hand to arrive at the so called house.
it seemed quiet, no loud music or flashing light so you assumed it was just friends hanging out.
- so like what are we going to do? it's not like I know any of your friends - you said before entering the house.
- relax and just try to get to know people, you might like them - he said reassuring you.
upon entering the house a guy greeted donghyuck and then motioned at you.
- is this your girl? - he said pointing at you, funny look on his face as if mocking you.
- no, actually we just know each other and she was bored so I brought her here.
- liar, I was not bored and I'm only here for the game you promised to buy me. - you said crossing your arms.
- yeah yeah, I know - he laughed it off - so what we doing tonight?
- just some drinking and games, you up for it? - the guy said arriving at the living room.
- you know I'm always up for it jeno - hyuck answered, arm around jeno's shoulder.
we sat down on the floor covered with blankets to make it comfortable and some girls were there already under the influence of alcohol.
- damn you brought all the pretty girls around - hyuck said smiling cheekily at some girls and obviously flirting.
you felt out of place, and he noticed that smiling and introducing you - so like this is Y/N and I don't really know how to explain our relationship cause like, I don't even know her - you rolled your eyes, smiling at the people around you.
- well you could've brought someone prettier - some guy commented, arms around two girls while drinking from a bottle.
hyuck didn't answer and only laughed it off, so you took it as your chance to throw a comment - glad you didn't find me attractive, didn't want to end up as one of those chicks - you said, not amused with the atmosphere you were ready to leave when you hyuck grabbed your arm for you to sit down.
- come on he was just joking right jaemin? apologise to her - hyuck said, as if warning him - yeah whatever - that dude said back? paying more attention to the other girls.
hyuck offered you a drink but you refused - I am not drinking in an unknown person's house -
- come on, just to help you relax, no one's gonna hurt you, at least not physically - he said joking tone in his voice.
- no hyuck, I don't risk my life like that - you still refused and he just took the drink to his lips turning to jeno to ask him something.
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the night was going along, you looked at your phone and it was already 4 am, worried you decided to leave but hyuck turned his attention to you for the first time after offering a drink.
- hey where do you think you're going? - he asked clearly drunk.
- to my house, I have one you know? - you answered ready to leave.
- noo come on you haven't played a single game, you're no fuun Y/N - he was clinging to you.
- hyuck get off I have school early tomorrow - you tried to get him off of you but he was to persistent.
- she calls you hyuck bro, just fuck her already what are you even waiting for? - jaemin guy was really getting on your nerves this night.
- sorry I am not interested, besides I don't even know this guy and he is no one to me - you said angry enough for the night.
- she ain't worth it anyways - you heard hyuck said while still on top of you.
you pushed him off and got up going home at a steady pace, angry plastered all over your expressions and you swore to yourself to never hang out with anyone again, especially donghyuck.
- waiit - you heard behind you and someone grabbing your arm
- I am not interested in listening to anything you have to say, i shouldn't have come here and I don't even want that stupid game anymore, why do I even bother hanging out with you?! - you sad angry still walking foward.
- you have no one else to talk to, everyone hates you and your bitch personality - hyuck said and you stopped on your tracks.
you turned around only to meet a drunk donghyuck, cheeks flushed red and eyes almost closed his posture giving away how drunk he was.
you slapped him hard, making a sound through the night that people could clearly hear amidst the silence - you do not know me. - you said calm yet your angry tone was clear you turn away from him and kept going to your house.
as if unbothered by your slap he stood there with a sarcastic smile - actually I do know you miss Y/N - all he said before he also turned away to go back to his friends.
