#breaking down in front of ur rival is just the natural progression of being rivals ok. its inevitable even
neolxzr · 7 months
sometimes i think people misunderstand me as a zadf enjoyer like i dont want them to stop doing the evil enemies archrivals who want eachother dead thing i just think they should take a break once in a while to get milkshakes or maybe also break down and cry in front of each other. you know
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cass-chan12 · 5 years
Felony of the Heart (Ch 8)
Fandom: Fairy Tail Genre: Romance and Friendship Pairing: Main- NaLu. Sides- Gajevy, Gruvia and Jerza
Summary: What would you do if you were forced into a school that deals with Delinquents and young adults that have committed felonies? Lucy Heartfilia would rather chance it than going back home to being married off. What lies ahead for the blonde is unknown but she's convinced she can make it through with him by her side
Chapter seven
You will meet many opponents in your time that will come face to face with our flaws, trust the chaos- pain and confusion is the pathway to break open and become free.
~ Nikki Rowe
Juvia's sudden action to stand and to give Zancrow what seemed to be one of the dirtiest looks I've ever seen, surprised not only me but everyone else in the room. It certainly didn't go unnoticed by Gray who was beside me. His frown that he usually sported tensed a little less in interest, and his dark orbs focused on what was happening in front of us .
Zancrow's own disgusting red eyes stared back into Juvia's deep blue ones, waiting for her to act he folded his arms impatiently.
Juvia's cold eyes from when I remembered them that night looked so calm and serene right now. She didn't let Zancrow's glare shrink her into a corner nor did she have given him an opportunity.
I noticed Juvia broke the harsh stare she had with Zancrow and looked at little Wendy with warmth, her voice portraying comfort and comradery.
"Hello Wendy-san, Juvia is very happy to meet you. Would you like a seat next to Juvia?" she said in her melodic sweet sounding voice.
Wendy's dull fawn eyes showed some life and shine when she heard Juvia's sweet request and she nodded her head slightly. Zancrow rolled his eyes and scoffed at the scene but Juvia didn't even spare him a glance. She quickly grabbed a chair and shoved it between her chair and Gajeel's.
What a scary place to put the young girl…
Once they sat down Zancrow found his second wind in his cruelty that Juvia had so gracefully cut off the last time.
"Oh-ho-ho, looky here! The Gloomy girl is trying to make friends with the orphanage killer. How sweet~" He mocked.
Juvia only frowned and put her hand over Wendy's, as it was probably the only thing she could do right now. If she were to speak out to Zancrow, the consequences are unknown with the tyrant.
"And Ms Marvel I'd also watch your back with your new 'friend' as she is amazingly bipolar. It's actually hilarious! It would seem that Miss Lockser gets episodes when she isn't medicated properly, so much so that she's almost another person- a violent one at that."
Juvia squeezed Wendy's hand in fear and tried to control her emotions where she sat and Wendy squeezed back. I sat there feeling my heart plummet to my stomach… so the reason she did that to me the other night was because she wasn't medicated?
Which had to mean…
I raised my hand "Who medicates Juvia then?"
Across the room Natsu's eyes widened at my question and stared at Zancrow waiting for an answer.
Zancrow tapped his chin "Usually Ur, but this week she passed the duty to someone else. So I'm guessing whoever cares enough." He said shrugging without caring.
I looked straight to Natsu with concern on my face and his expression the same to Juvia. It looked to me that he was worried about her as much as I was. From what Zancrow had said it meant that Juvia hadn't been medicated this week and had an episode… and took it out on me.
I shook my head slightly at hearing this new information. I could only conclude that we had to help Juvia out more than ever, and now that she had taken Wendy under her wing… maybe… just maybe we can see Juvia for who she really is.
At lunch later in the day Natsu started to talk to me again, his anger clearly gone without a trace. Now understanding a bit more about Juvia he seemed himself again and had come back to my side at lunch as usual.
So now that Juvia had brought Wendy in the group the small girl was unsure what to do with us older teens and she was awfully quiet for the first few minutes of us six sitting with her. Naturally Natsu couldn't let that be.
"So Wendy what do ya like to do for fun?" He asked grinning happily to her.
The group went quiet to hear her response which caused her to shift uncomfortably
"I-uh don't do all that much…" she said quietly.
The group still stayed quiet until she spoke up again "I liked spending time with my cat…"
Natsu's face lit up "You had a cat? What was his name?" He asked eagerly.
The rest of the group carried on with their own separate conversations when they saw Wendy opening up to Natsu alone.
The small petite girl blinked in surprise to Natsu's question and smiled a bit sadly "Her name was Charle."
Natsu hummed showing her his interest, which I found very adorable about him.
"I had a cat too! His name was Happy, and he was blue."
"Blue?" I echoed
Natsu smiled sadly,"Yeah, dad said I'd traumatize the little guy by dying his fur, but he seemed to like it. I miss him a lot."
