#bringing out the old ass owyn art tonight lmfao
ffxiv-angora · 3 years
Is angora named after the Turkish angora?
If so does she have fluffy tail?
Pets? Pets for angora?
Kind of! I've had Angora as a character for...10-ish years? So I kinda just throw her into whatever game I'm playing and such (you can see the D&D and "original" versions of her below). I used to raise rabbits waaay back, so that's where I got the name "Angora" in my head. Turkish Angora cats are much prettier than the rabbit breed with a similar name lmao
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She kind of has a fluffy tail! It's the lion tail so it's fluffy on the end at least. As for pets, are you asking if she has pets, or is it if you can pet her?? LOL
She has never really gotten the chance to own a pet but will play with Yera's dogs when given the chance. If you actually try to pet Angora herself, you will probably lose a hand tbh But you are welcome to try!
(art by Maeves and ooowyn on Twitter)
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