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a/n : working on this with enthusiasm, also is this too short or is it okay? please let me know.
part 2
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shelbsofawesome · 2 years
Hey~ it's been a while since my last message! How've you been?? 🙃
I've been reading more of your stories on AO3 in my free time, and I really really love your writing!!! 💗 Sorry if I'm being repetitive, I can't help it... 🤭
BTW, the other day I saw this fanart, it's terrific!!!! In both senses of the word, and it reminded me of "To Feed the Hunger Inside"... kinda hehe 😅
If you haven't noticed, I'm a huge fan of that fic of yours!!! I wanted to ask you if Law is gonna make an appearance there???? You don't have to answer if you don't want to, of course! :3
A friend of mine has been sending me some fanarts of LawSan and it doesn't help that I ship Sanji with everyone... I might love slut Sanji trope... ups!
I know you ship KidLaw, but what do you think about LawSan??? 🤔
Hope you have a great week!!
Love from Mexico~ 🇲🇽🤗
Oh my gosh, anon, you are the absolute sweetest! Thank you for the previous messages as well (I’m sorry I wasn’t sure if you wanted me to publicly respond to them, but just know I have read and reread them b/c oh my heart, you’re so nice) Ahhhh thank you so much for the kind words about my fics <3 it truly means the world to me and inspires me to continue writing even on the tough days lol.
Ha I’m very much a multipshipper so I def ship Law and Sanji! I don’t think I’ve actually posted one where they are the main ship, I know ‘Diamond Dogs’ had some serious Law flirtation with Sanji but I decided to have Sanji go with our donut boy, Katakuri haha. Sanji just needs all the love! Also thanks for the art rec! Love me so feral, bloody boys!
And yessss Law will be making an appearance in ‘To Feed the Hunger Inside’! (I’m not sure if it will be the next chapter or the one after that lol I have several chapter wips I write concurrently as inspiration hits so it just depends on which one I finish first) but yes long story short, Law will be a house guest of our vampires and dear Sanji soon! (actually his chapter has been one of my favorites to work on but I want to do the idea justice so it’s taking a hot minute to finish haha)
I’m so glad you enjoy reading my fics. (Ha sometimes I write them and I’m like ‘why shelbs are you spending so much time on this, no one is gonna want to read this D:’ but to hear someone is actually going through and reading through my posted works is just ahhhhhhh, I have the dopiest grin on my face right now.)
TL;DR? Thank you for being so sweet, anon. I hope to continue bringing you joy with my writing <3 Have a lovely week!
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g0dtier · 7 years
THANK U!! To start: I'm 19yrs old. Ok well I started work a month ago and there was an older coworker there I found attractive. Not looks, just personality. Like damn he's amazing and kind and just a Good Person. Then a few days ago he asked for my Snapchat and I was like sure why not. Hes married with kids so I didn't think anything of it. His wife is Stunning too like hot damn. But then he like ?Seemed to be flirting ya know. Flirting. At me. Like. Why. How. WHY. so I was slightly concerned(1)
2) now he's just amazing really and I can see why his wife fell for him cuz that personality is The Best. And I'm pretty open and I always connect better with adults. Always. Even when I was a kid, all my friends were middle aged adults. Idk why. Prob cuz due to life I stopped being childish years ago. But anyway, after work, I was heading to the beach. He saw on my story and asked if he could come visit before he went to work again. Why not? It's public and I trust him and myself3) Btw did I mention he's fucking 40?? Yea. Anyway while at the beach he opened up about how he likes me and he doesn't know why but it's how he feels and he leaned in and kissed me and idk what to do. The kiss was so good and I kissed back. But at the same time WTF is happening. I could kiss him forever BUT he's married. And older. Even tho I like that. He said what happens next is up to me and he'll stop 100% no questions asked if I tell him nook. hm. first of all, i want you to know that i understand (and sort of have been in) your situation completely. but also, holy shit get the fuck out of there. now.
there is nothing wrong with your feelings. honestly ive had my fair share of crushes on older people, so lmfao i know what you mean. there is legit nothing wrong about your behavior in this situation, because you like him and this stuff happens, but imma just list a couple of things on why this dude is Not the person you feel he is and why his behavior is really, really scary. It’s not gonna be fun but please, im gonna go ahead and feel like you came to me because you (hopefully) value my honest opinion, so please hear me out.