My heart sank, this would be the first time I'm hearing about his dad and a little about what his life used to be. It sounded like his dad had to put up with some crazy things Natsu had to do. I remember Natsu saying in confessionals that his dad was a fireman and he had just left without a trace. It must have really turned Natsu upside down since he decided to burn empty homes… hoping his dad would come back.
I don't remember when I did it but my hand found Natsu's under the table and gave it a reassuring squeeze. I could tell he had been caught off guard, but the calmness that swept over his face along with his signature smile showed me he appreciated it.
Natsu continued to talk about Happy to Wendy and still held onto my hand. My face heated up when I realised that we were holding hands, but I tried to direct my attention to the other side of the table and the conversations there.
Nothing new in conversation- Levy was talking about a book she had read, Erza was trying to counter on comparing the stories to her real life experiences and Gray was dishing out sarcastic comments now and then while Juvia gazed at him longingly.
I had noticed though.
Just for a slight second while Erza was talking and Levy and Juvia were listening, Gray kept giving Juvia a few glances.
From the time I've gotten to know Gray I found that he is that he is witty, sarcastic and can be cold from time to time despite his charismatic presence around others. I would guess that Juvia might have caught his attention during confessionals, and the thought made me smile a bit to myself.
Time was almost up at lunch and we should be doing chores soon, much to my dismay, and all of us were split into separate areas. The thought of Wendy being alone right now made me slightly anxious.
"Don't worry Luce, I'm close to where they assigned her." Natsu told me when he noticed my anxiousness and let go of my hand when he left the table.
I sighed in relief and smiled as I watched him bounce off to the small girl and act all brotherly.
"Juvia guesses that she had nothing to fear about Lucy being a love rival." A familiar sweet voice said next to me.
I jumped at the suddenness of Juvia's voice and was confused at her statement, "What makes you say that?"
She giggled at me "It just seems Lucy-san and Juvia don't share the same love interest." She claimed darting her eyes to Natsu.
My face became hot and my hands automatically waved around frantically "What Natsu? No h-he's just a friend! Plus we haven't known each other that long anyway" I automatically lied.
Juvia smiled like she was ready to giggle again "Lucy-san may be right about being friends with Natsu-san, but things do change."
She left my side and proceeded to the door knowing she left me red and embarrassed. Her words had clung onto me and made me feel fuzzy and sick at the same time.
But if that were true about things changing…
Then Natsu and I don't stand a chance in this place.
Everyone was on their way back to the dorms after our group chores assignment. We were working near the outskirts which was close to the teachers quarters and the principal's office, which I'm still not sure where it is. We were maintaining the obstacle course and while everyone was going to their dorms I couldn't help but feel that the whole school's staff was making me specifically suffer (It honestly wouldn't surprise me). I was told to carry on another hour after the other students were done and my request for asking why had been flat out ignored.
The two main body guards of the school were watching over me and when I was finally released they didn't care which direction I went since they happily trotted to the gates exit. I hadn't thought there were places to go to outside the gates since the nearest town is a 4 hour drive from here. But whatever they were going to do I felt like it was against their orders.
I didn't care because I needed the slow walk to the dorms.
It was getting dark and the temperature was dropping fast, making it uncomfortable since it was already so chilly during the Autumn day. And I was using the lights from the different rooms on the way as a guideline.
I passed a particular window and froze at the chilling familiar voice… or should I say voices.
"Good Evening Jude, I trust you have been well?" Hades voice came through the high window, clear as day.
My steps halted and without me comprehending what was going on, my feet quietly took a step back so my back would lean against the wall.
It felt wrong to be eavesdropping but my gut insisted on hearing what Hades and my father were going to speak about, and my suspicion could be put at ease of what Hades would tell my father about my 'progress' so to speak.
"I'd be better if my daughter were married and I'd have a strong empire at hand, yet she is still in your school… do tell, why is it taking so long for her to break Hades?" My father growled over the speaker phone.
"It has only been 3 months now Jude, you have little confidence in your daughters stamina. Besides my resources can't be solely on one student here, the state have their own requests too."
A loud vicious cough came from the other side of the phone, the cough didn't sound like something minor and my heart squeezed in discomfort slightly.
"I want your sole priority to be on my daughter, if it were to mean that I would have to pay extra so be it." my father wheezed.
My fists balled up at hearing my father's cruel request and I needed to so desperately punch something. My angry thoughts were put to a halt when Hades spoke up.
"I am not one to reject the kind offer Jude but it sounds as if you could make better use of your money and go see someone about that cough there." Hades said calmly as he usually does.
"Hades I will ruin you and I know you can't afford that." My father growled.
Principal Hades sighed indicating he had given up "And I know you can't afford to keep your daughter here Jude, but because of our past I'll let your little threat slide and try my utmost to help you out."
There was a long pause before my father spoke again "Be sure you do."