You have known him for a month. He is 40 years old. This is legal, but ask yourself, even if he’s super funny/charming/caring/seems responsible, what kind of person would cheat on his wife and kids with a 19 year old colleague that he’s known for a month? Like I said, the fault here isn’t with you, but any person who legitimately acts this way is not as charming as he seems. Especially with him having multiple kids (im gonna guess at least one is around 10, 11 years old? youre less than twice that age). Parents should be responsible and know how creepy it is to cheat on your spouse with someone who’s literally barely legal.
He is your colleague. You have worked there for a month, I’m gonna go and guess he’s worked there for several years. He has authority over you, and not just in the “he’s been here longer”, as in “if you let him put you in a vulnerable situation he could literally ruin your fucking resume. If he’s good friends with the bossman, as soon as he feels in danger/you do something he doesn’t like, he could probably get you fired AND have the bossman write down a bad review for future companies who might do background checks. He could blackmail the fuck out of you if needed. Relationship with a colleague? Bad idea. Relationship with a significantly older colleague who has this kinda authority over you? No.
Again, I know you feel like his personality is the best and he probably wouldn’t do that, but he knows DAMN WELL he shouldn’t be trying to bed you. Nobody puts their wife, kids, job AND public rep as “not a fucking creep” on the line within a month without being damn confident that they won’t get caught. Hence the blackmail part above.
The whole “You can stop this at any time if we do this” is a ruse. You can’t. He has power over you.
The “I don’t know why I like you I just do” is also a ruse. He’s 40. He’s married. He is not some inexperienced 20yo who doesn’t understand his own feelings. If he’s still in the stage of “idk why i like u i just do so i cheated on my wife and kids to be with you on the side” at 40yo and married then there’s something mentally wrong with him.
Imagine if you went and took his offer. Aside from the vulnerable position he puts you in, imagine if you fully fell in love with him. I am 100% sure he’s not gonna make it public that he’s dating you. You will be the secret. Which will make you even more vulnerable, especially if you’re emotionally invested in him. You will be a 19yo in a secret relationship with your 40 year old colleague who also has a wife and kids. This is not a happy way to live. No matter how much you like him now, that kind of relationship is never worth it and he knows it and he does not care. If he felt like you deserved a healthy, happy relationship, he wouldn’t have kissed you because he knows he couldnt provide that if he tried.
Imagine IF, against all odds, he decided to give up his wife and kids to live a happy life with you. Imagine he dies at 60. You will be the 40 year old widow.
This is not a healthy situation, this is not a life you want to live, and he knows it anon. He’s so damn sure about his safety in this situation that he went this far within a month. His wife, kids and job will be gone if anyone finds out about this and still he did it. He’s sure he won’t get hurt because he knows he’s got you in the palm of his hand. Which is logical, and 100% not something you could do anything about, but it’s super fucked up of him to do.
This is probably not the answer you were looking for, but the only one I can give. I’m so sorry you’re in this situation. I know that you’re probably reading this and thinking it’s not true because he’s so sweet and caring and is giving you the time to think about it, so it doesn’t feel creepy, but please look at this situation from a objective point of view and see how creepy this is.
No respectable married adult would put their family and job on the line to have an affair with someone they’ve known for a month, no matter their age. His age just makes it even more shitty for you because you’re more vulnerable now than if he was your age.
Again, nothing in this situation is your fault. When I found out about how my situation was actually really bad, I blamed myself for not noticing it sooner and not “being more mature” or whatever, but it literally doesn’t matter. You’re not the one at fault here but there’s absolutely something wrong with him.
I’m going to bed now because i should’ve been in bed about an hour ago, but i couldn’t not respond to this after getting the 2nd message. I hope you’re ok, I hope you can maybe find a trusted person to talk this over with (not necessarily an authorative figure immediately, but someone you can earnestly talk to about how you feel) and I hope to god you’ll stay away (or even just friends if necessary) from him and stay safe. This can only go wrong and you probably realize this.
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