The sound of phones disconnection chimed and my feet took off to my dorms, before Hades could hear my sobs I tried to hold in so desperately.
I knew my father was a cruel person to others and focused on his goals, but at what cost? He is actually willing to pay extra money so the school can torture me so I would give up?!
I couldn't decide if my heart felt like it was being stomped and kicked on or if it was being stabbed a hundred times over.
I ran by the buildings that had my classes and knew if I went into the alley between there and the mess hall I could have a moment to cry before any of the teachers could catch me.
I turned the corner, I was near my breaking point ready to let lose the tears I have been saving for this moment.
Man, how quickly plans can be ruined.
When I turned the corner, someone was already in the alley. I couldn't see clearly who it was but there was a small flicker of a flame that gave him away, following the familiar concerning voice.
"Luce? Is that you?" Natsu asked killing the small flame he had made on top of the sand.
A tear slipped onto my face and Natsu's was visible. His face was stained with worry and showed hurt, was it there before I came?
Before I knew it I was sobbing and probably looked like a mess. I threw my hands onto my face to block the ugly crying from Natsu.
Without hesitation I felt his arms wrap around me and pull me to his chest. The comfort made me cry harder. I hadn't meant to do it but being in his arms made me feel safer in this hell of a school.
His other arm secured me in a hug and my own hands gripped onto his shirt, he was so warm against the harsh cold of the October winds.
I finally felt like my tears were drying up and my grasp of Natsu loosened. Once I did, he took a step back to look at my face with so much pain evident on his own.
"Natsu?" I was about to ask him if he was okay but he spoke up before I could ask.
"Who upset you like this Luce?" He asked in such a pleading voice.
I felt sick rethinking what I heard and I motioned to the floor so we could both sit and I could tell him what happened.
Once we sat I looked to the ground and started to retell what had happened by Hades office.
I couldn't look at his reactions of how awful my father sounded in fear that it might set me off again, and once I finished I could hear his shaky breath and the gritting of his teeth.
"I can't believe it… is there no way we can call somebody to protect you from him? Get you out of here?" he sounded so sad suggesting the ideas.
I shook my head "How exactly could we? And I can't just leave you guys now! It's like you said, 'We're in this together'. I can't leave you guys in here." I almost yelled.
I looked to him and his expression was so pained and conflicted, he really did wear his heart on his sleeve…
I hadn't expected him to sound so harsh the next second "Luce I know what I said but… there is a reason why the rest of us are in here. If we weren't here, where do you think we would be?"
Anger boiled inside me and I couldn't stop the words from coming out "I know you guys and I know for a fact that no one, especially you guys don't deserve to be in here."
Natsu looked so sad now when I spoke and his eyes flickered to mine briefly "Sure no one deserves to be in here, but Luce you did nothing to be admitted into here. That's the difference, the truth of the matter is that all of us were caught by policemen and were judged in court. You were just thrown in here without a fair fight"
His words were true and I couldn't argue with him.
My silence was filled by Natsu voice again "It makes me so happy though that you don't think of me for what I really am. It makes me believe I can be out in the world again and not moping around after a shadow."
My eyes couldn't leave his face, it was so rare to see Natsu like this, so full of emotion. He looked like he had so much to unload off his mind and I couldn't bring myself to stop him talking about his life.
"Natsu, why were you here before I came?" I couldn't help my curiosity, I wanted to know more.
He smiled sadly and looked a bit guilty "Remembering my dad today made me sad I guess… and hold habits don't die so I was just making a small fire" he chuckled rubbing the back of his neck in nervousness.
My heart sank for him and it plummeted when he spoke again "Guess today is national Crappy Dad day" he joked.
She sighed and rested my head onto his shoulder "Yeah I guess it is… I'm sorry Natsu" I whispered.
Natsu leaned his head on mine "I'm sorry too Luce." He whispered back.
He raised his head and got up extending his hand for me to grab it. When I did, he gave me a warm smile and reassuring words.
"I guess the only thing we can do is to replace Crappy Dad day with Natsu and Lucy bonding day"
My heart swelled with happiness and I nodded at his suggestion.
"Today is also the day we make it harder for Hades to drive you out of here." He added
I lifted my brow at him sceptically "And how do you propose we do that?"
He grinned "Well we got 7 out of 9 people from confessionals in our rag tag group so let's complete it and make an unstoppable support group! I'm not a fan of the metal brain being part of it, but I kinda know the jerk and he needs serious help."
I was shocked hearing the last part and was about to ask him about it but he cut my thoughts short.
"Oh Jeez you haven't eaten yet right? There's still fifteen minutes left so hurry."
I didn't want to argue plus if we waited any longer we would be caught by some dictator. So I nodded and walked to the end of the alley and turned to Natsu with the most genuine smile I could muster.
"Thank you Natsu, see you tomorrow." I waved.
That boy sure knew how make a girl smile
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